The Dress


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Talia quietly moved onto her back, taking a minute to get settled, and closed her eyes. CJ had a moment of quiet panic as she watched it happen. Talia's hair, so immaculately made up, with her curls neatly styled and glossy, was going to be messed up in a way that wouldn't go back once she laid her head down. Before that moment, Talia could have put the dress back on. Could have called all her relatives, and Kevon, and gone back to the church. Her makeup might have needed a bit of touching up, but that was entirely within her skillset. Her hair, though, had been a two hour appointment, and there was no fixing that. They had reached the actual point of no return, and CJ's insides turned into a puddle.

It was real, and it was really happening.

She took a moment to catch her breath, because she hadn't realized she was holding it in, and gave a little shake to get herself going again. Just like that, the whole of Talia was quietly offered up to her. She could explore, and touch, and go at her own pace. She didn't need to worry about feeling rushed, or being pushed too far, or too fast.

There was so much on offer, and it was so warm, and round, and lovely. So incredibly lovely. CJ busied herself by switching out for the edible oil, which smelled strongly of strawberries, and working it over in her hands. It was thinner, by far, but that just meant that she took her time and kept the bottle handy. Talia's skin drank it in, glowing and gaining a lovely shine that reflected the light around wherever she touched.

She touched everywhere.

She started with Talia's belly. She didn't knead, as she'd done elsewhere, but kept her touch extremely light. Gliding, with the fingertips only. A few times, Talia flinched, with just the slightest twitch of her lips, and CJ noted places that were perhaps ticklish. These areas, she gave a wide berth. She kept spreading her hands out, cupping the sides of her palms against Talia's skin, and bringing them together, and the way the flesh moved and stretched was as incredible as it was fascinating.

She went slowly down one thigh, working like the tide, a little further every time. She still wasn't sure where she was going with any of it, and that was twisting her stomach even further, but she couldn't deny that something was building. Inside her, between them. Something.

"I love your body," CJ murmured, as her slowly widening swirls started brushing gently against the underside of Talia's breasts.

With the right top, Talia had a line of cleavage that seemed to go on forever, but on her back they were spread out wide, stretching toward her armpits with ample space between them. CJ moved around to stand at the top of the table, remembering something Talia had said once a long time ago, and slid her hand along the very top of the breast. Along the upper part of her chest. Finding the pec muscle underneath with one hand while she corralled the mass of her breast with the other.

Talia made a very soft sound in her throat, eyes turned down to watch. "I can't believe you remembered that."

"You said you didn't like how they wobbled," CJ said, focusing as much on keeping the flesh in place as she was on finding the places where it was tight. "But.. that it felt good."

"It does feel good," Talia said, and her voice was very low. "Smells good too."

She got another palmful of oil, and worked it more purposefully around the breast. Encircling it, collecting it, and squeezing together as she lifted. Talia's mahogany skin was ablaze with the low light in the room, reflecting and refracting, and after a full and glorious minute of doing that, CJ moved around the table to repeat the process.

Talia was purring softly by the end of it, and it didn't seem to be on purpose. There was no suggestive lip quirk, or direct eye contact. Talia's eyes were closed, and her smile looked contented.

Even still, CJ doubted herself. She kept one hand moving gently, around and over the top of Talia's right breast. Circle the nipple, mostly, and sometimes spiraling inward to tease it directly, but her eyes were looking further down.

Talia had two very thick thighs, and it was between them that CJ's other hand gravitated. Talia shivered when her fingertips touched down on the side of her thigh, just beside, and to CJ's immense surprise Talia immediately spread her legs just a little. It was a subtle move, to make room for her hand, but CJ watched it happen. It had been real.

Talia had given her a sign.

It was one thing to touch Talia's nipple. It was another thing entirely to lick it. CJ's eyes seemed to close on their own as she gave long, slow, lavish licks. Her lips pressed down, and her lungs drew in, and the nipple rose up. It hardened as she sucked on it. It tasted delicious.

She whimpered when she felt Talia's hand stroking her back. Just the nails, very lightly, through her top. She was encouraging CJ without rushing her, with a little positive reinforcement, which CJ cherished. Her fingers spread out through the dense patch of pubic hair at the top of Talia's labia, seeking...

