The First One

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How do you do it when you have never done it before?
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She was on her knees. His cock, long, thick and perfectly formed, was in her hand. It was rock hard and curved upward. Her other hand ran across the tight stretch of skin over the muscles of his lower abdomen. For some strange reason, she knew that was a sensitive spot. She lifted him so that she could lick the surface of his scrotum, loving the feel against her tongue. Then she started at the base of the underside of his cock and drew the flat of her tongue up the length of his shaft. That corded muscle felt amazing on her tongue. She sucked at the little inverted V, flicked it with her tongue and then took the head in her mouth. She could taste the distinct flavor of his pre-cum. It was so delicious. She let the tip of her tongue play with the slit that gifted her before circling his head with her tongue. His beautiful cock had her full attention.

She pumped just the head at first, still circling it with her tongue. Then she did what she loved the most. She took him into the cavern of her mouth and sucked him in—all the way in till he hit the back of her throat. And, he was long. Her mouth was stretched wide. Now he required her throat and she let her lips slide further. She wanted all of him. She constricted the muscles in her throat the best she could and let the tip of her tongue play with that spot she had only licked before. With the hand that continued to smooth over his abdomen, she could feel him reacting to her ministrations. She wanted to make love to his cock. She wanted to have him fuck her mouth.

His hand cupped the back of her and pressed her against him, driving it just a little further. Her full lips kissed the base of his cock. He held her there for a moment. She liked the feel of his hand, the subtle force. When the pressure lightened, she began to pull on his cock, sucking the firm length of it as she pulled away slowly. He clutched a hand full of her hair and pulled lightly. Just when she almost reached the tip, she swirled her tongue against the spongy surface. More pre-cum. Mmm... He pushed with his hips and she took him quickly.

He paused again, both of his hands in her hair—gripping it tight.

Then, she surrendered control. He began to pump himself between her lips and she sucked dutifully in perfect rhythm. Faster and faster he went. Now her hands were at his hips, feeling his tension and he fucked her with abandon, jamming himself in her throat and then pulling back over and over again. She felt him expand. Her lips, her mouth, her tongue could feel him about to explode. And when he did, hot, thick liquid gushed down her throat.

That's when she heard him cry out. And, she thought to herself as she swallowed all that he had to offer, Gary. Gary said...


As she did most nights, Simone had fallen asleep sitting up with her back against the wall, surrounded by a sea of open text books and study notes. She woke up with a start, causing the open book in her lap to slip and close shut.

"Shit," she said. Liking that word too much, it had become a habit. It had taken forever to find the passage she needed and now she would have to start her search again. Immediately she regretted the slip of tongue when she saw her five year old son standing there in his flannel pajamas.

"You owe me a quarter," he said as a matter-of-fact.

"I thought we changed it to dimes," Simone grinned, trying to get across the surface of her bed, which actually was just one mattress on the floor, without destroying her complex system of order.

It beat sleeping on the second hand couch in the living room, which she had done for months.

"I never agreed to that." He used one of her frequent phrases.

"Oh," Simone laughed as she struggled to pick him up and then positioned him on her hip. He was little for his age. "You are not allowed to use my own words on me, little man."

"Than whose words am I going to use?" he reasoned.

"You will have to find your own like everyone else."

He thought about it for a moment.

"Why are you up?" Simone asked, letting the fingers of her other hand tousle his brownish blond curls as she carried him toward his bedroom.

"My head won't go to sleep," he returned, wrinkling his brow a bit.

"Your head isn't hurting is it?" She automatically laid the back of her hand against his forehead and let out a long breath of relief. He did not have a fever.

With finals and one research paper still not written, having her son get sick would be disastrous.

"No, I just keep thinking about stuff," he said.

Her son, Kenneth (whom she called KJ), was way too serious for a little kid. But then, he had been through a lot. Truth was, they both had been through too much. Most of it had been beyond her control. The rest of it had been an effort to gain control. Regardless, he was strong and seemed to be emerging from their ordeal well. His marks in school were good and he was starting to mix well with the other children. She had been so worried that he would continue to separate himself.

