The Correction of Debbie Donovan Ch. 13

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Mrs Hammersmith interferes in Debbie's training.
3.7k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/19/2017
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Chapter 13: Hung


"What are you waiting for girl? Strip!" Mrs Hammersmith demanded. "Can't you see everyone is waiting for you?"

The gym at Silvermill wasn't like any gym I'd ever seen before. It was half the size of the one at my school, but instead of being dark and gloomy, it was bright and airy. Late afternoon sunlight came streaming through tall windows along one wall. It bounced off the gleaming hardwood floor and was magnified by a huge mirror that ran along the opposite wall.

Four women were standing next to Mrs Hammersmith, but I recognized only one of them, Mitzy the seamstress. They were all staring at me, and I could tell they were eager to get a good look at me, as if they were thinking, "what's so special about her?" I was terribly embarrassed, and it didn't make me feel any better that they were attractive, and very fit. I could tell, because they were all half-naked like My Lady.

I fumbled with my zipper and managed to remove my skirt. I was thankful my panties were properly over top of my garter belt. I could feel myself sweating as I picked up my skirt and stood there like an idiot with it in my hand.

"Hang it up, Debbie," Mrs Hammersmith said in an impatient voice. She pointed with her chin at the wall behind me.

I noticed there were some fat wooden pegs on the wall above a wooden bench behind me. I hung my skirt on one of those. I was tempted to continue facing the wall while I finished undressing, but I knew it if did, it would get me in real trouble. So instead, I faced Mrs Hammersmith and the other ladies. With my head down, I could see her foot in a white sneaker, tapping impatiently as I struggled to get a grip on myself and shed my blouse.

After I hung up my blouse, I was confused whether I should take off my brassiere, or my panties next. I hesitated for a minute before she snapped at me.

"Good Lord, girl! Don't you even know how to strip?" she exclaimed as she slapped me across the face.

" Lady," I replied. It wasn't a hard slap, but after that, I didn't hesitate at all.

I removed my brassiere, panties, stockings and garter belt, suddenly too afraid to be embarrassed. Mitzy handed me my Silvermill gym uniform. It was only a pair of little white socks that didn't even come up to my ankle bone, a pair of flat white sneakers, and a tight, white halter top. The halter was almost like a brassiere, but smooth except where the Silvermill crest was embroidered high on my left breast. That was it; I was naked from just below my boobs all the way down to my ankles. I noticed the other ladies had their names embroidered in silver lettering on the broad, yolk-like back strap. Mine didn't have that. They also all had cute blue silk scarves around their necks, but I didn't get one.

"Finally!" Mrs Hammersmith exclaimed, but it was like all of a sudden she wasn't mad anymore. The other women all tittered, but I was still too scared even to crack a smile.

I stood in my proper pose, painfully aware that my bush was still very full and unruly compared to everyone else's. Miss Steeple said it was going to be professionally dealt with (something that scared me more than little), but it hadn't happened yet. From my quick glances, I'd noticed that two of the women were dark haired, and two were blondes, but of course none of them had pubes as fine and attractive as My Lady's reddish golden ones.

It was a good thing I got a look at them when I did, because after that, all I was going to see were backs and bums. "Just a brisk jog to warm ourselves up, Ladies; we'll keep the pace down for poor Debbie, who is sadly out of shape," Mrs Hammersmith said to them.

She turned to me. "Do try to keep up, girl," she said, still smiling. She reached around and slapped me on the bare bum, turned, and without looking back, led the others out into the backyard of the estate.

I followed her gorgeous, tight backside out into the chilly outdoors. As soon as I stepped outside, the cool air playing over my mostly naked body made me gasp. It was very chilly on my tummy and my bum, so I ran as fast as I could, but I was the shortest girl in the group, and in the worst shape, so very soon all of the other ladies had moved past me and I found myself looking at a whole pack of beautiful bare behinds. Mrs Hammersmith's was the finest of course, and I became mesmerized by the way her bum cheeks clenched and released and how the muscles of her long legs rolled easily with each, seemingly effortless, stride.

I guessed that the other ladies were all staff, but besides Mitzy, I didn't know what they did. One of the dark haired ones was a couple of inches taller than even Mrs Hammersmith, and had long legs like her, but was heavier and curvier. The other two were about my height and curvy, with great legs, and really tight bums like dancers. Mitzy was the shortest and had a very narrow waist, but even she had no trouble keeping up with the others.