...and finding. She felt, more than heard, Talia shiver when CJ's fingertips found the very apex. The peak at the top of the lips, and there, nestled between them, the pearl. She kept her touch light to start, brushing against it, but her tongue was getting more and more bold to match how much harder Talia's nipple was. The more she sucked up, the more the skin around it stretched and tented, and CJ could not make herself stop exploring every little thing she could imagine.

She could feel the warmth on her skin, because she was blushing, because she was so ridiculously happy with the way Talia was murmuring softly. "Touching you," CJ said, in a moment where she needed to catch her breath and her lips were free, "...I mean..."

"Is it okay?"

"It's everything I thought it would be," she whispered, before kissing her best friend's hardened nipple over, and over, and over. It kept reacting to her lips, hardening and twitching, and sticking straight up. The skin around it rippled, in a way that CJ knew nipples could do because hers were similar, but feeling it? Feeling it happen, because she did it, to her best friend, the person she'd grown so close to over so many years.

That closeness, that intimacy, was overwhelmingly powerful, and she felt a pull in her chest every time Talia's moans got louder. It was her other hand, of course, that was doing that. She'd barely paid attention to what her fingers were doing, and once she did she knew she'd been doing what she liked. Touching Talia the way she touched herself. Slow swirls.

"Oh shit," Talia groaned.

CJ immediately looked up, but the look of perplexed bliss on Talia's face was the most wonderful thing she could have imagined. She let go of the nipple, and moved closer alongside her friend.

Talia looked sideways at her, almost wincing, and said, "Kiss me?"

It felt like the spark of their lips touching was what set off the flames. Talia lurched partially up off the bed, wrapping an arm around CJ's lower back to brace herself, and leaned into the kiss. It was just their lips, pressed firmly, but it closed the circuit in such a lovely way. Talia was whimpering happily into the kiss, gripping the other side of the table so hard that her knuckles were whitened.

Oh my god, CJ thought. I can do this! I did this!

When Talia fell back down, a minute later, her eyes were staring straight up through the ceiling, and CJ felt such an amazing sense of accomplishment. This was something she could do. No matter how everything else went, she could do this. She kept her hands pressed against Talia's skin, which felt very important, and massaged gently around the edges of Talia's delightful patch of curls.

When she saw Talia starting to blink and come back to herself, CJ whispered, "Do you want me to keep going?"

"Keep going?" Talia replied, disbelievingly. "I..." Then she trailed off, and looked at CJ closely. "Okay. Crossroads time. If I can't give back, I'm gonna feel like a bad girlfriend."

CJ blushed, cheeks an apple red, and said, "You called me your girlfriend."

Talia buried her face in her hands, and both laughed and groaned as she said, "Oh my god, you're such a nerd!" She took a few seconds to compose herself, and added, "I did, though, didn't I?"

"You did." CJ kissed the very tip of her girlfriend's nose, and smiled.

Talia held up a finger menacingly, eyes widened, and said, "Don't think I didn't catch that, though. I caught that. I want it on the record." Then she moved to get down off the side of the table, and took CJ's hand in one smooth motion.


"Nothing. Just..." Talia started into the bedroom, still holding her hand, and CJ followed her like a moth loves flame. "C'mere."

"What?" CJ laughed, nervously now. "What did I do?"

Talia pulled the blanket back dramatically, with a great and powerful toss, and climbed onto the bed with CJ still in tow. Once she was near halfway, she turned and laid down on her side. Patted the pillow next to her, where CJ came and laid. The tips of their noses eight inches apart. Talia reached back to grab the blanket, and with CJ's help they were soon ensconced in duvet.

"Are you not gonna tell me?"

Talia gave her a lopsided smile. "You dodged the question."

CJ opened her mouth to respond, that she still had no idea what question she dodged, except that she did. "Not on purpose," she said, very softly.

Deep beneath the blankets, Talia's hands gripped hers tightly, and CJ squeezed back.

"I don't know what I'm doing. Like, at all. I don't. I'm flying blind."

"Me too," CJ said, her voice croaking.

"If I was gonna be lost, though, I'd want to be lost with you."

This sank into her chest like a razor-sharp dagger, feeling like nothing at first and then more and more with every passing second. Talia squeezed her hand very, very tightly, and when she let off this time, one hand drifted up her arm.

"Is this okay?" Talia asked, as her fingertips brushed along CJ's elbow.