She pulled back his covers, placed her son in his small bed and laid beside him. "What kind of stuff?"

"Christmas stuff."

The boy watched his mother carefully, trying to read her expression with only the help of a nearby night light.

"Uhm...well...What stuff about Christmas?"

"I wanna'Christmas."

"Do you," Simone tried not to sound surprised.

He had never mentioned Christmas before. And, she, the daughter of devout Jehovah's Witnesses, had never celebrated Christmas. As a matter of fact, other than looking forward to a break from school, Simone had not given it a second thought. But, she remembered being in school when she was just a little older than him and hating Christmas time. Not the holiday itself, but the way it seemed like she was missing out on so much. Then afterwards, everyone would have new bikes or just so many toys in general. Her mother and father rarely bought her new things and specifically did not around this time of year.

"Well," she said, letting out a deep breath, "what exactly do you want?"

"I want a tree," he began, "with lights. And, maybe some presents."

"You know that there is no such thing and Santa Clause."

He shook his head yes.

"Jesus wasn't born during the winter time."

He shook his head.

I give you presents all the time because I don't need a special time to let you know I love you."

He shook his head again.

There were other reasons why Christmas should not be celebrated, or at least that was what she had believed for most of her life. It hardly seemed of consequence now since she had not attended a religious meeting since she had left Kenny Sr. Her parents refused to speak to her. Pretty much, everyone she had once associated with had separated themselves from her, even people she had grown up with and had known all her life. She was not bitter about it. She understood why. She had stepped away from something they believed to be the main purpose of life. She was now on the other side of the fence. Simone accepted that fact. She had no intentions of every going back.

"Okay," she decided. "We will get a tree, we will get some presents and you'll have a Christmas."

Just like that, she had gone against all she knew.

Simone held on to KJ as he fell off to sleep. She had no idea how she was going to afford new toys for him. He used to have a lot. Things had changed though. Now she was the soul bread winner, working a part time office job and going to school full time. Things had been tighter than just tight since she had left her husband. He had made it clear that if she did not want him, she would get nothing from him. He had stayed true to his word, as Simone knew he would. She had seen just how evil and spiteful he could get. That is why she had chosen to leave. He had no intentions of changing, regardless of his religion.

When she had finally decided that she could not take anymore, Simone was in a hospital bed. There were representatives from her faith in her room, telling her how they would handle the situation for her. Inside she had laughed. What was ironic was that they were supposed to have been looking out for her all along. She had believed their counsel and stayed. She had done everything they had advised. All they had seemed to do was support her husband and protect their organization's reputation. She had started to get angry just thinking about it. She had wanted to scream. For the first time in her life, she wanted her voice to be heard more than anything. She had been the submissive, dutiful daughter and wife for far too long. A whole new set of words came to mind, words that seemed liberating. But, her jaw was fractured and she could not even open her mouth to say "kiss my ass".

When she walked into the shelter for abused women, her jaw was still sore and her face swollen. So, speaking was a bit challenging. Her eye looked a whole lot better and she could actually see out of it, even though the part that should have been white was still bloody red. However, she felt blessed that the cast on her left arm was not on her right and her bruised rib did not ache every time her chest filled with air. Too, she had her son. That was something her husband did not protest. He felt that it would make things more challenging for her. He would not even hand over KJ's or her clothes. She had nothing but the torn night gown she came to the hospital in. She barely remembered sneaking out of the house and practically passing out at her neighbor's back door.

With a little help from social services, the shelter, the Salvation Army and a friend of one of the volunteers at the shelter, Simone had a job and a small two bedroom apartment. She started school soon after because she realized that she possessed no marketable skills. She was able to get a grant and she had applied for every income based scholarship that there was. The essays she submitted highlighted the desperateness of her situation. Scholarship money helped make up for what her job could not do. That's why it was so necessary that she maintained an exemplary grade point average, which she did.

The craziest thing happened though. She discovered that she was capable, even a little smart. Also, she discovered that she loved school.

This is what Simone thought as she held her son. She thought of how she was going to work this out. In the back of her mind she thought of Gary, how her dream felt so real. Too, it seemed like the slight taste of cum was in her mouth.


