The Doctor Will (Bleep) You Now

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A deviant dentist gets his kink on.
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Dr. Peter Fenton, who was more popularly known as Painless Pete, always stressed the importance of appearances. Dress like a professional, he counseled, and you will feel like a professional. Leading by example, he always showed up at his one-man dental practice dressed in neatly-pressed slacks, a long-sleeved, pale-blue shirt, and an expertly knotted tie. Since he was always the first to arrive his first order of business was to watch a generous helping of internet porn on his laptop. Then, still aroused, he would slip his arms through a freshly-laundered, snow-white lab coat and admire his reflection in the break room's full-length mirror. Someday he might become a Doctor to the Stars in Hollywood. But for the moment he was satisfied with his station in life and his modest practice in San Jose, California.

Dr. Fenton had as his assistants one excellent Registered Nurse (his wife, Amy), and one dental hygienist-in-training, Beth, who he'd recruited on one of his talent scouting expeditions at San Jose City College. (Inadvertently, he'd made his two previous hygienists pregnant, necessitating his search for another). He has visited the comely blond, who wore her long hair in fetching cornrows (reminding him of Bo Derek in one of those forgettable movies she made) in her dorm room when the roommate was out. At the time, the twenty-year-old's special area of study was gum disease and, knowing that Dr. Fenton was actively seeking an assistant (he'd posted help-wanted ads on Craigslist and the college's community bulletin board) she was eager to impress him with her knowledge.

"Never mind all that," Dr. Fenton said pleasantly, interrupting Beth's lengthy description of gingivitis and how to manage it. "Let me see your gums. Are they as pink and healthy as the rest of you appears?"

Beth felt her face redden, but she went ahead and pried her glossy lips apart with her fingers and let the doctor lean in for a closer inspection. Her teeth, he noted with satisfaction, were pearly-white and even as piano keys. And her breath was minty-fresh, as though she had just recently brushed and gargled. Most importantly, Dr. Fenton could tell that Beth was a regular flosser. Well, he reasoned, healthy mouth, healthy body, and briefly imagined himself lying beneath a glass-topped coffee table while Beth, naked and squatting above him, let flow a river of pale-yellow piss that he pretended to catch in his mouth.

"Very nice," Dr. Fenton said, addressing Beth in a fatherly manner. "Lovely. Now let's have a look at that tongue. The tongue is the workhorse for the entire mouth, you know."

Well, this really was embarrassing. But Beth, eager to please, relaxed her mouth and let her tongue slowly peek out from behind her teeth. It was a bright, robust-looking thing and wore a sheen of saliva that caused Dr. Fenton's cock to stir and begin to climb up his thigh.

"Such a pretty girl," he said. "Now keep holding your tongue out, because my evaluation isn't complete without a taste test."

They'd been sitting across from each other, Beth on a thrift store couch, Dr. Fenton on a straight-backed kitchen chair. But now he got up and sat next to her, smiling when her eyes drifted to the developing bugle behind his fly.

"If you want the job," he said, boldly placing his hand on Beth's bare knee, "you should know beforehand that we like to have fun in our office. Sometimes we have fun between patients, and sometimes we have fun with the patients themselves." He chuckled, then raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Is that something you might be interested in?"

Beth turned towards him, studying his handsome, clean-cut features. Christ, he was almost as old as Daddy. But there was something undeniably appealing about him. He smelled so nice. He had such sincere green eyes. And she knew that he could sense her growing arousal by the way he let his hand creep up to the hem of her cut-off jeans.

"Fun?" she said, swallowing hard, pretending ignorance. Her heart was hammering inside her chest, and she could feel a definite slickness forming between the lips of her pussy. She wondered if he could smell her sex. In a crazy way, she hoped that he could.

"I'll show you," Dr. Fenton said. "Tongue please. Say Ahhhh."

Beth licked her lips, then closed her eyes in resignation. If this is what it took to land her first job in the field of dentistry, so be it. Besides, it was kind of a kick to know that she'd given the doctor a hard-on just by exposing her mouth.

"Ahhhh," she said, unfurling her tongue and letting it droop down her girlish chin. Imagine this squirmy eel wrapped around your mushroomy cockhead, doctor, she thought wickedly, then quickly scolded herself to behave.

