The Conspiracy of Silence Ch. 02

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Mark starts to interact with the rest of the family.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/22/2007
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The next two or three weeks were frustrating. Toni and Tina had put on a great show, but had pushed me out. And seemed intent on keeping me out. I phoned both of them, but they were "too busy" to see me. I bumped into Tina at work, regularly, but again although she would chat for a few moments, she would never agree to meet. She would often give hints about what was happening. She once said: "Well, I've got someone else in my life now, as you should realise..." then flounced off. Another time she said "I've got a lot of catching up to do, and I'm doing it..." and again quickly disappeared.

It was the same with Toni. Again I would meet her at the sports centre, but each time she had an excuse. Once she claimed she ."..wanted to stay in on her own - have family time..." Another time, she was too busy ."..discovering a new side to her life..." Typical of Toni to be a bit more "sophisticated" in her excuses!

One thing was certain to me. There was a glow to the two sisters, a happiness, which suggested they were certainly catching up, enjoying each other. Enjoying each other not just as sisters. I suppose in the end I should have expected it. I had broken a taboo for both of them, and having broken it they were embracing their new relationship, and exploring it to the full. At the moment the female-female relationship was all embracing, but in time, perhaps a few weeks, or months, they would be open to a man - hopefully me - again.

About three weeks after I received a letter in the post which seemed to confirm all my amateur psychologising about what was happening with Tina and Toni. More a parcel. I opened it, and sure enough there was a card - a huge "Thankyou" card. I opened it and read it. "Dear Mark, Please forgive us for keeping you out over the last few weeks. We hope you understand - this is the beginning of a 'new' life for us, and there is so much to discover. We still care for you. In time we will want you again. Please give us a bit of time, but you will get your reward in the end. If you want, please drop by for chat - but nothing more at the moment, please. We hope you understand." It was signed by both Tina and Toni.

The card gave me an odd reaction - I was nearly in tears! I analysed it - no, it wasn't sadness at not being with them, it was a happiness and emotionalism that the two sisters were clearly enjoying something totally new for them both. But I would drop by and chat.

It was about a week later I plucked up courage to visit the two sisters - a Thursday evening. I parked up. I rang the door bell. The door opened. I couldn't believe I could be so nervous as I expected Toni or Tina to be stood there. It was quite a shock - I should have realised it might not be them. Stood at the door was a lady in her late forties, with medium length fair hair wearing a white blouse and Red skirt. I guessed it was Toni and Tina's mother. She waited for me to speak.

"Hi, I'm Mark, I was looking for Tina or Toni. Are they in."

As I said the name Mark I could see comprehension come to her face and she relaxed. "Sorry, they are both out. Are you the Mark who fixed the washer that weekend?"

"Yes, that's me." I hesitated. "No problem, perhaps I'll try another time."

The lady jumped in quickly - I hadn't even heard her name. "Wait. I'm Grace, their mother. I wanted to say thank you for what you did that weekend. Sorted out a real problem for them. Why don't you come in for a moment...?"

At that moment Grace stood aside to let me into the house. I followed her in - easier than making myself a drink when I got home!

Grace led me through to the kitchen, pointed to a chair. "Coffee?" she asked.

"Please, would love a cup." I answered her.

Grace made the coffee in silence, put a mug in front of me, before continuing, clearly launching into something that she had been turning around in her mind while making the coffee. "Do you know, I don't know what it is, but since that weekend - we worked it out - the girls have been different. They used to argue, but they don't any more. They used to do completely different things, but now seem to spend lots of time together. Often stay at home, when they used to go out all the time. What happened?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't know, can't think of anything..."

It was a prompter for Grace to talk about her two daughters, how Tina had been difficult as a teenager, how Toni studied hard. It was the sort of conversation a proud mother takes the lead in, telling about some of the funny things the girls had done and said, talking about how they had got into trouble. Mentioning first boyfriends. If Tina and Toni had been there they would have been very embarrassed, as every young person is by their parents, but for me it was easy and pleasant enough conversation, and it was good to know a bit more about the girls. At one stage Grace mentioned how she had to look after the girls alone so often, with her husband away working so often, just as he was this week.

We chatted for about an hour and a half, when Grace suddenly said. "Sorry, I shouldn't have kept you this long. I'm sure you've got things you want to do. You don't want to spend ages with an old woman like me." A couple of minutes later I was leaving with an invitation to call by any time.