"Unbelievable," her work mate, Frances Anderson, exclaimed in total disbelief. "You have never celebrated Christmas?"

"Nope," Simone replied, feeling just a little annoyed at Frances' disbelief.

"Well, this is something else. It's going to be your first Christmas and KJ's first Christmas."

"If I can figure out how to pull it off."

"Oh, we've got to get you a tree."


Frances was considerably older than Simone. She had one child in college, a daughter. There were also two adult sons who lived in another state now. Her husband had left her for a younger blond some time ago. Frances' response to that was: "One of us was going to have to go. I was tired of his old behind and he was tired of me. At least I got the house and a nice fat check. Fucker."

The woman always had a smile ready and a quick sense of wit. Despite her age and a bit of weight, she was a nice looking lady and full of life. She loved to laugh and joke around. Everyone loved her in the office. Simone would not have survived if it was not for her. Frances had made it her personal project to guide her along and Simone was extremely grateful.

"Yes," Frances said, wrapping her arm around Simone's shoulders. "Everyone should experience Christmas. It is truly the best time of the year. This is going to be so much fun."

Frances gave Simone an extra squeeze. Simone immediately regretted having shared her son's request with the woman. She liked Frances dearly and probably talked to her more than anyone in her life right now. Having the woman actually involved in the details was another story though.

Frances liked Simone. Quite attached, she looked forward to their conversations over lunch. She had even had Simone over a couple of times during the weekend. There were things, however, that Simone was holding back and that was apparent to Frances. Frances was a perceptive woman. There were the obvious things that were easily deductible. The lovely young girl was struggling as a single mother, attempting to have a better life, trying to keep a decrepit car going and doing an excellent job of raising the sweetest little boy. That poor excuse for an automobile had broken down once. Frances insisted that Simone let her drive her home. Simone lived in a questionable area. Frances had never even been to that part of town before.

There was more to the situation though and Frances knew it.

Simone was more than just pretty. The brown skinned girl had a smile that could melt you, when she lightened up a bit. Her features were delicate. Simone obviously did not have a lot of clothes, but she obviously had a great sense of style, chose her limited wardrobe well and displayed an excellent sense of class. The clothes she wore always fit her curvy figure just so and was always well coordinated. They were never suggestive or too tight. Frances loved the way she kept her hair in a neat little cropped style, reminding Frances of Halle Berry. Her make-up was minimal and tasteful. She was the kind of girl Frances wished her sons would bring home.

Every once in a while Frances caught a glimpse of a former life. The way Simone spoke and commented on things. Her vocabulary made Frances feel a little disadvantaged at times. She knew where to get extravagant goodies for meetings, and knew about fine cheeses, recommended restaurants for entertaining clients. Once, she had talked about a vacation spot and given bargain shopping pointers for stores Frances only treated herself too occasionally. It was not boastful at all, but more like a casual slip of the tongue based on conversations initiated by others and for their benefit.

Frances had gathered that Simone was raised in a two parent home. She even had a sister. They obviously did not help out with her son—definitely not financially. Everything was spoken about in past tense though. Frances had even asked one time if Simone's parents were alive. Simone had simply said no. Frances saw a sadness wash over her and the girl hardly said a word for several days. The girl never ever mentioned her son's father, even when Frances playfully encouraged a little husband bashing. There had been a secretary around Simone's age that was planning a wedding. Simone mentioned something about her own wedding dress and things she had done to keep the expenses down. Once again, hinting at a former life that included some luxuries that seemed beyond her current pay status. Of course Frances had been eavesdropping, she had being nosey down to a fine art. The fact that she was not a gossip redeemed her.