CJ felt the creeping touch, felt her eyes widen, and exhaled as she felt the goosebumps rippling over her skin. Her throat felt tight, too tight to say anything, so she nodded microscopically.

"Are you sure?"

"Mmm-hmmm," CJ said, nodding a bit more

Talia's touch went from light to firm, her whole hand closing around CJ's arm just above the elbow. "It's never perfect, you know."

CJ just blinked at her.

"Not the first time, not ever. There's no such thing as perfect sex."


She was smiling, but Talia's voice was low when she said, "Nobody has tricks up their sleeve that they're saving up for later. It's always just two people in bed, figuring it out as best they can."

This statement bumped up against a mountain of expectations CJ hadn't even realized she'd been dragging along behind her, for who even knew how long, and detonated. She could tell by the way Talia was snickering that something interesting and funny was happening with her expression, but she couldn't quite grasp what she was doing with her face because her mind was reeling.

"Television lied to me," she heard herself saying, which made Talia's snicker turn into a full-throated laugh. That was good. She turned her head, which turned into rolling onto her back, and stared up at the ceiling. "I don't know how I..."

"Babe," Talia said, scooting a little closer to her under the blanket, "a lot of women never figure that out. A lot of people. Period."

Talia was radiating heat beside her, against her arm, and CJ licked her lips. She felt fingertips on her arm again.

"Is this okay?"

This time, she didn't flinch. This time, with a deep breath to steady herself, she reached over, took Talia's hand, and guided it under her top. The top was snug enough, and elastic enough, to function like a sports bra in a pinch, and present CJ offered up a quiet prayer of thanks to past CJ for being too moody and dour when she woke up to bother putting on a real bra, which would have been more work to get out of.

"Oh," Talia said, softly, at the same time CJ said, "Oh wow."

Talia was using two fingers to lightly pinch and roll her nipple, and CJ exhaled very, very slowly.

"I mean, I know what it feels like when a nipple gets hard," Talia said, "but damn girl!"

"Yeah," CJ said, squirming. "Oh, that... feels different too."

"Is it okay?"

CJ checked in with herself, and with her emphatic nodding surprised even her.

"Do you want me to keep doing this?" When she didn't immediately respond, Talia slid her hand across, still underneath CJ's top, and added, "I think I could do this all day. Girl, I've heard people talk about gettin' 'em as hard as diamonds, but I always just thought that was bullshit!"

"Do you... like them?" CJ said, hesitantly.

"Your nipples? Or your tits?"

CJ made very embarrassed eye contact. Fleeting.

"I have always said I wish I had your body. Come on. How many times?"

"A lot," CJ said, sheepishly, "but that's not the same as—"

CJ turned, intending to be making eye contact while she argued, but Talia surprised her with a kiss. All she could do was whimper.

"How many times?" Talia said, when their lips were still close enough that she could feel them moving with the words. "How many times have I said your tits are perfect? And your ass is perfect?"

"Yeah, but you weren't talking about—"

This time, CJ whined. It was frustrating, and yet she just wanted to keep kissing her friend. Her girlfriend. Her heart. She wanted it so much, that when Talia started to pull back, to start talking again, CJ followed her. Partially sitting up. Up on her elbows.

She wasn't sure how she felt about Talia's tongue sliding between her lips, at first, but the charge that hit her when their tongues slid past each other was pure voltage. The next thing she knew, she was grabbing Talia's wrist and pushing it down between her legs. Talia laughed into the kiss, but she didn't break it, and CJ was so glad that she didn't.

It didn't take Talia long to get her hand down under the leggings, under her panties. CJ spread her legs, heels digging into the bed as she tried to find leverage. She didn't know what she was trying to do with her body, if she was trying to get up or stay where she was, but the need to move was an imperative she only understood at an animal brain level. What her higher brain understood was that it felt good, and she wanted more of it.

Talia only got one finger on her clit, the pad of her middle finger, but that was more than enough to turn on CJ's whole body. It was so different from the way she touched herself. So much more acute, and surprising. It felt so much more.

