The Doll Collector Ch. 03


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He fed her a small meal Miss Rose had delivered not wanting to interrupt the process by waking her from the deep state of sedation. He also managed her bodily needs by holding a small oddly shaped vessel between her legs and commanding her with the key word. Pivoting the frame she was attached to backwards he allowed her to rest, placing headphones over her ears and topping up her medication before having lunch himself.

When he returned to her, he removed the headphones and helped her from the frame on which she had been restrained. Helping her to a hardback chair, he watched as she sat stiffly her back ramrod straight and crossed her hands demurely in her lap. Gabriel smiled warmly at her, "How do you feel, sweet Jillian?"

"Refreshed thank you Doctor, you were right I did require a small respite," she said demurely, her eyes downcast. "Thank you so much for looking after my well-being in such a caring way," she glanced up at him briefly her devotion to him evident on her face. Gabriel was impressed with his own work; she perfectly met the character description Jacques had asked for. Today would be a big test; she would meet a person she believed to be a man of religion and principal, someone who, should any part of her once free self still be aware enough to rise to the moment, she might seek help from. What she would find in the end though was a man not averse to debauchery, the defiling of innocence and the punishment of sinners.

Gabriel found himself looking forward to seeing how the evening's entertainment would go for the penitent and the pure, young woman before him. "You will be attending dinner tonight with the Master, he is expecting an important friend from the local monastery. I am sure you wish to change into something suitable, I will call Miss Rose to assist you shall I?"

"Of course, I would hate to disappoint the Master in any way," she looked down smoothing the dress she wore. Perhaps this colour is will not appropriate for such a meeting," she said with a frown, "I would not like him to think me vain or indulgent."

Gabriel stood and kissed her forehead chastely before helping her to her feet and guiding her back to her own suite of rooms to await Miss Rose. Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear, "Cognoscenti," and leaned back seeing the girl blink and smile lovingly at him. "You did very well during our session today, sweet girl, I will return later to escort you to dinner with Jacques and his friends. It will be a big day for you I hope you will not disappoint him."

"I will do my best to make him proud," she replied seriously, fine lines of worry appearing around her eyes.

"You truly are the most exquisite doll I have ever worked with, I would expect no less than your best, such is the training you have received," once again he bent to kiss her forehead and left her room, turning to lock the door behind him wondering if it was necessary to keep it locked any longer, but taking no chances he did as Jacques had instructed.


Jillian sat primly to the left side of Jacques who as host sat at the head of the long table. Across from her Doctor Gabriel smiled encouragingly and sitting beside her Father John sat chatted amiably with the others at the table. There were two other men at the table and having been carefully selected from the grounds men of the estate each man present played their role perfectly.

Jacques realised it was very early in Jillian's training to be testing her but Gabriel had been enthusiastic about how well the new serum was working on the girl and how easily he was able to layer her personality to Jacques needs. Jacques himself was eager to introduce her to his friends, but he would never risk such a meeting until he was entirely sure of her love and devotion to him, and that her transformation was perfect.

Jacques was obsessive about his doll collections, both the public antiques and his private more specialised collection and he wanted this Jillian to be its crowning glory, the pinnacle of the all the love and desire he had put into perfecting his ideas of the ultimate doll. She was naturally beautiful and required little enhancements though long term he knew adjustments would have to be made to keep her outward appearance as it was now but as the training progressed and she became the happy and obedient doll he had always wanted he fell further in love with his creation.

Lady Jane, whom Jillian had met within her first few days at the mansion also attended the dinner. She was docile and said very little as she sat at the table picking at her food and listening to the conversation at the table. She had been Jacques first obsession and first being failure. The woman had not been able to fully overcome her aversion to Jack's deformed appearance and while she did her best to maintain her place in this household, Jacques knew it was because the woman was in love with Joe rather than himself as so often happened during the brutal training regime Joe subjected the women to.

"So tell me Jacques," Father John said with a smile interrupting his thoughts, "Where ever did you find this lovely creature? Don't tell me she was a street girl, or a whore you have rescued from a brothel as other such lovelies in your home have been." He guffawed at the shock and indignation that showed clearly on Jillian's face as she sat blushing deeply at being compared to a whore.

"Not at all, my friend, this girl is quite different indeed from the ladies who have been rehabilitated here," Jacques smiled and took Jillian's hand. "She is a precious innocence who requires the gentle hand of the good Doctor Gabriel to help her with a small amount of memory loss."