"Oh, that's wonderful," Dr. Fenton cooed, clearly excited by the sight of Beth's quivering tongue. "Now relax. I'm just going to touch the surface of your tongue with the tip of mine and—"

It was at that moment that Dr. Fenton decided to hire Beth immediately. Because before he could even bring his face close to hers she impulsively seized him by the neck and roughly sucked his curious tongue into her mouth, winding her own slim, spit-soaked appendage around and around his more muscular one. By this time the good doctor had already unzipped and had his throbbing cock firmly in hand, and Beth watched with fascination as he gripped and jerked it just under the head while he growled lasciviously.

"Now it's my turn," Dr. Fenton croaked, barely able to contain his lust. While he unashamedly jacked off he vacuumed Beth's sweet-tasting tongue into his mouth, and it was like swallowing a goldfish, all slippery and slithery and vibrantly alive.

Beth was young, but she already knew how to close a deal. Sensing that Dr. Fenton was ready to shoot his wad, she held out a creamy palm, whispered "Do it," then watched with amazement as he expelled a thick, goopy rope of semen that she let dribble through her fingers. With a flirtatious toss of her sexy hair and a coquettish smile, she wiped the mess on the back of the couch, and they both smiled. Beth started working for Dr. Fenton the following day.

One of the perks of the job was that Beth's uniform—identical to the one worn by Dr. Fenton's wife—was furnished and laundered for free. She liked the look of the subdued, lime-green cotton blouse and the short, kicky skirt that went with it, though the ensemble seemed more appropriate for a tennis court. And she was pleasantly surprised, albeit curious, to learn that undergarments were part of the package. This was something that Dr. Fenton insisted on. The man was nothing if not peculiar about his tastes, but Beth quickly learned to love the sensual feel of the white, thigh-high stockings, the lacey bra, and the frilly thong that she was made to wear. The outfit made her feel mischievous and uber-sexy, and there was no denying that the skirt flattered her perfect, post-adolescent bubble butt and dynamite legs. And, much to her delight, she found that her young, taut body could create quite a stir around the office; she luxuriated in the blatant ogling she received from both the doctor and his wife. But she reminded herself that she was lucky to have found such a job, and that she needed to comport herself accordingly.

However, barely into her second week on the job, Beth discovered the true nature of Dr. Fenton's cautionary, "We like to have fun around our office." And it quickly became obvious that this nondescript little dental practice was, in all actuality, a den of perverse, uninhibited wickedness.

It all started when a girl Beth's age, a fellow City College student who Beth had noticed around campus, came in for a problem she was having. The girl, Melinda, a stunning brunette with cupcake tits and a come-hither pout, had perfectly aligned teeth and healthy, pink gums. But her lower wisdom teeth were causing her misery, and it was Dr. Fenton's advice that she have them removed. Immediately. As he made this offering to his prospective patient, he held Beth's gaze and licked his lips suggestively. Then Beth felt Amy move in close behind her, presumably to supervise while she fastened an absorbent bib around Melinda's neck. She could feel the older woman's breath hot in her ear and thought little of it. But then she nearly lost her composure when the nurse surreptitiously snuck her hand up under Beth's skirt and playfully tugged at her thong, which was surprisingly moist. Beth's pulse immediately accelerated, but she kept herself calm and, amazingly, found that she actually enjoyed the attention. When good girls go bad, she thought, smiling to herself.

There was a good reason that people flocked to see Painless Pete the dentist: He kept a veritable pharmacopeia of mind-numbing, pain-killing drugs that he doled out like candy to those too squeamish to tolerate the picks and probes and high-speed drills that came with the territory. The doctor also found the drugs to be indispensable for taking the edge off job stress and for keeping up employee morale. Plus, it was just so perversely exciting to get high and then to fall down the rabbit hole of debauchery. Of course, the fact that there were kinky doings going on in an ostensibly professional setting made it all the more depraved. But Dr. Fenton was no stranger to depravity.

For the reclining Melinda, who was understandably nervous but looked good enough to eat in her tight black leggings and skimpy top, Dr. Fenton would go with the gold standard of knock-out meds—nitrous oxide. Afterwards, of course, she could be given Percodan for pain, Valium to relax, and tincture of marijuana to restore appetite. But the immediate concern was to make her comfortable to the point where she wouldn't feel a thing. And if there were any side benefits that came from having an unresponsive patient, well— Dr. Fenton was only human, wasn't he?

"Nurse Amy, have you prepared the Novocain injection?" he asked his wife.

"Yes, doctor," she answered, handing him a syringe with a six-inch needle.

