The Corruption of Cinderella

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Cinderella turns the tables on her wicked step family.
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Note: This Story contains Themes of Humiliation, BDSM and Non-Consent/Reluctance.


1. Cinderella and the Royal Plight


The Prince was gone again, he was negotiating with a nearby kingdom, he was to be gone for some time. Cinderella slept alone in her lavish royal bed, she tossed and turned, a vivid nightmare haunted her mind. The nightmare was not some mental expression of an abstract fear, but rather a memory. Her life had been hard, both of her parents died and to say she was treated poorly by her stepfamily was an extreme understatement.

In this nightmare, Cinderella was replaying one of her most horrible moments. Cinderella had gotten an invitation to the grand ball the Prince was having. Her stepmother threw it away, but Cinderella feeling bold retrieved it from the trash. Cinderella became giddy with delight as she heard her stepsisters speak of all the rumors and gossip surrounding the ball. Cinderella let her mind wander into fantasy. It had been months since all the servants were either fired or left the manor in protest, yet Cinderella diligently kept the manor up, not for her stepfamily, but for herself. Cinderella desperately clung onto her early childhood years when her mother and father were still alive, the last time she remembered being happy.

Cinderella didn't know what she was thinking, talk of the grand ball really made her into an optimist, late at night she would go to the attic and try on her mother's dress, the last sentimental relic Cinderella had. Her Stepmother had destroyed or sold everything else that could have reminded Cinderella of her birth mother. Her stepmother kept Cinderella from running away by threatening to destroy this dress if she disobeyed her or her children; Evelynne and Portia.

Cinderella didn't know what came over her on the day of the ball. She wore her mother's dress and walked out to be taken to the ball with her stepsisters. She made the mistake of beaming with pride. She made the mistake of looking better than her stepsisters. Evelynne haughtily and calmly told Cinderella that had made a huge mistake She told her that she would be punished for trying to go to the ball and "usurp her destiny." Portia was less composed, almost immediately she threw a fit, stomping her feet, she cursed at her own mother for failing to get her a dress as beautiful as Cinderella's. It was Portia that first grabbed at Cinderella's dress.

Cinderella did fight back, but the rage and jealousy directed at her from her stepsisters was too much. They clawed and pulled, they tore Cinderella's dress to pieces, they laughed cackling laughs and pointed at the crushed girl, naked sobbing with the only memory of her mother shredded in her hands. Cinderella's stepmother Vivian had no reaction, except for a swift "serves you right!" They left Cinderella in the dirt, weeping hysterically over her lost memories and her crushed dreams. Evelynne and Portia continued to laugh and joke as their carriage carried them away to the grand ball.

Cinderella woke up crying. She had tried to forgive her stepsisters and her stepmother, yet she couldn't. She would probably be destitute and pathetic if it were not for the former servants of Cinderella's manor making their own dress and plotting to get Cinderella to the grand ball. Yet the awful memories still remained.


Cinderella had been bored with palace life lately. It had been months since she had become Princess and the Prince was gone at least half that time. Cinderella was elated when she first began living in the palace, but since then that feeling had worn off. Cinderella started to see a new side to the romanticized aristocracy and it began to corrupt her.

Cinderella knew now what the ancient King(the Prince's father) had meant when he told her.

"When you have everything you ever wanted, does it fulfill you? Is the human spirit incapable of such feelings of fulfillment? Riches, beauty, adoration, achievement, comfort, sex and every pleasure you can conjure in this mortal world are here. Yet there is a desire for more. The simple pleasures of life become dull, each banquet a chore, each act of pleasure becomes less and less appealing the more it is repeated. So now as the pleasure dulls, the mind wanders towards debauchery."

This debauched world is the world that Cinderella was thrown into after her marriage to the Prince. The royal family had absolute and total power over the lands of the kingdom. Bureaucrats, soldiers, professionals of all types did the work of the palace, the royal family and aristocracy was on another plane of existence. Constantly there were feasts, dances, parties, hunts, picnics, plays and, of course, the occasional orgy. Life was a whirlwind of pleasures and Cinderella was surprised by how quickly she had become bored. Cinderella had no ambition, she couldn't have ambition, her job was simply to look beautiful, she had nowhere to go, except the palace grounds and the surrounding township. She had married the Prince and would one day be Queen. She had not yet produced an heir for the crown Prince, but when she did, her responsibilities wouldn't last past giving birth, it was the servants who raised the children.