I was never a very good runner to begin with, and soon I was falling way behind them all. As we left the back lawn and entered the woods I was already panting and my legs were aching. The path was smooth and covered with cinders, but as we went on, it became narrower, and started to twist and turn. The trees were on fire with the changing leaves, but I hardly noticed them at all. Before long, Mrs Hammersmith and the whole pack were out of sight. I knew it was wrong, but I kept slowing down until I was walking with one hand over my wildly thumping heart.

Then, the whole gang appeared from around a bend, heading back towards me, and I had a sinking feeling that they weren't headed for home. Even at a distance, through my teary eyes, I could see Mrs Hammersmith shaking her head as she ran, and I realized that they were coming back to get me. I started jogging again, suddenly finding new energy even though I felt like my lungs were going to explode.

"Oh youare in terrible shape, you little slut," she shouted at me as I stumbled along. She went behind me, and everyone followed her, and then she came up beside me so that now I was leading the pack.

"Yes...huh... huh...," I was just able to pant out. I looked up at her through my limp, heavy hair and saw that she had barely broken a sweat. She was breathing as if she had been on pleasant little stroll. I felt like I should apologize, but I couldn't get any words out.

"Oh, this will never do, you slovenly little bitch, not at all. I can't have a cow for a companion, now can I!" she said very loudly, and then she dropped out of sight behind me.

I kept doggedly on, trying to lift one foot up after the other, even though my feet felt as heavy as lead. I guess she must have ripped a switch from a bush behind me or something, because the next thing I knew, she was shouting. "Get a move on Debbie!" and then I felt a slashing sting at the bottom of my thighs.

I yelped as a thin line of fire ripped across my raw flesh. I sprinted forward trying to get away from the pain, but I couldn't keep it up, and she was right on me again, slashing away.

"Faster, faster, you lazy little slut," she taunted me. She sounded angry, but she was laughing at me at the same time, and pretty soon I couldn't hear anything at all over the roaring of the blood in my head and the sound of my ragged breathing.

She just kept chasing after me like that, and I hollered, and that made her laugh and hit me harder. But I couldn't go any faster. My legs just got stiffer and clumsier until I stumbled and fell face first onto the cold hard ground.

"Tie the lazy hussy to a tree," she shouted, and immediately there were hands all over me, picking me up off the ground. I was propped up between two naked bodies, whimpering. I didn't dare look up, so I just hung limp between them with my head down as someone wound a length of yellow rope around my wrists binding them together.

"No, oh no!" I cried and immediately felt a sharp sting to my nipple as Mrs Hammersmith flicked it deftly with her stick. I shut up and was dragged off the path, and the next thing I knew my arms were being tugged upwards right up over my head. I opened my eyes, but everything was blurry. "No, no, My Lady, no," I cried out again as I felt myself being stretched and lifted upwards.

"Silence, Debbie!" Mrs Hammersmith snapped and I felt the switch cut at my thighs and bum as I slowly twisted and rose until I was up on my tip toes.

Pain wracked my body all over. My wrists burned from the rope, my arms felt like they were going to be torn out of their sockets, and my skin was seared by the cold air freezing my sweat. The bite of the switch cut through it all, and I bit down on my lip and managed to shut myself up. I twisted slowly, hanging from a branch, and had to scrabble with my toes to hold myself steady. I had just balanced myself when I saw that they were all back on the path.

"My Lady don't leave me!" I cried, but she just looked over her shoulder and laughed at me.

"You rest, little slut, I'll get you on the way back, in about an hour!"I couldn't help it, I wailed out in despair, but she didn't even turn around.

Left all alone in the cold and the gathering darkness I started to cry. I cried as loudly as I could, great big wahhhing, choking noises, but nobody came to help me, and after a while I settled down into desolate sobs and watched my big fat tears drop from my eyes down onto the leaf littered forest floor at my feet.

I don't know how long I was there, I don't think that I ever stopped sobbing, but I had closed my eyes and was concentrating on keeping my balance when I heard Miss Steeple say. "Stop those tears you foolish girl."

I opened my eyes and she was standing there with two of the Amazons. I clamped my mouth shut before I could burble out anything that would get me into more trouble. Without a word the women quickly took me down and unwound the rope from my arms.

