The Drusilian Mandala

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A nerd discovers an ancient mind control method.
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Marcus relaxed on the settee, gently rubbing his cock, watching his Aunt Jennie squirming on the ground before him, moaning and screaming in pleasure, her body shuddering, her hand thrust under her skirt and between her legs. Marcus had dreamt of this moment, had fantasized about this moment, but never thought the reality would ever happen. Aunt Jennie was his mother's younger sister, in her late thirties, now divorced. She was still slim, with her long dark hair, still shapely, still quite beautiful. Marcus's mother had hinted that the divorce had happened because Jennie her sister was too conservative for her husband, whom Jennie decided was perverted for wanting a lot of variety, and wanting a "slut" as a wife. Marcus smiled - the "prude" was putting on one of the most wanton shows he could imagine. For Marcus, Aunt Jennie was even more beautiful as her body writhed in orgasm. Marcus had often fantasised about his aunt, but to have such control over her was beyond his dreams.

Marcus had made this moment last, now having complete control over the power. He had played Aunt Jennie for the best part of an hour, as they sat watching the telly. Marcus's mother was out at work, Aunt Jennie staying for a few days. At first he had "fired" the power gently into her nipples, one at a time, and smiled as Aunt Jennie responded, aroused, uncertain of what was happening to her, trying to hide any excitement she had from Marcus. Then he had fired the power into her pussy, hitting the G spot, then spreading throughout the walls of her pussy. He had extended the power to her clit, and watched as she begun to lose control to the arousal he generated in her. Now that he had completely mastered the Drusilian Mandala, he could control his aunt. He took her to high arousal, keeping her just below orgasm, keeping her in that state of arousal for twenty minutes. She had started by breathing heavy. She had at first been embarrassed, until the arousal became too strong to resist. She squirmed, she grabbed one of her own tits with one hand, ripped off her panties with the other, then thrust her hand between her legs. Desperately trying to cum, fingers pumping in and out of her sopping wet pussy, the heel of her hand pumping her clit. Of course Marcus had the power to prevent her reaching her climax.

At last Marcus had let her cum - when she came was all part of his control. No - he had forced her into orgasm, stronger than any orgasm she had ever imagined. She screamed obscenities, screaming "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK..." over and over. And Marcus had kept her in the orgasm, knowing her pussy was leaking liquids as it had never done before. She had been writhing in orgasm for the best part of ten minutes. He knew he would have to bring it to an end in a few moments - he could read whether she was enjoying it or not, and would stop before the enjoyment began to wane. He wouldn't use the Mandala to hurt her.

At last Aunt Jennie's body stopped writhing, she lay on the ground gasping for breath, recovering from the most overwhelming orgasm she had ever known, totally unaware of how it had happened. She suddenly went red - Marcus had seen it all. Heard it all. Marcus smiled... getting the tattoo on his chest had been the best thing he had ever done...

It had all started months ago, as Marcus began his newest research project for his library. His library had received a new crate full of manuscripts from a distant Asian country wracked by civil war. The ancient manuscripts which had never been seen in the west before had been rescued and brought to his University library for safety and research. Marcus had been given the task of preserving the manuscripts and trying to make sense of what they had to say. It was the sort of challenge Marcus loved - Marcus was known as a nerd, with his thin whispy beard, glasses and unfashionable clothes - almost dressing like a hippy. Marcus was happiest with books - underneath he was a good looking lad, and well endowed, but he was frightened of women, and men... He had been with one woman, but had "failed" because of his fears. There were many he fancied, dreamt of having sex with, but never had the courage. He was even more embarrassed that it wasn't just women he fancied... Marcus was now 24, and considered an expert on old manuscripts and cultures, following his doctorate bringing understanding to an ancient South American culture recorded only in parchments and stones. This new research was the sort of work he dreamed of.

It had taken Marcus several weeks to crack the language, similar to many other ancient Asian Scripts. He discovered he was reading the historic archives of the Drusila, an ancient violent warrior people in central Asia. By the painfully slow meticulous translation work he could make out their history, their leaders, their social and military systems, and began to put together his research into book form, that would be published at a later date. Marcus found the work rewarding, enjoying the discoveries he made. There were just two issues which he struggled with.