Over the next few weeks I did see the girls at work and the sports centre. I did call a couple of times - once the whole family were there - I met their father Brian as well - a quiet friendly man; once their mother was there on her own, and again I was invited in for coffee, and left after chatting for an hour. Once the family - Grace did the ringing - phoned me up because they needed help shifting a huge tree trunk in the garden that needed digging out. It took two hours. I ended so muddy they insisted I went home to shower.

After helping with the tree trunk, the family seemed to expect that I would do things for them. I was happy to be friends with the family, to dream of Toni and Tina, but it almost seemed like they began to use me. After the tree trunk, they asked me to give lifts. Brian would take me to the pub to complain all evening about work. Or his family. They even asked me to cut the hedge. Mow the lawn. Move furniture. Perhaps I'm just too soft, but if a friend asks me to help, then I do. And I did. They always had a plausible excuse why they couldn't do it, or claimed their car/mower/hedge cutter was not working. The most I ever got in return was a cup of coffee.

It came to a head one Sunday when they asked if I could do some painting for them because they had to "go somewhere." I did, rather reluctant to give up my Sunday. I had worked perhaps 7 hours, painting the woodwork on the house, when they returned home. We were sharing a cup of coffee when Toni said "it was great we could go to the beach on a warm day like this." My mind missed it at first, when her mother, Grace, said "Yep, I love it down on Shell beach." Brian chipped into the conversation next: "yep, it was good we could get Mike to do the painting so we could have a free day..."

My mind had tuned into what was happening. Incredulously I asked "You mean to say you have had me painting your house, so that you could have a day on the beach?"

Grace responded. "Oh yes, we are very grateful, we love going to the beach."

I was stunned. "What...?"

Grace continued. "Well, you've finished your coffee, Mike, perhaps you had better get home to get yourself cleaned up ..."

There was a pause, one of those moments where the family expected me to just go on my way. There was a pause for me as I seethed at what I had been hearing. They had had a day out. I'd painted their house for them. Mowed their grass. Cut their hedge. Dug up their tree-stump...I could hold it back no longer...

"You mean..." I shouted, hesitated ... "You mean, you've been sunning yourselves on a beach while I've been painting your house for nothing?" Nothing could stop the outburst now I'd started. "And the times I mowed your grass, cut your hedges, dug up your tree trunk? What were you doing then? Out at bingo? I've listened to you lot moan. Whinge. I worked my butt off. For what? NOTHING. Absolutely nothing! You have given nothing in return..."

I paused to catch breath. They were silent, stunned by my outburst. Before I could get going again Grace tried to speak quietly. "Perhaps you'd better go, Mike..."

"GO, GO?." It was a red rag to a bull. I shouted at Grace "That's it, isn't it. You get someone to do your dirty work. Brian gets someone to moan to down the pub all evening. You get a young bloke to come and flatter your ego. Your two daughters end up fucking each other endlessly because of me..."

I shouldn't have said it. It was out before I realised. I tailed off lamely. "And I get nothing."

The room was silent . Stunned. Tina and Toni stood there bright red with embarrassment. Grace was speechless. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Brian's trousers were beginning to bulge - clearly imagining his two daughters together...

Grace spoke again, quietly, commandingly. "Go. Now."

Not commandingly enough. I wasn't to be stopped. "Go, Now? I don't think so. Look at those two..." I waved my hand at the two daughters; "They are desperate to get to bed so they can get their heads between each other's legs. Look at him..." I waved my hand at Brian... "He is imagining them in action, and has a cock as stiff and big as a cucumber. What about you?" I stared hard at Grace. "What makes your cunt wet?"

The silence was deafening. I had gone too far, much too far. I was about to let go of my stare into Grace's eyes, about to turn and leave, when Grace spoke in almost a whisper. "You do."

The silence was even more deafening. I looked her up and down - for the first time realising that her slim figure was quite attractive, her face pretty. The rage was still there. After what seemed an hour of electrified silence - perhaps in reality not even a minute - I turned to the Father and daughters: "You three stay here," I ordered them.

I reached out to Grace's hand, pulled her and ordered her: "You come with me."

The others were unmoving as I dragged her through the door, up the stairs, pushed at a bedroom door - not even sure whose bedroom it was. I turned to her, put my arms around her and pulled her to me, putting my lips to hers kissing her hard, thrusting my tongue into her mouth. For those moments I held the kiss I wasn't even aware if she responding. It didn't matter.

I released her, stepped back, reached out and removed her t-shirt. I stepped closer, reached around her and undid her bra, letting it fall to the floor. I stepped back again to admire her breasts which now were free.