I sagged into Miss Steeple's arms. "Thank you mistress, thank you, I..."

"Stand up girl, you're not hurt. Do you expect to be carried?" she demanded and pushed me up straight. "Get inside before you embarrass yourself any further. Honestly, you have to stop being such a sissy," she said. Her tone was very sharp, but she didn't slap me, and I guess she walked pretty slowly as we went back to the mansion.


Mr Hammersmith expected the training and correction of Debbie Donovan to continue apace, so I had no choice but to bury my frustration with the lady of the house and push forward without delay, adapting to the changing circumstances as best I could. I recognized the girl's need for physical training, and I had allotted time for it, so it was not a total waste for Mrs Hammersmith to go dragging her off into the woods, just irresponsibly disruptive. I also knew that Debbie needed toughening up which is why I had insisted that she walk on her own two feet back to the main house once she had been taken down from the tree even though I could easily have had her carried by the Wardonians.

I put her in the shower straight away, to clean and warm her up, and to give me the opportunity to examine the damage Dianne had done with her reckless use of a homemade switch. There was no question that she had gone too far, some of the marks on her upper thighs would not fade for a least another forty eight hours, and the rope burns to her wrists could take days to disappear. This would require further changes to my plans, and perhaps even warrant a call to her husband.

There was no time to fuss, and no time to rest, so as soon as the shower began to revive her, and even as I rubbed down her wounds, I continued her lessons. To her credit, she recovered quickly and listened to me with a new sense of urgency. I drilled her with math problems even as she went through another fitting of her new clothes.

The Lady herself had been nowhere to be seen, which was a great relief. So we got quickly through the fitting and had almost reached the end of fellatio 101 before she reappeared. I belated realized that I should have been more concerned about what she had been up to after her little stunt in the woods.


Debbie settled back onto her knees choking and gasping, "I'm sorry mistress, I just can't take it all in, my throat closes up on me," she said blinking her watery eyes.

"That's to be expected at first, this is why we practice," I replied with genuine sympathy wiping the saliva from her slightly bruised lips. I was at great pains to go easy on the girl, remembering Mr Hammersmith's directions, and to offset the shock of Mrs Hammersmith's rough handling.

"Thank you mistress, I am trying so hard," she replied.

She was trying. "Now you hold the master's cock, and I will demonstrate again, watch carefully." I said.

The master's cock which I was referring to was not, alas, the real thing, but merely a very accurate replica made of some marvelous latex/rubber compound from his chemical research company in Ohio. It was exact in size and shape, and very close to real thing in terms of flexibility and firmness, although the wizards of the laboratory had been unable to replicate its silky feel, its incredible taste, or the satisfying offering of pre-cum that should have oozed from its magnificent head. There was also a semi-hard version, but that was for more advanced training since it is not something Debbie would see very often.

She took it reverently by its big half balls and held it firmly against the cushion of the easy chair on which we had been practicing. Right from the beginning of the lesson I had noted how the phallus had served to focus he attention, excite her, and yet comfort her as well. This was a very good sign.

"It's all about relaxation Debbie," I said rubbing the base of her throat gently. You must relax you throat, you must still your mind in the confidence that your master will never hurt you, and that you will not hurt him."

"Yes mistress," she replied reverently, regarding me with her large earnest eyes.

"Now in this position, you must get up as high as you can," I said placing my hands on either side of the phallus and coming up as straight as I could on my knees. "It is quite permissible to place your hands on his thighs, and even raise yourself up if necessary." Saying this I rose, and positioned myself directly above the cock, bending at the waist. "This way you can lower..."

"Oh that is a charming sight," Mrs Hammersmith remarked with a throaty chuckle from behind me. I closed my eyes and gave a deep, involuntary sigh. Licking my disappointed lips I slowly straightened and turned around to face her.

Debbie had risen quickly to her feet beside me and stood with her head down, the training penis held firmly behind her back. There was not a trace of anger in Dianne's voice, she seemed relaxed, even gay as she sauntered into the study as if the entire episode in the woods had never taken place. From the quick intake of her breath I could tell that Debbie was not reassured by this. As for myself, I could tell by the way she was dressed that the night's travails were far from over.

