The Complete Adventures of Quinn

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The humiliating and heroic chronicles of a female pirate.
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Originally published under my old literotica username newfavorite, I decided to edit and improve this four part story and make it into one large story. The story's main themes are humiliation and revenge. It contains some brief male humiliation, but mostly females are humiliated. Overall it contains, ENF, spanking, oral and anal sex, lesbian sex, elements of dom/sub bdsm, bondage and mind control.

The story is set in a fantasy world, knowing fully well that people will skim to the good parts I have broken the story up into many chapters. I will also give you a breakdown of the major plot points and characters. The story is fairly fast paced.

Quinn: The protagonist, a pirate captain who frees slaves and smuggles goods.

Jack Bellmont: Quinn's supplier and buyer of smuggled goods.

Charisma: A Villain who manipulates Quinn and then betrays her.

Vixen: An assassin hired to kill Quinn.

Purity: The leader of the "Order of the Blue Rose" she is publically a figure that crusades against immorality, but privately holds many secrets.

Mirico: An inventor of a powerful Elixir

Fairbeard: A pirate with a "harem of men."

Blacksword: A rival of Quinns

Ravenhair: An old female pirate who taught Quinn a thing or two.

Portsmouth: A busy merchant hub with a deep water port.

The Kingdom of Admentium: The Kingdom Portsmouth belongs to, despite its name it is run by a parliament.

The Dryquell Empire: A powerful empire built on the slave trade, a rival to the Kingdom of Admentium. The Dryquellians will do anything to gain influence over the major cities of the Kingdom of Admentium.

The Order of the Blue Rose: A society of rich people that outwardly wants to bring morality back to Portsmouth, but is in reality filled with greedy profit seekers who want to remove barriers to the slave trade.

On with the story...

***Part 1: The Mutiny***

***I. Quinn Walks the Plank***

Quinn Merchantine stood at the end of a plank that stretched from a ship over the open ocean. She was completely nude, her toes precariously curled over the edge of the plank. Quinn looked into the vast ocean, miles away she could see a faint outline of Portsmouth, a bustling hub of merchant activity and her hometown. Portsmouth didn't feel like home anymore, the slave trade had corrupted the town, now her home was her ship. The normally stoic and tough Quinn felt her chin quiver, she was being betrayed, she was losing her beloved ship. The sharp pain of a bullwhip lashing against her back almost made her stumble into the ocean. Her arms circled and waved as she tried to hold her balance. Quinn had been able to hold back her tears until this point, she was a pirate and pirates did not shed tears. Yet she could not hold back any longer, she felt a tear run down her cheek and she began to audibly sob, she knew her spirit was breaking.

Quinn heard a taunting female voice laugh behind her, "It looks like she's not so tough after all." Quinn's head was spinning, it was just yesterday that she was the most feared female pirate on the west coast of Admentium. Just a few days previously Quinn was rich, she had a seemingly loyal crew and she had the utmost respect among her pirate cohort. Now she was stark naked in front of a stowaway who had somehow gotten four members of her crew to be complicit in a mutiny.

Quinn was short, with medium length black hair, her large breasts, wide hips and full lips caused many men mostly pirates to court her, yet she was uninterested, and if anyone gave her too much flack or groped her she just happened to be extremely good with a sword. There were some overzealous horny louts that lost a hand after touching Quinn. Yet now Quinn was swordless, she was also lacked her captain's garb. Goosebumps formed on her buttocks, she cringed as she heard the crackling feminine laugh again, Quinn had lost everything and now she was being taunted.

It happened so quickly. Quinn and most of her crew had their food laced with some sort of poison that knocked them out cold. The loyal members of Quinn's crew were in shackles and would surely be sold into slavery, some of them were on the ship's deck looking at Quinn's backside as she precariously stood at the edge of the plank. They too were naked and gagged, Quinn felt some form of pride as her former crew struggled and screamed through their gags, horrified as their captain walked the plank.