With my finger I flicked one of her nipples which instantly stood erect. I stepped closer to her again, reached around her and undid her skirt. I pulled the skirt along with her panties to the floor and again stepped back to take in her naked body. She stood there, not co-operating, but not trying to stop me.

I quickly removed my clothes, my cock very hard, and heard her gasp as my cock came into her view. I picked her up, and dropped her onto the bed. I was on top of her, I grasped her breasts, Grace releasing a moan of pleasure. I instantly thrust forward, my cock plunging deep into her pussy. She was very wet indeed. I was in her completely, and as I reached full depth her legs and arms wound around me, holding me strongly.

I wasn't going to wait, I began to slide my cock in and out of her. I felt so hot, my mind so mixed up, I couldn't hold back as I spoke to her. "This is how I fucked Toni. This is how I fucked Tina." As I slid in and out of her, I felt her body respond to my words with even more arousal - I didn't care what her mind thought. "You three have all got fantastic cunts. Feel so go..."

I slid harder as she responded more to my words. "Who do you want me to fuck next? Brian?" We fucked harder and harder as I spoke more and more obscenities to her. They must have heard her moaning downstairs. If they didn't hear her moaning, they must have heard her scream as she came, the same moment I filled her with my cum. Our bodies, squirmed, tossed, jerked as wave after wave of orgasm swept over us. It took an age to come down, before I was lying on top of her, my cock softening in her pussy, then slipping out.

I could just make out Grace's whispered words. "Please - that was so good."

I smiled at her. "You're a bigger slut than your two daughters."

Suddenly I got of the bed, pulled Grace to her feet and dragged her back down the stairs, still naked. It was a strange scene as we re-entered. Toni and Tina were stood side by side holding hands. Brian stood beside them, his trousers tented at the front. All three of them staring at the door.

I dragged Grace into the room, and said with sneer: "So there is your mother, wife..." I looked at each of them in turn as I said it. ." she is, well and truly fucked. Well and truly full of my cum."

Brian gasped, said "No." but I saw his trousers twitch as he said it. I walked over to him, stood in front of him.

"Brian." I smiled a friendly smile - I really did like Brian. I reached out to the front of his trousers, bulging, and softly tapped his cock. "You have a real problem here. Perhaps we need to sort it next."

Brian stood, trembling nervously and excitedly. I reach out, quickly undid his belt, undid his trousers, let them fall to the floor. We all looked for a moment. It was grace who started giggling; soon Tina and Toni were giggling. I smiled broadly. Brian looked very embarrassed as I revealed the pair of black lacy panties - probably Grace's - that he was wearing.

Somehow the giggling and the smiling and the panties broke the atmosphere for everyone except Brian. Again I reached out, let my fingers run over his cock, this time through the panties. I reached behind him, pulled the panties tight and again let my fingers roam over his cock. It was too much for the already tight panties - they broke, came away in my hand.

"Okay Brian", I said in my commanding voice. "Jerk off. Give us a good show."

His face was read, his lips said "No," but his cock betrayed him - looking to grow even harder. After a few moments he moved his hand, grasped his cock and started to slide his hand up and down. Somehow the humiliation of having his wife fucked, of being stripped in front of his family - particularly his daughters, was too much for him. He slid his hand up and down his cock, faster and faster, suddenly crying out as he spurted cum all over the floor, leaving quite a mess.

It was clear that Brian was acutely embarrassed after he had cum, and rushed to hide his now shrinking cock.

"Don't hide yourself!" It was Grace who spoke fiercely to him, after he tried to hide himself and his embarrassment with his hand. Brian jumped, but quickly removed his hand.

There was a pause, no-one quite knowing what to do. It's not everyday when you are in a room with a woman who has your cum dribbling down the inside of her leg, a man who has just publicly masturbated and their two daughters holding hands, desperate to get to get to bed with each other. Perhaps was time to leave them to it, let them sort the muddle.

I spoke in my "friendliest" voice. "That was fantastic. You told me to go just now. Perhaps I ought to. But I'll be back. Perhaps Tina and Toni should show their parents what they like doing."

As I left I saw the two girls embrace, begin to kiss. I saw Brian and Grace glued to what was going to happen. I don't what I had done to the family, but something amazing was happening. They certainly wouldn't be the same again. And I would certainly see a lot more of them...

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bigmud819bigmud819over 9 years ago

There should be more to this story. Give ys the next chapter.

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