Firstly were the descriptions of battles. The descriptions revealed how vicious the Drusila were as people, massacring other armies, but the "process" of the battles was strange. The two armies - as described in the chronicles - would line up facing each other, and a sort of madness would come over the other army, whereupon the Drusila would simply march on them and kill them. Somehow the Drusila barely, if ever, lost any soldiers. Marcus also noted towards the end of the manuscripts that somehow the madness consumed them as well, in some way, and ended up with the Drusila killing each other, their civilisation destroyed. Marcus couldn't make sense of it - it wasn't civil war, more anarchy, from how he read the Chronicle.

The second thing he struggled with was a small piece of parchment rolled inside another manuscript. On it was a diagram, a circular diagram like a mandala, with two words underneath which translated into English as "The Power," although in the original language there was a much more mystical sense to the word. Marcus wondered at what this meant, studied the mandala, but couldn't make sense of it.

Things seemed to change one Thursday afternoon as he worked in the library quiet room. He had been writing, then turned again to the diagram. He studied and looked. Then got distracted, then started doodling, and ended up, he didn't know how, copying the diagram with a biro onto the palm of his hand. It was one of his bad habits - drawing on his hands, and it was always a pain getting the ink off again - he had to mix sugar and washing-up liquid to get most of it off, which he'd have to do at home.

Marcus looked around the study room, noticed that there were eight or ten other people there, studying - two or three men, the rest women. Marcus started to let his mind wander, looking at the women, and the men, and fantasising... He often did it after the energy for work had worn off late in an afternoon. But he just noticed an odd reaction, almost as if his thoughts affected the people in the room. There was one woman whom he pictured naked, and saw her suddenly breathe heavily, turn red, and leave the room immediately. Marcus looked at one of the men and wondered how big he might be when hard, and suddenly the man seemed to be sitting uncomfortably.

Marcus looked around each of the people in the room, and all seemed to be behaving a little oddly, squirming, one or two leaving, others distracted, staring out of the window. Marcus just wondered whether it was a problem with the air-conditioning or something, or maybe the cleaning materials he could smell.

That evening Marcus washed off the diagram. The next day he went to study, finished the day fantasising, but nothing seemed to happen. Marcus forgot about the previous day, and planned his work for the following week.

On the Friday evening Marcus again looked at the diagram, and adsent-mindedly drew it on his hand again, but couldn't be bothered to wash it off - he'd do it before Monday.

Saturday morning was shopping at the supermarket. Marcus collected what he wanted at the supermarket, then went to the check-out. There was a "motherly" looking lady on the check-out, rather buxom. Marcus simply thought in passing what great tits she had, and how good it would feel nestling between them. He could have sworn she became suddenly "uncomfortable," and trying not to stare, he still noticed that her nipples seemed hard and prominent under her uniform. Marcus frowned on the way back to his car, before returning back to his flat.

Saturday tea was at his mother's. Sheila was in her late forties, with short dark hair, and a good figure. When she was young she was very attractive, but now she had filled out a little to become even more shapely! Marcus often had tea at home on a Saturday, and these days got on great with his mother, since the rows with his father had stopped when Sheila had thrown him out. His one dark secret - he often wondered what she was like in bed, often fantasised of her face screwed up in orgasm as he jerked off. After tea they were watching "Strictly Come Dancing," when his mother commented that some of the dancers were hot. Instantly Marcus started imagining her having sex with some of the male dancers. And then with some of the female dancers... imagining them giving oral to his mother. He glanced over, and noticed his mother was squirming gently. Breathing slightly harshly. Face red, eyes staring into space. He may not have had any experience, but knew somehow his mother was turned on... It had never happened in his presence before...

The rest of the weekend went normally; he washed the mandala off his hand, went back to work. He was confused. The people in the study room the previous week. The lady on the checkout. His mother. Yet the rest of the time life was normal. It took Marcus 3 days to work out that the only thing different was that he had drawn the mandala on himself, when those things happened. Perhaps he should see if there was anything in the crate of manuscripts...