Cinderella was the most admired woman in the whole kingdom, whatever she did was copied by the lower nobility and the daughters of the merchant class. Once Cinderella twisted her ankle and walked with a limp. It became a trend to mimic this limp. Even after Cinderella recovered she noticed young women limping around simply because it was fashionable. Her dramatic story of winning the Prince's heart at the last possible moment, of rising from rags to riches made her a hero the servant class. To her credit, Cinderella had treated her servants much better than most of her royal cohorts. She was considered a saint, a perfect radiant beauty of pure grace.

One of Cinderella's first actions as Princess was a non-action. Cinderella, as it had been widely reported, was kept illegally as a slave for years by her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. She was beaten, humiliated, spit on and worse. It was in fact Cinderella's wicked step-family that attempted to prevent Cinderella from even attending the ball where she met her future husband, the Prince. Cinderella's wicked stepfamily themselves acknowledged this by groveling at Cinderella's feet, begging for forgiveness before Cinderella wed her beloved Prince. Cinderella proved to be a most merciful soul when she spared her stepfamily from any sort of punishment. At the time she felt as though it was punishment enough for her stepfamily to see Cinderella become the most admired woman in the kingdom, while they continued to live their lives, forever languishing in shame and disappointment.

Yet, Cinderella began to have second thoughts. It may have been her own step family that infused her soul with this predilection, or it may have been there all along. Cinderella at first was disturbed by this stirring within herself. Maybe it was because she had become bored with the usual pleasure of courtly love. Sex with the Prince was boring and formal. You see, Cinderella had a sadistic streak, she wanted to humiliate and degrade others. Now that the joys of daily life began to bore her, she had no choice, she had to pursue her itch.

She had some servants women punished for stealing, by having them publicly caned in the nude, although it was fiercely enjoyable, Cinderella felt guilt in having pursued this type of punishment towards women who while guilty, probably didn't deserve such a fate. Cinderella knew a group of three that did deserve just about everything she could throw at them. Her former stepfamily.

For weeks, Cinderella planned the most fitting and humiliating punishments for her former captors. She was going to manipulate them into debasing themselves in the most perfect soul-crushing ways. Each stepsister and her stepmother would have to suffer their own tailor-made punishment, specifically designed to shame and humiliate them to the bone. One day, Cinderella's mind raced, she burst into maniacal laughter, prompting others to wonder about her sanity. It was that day that Cinderella made her plans known to the High Inquisitor and arrangements were made immediately to capture and bring Cinderella's stepfamily to the royal palace to be given their humiliating, painful and elaborate punishments.


2. The Trial


Princess Cinderella sat on a throne high above the royal court, next to her was the High Inquisitor and seven judges, slightly below her was rows of minor aristocrats, lords, and ladies, each of them dressed in their finest suits and gowns. Although it wasn't hot in the room Cinderella fanned her face with an ornate fan and looked haughtily down at the empty court.

The whole layout of the royal courtroom was designed to place the representatives of the state high above those whom they were accusing. The High Inquisitor and the judges were mostly there for show, rarely did a criminal leave the court a free man or woman. For all intensive purposes, the courtroom simply existed to reinforce the power of the royal family and the state.

The High Inquisitor coughed into his hand in anticipation of an announcement, the murmuring courtroom fell dead silent. "Bring out the first prisoner."

Cinderella smiled as a woman walked out clad in nothing but a burlap sack, the woman was unchained but flanked by two armed guards, she looked dejected.

The High Inquisitor spoke again. "State your name prisoner."

Meekly the prisoner mumbled something inaudible.

"State your name so we can all hear it!" The High Inquisitor said clearly as his voice boomed through the halls.

In a scared and cracking voice, the prisoner called out, "Portia Keswick."

As the court recorder wrote on his paper the High Inquisitor spoke again. "Bring out Prisoner number two."