"Thank you, my dear. Now, Ms. Melinda, you might feel a little pinch here."

Melinda dug her nails into the armrests as Dr. Fenton shot up the gum areas around both wisdom teeth. Her mouth was being held open by a plastic device that could either expand or contract at the turn of a screw.

"Now we will help you to relax, and when you wake up from your dream—presto! No more pain. And of course we will save your teeth for the Tooth Fairy, and who knows—she just might pay you double the going rate!"

Everyone, including Melinda, laughed at his joke. But Beth could feel a nervous anticipation building up inside of her. She could still feel the ghostly traces of Amy's fingers from when the nurse had slipped them deliciously between her butt cheeks. And now, studying Dr. Fenton as he worked a gas mask over Melinda's head, she could clearly see the outlines of an enormous erection pressing against the fabric of his slacks. My goodness. Whatever were these people up to?

"Okay, sweetheart," the doctor said soothingly to Melinda. "Take long, slow, deep breaths. That's right. I can already see that you're becoming very relaxed, even sleepy. Soon it will all be over."

When Melinda appeared to be totally under the influence, Dr. Fenton removed the gas mask, then poured the contents of an Ambien sleeping capsule into her mouth and washed it down with a spritz of water. "Sweet dreams, my love," he whispered. Then he turned his attention to Amy and Beth, who had already prepared a tray of sterilized instruments needed to extract the vexing teeth.

"Guess what's on the menu now, Beth?" he said, his voice dripping with lechery. "Tell her, Amy."

Beth braced herself. Part of her wanted to flee this crazy asylum, but the rest of her couldn't wait to hear what these two sick fucks had in mind. Even so, nothing could have prepared her for the gross obscenities that poured out of Amy's mouth.

"What's on the menu? The usual, you insatiable horn dog. Drug abuse. Cock swallowing. Pussy eating. Sperm baths. Ass play. Finger fucking. Why, there are any number of filthy acts we can commit. Shall I go on?"

The doctor laughed, openly fondling the stiff prick hidden inside his slacks. "That won't be necessary, honey. I think young Beth here gets the idea. Now," he said, addressing Beth directly, "while I work this pick around molar number one, your job is to peel those indecently tight leggings off of Melinda. What do you want to bet that she's not wearing any panties, the naughty girl."

Beth felt her blood rush to her head. The room, with its harsh lighting and stainless steel everything, seemed to be spinning in circles. She couldn't catch her breath, couldn't focus. Was all this really happening?

Dr. Fenton noticed her distress. "Don't worry, Beth. It's like this for everyone in the beginning. Yes, you're shocked. You might even be offended. But if you stay with us long enough you will grow to love playing in Dr. Fenton's playground. Here, I have something for you. For all of us."

The doctor shook out a pill bottle until three capsules rested in his palm. "Ever done Quaaludes, honey?" he asked Beth. "These things are the devil's own aphrodisiac, I tell you. Here. One for each of us."

Beth reluctantly took the pill offered her, then chased it down with a cup of rinse water. She'd done her share of illegal substances in the past, but never 'ludes, and never under the watchful, lustful eyes of her employer. Yet strangely, maybe because of the illicit nature of what they were doing, or because of the obvious sexual tension that crackled like static electricity, Beth felt the effects of the pill almost immediately. My God, it was incredible how quickly a mind could change. Now, instead of feeling hesitant to strip the poor, unconscious girl of her leggings and her modesty, she was more than eager to get after it. As if in a graphic wet dream, Beth, feeling feverishly wicked, worked the flesh-hugging tights off of Melinda. Jesus, Dr. Fenton had guessed right—the slutty girl wasn't wearing any panties! Beth licked her lips and mewled softly when she saw Melinda's firm, sun-kissed thighs and the downy patch of hair skirting her youthful vulva. She'd never been with a girl before, but now she was struck by an overwhelming desire to pry the cute thing's legs apart and bury her face in that moist, inviting muffin.

But, floating in a drug-addled daze, she became easily distracted. Now she was fixated on the urgent grunting noises coming from Dr. Fenton as he worked the first molar loose from Melinda's jaw. God, he really was very good-looking. And the way his thick cock made her sick with longing... Fuck. But wait a minute—where had Amy wandered off to? Beth suddenly craved the lewd groping of the nurse's wickedly exploring fingers. Well, never mind—she was too consumed by lust and too determined to go down on the raven-haired beauty to worry about anything else. It was going to be her first-ever taste of pussy, and the anticipation of it was killing her. But just as she was about to lower her head she felt an insistent tap on her shoulder.

