The Cotillion


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"I believe we shared our first kiss by the ducks," Peter said. I smiled at the look in his eyes. There was all the romance I needed right there.

"By the ducks," I agreed.

"Oh," Rebecca said, her smile mirroring ours, "then it must be by the ducks." Daniel chuckled at his wife's quick change of heart.

"Why don't you wait until it's official, Rebecca," Daniel said, "the girl doesn't even have her ring yet." That comment was followed by a brief discussion on the idiocy of men. I half-heartedly sided with Rebecca. Peter, of course, was the exception to the rule.


Judge Manfred looked less than pleased at the prosecutor. Agent Stratford and Larkin were in a heated discussion. Another man in a suit, next to Stratford, seemed to be supporting her argument.

"You have had sufficient time, counselor," the judge growled, "I do not appreciate you wasting the court's time as well." Larkin turned, his face poorly masking his anger.

"At this time, your honor," Larkin's words seemed to struggle out of his mouth, "we lack sufficient evidence to proceed with prosecution." Both Stratford and the man next to her sat down, staring straight ahead. Agnus, sitting behind them, looked pale. I was feeling much better.

"I would like to make a motion to dismiss," Brendan said quickly as he stood. My legs felt all jittery as the excitement began to creep up my spine.

"Does the prosecution take issue with that?" the Judge asked.

"No your honor," Larkin said quietly.

"Case dismissed!" the judge announced and slammed his gavel down. A smile appeared on his face as he looked at me. I smiled back at Santa. "I am a Justice of the Peace," he continued, looking at me, "if you are ever in need." He winked and headed off to his chambers.

Peter wrapped me in his arms before I could turn around. The world disappeared as we kissed. I had to force him away so I could thank my lawyers. Each getting a hug and my gratitude. Peter followed with handshakes and his gratitude. I was free.

Rebecca and Daniel joined us in the hall outside of the courtroom. More hugging and shared joy. I saw William and Frank coming toward me, smiles on their faces.

"Peter, this is William and Frank," I said, "our Tom and Jerry." Frank laughed as Peter shook his hand and then moved to William.

"Helping Ella with Rayburn," Peter said, shaking his head, "I owe you guys for that."

"Forget it," William returned, "it broke up an otherwise dull day."

I mouthed 'I'll tell you later' to Rebecca who looked fairly confused over the conversation.

"So, you two are getting married?" Frank asked, his finger moving between Peter and I.

"Yes," I replied happily, pulling Peter next to me, "It kind of made this all worthwhile." I saw Frank look past me. I followed his eyes and saw Agnus leaving the courtroom. Frank traded a look with William and nodded his head toward Agnus. William moved quickly.

"We have an early wedding present for you," Frank smiled and quickly followed William. They approached Agnus with badges out.

"Agnus Tremaine," William announced loudly, "you're under arrest for fraud and conspiracy to commit the same." I covered my mouth as Agnus made a move to run away. In heels, she was no match for Frank.

"What's going on?" Peter asked me.

"I have no idea," I admitted. Agnus was handcuffed, her mouth spilling vulgarities at Frank and William. I had never heard her completely lose it before. She was never the image of purity, but now she sounded like a drunken street walker. Frank sat her down on a bench and began reading her her rights. She was shaking her head, demanding to be let go. William just smiled and walked back over to us.

"White collar crime is our beat," William said proudly.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"After what you told us about Agnus, Frank did a little investigating," William reported, pointing at Frank, "we are quite familiar with her lawyer." William put air quotes around the word 'lawyer.' "A little bit of questioning, some deal making and he sang like a bird."

"What did she do?" Peter asked.

"Why, altered your father's will to suit her needs," William said, looking at me. My father didn't screw me. That bitch did.

"Oh, my!" Rebecca said. Peter pulled me close, allowing me to borrow his strength. Wonderful thoughts of my father not intentionally leaving me to that woman began to be replaced by an anger. The things I began to think were awful and the handcuffs on Agnus made them seem doable. I looked up at Peter and he squeezed me in his arms. The anger dissipated and a smile formed. I took Peter by the hand and marched over to Agnus. Frank, thinking the worst, stepped in front of Agnus to protect his prisoner. I smiled at him and he relaxed.

"Thank you, Agnus," I said sweetly, as if I was talking to someone I cared about, "without you, I would have never found Peter." I watched her fume on the bench, looking everywhere but at me.

"Whiney bitch," Angus whispered to the wall.

"By the way," I said clearly, "you're fired." It was my company now and I didn't have to wait seven more years.

"I don't think we should invite her to the wedding," Peter said. I laughed.

"Frank, I hope you and William will come," I added.