Marcus searched through the entire crate, and found two more scraps with the mandala on it. One had words underneath which he translated: "The Victory Over All." The second had words and drawings. The drawings were primitive - almost like stick figures. One stick figure was clearly a man, with a huge erect cock drawn on him, spurting what looked like gallons of liquid in the air. The second showed a woman with huge breasts and enormous nipples, standing with legs apart, with liquid flowing from between the legs. Again Marcus translated the words - "Their Weakness."

For the rest of the week Marcus wondered, then on the Friday evening decided to act. He drew the mandala on his arm with the ball point pen. He would see its effect the next day. He decided in the morning he would return to the library, as he knew there would be people there studying...

When Marcus arrived at the library there were already half a dozen people studying there. Marcus sat at a table and began to imagine - began to imagine an orgy. With all the people in the room taking part. He pictured the men naked. He pictured the women being fucked. Groped. He made the vision as strong as he could, as quickly as he could.

The effect was amazing. He looked around the room. Three or four people had left quickly. One girl was leaning forward, head slumped on the table, trying to hide the hand that was between her legs. Another man had taken his cock out and was stroking himself. There was a young couple who were clearly together, and she had her head in his lap, bobbing up and down - clearly giving great head to the man who was moaning. Suddenly all these conservative people were doing things they would normally be very embarrassed to do...

An hour later the people in the library had changed. Now there was just one girl - about 20 - there. This time Marcus acted differently - he imagined her breast, pushing his thoughts into her left tit. Suddenly she was holding it, squeezing it, trying not to be seen. He sent his thoughts into her other breast, and this time she changed breast, squeezing the second one with her hand. Marcus tried again, sending the thoughts into her mind. Nothing happened. Then into her foot. Nothing happened. Then he sent the thoughts into her pussy. Suddenly she was squirming, rubbing her hand over her jeans, then pushing her hand into her jeans, clearly masturbating. He imagined increasing her arousal - and she was wanking more vigorously. Then he slowed it down, and she slowed down. Suddenly he was imagining her having a huge orgasm - and he heard her moan, her body shake uncontrollably. She came down, looked confused, rushed out...

A few minutes later another student came in - a male - again early twenties, thin, with long hair. Marcus allowed him to start studying, then pointed his thoughts directly into the man's cock. The guy jumped, squirmed to get comfortable. Marcus imagined again this time imagining his cock shooting cum as he came in his trousers. The guy cried out, his body thrust up and down as he clearly spurted cum into his trousers.

Over the next few days Marcus practiced his powers and gradually honed them. He knew the Mandala only worked on "sexual" tissue. It had the power to control instantly the sexual response of the other person. Marcus also worked out why the Drusila were so powerful. They weren't sophisticated in the use of the Mandalla. They just used it to get their enemy aroused, highly aroused, so that their sexual response made them unable to take on the enemy. They were killed wanking!! But of course - the problem - when there was no enemy, the Drusila began to use the power on each other - and people were jealous, and used it to steal from others, and sexually abuse others, and there was anarchy. The use of the power had died out with the end of the Drusila.

Marcus spent time trying to work it out. Somehow the mandala focused his thoughts into a resonance with the sexual parts of others. He could project his thoughts into others, and plant suggestions of what would satisfy the desires he engendered in others. The Drusila had never bothered mastering the power which was clearly more ancient than they were - somehow they had discovered the mandala and found how they could use it crudely on their enemies - and friends. But they had never developed as sophisticated a control as Marcus had already developed.

Marcus made a decision. He would have the mandala tattooed on himself. It had taken a few weeks to decide and pluck up courage, but he knew he would have it done. Over those few weeks he had drawn it on himself a few times, and used it to make men and women "uncomfortable," but it was now time to use it - he had learnt to control it. And of course there was the impetus to get it done - Auntie Jennie was coming to stay on the weekend - and he always had the hots for her. Because she was hot. Even more so, since he had learnt she was more prudish than sluttish. He dreamt of her all the more! And decided he would use the power on her all over the weekend. See what he could gain from it, as much as she gain from it...

Auntie Jennie had arrived on the Friday evening, looking as hot as ever. The weather was hot, and Aunt Jennie was wearing a thin pale blue sleeveless summer dress, which was pinched in at the waist, but flowed beautifully over her ass. It wasn't tight, but somehow seemed very sexy. The Friday evening Marcus had gone out with a couple of friends, leaving the two sisters to chatter. He would have time on Saturday with his Aunt when his mother was out at work.