"Always wait for the doctor's instructions before you proceed." It was Amy, foggy-eyed and slurring her words. "While we wait, have a hit of this."

She handed Beth the gas mask while she fiddled with a valve on the NO cylinder. Meanwhile, Dr. Fenton, wearing a sloppy grin, was holding up his first trophy of the day—a fat, bloody tooth nesting on a ball of cotton. He laid the tooth on the instrument tray, peeled off his blue latex gloves, then snapped on another pair as he watched Beth take a lungful of gas.

"That's a good girl," he said. "We've found that the combination of 'ludes and laughing gas just sets everything off perfectly. Isn't that right, honey?"

Amy smiled dreamily. "It's like having your clit licked on cloud nine," she purred. Then her soft, wet tongue dove deep into the doctor's mouth while she shamelessly ground her crotch against his erection.

"Fuck yeah!" the doctor said, pleased by his wife's pornographic behavior. "Hey, I know—let's everyone take a group hit. Then we'll have us a group hug."

They passed the gas mask one to the other, each inhaling and holding it like it was God's own elixir. Then, sated, they let the mask drop to the floor, and Beth suddenly found her tongue seeking out and mingling with the tongues of the doctor and his wife, everyone breathing hard, everyone aching with wanton desire, everyone hungry for the payoff of a mind-blowing climax.

"Wait, wait, wait," Dr. Fenton said, pushing himself away from the spirited orgy. "Let's slow down. Let's make it last. I'm not as young as I used to be."

Amy snickered at his inside joke. She knew that her husband could drain his cock in one girl and be ready to go again with another in no time at all. The last little gal who'd worked for them (and who'd stupidly gotten herself knocked up) had made the doctor so hot-to-trot that he came in her ass, her cunt, and her mouth, all in the space of an hour! In private, Amy lovingly called him Doctor Stamina, the man with the iron cock.

"Now," Dr. Fenton said to Beth, scooting by to begin working on Melinda's second tooth, his rigid cock freed up and poking obscenely through his fly, "as I'm busy yanking tooth numero two-o, I'm going to position myself so that I can watch how you eat pussy. Ever tried it before? No? Well, trust me, there is nothing in the world like the taste of young butt. Here, you lift one leg and I'll lift the other. Okay, now let's drape them over the armrests so that she's spread wide open. We want to see everything, don't we? Of course we do. God, I wonder what lucky college kid is banging this babe on a regular basis."

By now Beth had worked herself into a sexual lather. She could feel her lubricated pussy leaking down the inside of her thighs, and she was more intent than ever to lose her tongue inside the musky cavern of Melinda's crotch. She'd never felt so high or giddy, and the scent of the girl's cunt only inflamed her more.

"That's right, honey," Amy said behind her. "Now spread her lips wide apart and put your tongue to work. Start at her asshole, then lick your way up. Pretend you're fucking her with a cock and move your tongue in and out of her pussy hole. Yes. Now get really nasty around her clit. Hell, stick a fucking finger in her ass if you want to. Let your imagination run wild. Isn't this fun?"

Beth put both hands under Melinda's ass so that she could face-fuck her luscious slit. Even though the girl was completely out of it and it seemed like nobody was home, Beth's eager tonguing elicited soft moans and vacant sighs from the patient's pried-open mouth. Fuck yes, this was fun! Beth loved the incredibly dirty feeling that this taboo act engendered, and she glanced up briefly to get her boss's approval. She could see Dr. Fenton toggling the extractor back and forth with one hand while he jerked himself off with the other. Then Amy turned on a blinding auxiliary light and bent its neck until it was shining on Melinda's moist, swollen pudendum and Beth's pussy-bathed face.

"I don't think I can hold out much longer, honey," Amy said to her husband, excitement choking her words. "I need to be fucked. In the ass. Right away!"

"Almost there, sweetheart" Dr. Fenton said, then gave a little yelp as he worked the root loose and popped the second tooth free.

While she waited impatiently for her husband to secure the two enormous teeth in a plastic vial and scrub himself clean, Amy dropped down behind Beth and lifted the hygienist's short skirt up over her hips, loving what she discovered. Not only was Beth's ass worthy of a centerfold layout, her delicate thong was soaked through and through, and there was a little puddle of cunt honey on the tile floor. "Yum," she said, scooching under Beth to lick at the mess.