Jillian looked across at Gabriel with affection, and he inclined his head and smiled back at her, before confirming Jacques words. "The poor girl suffered quite a traumatic experience and we are working toward making her whole again. It is a wonder that she has remained so innocent and steadfast in her faith."

"Ah, what a good girl," Father John turn to her putting his hand on her thigh and squeezing it. In shock, she looked down as he said, "perhaps while I am here you would like me to hear your confessions my dear, for none of us are truly without sin, are we," he leered at her and pattered her thigh in an overly friendly way.

Gabriel watched on enjoying the blushes that filled the girls face and taking pride in the completeness of the personality he had given her. He was sure that, at this time, she would not reach out to the priest as her true self, abducted and scared, but only as the innocent seeming girl who fought her own sexual urges.

"What a splendid idea," Jacques said encouragingly, "Perhaps it will jog your memory further my dear." He smiled benignly at Jillian, who knew she didn't want to be left alone with the priest who continued to rub and squeeze her thigh.

"If you think it is for the best, Jack," she said softly.

"I do," he said with certainty, "Why don't you two go to the ante-room beside the library and then you can join us in the library when you are done?" He spoke mostly to father John, who nodded enthusiastically and stood from the table offering Jillian his hand to rise.

Jillian took the hand shyly and stood let herself be led away from the dining room. She glanced back before stepping through the doorway noting the encouraging smiles of the two men she loved, Master Jack and Doctor Gabriel.

They walked in silence to the anteroom, a small suite of chairs sat around a coffee table and the paintings on the wall showed austere looking people. Father John took a seat in a chair and placed a cushion on the floor before he indicated that she should kneel. "Come sweet girl and let me hear your darkest thoughts."

Obediently Jillian knelt beside him and lowered her head clasping her hands before her. She felt him place his hand on her head, and she closed her eyes as he intoned, "May the lord be in your heart and help you to confess your sins with true sorrow."

"Bless me father for I have sinned, it has been..." the words came unbidden from a catholic childhood where she had learned the catechism at school but she stalled at the gaping hole in her memory. "In truth I do not know how long it has been since my last confession," she admitted looking up at him momentarily.

"Continue anyway," he said softly and she lowered her head. "Tell me what dark thoughts haunt your mind, and they will be absolved, I am only here to help you sweet child. No harm will come to you in my presence." He had spoken with Jacques and Gabriel about the words he would use to induce a feeling of comfort within the girl so that should she still seek escape she may approach him.

"My thoughts often turn to impure acts," she whispered colour filling her face. "My body and mind crave the touch of my Master when he is near and others when he is not." She gulped. "I have not acted upon them but it becomes increasingly difficult as they show me such kindness."

"You are happy here then?" he asked softly, "You do not wish to return from where you came, away from the men who cause you to sin in your thoughts?"

"I don't remember," she whispered, searching the big dark places in her memory, "I am not sure I ever will, but Jack has been so good to me here why would I ever think to leave his side?" She looked up at the priest and the sincerity of her words showed in her eyes.

Satisfied that he achieved what Jacques wanted he looked up at the large mirror on the far wall that encapsulated the two of them for the watchers and nodded before turning back to the girl. "You are happy here and do not know what to do with your impure thoughts then?" Jillian nodded sadly, and he smiled as she hung her head once more. She was beyond perfect in this guise as an innocent puritan.

"And are you truly sorry for your sins, my child?" he asked.

"Yes, father," she replied fervently.

"You penance will be harsh and only to be carried out under supervision, but you must employ the use of flagellation on that spot from where there sinful thoughts stem from," he said seriously and enjoyed the gasp of shock that came from the girl. "I will help you to perform this penance and should you feel the need to repeat it, you have only to ask your Master and I shall return to you so that these thoughts do not stain your soul."

He stood and helped her to her feet guiding her to the chair that faced the mirror. He assisted her to slouch slightly and pull her legs up and over the armrests of the chair before lifting her skirt for her. He noted with satisfaction the lack of underwear but said nothing as he took his belt off and doubled it over placing it in her hand and taking his own seat again.

"The point of origin of your impure thoughts must be punished into submission so that you may live a life of piety and goodness, six I believe should be sufficient. You may begin," he said softly and watched as she gritted her teeth and raised the belt. She spanked her cunt tentatively, and he barked harshly, "Harder!" Jillian immediately swung the belt again, biting at her lip to hold back the cry and letting only whimpers escape. "Again!" John instructed until all six had been delivered, and she was crying in earnest at the pain she felt.

"Stay like that so I may inspect you for damage," Father John said in a voice thick with arousal. Moments later she felt his hand cup her cunt soothing the red hot pain she felt after the penance. She squirmed and blushed as she felt his fingers delve between the lips of her cunt and she left out a sobbing sigh.

