The Evil Pt. 01

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The Evil.
759 words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/19/2024
Created 02/17/2024
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"Mother? Is she not adorable? We're naming her, Elizabeth."

"Tis a fine name, Dorothy," Mother Good said, "She's beautiful. I gift her this family heirloom pendant of an arrow bent into a loving heart."

"You desire to hold?"

"Not before the father," Mother Good said leering over towards the corner, "Edward? Cares you not to fetch your first born?"

"The Good women are witches!" Edward grumbled, "As this one, which was to be my first son until you, Mother Good, cursed the seed of my loins."

"Oh, Edward, mother did no such deed. I will soon bear you a son, I promise."

"If incantation I be accused of casting, it is that Elizebeth shall forever carry the spirit of the Good women!" Mother Good proclaimed.

Edward lifted his newborn daughter noticing a gleam of orange beneath her sparkling blue eyes.



"Sir, I come to ask you for Elizabeth's hand. I wish to make her a Hubbard."


"Sir, you depend on Elizabeth since your wife's death, but she must live, too. We've Irish potato seeds to grow and make us rich in New America."

"Son, mine lone spawn be possessed. Me cares not to burden another male. No."

"Then, sir, we shall disobey you and elope."


"Dear, Horatio," said Elizabeth, "My fatherly love is reassigned to you! I'm excited for this voyage we take in matrimony and by sea towards our future!"

"I'll always love and care for you, Mrs. Elizabeth Hubbard."

Elizabeth placed her hand firmly on her pendant then lay her head snuggly against the chest of her husband, comforted from the yawning of the ship heading towards the new country.


"Welcome to Essex!" said Reverend Cotton Mather, "You'll find here land and opportunity. My congregation's here to assist."

"Much obliged," thanked Horatio.

"You've a lovely wife," Mather smiled kissing Elizabeth's hand, "Hope seeing you come Sabbaths."

"Such a kind man and offer," replied Elizabeth holding her hand.

"Kind man?" Horatio grumbled looking with jealous eyes upon his wife.


In an open forest clearing the newlyweds decided to build their new log home.

"I'm so happy," purred Elizabeth sitting atop Horatio's manhood, "We will prosper here."

"I want 10 children," said Horatio, fondling his wife's breasts through her cotton frock.

"Not before our first successful harvest," Elizabeth said increasing her thrusts.

"Why wait?" he asked as she quickly released herself from him ending copulation, "If husband so desires shan't wife oblige?"

"I aspire being abled providers before children. Till then, I still shall take my husband within," Elizabeth said hurriedly swallowing Horatio's labor.


"Are you certain we should be planting so soon?" asked Elizabeth as they tilled.

"Irish potatoes are hardy and grow fast like its people. There's no soil too harsh," Horatio assured.

"The lovely Mrs. Elizabeth! How are you?" asked Reverend Mather approaching on horseback, "Planting so soon are we?"

"We Irish are hardy," replied a stoic Elizabeth.

Horatio inwardly seethed at what he perceived as his spouse mocking his judgement.


Elizabeth laid down a blanket in front of the warm fire, letting her hair and garments fall to the floor and stood naked waiting eagerly for her husband.

"I've no time for useless interactions," Horatio said enjoying the glimmer of orange disappointment coming over his wife's eyes as he asserted his authority over body and land he believed his for at will fertilization, "I've watering come morning."

"But of course, my love," Elizabeth replied redressing herself.


The winter unleashed a cold that chilled the blood. Nothing living of plant nor animal graced the snow covered woods. Elizabeth held tight her pendant and prayed to the heavens for respite and food.

"I'll suffer these wicked elements seeking help from Mathers," Elizabeth told Horatio.


"But we've nothing for sustenance."

"YOU are to blame for the blight upon my potatoes! I should've heeded your father's words! Now you run to be a reverend's harlot!"

"What? Horatio, no! My desires extend only to my husband. I only seek help for us."

Elizabeth reached for the door, her pendant's chain breaking under Horatio's grip.


"Brother Horatio, its been awhile. Were your crops of potatoes blessed? Last winter was unseasonably miserable. How's the lovely wife?" Reverend Mather asked.

Horatio scratched his head looking towards the cabin, "She, uh, she fell ill, sir. Failed surviving the cold."

"My condolences, but I extend again an invitation," smiled Mather, "There's many a young lass in our congregation for a man such as yourself."

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