The office consisted mostly of men, educated professionals. It was a perfect opportunity to find a companion. Many of the secretaries had managed to marry quite well. Men were obviously drawn to Simone. Simone worked on Saturday's to make up for the hours she was not able to work during the week. She brought her son with her, it was fine because there never was anyone in her section. He played quietly at one end of her desk or on a blanket beside it. The child had the prettiest grey eyes and a full head of curls. He was almost as white as Frances was herself. So, Frances knew that Simone did not have an aversion to the Caucasian men that made attempts to take her to lunch or even dinner. She was no more than polite to the few black men that worked there as well. Most of them were already married. A girl in her mid-twenties had needs. Hell, Frances had to admit that working around such fine and interesting collection of men made her feel her own sense of need. But, Simone was pretty much oblivious. One time, one of the engineers had moved rather suddenly reaching across her while looking at some plans. Simone had flinched and moved away. The guy had not noticed. Frances had. Simone had realized this and looked ashamed.

To Frances, Simone was quite interesting and she had liked her immediately. She admired the girl's drive and the fact that she was going after her education. She wanted to help and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.


Picking out a tree was harder than Simone had thought. Of course they looked for an artificial one. Under the impression that only the wealthy bought real trees, she did not even bother to go looking for one. The expense was too much at the store they went to in the beginning. She ended up at a store that was more of a cluttered warehouse. They had often received advertisements for it in the mail. The tree KJ wanted at first was a little too big. The one Simone felt like they could afford looked comically sparse. It was easy to give in to KJ when he found something in the medium price range, but it still lacked the fullness of what it was supposed to be mimicking. KJ was easily pleased when it came to the decorations even though they seemed rather tacky. Simone was quite thankful.

How to manage things financially was still a bit of a mystery. This was an unexpected expense. Toys were going to be a challenge. She was scared to file for child support. Scared that her husband would retaliate. Or worse yet, he would attempt to take KJ just out of pure meanness. He had money. She made just enough to sustain them. Sometimes the bill juggling, as basic as they were, kept her up at night. She would simply try to take her mind off of it by just doing more studying. It represented hope.

When they finally made it home, she was exhausted. KJ was a ball of energy. He insisted that they put the tree together and decorate it. Having never done it before, Simone found the process a little bit irritating. However, when it came time to do the decorating, KJ's excitement was contagious. The poor tree looked awful. She tried to spread the limbs out as much as possible. Besides that, KJ had insisted on loading it down with this silver stringy stuff. The stuff seemed to get scattered everywhere.

They had forgotten one thing. Lights. She explained to KJ that it would have to wait till next payday because they still needed some grocery. He was a little disappointed, but it did not last long once he started dancing around the tree. Realizing that she had not given it much thought in advance, the tree really should not have been erected in the center of the area considered to be a living room. She shook her head. That darn silver stuff was going to be a pain in the butt.

Finally settling down on the couch, they watched a Christmas movie that AJ found. Arnold Schwarzenegger was desperately trying to get his son some toy. It was hilarious. Simone made hot chocolate with marshmallows and watched her son glance at his creation every once in a while. It was nice to see him happy.

After he was tucked neatly in bed, Simone faced the hardest part of her day—the late evening. She was alone with her thoughts and worries. She listed things. There was almost two weeks till Christmas. She did not have any more actual classes. She would turn in her final paper on Monday. She had a paycheck coming in on Wednesday. AJ's school would let out. There were all sorts of interesting things going on in the city for kids right now and she wished she could work some type of activity in for KJ. They did parks and occasional things. She wished she could do something special for him. He deserved so much more than she had to give him.

All of these thoughts did not hide the fact that she was also lonely and extremely horny. Gary popped up in her head. She dug her hand into the back of the couch, past the pillows and close to the frame. What she pulled out was phallus shaped, with a bulbous head. She had cleaned it the last time that it was used. She slipped it between her lips to get it as moist and slick as possible. Then she turned it one, opened her legs, and pulled her panties to the side. She had not needed to worry about it being wet. She was already slick with her own juices. With her husband she had always been so dry. She dipped the toy in her spot and then drew it over her clit. It was too much. Thoughts of Gary, one of the nicer more handsome hotshots at work, already had it unhooded and sensitive. She dipped it in her opening again, this time slowly letting it go further. She pumped it for a while loving the vibration. She thought of Gary and how his cock must look. She wondered if it was as delicious as she imagined. It was his cock going in and out of her, vibrating and playing with her nerve endings.