"Oh don't let me interrupt," she said breezily, quickly closing the distance between us to tower over Debbie. I say tower, because the boots she wore had five-inch heels which brought her to well over six feet tall, at least a full foot taller than Debbie and I in our modest three inch shoes.

Debbie looked up at her, but before she could stammer out a greeting, Mrs Hammersmith continued; "She's a very accomplished cocksucker, our Miss Steeple," she said. And without looking away from Debbie, she lifted the tip of her crop to my lips and pressed it there.

It was her long crop, the one she called her whippit, five feet long and very slender. It went with her outfit, which consisted of a full nylon bodysuit beneath a short leather cinch, thigh high leather boots and leather gloves that ran all the way to her armpits. All in black setting off the pale marble of her face which was the only exposed skin.

Still holding Debbie with her eyes she ran her fingers along the girl's cheek to her lips, pressing her thumb hard against them, but didn't force them in. "You see, Debbie, I have only ever sucked one cock in my entire life," she said with a sweet smile. "And Miss Steeple, well she has sucked many, many cocks..."

Now she turned her eyes on me and pressed the tip of her whippit hard against my lips, forcing open my mouth, causing me to instinctively dart out my tongue and greet it. Having accomplished this, she slipped the tip along my lips to caress my cheek with its now wet leather flap. "How many was it Nancy?" she asked. "Cocks, that is?"

"I couldn't say, madam," I replied evenly. "I didn't keep count."

"Ohhh, so many that you couldn't even keep track. Small cocks though mostly, am I correct, young cocks?"

"I did not suck the cocks of my students if that's what you are implying," I replied. That was a slander that had followed me for years. Certainly it was common for the unruly young lads to ejaculate when I took my hand to their bare backsides, but that was hardly the same as sucking them off.

"Hmmmm," she replied with smug skepticism. She rounded on Debbie suddenly. "What are you hiding behind your back you naughty little girl?"

"Ummmm...oh," Debbie replied, and before I could admonish her, Dianne slashed her whippit across the stiff cup of the girls new brassiere.

Debbie brought the phallus quickly around and held piously in both hands in front of chest.

"Your master's cock, are you ashamed to say that?" she demanded and gave her a swift blow to the bare skin of her thigh where it was exposed above her stocking top and the bottom of her panties.

"Oh no My Lady, I'm not ashamed, I love my master's cock," she replied immediately and with not so much as a flinch.

Dianne's face slowly went from stern to gentle. "Kiss it,' she said.

Debbie lifted the phallus to her lips, puckered and gave it a reverent kiss.

"Excellent, oh how darling!" Diane exclaimed and slapped her whippit against her boot loudly several times.

"Now lick it. Just the head, just with the tip of your wicked little tongue, that's it, very good. No don't stop."

Debbie slowly swirled the tip of her tongue around the head of the phallus, eyes lowered in Zen-like concentration.

"Isn't she such a sweet girl?" Dianne asked turning to me with bright glittering eyes.

"Yes madam," I replied.

"Isn't she such...a...sweet...fucking...wicked...dirty...naughty...nasty...little whore of a girl?" she asked punctuating each word with fierce blows to her boots. Smiling all the while.

Debbie let out a low moan; a familiar sound of resignation, fear and sexual longing.

"We were just finishing up Madam," I said, hoping to break the manic momentum that was seizing the lady of the house.

"Oh, good, good," she replied turning once again to me and laying the shaft of her whippit along the side of my neck. "Then it must be time for her daily punishment!"

"Yes madam, I..."

"Tush, tush, tush," smiled at me. "I have the very thing prepared."

"Madam..." I started to protest, but she drew the thin shaft of the whippit, along my neck, swung the tip in front of my face catching my nose with a stinging blow, even as she turned back to Debbie.

She gave Debbie a crack on the forearm. "Stop that at once, you greedy harlot. Put down your masters cock!"

"Yes mistress," Debbie replied with a noticeable quaver in her voice and quickly placed it down on the easy chair.

"Not there! Some unworthy ass might sit on it by accident. On the table, put it on the table, girl!" she snapped and gave Debbie a couple of firm whacks when she turned and bent down to do so.

Mrs Hammersmith was in fine form tonight, busily piling mischief upon mischief in eager anticipation of the reckoning her husband would enact when he returned home. There was nothing I could do about it other than try to prevent her from causing the girl serious bodily harm.