"We wouldn't miss it," Frank replied, "you think you'll have more of that calamari there?" Peter laughed.


The wedding was a beautiful thing. Rebecca had pulled out all the stops. Everyone I loved was there, including three new US citizens. Kiran was my maid of honor and Aanya beside her. George stood for Peter, which had surprised me. I didn't know they were such good friends, though the idea of seeing George in the future pleased me. He had such a wonderful happiness about him. Raj stood in for my father and walked me down the aisle, or a walking path in our case. Judge Manfred was true to his word and presided happily.

Rebecca cried throughout the whole ceremony. I, for once, did not. I knew what I wanted and it was called Peter. There was nothing standing in the way anymore. When I said 'I do' it was clear and I made sure everyone heard it. Peter didn't stop smiling through the whole proceeding, almost as if he had a secret. I found it delightfully charming.

The Fountains was decked out for the reception. Food was in abundance, including a tray filled with calamari. Daniel contributed by locating the FBI logo and affixing to the side of the tray. The smiles it brought to Frank and William was worth Rebecca's scorn for having something out of place.

"So, I understand Tremaine Marketing was officially transferred to you yesterday," George mentioned as we gathered at the head table. I took Peter's hand in mine. I really liked being married.

Walking into the special board meeting, yesterday, seemed like a dream. The board members congratulating me, then looking shocked when I began to list the changes that were to occur. I shifted funds to the east coast where sales had been dropping off, enacted bonus adjustments that reflect actual profit gains, not status quo, and informed them of the need to replace Raj. They expected a girl and found a strong woman instead. It was exhilarating.

"Signed and sealed," I replied, "exactly how my dad wanted it." I looked at Peter, "he really would have liked you." Peter leaned in for a kiss. One of many that day. I saw George jerk suddenly and sit up straighter.

" will you balance work with a family?" George asked. It sounded foreign coming out of his mouth. Rebecca was sitting next to him, looking away with feigned indifference. I smiled knowing that George was Rebecca's patsy. It was Peter who answered.

"We've decided against children," Peter said as serious as possible, "they cry too much and there aren't enough qualified babysitters." I kicked him under the table for teasing his mother.

"I could babysit," Rebecca said in a panic before she realized that Peter was teasing her. The idea of a grandchild was plastered all over her face. I rose and walked over while Peter laughed.

"We think two is a good number," I whispered in Rebecca's ear. Peter and I had already had the conversation.

"Oh!" Rebecca said, her smile spanning the room. It was for her ears only and she kept it there. I sat back down, sharing a few more smiles with my mother in-law. She was now as happy as I was. Peter gave me another kiss, which I returned more passionately than I should in public.

After dinner, the band started warming up. Rebecca had mentioned that she wanted to see Peter dance again, and for once, he would be required. I didn't care that he lacked agility and grace. It would be our first dance as a married couple. His awkwardness would probably make it our last dance together, which was something I could live with. At least I would have tonight.

Peter rose when they called us out. He took my hand confidently with a smile and led me to the floor. I knew how difficult that was for him. That he went willing, spoke well of his love. I followed him, mirroring his smile. Preparing to compensate for his lack of skill. I suspected I would have to lead.

"I have a confession to make," Peter whispered, once we were on the floor.


"Those meetings I have had to attend lately weren't really meetings," Peter sighed, "I have been secretly seeing a lot of George lately and we've gotten pretty close." Stupid thoughts ran through my head as Peter took my lead hand in his and placed his other on around my waist.

"What?" I asked, trying to understand. I tried to shake off the stupid thoughts. Peter smiled.

"He's taught me to dance, my love," Peter said, humor and love in his eyes. The music started and he stepped off, leading me with a grace I didn't know he possessed. He danced like a prince.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

second time around was just as good as the first .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Wonderful story I've read multiple times. One of my top 5 on this site.

One problem: how did Agnus and the step-sisters not recognize Cindy/Ella at the ball, yet Peter did?

Still an enthusiastic 5*

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit24601about 1 month ago

Having joyfully read several of your other entries, I pounced on this one immediately after finishing The Festival. After the first page or so I grew a bit wary of finishing. You were sticking so closely to the Cinderella trope that I feared for sugar and saccharine. Buoyed, however, by the story’s score, I read on. I assumed the climactic “ball” would happen around page 10 of the 13.

Thank you for smashing the trope so early in the story. Everything after that was sublime. So much fun, but the requisite conflicts compounded beautifully. And the humor? I laughed out loud several times.

You have skills, my friend. Substantial skills.

strawboystrawboyabout 1 month ago

A charming update to the old story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

You are becoming one of my favourite authors here. Lovely story with plenty of humour, romance and a bit of "espionage" too. BardnotBard

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