Quinn had pushed numerous slave traders off of her plank, she saw one eaten by sea-beasts before her eyes. Quinn remembered feeling a sadistic satisfaction as she heard the slave traders beg for their own lives before being thrown to the open ocean. Quinn knew all too well the reason why she was tortured , why her plank walking was being so drawn out. Her captor wanted to hear her beg and grovel. Quinn would not give her captor this pleasure. Quinn may have lost her clothes, her crew, and her livelihood, but she was determined to die with at least a shred of dignity. Even if Quinn did manage to swim to Portsmouth, she would be arrested and paraded through town and probably executed after that, someone had spread the idea that she was murderous and vile, a public menace. Nothing could be further from the truth, Quinn had killed when she needed to, but she only raided slave ships and smuggled illegal goods, of all the pirates she was one of the least vile and most moralistic.

Hope was dying fast for Quinn. With the sounds of taunting in her ears, Quinn closed her eyes and jumped off the plank. This was her only option, this way her crew would not hear her sob or complain, it was important for Quinn that she was a good example for her crew, even as she faced death. Quinn threaded in the ocean her now wet face hid her sobbing as she looked up at her beloved ship the "Madam Ambrose" her captor peeked over the edge smiled and waved a dainty wave just to rub salt into Quinn's wounds one last time. Slowly the ship turned around heading away from Portsmouth. Quinn could still hear the laughter from the bitch who stole her ship. As Quinn saw her ship sail into the distance, she had one singular thought on her mind, and this singular thought gave her breath in her lungs, it gave her the will to go on. The thought was revenge.

***II. Some Time Earlier...***

The day that would forever change Quinn's fortunes was like any other day, she docked the "Madam Ambrose" at Pirate's Cove and as her crew went off to gamble and see prostitutes Quinn dealt with business.

Quinn mostly sold her goods at the secret port of "Pirate's Cove" various merchants from around the world bought and smuggled goods from pirates at the "Pirate's Cove" Quinn's usually sell her goods to Jack Bellmont, a man who was at one point friends with Quinn's deceased brothers. Quinn used her ill-gotten smuggling money to fund her more courageous goal of freeing slaves from slave ships.

It was just a few weeks when Quinn was at Pirate's Cove making a transaction with Jack Bellmont's middleman that she got an unexpected stowaway. She was a young woman no more than 25 years old, with red hair and a shapely figure. Quinn was taken aback by this stowaways beauty and her charisma. Fittingly her stated name was actually Charisma. Quinn almost immediately had to suppress her jealousy when looking at Charisma. Charisma had a seductive but wicked smile and a natural confidence that did not at all seem forced. While Quinn did possess her own leadership, it was hard earned, it took years for Quinn to hone her leadership and gravitas, whereas Charisma seemed born with it. Charisma had long shimmering red hair and full lips. Even though Charisma's drab clothing Quinn could see her elegant but shapely figure. Carisma was much taller than Quinn and seemed to carry herself like a socialite. Charisma's stated reason for taking refuge on the "Madam Ambrose" was her admiration for Quinn. Quinn, of course, was flattered, and immediately embraced Charisma was one of her own despite her feelings of jealousy. One of Quinn's weakness was her willingness to trust people who fed her ego.

Quinn immediately explained to Charisma that she had a moral code. She raided slave ships and participated in smuggling, she did not kill innocents if she could avoid it. Most of the slave ships were from the Dryquell Empire, a rival empire that had corrupted Portsmouth with their slave trading, turning the merchant city of Portsmouth into one of the centers of the slave trade. Quinn also reasoned that her smuggling was not immoral because the laws that prevented goods from coming into Portsmouth were hypocritical and draconian, especially considering the slave trade was allowed.

Quinn also explained to Charisma that there was a code amongst the pirates of Pirate's Cove, each of the various pirate's crews were actually part of a larger Pirate Guild and under no circumstances were they to raid each other's ships. In return for agreeing to not raid each other's ships, each pirate was bound to protect each other and not to interfere with each other's business. Quinn seemed to go on for hours going over the finer details to Charisma, who seemed to listen intently soaking all of the information in.

Quinn had motivation for her immediate trust of Charisma. Quinn was now in her early thirties and realizing that her life may not be a long one if she continued her piracy, she was eager to train a female to be capable of steering a ship. Quinn was very proud of the fact that she was both a woman and a captain, she did not want to leave piracy without having a female replacement.

Over the next few weeks, Charisma sailed the seas, raiding various slave ships and taking various shipments of smuggled goods to Portsmouth and other ports. During this time Charisma and Quinn became good friends, Quinn talked about her life, her experiences and her personal philosophies, Charisma just seemed to listen. Quinn was okay with this relationship, she always enjoyed having sounding boards for her own voice, as skilled as Quinn was as a pirate, she was also filled with hubris.