Another prisoner arrived also clad in nothing but a burlap sack arrived, she was prodded by the guards stumbling forward, cursing under her breath.

"State your name!" The High Inquisitor called out.

"Evelynne Keswick." The prisoner called out, a palpable anger was in her voice.

The High Inquisitor spoke again, "Very well, bring out the third and final prisoner."

The third prisoner also a woman walked forward ahead of the guards, she walked confidently with her head held high."

"State your name!"

"Vivian Keswick, Lady of the Keswick Estate." the prisoner spoke confidently.

"Very well, the names have been stated and now the charges may be read." The High Inquisitor cleared his voice and continued, "The three of you are accused of wrongfully enslaving and abusing the future Princess Cinderella. You suppressed the contents of her deceased father's will, unlawfully stripped her of her titles. You attempted to prevent her from attending the Prince's ball, an event she was legally entitled to attend. You attempted to prevent the Prince from finding the bride of his choice. These are serious charges more than worthy of a lengthy torture and execution, yet our highness the Princess in her infinite mercy has decided to instead give you an alternative punishment, as is her right as a member of the royal family." The crowd whispered and spoke in hushed tones to each other.

"SILENCE, THE PRINCESS HAS THE FLOOR!" The High Inquisitor yelled out authoritatively, which caused the room to fall silent as Cinderella stood and waited patiently for the appropriate time to speak.

"It has been months since I have seen my step family. Initially, I decided that it was punishment enough for them to know that I achieved the dream that they had sought after for themselves. Yet as time goes on, the wounds that they have induced on my psychologically continue to fester. You see, my mother, unfortunately, died when I was very young. Eventually, he married Vivian Keswick, who had her own daughters. I was initially thrilled to finally get the beautiful mother I always wanted and to have sisters as well. However soon after my father's marriage to Vivian, he died under mysterious circumstances, which I expect was poisoning. My father's will supposedly left everything to Vivian. Vivian became the head of the household and owned everything on the manor's property. Vivian allowed her daughters to abuse and degrade me, until I eventually decided to flee, being a mere girl I was apprehended and returned to my dear guardian, who decided as punishment to destroy keepsakes from my mother and father. These items were broaches dresses, toys, my only memories of my parents. She threatened to continue on this course if I ever ran away again. So I stayed. I watched as my step family ridiculed and abused the servants of the manner until each one fled. I watched as the manor fell into disrepair. I worked to maintain it. Meanwhile, I had take orders from my stepfamily as if I were their slave. They took to calling me Cinderella, a cruel nickname based on my dark sooty skin I had from cleaning the ashes out of the fireplace, my given name is Ella. I have since taken a liking to this name, it reminds me of my humble beginnings. But I digress. Each order I disobeyed I was severely punished, either by being beaten or by having one of my precious memories of my mother or father destroyed before my eyes. This continued well past my twentieth birthday. Until finally hope arrived in the form of an invitation to a ball. A ball that you all now know very well. The Prince being the most desired bachelor in the kingdom needed a wife and what better way than to get every eligible lady in the land together so that he could have his pick. I was elated, I dressed in my mother's gown which was at the time my very last one of her possessions in the manor. My sisters became so jealous when they saw me, they viciously stripped me naked tearing my dress to shreds. Then they left for the ball, leaving me hysterical and in the streets. Then a miracle happened, I was approached by the manor's former servants. You see those kind servants had heard of my plight, they had sewed me a dress, not knowing I was going to wear my mother's dress. It was the most beautiful gown I had ever seen. I will forever be grateful for the servants who never forgot me. I traveled to the palace in a farm cart and because of that was very reluctantly allowed to go to the ball. I arrived very late and caused a scene when I entered. I remember the Prince dropping my step sister Evelynne's hand and taking mine the moment I arrived on the dance floor. The Prince and I immediately fell in love. I still remember my stepmother screaming that I was "no more than a servant" and that I had "no legal right to marry the Prince." Afterward, it was found that my stepmother forged my father's will and that the will originally gave me control of the manor. Like the high inquisitor said, what has been done by these three was villainous and treacherous and the state has every right to torture and execute them. Yet I will be merciful, so long as they accept their punishments."