Saturday morning Marcus lay in bed, and Aunt Jennie was late rising. They got together around lunch time, with Marcus's mother out at work until late afternoon. They chattered about what they should do, until Marcus mentioned a film on the telly he wanted to see. After they had eaten a light lunch, they sat down, Marcus to watch the film, Jennie to read a book. It was as they sat there that Marcus had begun to push his mind through the Mandala to Jennie forcing her to arousal, and orgasm like she had never experienced before, turning her from a prim aunt into a wanton slut as he sat and watched her put on a amazing show - as HE forced her to put on an amazing show. He had loved the way she had squirmed when aroused, and moaned through her long long orgasm, how she had brazenly stuffed her hand between her legs, ripping off her panties.

At last he had let her come down from the extreme arousal and orgasm she had experienced, exhausted by what she had been through. As she did, Marcus watched her embarrassment grow, remembering what she had done in front of him, paralysed by the exhaustion and the embarrassment of what she had done in front of Marcus. The awareness was flooding back into her...

As Jennie looked like she was about to flee, Marcus spoke to her. "Aunt Jennie. What happened to you? Good job I've taken a video of everything. I wonder who would like to see it...?"

Aunt Jennie's mind had worked quickly. "Please, no, please don't show anyone, please don't let anyone see it..."

Marcus held up his hand. "Maybe I shouldn't. But I've always wanted to see you like that. And then...then, um, then fuck you..." Marcus was surprised - he had dreamt the conversation he was now having, but never thought he would ever have the courage to say it.

Aunt Jennie's face turned to panic. "Please, you can't do that. You're my nephew. Your mother is my sister. We can't..."

Marcus sat there quietly, pretending to wait on Aunt Jennie. He was formulating in his mind how he would use the mandala again. He fired the power gently back to her pussy, rippling through her pussy, making her pussy yearn for a cock. Aunt Jennie was look hot a red again, breathing coming a little more quickly. Marcus gradually ramped up the desire within her, as Aunt Jennie began to squirm. Suddenly she screamed. "Please, I need cock, please, put your cock in me, please fuck me, fuck my cunt..." Aunt Jennie moved towards Marcus, who removed his jeans and boxers before she had even reached him. He pushed her onto her back, was on top of her, and had his cock buried deep in her. Through the mandala he increased her lust even more, so her hips were thrusting desperately up to meet him as he plunged his cock as deeply into her pussy as he could, thrusting hard in and out. Marcus decided to let things take their course - he thrust harder, faster, she responded, moaning in arousal. Suddenly Marcu was spurting cum deep into his aunt, as she writhed and screamed and moaned and shook as her second orgasm overcame her.

Marcus lay on top of his aunt, his cock softening inside her sopping wet pussy. Aunt Jennie hid her eyes from him.

"You did something to me." Aunt Jennie spoke very quietly. Somehow she had realised - this wasn't natural. It had been fantastic, but it wasn't natural.

"You're right Aunt Jenny," Marcus replied confidently. "I did. And from now on I can make you anything - and I'm going to make you do all sorts of things and you are going to enjoy everyone." Marcus paused. "Let me think..."

"I know," Marcus spoke, as his cock slipped from her pussy. "I'll take your ass next. And then when mum is home I'll make you and her have sex together. And Tim, I'll let him fuck you, and maybe I'll fuck him myself..."

"No!" Aunt Jennie cried - "Not my son, please..." But Marcus had fired the power through the Mandala again, into Aunt Jennie. Her protests died as her arousal rose again.

Marcus whispered: "Don't worry, Auntie Jenny, I'll make sure you enjoy everything. So will everyone else, so will I..."

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spinderspinderover 9 years ago
aa good start

A nice well paced start to what should be a nicely depraved tale!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Very good

Thats a very good start of a story which has alot of potential and im looking forward for more very soon keep going

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great idea.

Nice take on the Mind Control idea. Like the Tattoo angle.

ChalkyCanberra1970ChalkyCanberra1970over 9 years ago

U better write some more of this story! :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I loved the bisexuality angle, can't wait for more.

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