Charisma learned very quickly. It had taken Quinn years under her father's guidance to learn how to maneuver a ship the way she did.

***III. The Origins of Quinn***

The "Madam Ambrose" was actually her father's ship, he was a merchant when he was still alive. The Ship was named after Quinn's mother who died giving birth to Quinn. Quinn's two older brothers were set to take over their father's operation when they were both killed after they signed up to be naval soldiers during the "War of the High Seas" a war between the "Admentium Empire" and the "Kingdom of Dryquell." The war was fought because Portsmouth outlawed slavery and the larger Empire of Dryquell, not wanting to lose a lucrative market assassinated the King of Admentium. The War of the High Seas ended when a splinter group overthrew the Queen of Admentium and installed a parliament that favored slavery. It was always strange to Quinn that the old royal family of Admentium was opposed to slavery, whereas the supposively more democratic government allowed it.

Quinn's father was crushed by the deaths of his sons but trained Quinn to be a ship captain none-the-less. Quinn and her father spent less and less time in Portsmouth as the city became more and more wealthy through the slave trade. Anyone who spoke out against the slave trade was executed, the city seemed to become more and more debased, crime ridden and decadent over the years. This was probably due to the massive increase in poor people and the massive increase in rich people, there seemed to be no one but poor people and rich people in Portsmouth. Quinn's father's ship was never raided by pirates, but multiple times government officials took Quinn's father's goods for themselves. Quinn's father would never have turned to Piracy, but even in Quinn's youth, she saw the advantages of charging through life on your own path. Yet Quinn was hesitant because she knew how much her beloved father would disapprove.

When Quinn's father died she retained his crew and became the captain, yet she was not respected amongst merchants because she was female. Many of Quinn's crew began to leave, desperate Quinn finally went against her dead father's wishes and turned to the dangerous life of piracy. Quinn was forever grateful to her crew and amongst pirates in general because they tended to be less sexist than the general population of the "Admentium Empire." Quinn developed a reputation for being a fair captain, who ran a profitable operation. This did not stop the vile rumors on the mainland, especially in Portsmouth that Quinn castrated her male prisoners and that she had wild orgies on her ship. Despite the fact that she only stole from the opposing Kingdom she was an outlaw of the highest order in both the "Admentium Empire" and the "Kingdom of Dryquell." She was both feared and respected, and Quinn liked it that way.

Now Quinn felt she had accomplished everything she set out to accomplish as a pirate. She felt as though she wanted to form a new identity. She had done her late family proud in her own eyes. Quinn was beautiful and voluptuous, her piercing eyes and flowing black hair could seduce just about any man, but Quinn refused to take any man's hand in marriage until she was done being a pirate. Quinn was now ready to marry under a new name and start a quiet life as a wife and possibly mother.

***IV. The Poisoning and Defeat***

Quinn was open about her life story and told it to Charisma, she told Charisma every detail and every thought. While Charisma revealed nothing about herself, Charisma built nothing but mystery. Quinn was warned of Charisma, for Charisma was becoming very friendly with various members of Charisma's crew. The slovenly cook, the strongman, one of the lookouts and a deckhand seemed to follow Charisma around. Charisma seemed to have an almost magical ability to get men to do what she wanted them to. Quinn was perturbed by the amount of loyalty these men gave Charisma, it was the kind loyalty that Quinn never got herself. One day Quinn came into Charisma's room only to find one of the men brushing Charisma's hair while two other men were massaging Charisma's feet. Charisma was clearly enjoying the power she had over these men. Quinn did have fleeting thoughts that Charisma could usurp her as captain, but she chalked them up to her own follies. Quinn rationalized that Charisma's constant compliments towards Quinn were honest and true, that Charisma wouldn't plan to harm Quinn in any way.