The High Inquisitor spoke again, "The state has made its case, now do the defendants have a rebuttal to this accusation.

It was custom to let the criminals defend themselves in court, to give the impression that the trials were fair. The reality was that the criminals, no matter how convincing never once were very rarely able escape punishment.

The two step sisters spoke in hysterics begging for mercy, simultaneously apologizing for their wrongdoing and saying that the accusations were false. Their stepmother Vivian interrupted them, her authority caused them to immediately stop their blubbering attempts at lessening their punishment.

"Oh my stepchild Ella, you have been dear to me, just as my own daughters have been dear to me. Yet we seem to have clashed at some point, I will admit that I sometimes went too far in my attempt to reign in your poor manners and bad behavior, and I should not have done that. I certainly would have never forged your father's will. You see it is my daughters who abused you and tore your dress. so sorry I turned a blind eye to their behavior. I have always loved you, please be lenient on me, for even in my current dismal state as a prisoner, under your mercy I am still proud of you, you are the light of my life." Insincerity seeped out of every word Vivian said, she could barely contain her hatred for Cinderella.

The High Inquisitor pounded his gavel, "Now the judges will make their decision if guilty Princess Cinderella has chosen, as is her right as a royal to punish these women in her own unique way. NOW LET THE JUDGES DECIDE!"

The judges left the room to discuss the fate of the three women, the crowd murmured, each one of them knowing that the judges would never decide against the Princess. Cinderella stared at her former abusers and smiled down upon them waving her fan, feeling the air gentle hit her face. All the while her stepfamily sweated and shifted nervously.

The judges returned with their verdict, they handed a piece of paper to the High Inquisitor and he read it out loud.

"The three prisoners, Portia, Evelynne and Vivian Keswick have been unanimously determined to be guilty of a first-degree capital offense. Therefore, they will be punished by their accuser, who is Princess Cinderella!"

Cinderella grinned from ear to ear as her stepfamily screamed and cried. Evelynne was shaking her fists and gritting her teeth, holding back her tears. Portia was kicking and screaming on the floor which was a common immature childish action that she easily reverted to. Vivian was silently crying, her head still held high, tears streaming down her cheeks. Cinderella locked eyes with Vivian, everything Vivian did was a scheme, Cinderella smiled knowing she would get the best of her evil stepmother.


3. Portia's First Punishment


Cinderella directed Vivian and Evelynn to be put at bay while Cinderella spoke to Portia about the first phase of her punishment. Portia was furious, the two guards held her in the center of the courtroom. Red-faced Portia screamed, demanding to be let go.

"Cinderella will now speak...SILENCE!" The High Inquisitor spoke forcefully.

Cinderella waited for Portia as well as the crowd noise to die down and then stood. "Portia, you are a spoiled brat!"

Portia struggled more and cursed at Cinderella, incensed at the insult.

"Do not deny it, it is true. Your stepmother has spoiled you in every way when you don't get your way you act like you're acting now, you become furious and throw temper tantrums. I know you are the youngest daughter, but you are a woman now, yet you have not matured. You continue to act like a child. I remember it well, when you first saw me in my mother's dress, you immediately lambasted your mother because she got you an inferior dress, it was, in fact, your insolent spoiled child-rage that led you to spearhead the ripping and tearing of my mother's beautiful dress."

Portia stomped her feet and cursed.

"When your food wasn't prepared right you cursed and hit the servants. Portia, you are a brat! Fortunately, we have a method of curing a spoiled child and that is a spanking." Portia screamed and pulled at her hair, unperturbed Cinderella continued.

"I have here today a special guest, a former servant of your manor, she was the cook you so routinely abused, she will administer your first, bare-bottomed spanking. But first you must be stripped."

"No, no, no! This can't be happening! No, no, oh this cannot be!" Portia was in a panic, she looked up at Cinderella and saw her smiling down on her as she felt her burlap coverings rip from her. Portia's arms flew wildly attempting to cover herself, she hopped on one leg as her thigh covered her crotch, one arm covered her breasts and a hand covered up her ass.

"Hands at your side!" Cinderella ordered and as expected Portia was not compliant.