"Just as I thought," he muttered, "All women are whores at heart." He continued to rub her cunt his thumb playing over her clit as two of his fingers forced their way into her. "You are indeed a sinful young girl look at how you writhe and sigh at my touch. You are not truly sorry for your impure thoughts are you, whore?"

Tears sprung from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks at his words, but she could not stop the feelings growing inside her that seemed to come from her most private of parts as he inspected her. He took the belt from her hand and swung it harshly across her covered breasts making her cry out in shock and her muscles clamp down on the fingers inside her.

Keeping one hand buried within the folds of her cunt, he stepped to her side and dropping the belt to her chest, unzipped his pants and took out his cock fisting it before her bulging eyes. "Is this what you dream of? Is this what you want in that sinful cunt of yours? Do you dream of Jack fucking you with his big hard cock? Tell me," he roared at her, "Confess that you are nothing but a sinful whore, not the innocent Jacks believes you to be. Atone for your sins!"

"Yes, yes, oh God yes!" It was all too much for Jillian, and she came hard gushing cum over Father John's hand as evidence that what he said was true, continuing to cum and cry out as he sprayed his cum over her face and neck.

"Such a wicked girl," he looked at her disgustedly once he had regained his own composure. "Clean my hand and kiss it as you beg for forgiveness." Jillian mumbled her heartfelt begging as she kissed and licked his hand clean. "The only way to cure you and for you to be truly sorry for your wicked ways will be a swift marriage to a man who can dole out the punishments you require for your whorish ways. Left to your own devices, you will soon sink into the quagmire of filth where the truly wicked live."

Without giving her time to react he pulled her up out of the chair and dragged her into the library throwing her at Jacques feet announcing. "She is a truly wicked girl who cannot be absolved from her sins until she is made truly sorry."

Looking up at Jacques with cum still smeared over her face Jillian began to beg him for forgiveness but was silenced as he looked down at her with disappointment, collapsing back to the floor near his feet and sobbing in her shame. Rose came in shortly after and took her out to the hallway beyond, the library and then to another small anteroom to be cleaned up and redressed before being returned to the library.

"In the time that she has been here, she has been nothing but a delight," Jacques indicated Jillian as she re-entered the room. "If marriage is what she needs to cure her of her wicked thoughts then it shall be done." He turned and smiled at Jillian, "Is it your desire to be my wife?" he smiled the garish deformed smile that Jillian barely saw anymore in her drug fogged mind or through the embedded personality.

"I can think of nothing in the world I want more," Jillian gushed and moved to him kneeling beside his chair and taking his scarred hand in hers before pressing it to her lips. "I wish I was worthy of you, but the priest has said I am a wicked girl and you deserve so much better than I."

"You will spend an hour a day with Father John atoning for your sins before we announce our engagement at a party of Saturday," he said softly cupping her face with his hands making her look up at him. "You will atone for your sins and learn to be a good wife to me," Jacques smiled leaning to down kiss her. He was as surprised as he always was when she returned his kiss rather than shying away from his deformities, and he relished the feel of her believing that this time he would truly be happy with the woman he had chosen by his side. His obsession, while still evident had turned more to real feelings of affection toward the girl, and he was more than a little excited by the progress she had made in such a short time. As he pulled back from the kiss, he smiled down on the girl who begged for his favour and attention.

He stroked his favourite dolls hair and nodded his appreciation of Gabriel's work to him. He knew that he shared the girl's affections with Gabriel, and he did not blame the man; she was a perfect little doll to play with, but she would belong to him alone. He could, Jacques reasoned limit the interaction between his Jillian and the doctor if the time came that it became burdensome to share his plaything.

"Anything," she said fervently, "I will do anything to be everything you need me to be."

"Yes," he said ominously, "You will."

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P1aydat3P1aydat3over 2 years ago

Loved this! Would have loved to read more, especially with Jack's "friends".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

well done, great details

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


ContrahentContrahentover 3 years ago
interesting spin on a dollification story

I was really fascinated by the elements of the story that have to do with the appraisal of actual antique dolls. Those details really added an interesting twist to this story. Having read a number of other dollification themed stories, it is now surprising to me that virtually none have included any details about actual real life dolls. Your selection of a somewhat victorian-esque internal culture for Jacques and Jillian it's also an interesting choice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very Good

I loved this! I wish you would have gone more with the hypnosis-having Jill do more degrading things while a little teensy tiny part of her could see what was going on.

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