It was directly after a speech praising Charisma that Quinn passed out from some poisoned food. Quinn's loyal crew members also passed out. It was Charisma and her lackeys that were left unaffected by the food. When Quinn woke up she was naked and in shackles. Fully clothed in her own custom captain's garb standing in front of her was Charisma flashing a wicked smile. Quinn tried to scream out but her mouth was gagged. Quinn looked around in shock and saw her loyal crew members naked shackled and gagged, she felt a deep sense of shame. She had foolishly trusted Charisma and gotten her crew in a horrible predicament, she blamed herself immediately. Quinn wanted to cry, but that would simply be a final indignity that Charisma would extract from her, Quinn told herself repeatedly that she would not show Charisma her emotions. Charisma, however, was determined to break Quinn. Quinn had to listen to nasty monolog after nasty monolog.

"You've betrayed your ship, you've betrayed the memory of brothers, your mother, and your father, you've betrayed your crew, and now you have nothing, if you're lucky enough to live through this you will live the rest of your life in utter shame... How does that feel Quinn?"

The worst part about Charisma was that everything she said, was said with a taunting smile that bulged with confidence and arrogance. Quinn had never hated any one person as much as she hated Charisma, and she was completely at the mercy of this person. Quinn's mind was filled with rage, but her outward appearance did not show it. All around Quinn, her loyal crew were struggling and screaming in their bondage

After sailing for some time Quinn and some of her captive crew were finally dragged out onto the deck of the ship. Quinn was marched naked to the edge of the ship's plank and Charisma was handed a whip. Every lash stung harshly as Charisma knew how to use a whip well, it was Quinn who taught her. Quinn hugged her breasts and bit her lip.

After a long ordeal explained earlier Quinn found herself desperately swimming towards Portsmouth, hoping she would not seize up from exhaustion before she came to shore. Revenge drove Quinn forward, Quinn was determined to gain her dignity back and destroy the rival who had stolen her ship.

***V. Naked In Portsmouth***

Naked lying face down gasping for air was Quinn Merchantine a once feared and respected pirate. Now she didn't even have any clothing to her name. Quinn stumbled up to her feet, she was barely able to walk. Quinn knew she had did not have the strength to attempt to do anything about her predicament at this point in time. Quinn desperately needed a place to hide and she needed food for energy and fresh water to keep her from dehydrating. Without the energy to find or steal any food, Quinn knew she needed to rest first. Quinn found a rocky beach cave large enough to crawl in without being seen from the outside. Quinn napped for as long as she could, curled up in a fetal position on top of hard rocks until she was awakened by hunger and thirst.

Quinn must have slept for longer than she thought, as she went to sleep in the evening and now it was somewhere around mid-day. This was not good for Quinn's humility as the streets of Portsmouth would be busy. Quinn came away from the beach and into the coastal grasslands. The morning fog had left moisture on some of the grass blades Quinn hid in. Quinn licked as much water as she could out of the grass, crouching, nude and wet. From her crouching position, Quinn looked at the outskirts of the sprawling metropolis that was Portsmouth. Quinn must have looked like a crazed savage with her hair sticking out from all sides and her nude body partially covered in sand. Quinn spotted a pie cooling on a windowsill at a nearby residential house. Quinn had no choice but to dart for the pie, she hadn't eaten in days, she desperately needed the food. Quinn's heart raced, if she were caught she would not only be a laughing stock, but she would most likely be executed. Quinn's entire legacy would be that she was a fierce and vile pirate that was captured in a deranged state in the nude and publically executed. The thought was devastating and humiliating, Quinn cared about her legacy.

Quinn scurried across the dirt street and grabbed the pie, she was immediately caught by a rotund middle-aged woman who screamed "THIEF" at the top of her lungs. After the initial shock, Quinn turned around and ran exposing her lashed back and her bare butt to the woman. Quinn shoved her face in the pie and vigorously ate as she was quickly being pursued by some a nearby police officer and some concerned citizens.

"Some vile naked wench has stolen a pie!" a townsman yelled out alerting others.

Now naked with pie on her face Quinn ran through the dirt streets causing a commotion, more and more people noticed. Women stood in shock, many men stared. Others pointed and laughed. It was not every day that people saw a naked woman with pie on her face being pursued by police officers. Quinn felt a red hot glow of shame envelope her. Quinn's feet kicked up dust as she ran, her pie covered hands darted around her body as she ran, staining various points of her flesh with the purple pie chunks. Quinn's large breasts painfully bounced and eventually Quinn's hands settled on covering her breasts to stop them from doing this. Quinn ran her entire lower body completely exposed.