She finally broke the kiss to gasp, falling back to the bed because her body needed to move, and writhe, and she couldn't stop it from happening. Talia made a happy noise, seemingly pleased with herself, and leaned into it. CJ could never be sure if the leaning had been on purpose or just Talia trying to get a better angle to reach down, but when her eyes finally opened again, through the haze, she saw that one of Talia's incredible, heavy, pendulous breasts was just beside her face, and gently caressing her shoulder. More out of instinct than anything else, because CJ was practically drunk with the moment, she nuzzled her head to the side, tongue reaching, and sucked Talia's nipple into her mouth.

"Oh you little—" Talia cried, with a little gasp, but she didn't pull away, and she stopped touching CJ.

CJ did not last very long. Talia's touch was light and swirling, and it made her feel lightheaded. Her eyes rolled back, and she drifted off into a very real version of a fantasy she'd had, without really knowing it, for years and years. It might not have been perfect, but it was pretty darn close.

"Was that what I think it was?" Talia asked, slowing down just a little. When CJ responded by murmuring mmm-hmmm, without letting go of the nipple in her mouth, Talia wound down even further. The touch between CJ's legs slowed and slowed, down to nothing, but Talia's hand stayed planted flat on her lower abdomen.

"I can feel you breathing," Talia said, giving a little pulse of touch with her flattened palm. "I feel so connected to you right now."

CJ said nothing, but continued to work her tongue in waves. Making suction with the subtle motions of her jaw and cheeks. Drawing that warm, dark flesh deeper into her mouth. Talia's nipples didn't harden the same way hers did, but they were so large, and so wide, and the skin rippled so beautifully.

"I did it," Talia said, so softly that CJ almost wasn't sure that was what she'd said. "That wasn't that hard." Then, in a more normal voice, Talia said, "Was that okay?"

CJ murmured, "Mmm-hmmm," still without opening her eyes or mouth.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked my tits."

"Love your tits," CJ mumbled, though it came out more like mlub miur mimts.

There was a long, slow receding of the wave of her orgasm, during which time CJ slowly brought one hand, and then the other, around to cradle and support Talia's left breast, so that Talia could settle back down to a more natural position. The nipple never left her mouth, though, and CJ returned to herself little by little.

"Hey there," Talia said, smiling like the dawn, when CJ finally opened her eyes. "Are you okay?"

CJ nodded, and cleared her throat before saying, "Yeah. Yeah."

"Are you happy?"

"Yeah," she said, laughing a little.

"Are you... done?" Before CJ could muster a response, Talia prattled on, saying, "I'm not gonna lie, that was working for me a minute ago. I'm not used to gettin' turned on again that quick, but... I could. I think I could." She made a little embarrassed smirk, and glanced sideways. "If you can, I mean."

"Actually," CJ said, pointedly avoiding eye contact, "I do... um... have something... that I, uh..."

"You are so stinkin' cute," Talia said, cheeks bursting with color.

"Can you sit on my face?"

Talia burst out into laughter, stopped almost immediately, and then covered her mouth as she stared wide eyed. "What?"

CJ blushed and shrugged. "It's, like... I dunno. A thought that I've had, a lot, sometimes, while touching myself?"

"Of me?" Talia's voice was somewhere between incredulous and hoarse.

"It's complicated, but... maybe. I don't know."

Talia sat up on her hip, one hand planted below her, and she looked like an oiled-up fertility goddess with slightly messy hair. CJ just stared up at her, drinking in the sight of it. She wasn't willing to admit out loud how, whenever she'd felt the need to take care of herself, her imagination would supply vague notions of warmth, and affection, and curves, an ear to ear smile, and a body she could lose herself in, and a dozen other little things that Talia did, or was, or could be when they were together, just hanging out. A husky voice that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. A laugh to dream about.

They started moving more or less at the same time. CJ started scooting down, away from the pillows, as Talia got up on her knees. Her skin was still glowing, with a light sheen of sweat on top that gave her skin so much gorgeous texture. The way the light played off of her gave her a halo, and all of that was very carefully, very slowly, spreading her legs over CJ's head. Talia was facing the headboard, so that as she lowered herself, CJ could see right up the front. Around her belly. Between her incredible tits.

Talia was looking down at her and biting her lip, one palm pressed against her forehead to keep her hair back while the other was braced on her knee. CJ's body was perfectly still, perfectly flat, perfectly ready. The little hairs tickled her nose, and her chin, but CJ knew where she was heading. At first, Talia's hips were set to sit, and so CJ had to crane her neck up to reach her clit, but Talia quickly corrected.