The Cline's Conquer Time Ch. 03


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Jackie's breasts were just barely restrained. With Heather, the dress covered the full expanse of her breasts. With Jackie, the dress struggled to cover her breasts above the nipples. If they jiggled in just the right way, her rack would explode from underneath, destroying the purity of the dress. The dress was so tight, and her tits were so, so big, that it was unavoidable that the dress would create a mile of cavernous cleavage. Just a fucking canyon between her fantastic jugs. Her breasts were bulging over the top, her hard nipples pressing into the dress that were probably the only thing preventing the top of her dress from sliding down the smooth, mountainous flesh and exposing the delights underneath.

The rest of the silky flesh of her chest was bare. Her thin, glittering necklace the only thing interrupting the purity of the tit flesh. The skin of her chest led his eyes to the smooth flesh of Jackie's arms. Smooth, lightly muscled, faultless. He looked past the graceful curves of her elbows to her smooth hands, her nails glossy and well cared for. Her fingers were planted on her prominent hips.

The dress was clinging to her fit belly and feminine hips. The dress fell in graceful waves downward, hiding much of her legs. But what little off her legs was exposed was as impressive as the rest of her, firm, sensuous, sexy. She still wore her steep, white stilettos, really showing off the firm muscles of her legs. And Derek realized as Jackie spun around, the stilettos really showed off Jackie's incredible ass.

The dress was not built to contain an ass like Jackie Cline's. It was built to downplay the flat, uninspiring butt of its intended wearer, Heather. It was not designed to be molded to a grade-A, top shelf ass. The dress was simply not strong enough to handle her jiggling, firm, heart-shaped rear end. It was not built to handle such ripe, perfect cheeks.

The material, which hung loosely over Heather's butt, molded to Jackie's voluptuous ass. Stretched across each ripe cheek, covering the smooth flesh, molding to each and every contour. Displaying how her ass jutted out from her frame like a shelf. Showing a hint of the sexy ass-crack in-between.

It was amazing to Derek that his wife's sister could be more fit and svelte than his wife yet somehow fill out her wedding dress so much better.

Derek's eyes traveled up her firm back and up till he reached bare skin, and the flesh there was just as voluptuous as the rest of her. As he glanced there, she spun around, drawing his eyes to her face.

Jackie was positively beaming. Her bright white teeth were exposed in a proud smile, her face framed by her perfectly styled chestnut hair. Her bright expression showed off her pride in her own looks. Her striking eyes were shining with humor, but as Derek's eyes met hers, it felt like her eyes were penetrating his, gazing into his soul. It was as if she could read his every thought.

She could read the thoughts that even Derek wouldn't let himself see. The thoughts Derek couldn't admit to himself. The thoughts consuming the deepest, darkest parts of his mind. The thoughts of his sister-in-law's voluptuous body. How much hotter she was than the woman he married. How much hotter she was than her own sister. How she got all the good genes. How he married the wrong Cline woman. How he was desperate to see her naked. How desperate he was to see those tits. And that ass! How he wanted to spend his wedding night fucking the shit out of her. How he wanted to spend his wedding night filling up his sister-in-law with cum and fucking her in every hole. But Derek was a good guy. He would never admit these thoughts to anyone. Not even to himself.

Derek should be angry, angry that his slut of a sister-in-law was wearing his wife's wedding dress while his wife was passed out. But he wasn't. He didn't say a word. And the reason why was simple. Much like with the dress she wore to the wedding, it was impossible to get mad at her when she was rocking the shit out of her sister's wedding dress.

"So... what do you think?" Jackie asked again.

"Uh, you, uh... you look good." Derek stammered.

"Just good?" Jackie asked, preening like a teenager.

"You, uh, look great, Jackie." Derek relented, "But the dress does seem a bit, uh... snug." he added, not realizing he was essentially telling his sister-in-law that he had noticed how the dress molded to her massive breasts. Noticed the pink color of her hard nipples and the surrounding areolas through the thin, white material of the dress. This made Jackie smile.

"You think this is snug, Derek? Ah boys, you don't understand the first thing about fashion. Derek, if this was my dress, I'd make it even tighter. Make the dress a lot shorter. A bit more low-cut. I guess that's why this is my sister's dress and not mine, right?" Jackie joked. Derek nervously laughed, not realizing he was laughing at the fact that his wife had no tits to speak of.

"So, Derek, let's relax a bit. Get to know each other. No point of letting your wedding night go completely to waste." Jackie suggested.

"Oh, okay, sure." Derek agreed. "What do you have in mind?" he asked. Jackie's eyes flashed with mischief, but the look passed quickly before Derek could notice.

"Well, let's crack open some wine. Sit down and relax." Jackie said, strutting to the bar, shaking her ass at her brother-in-law. She retrieved the most expensive bottle of wine she could find and brought it back to Derek. She held it out, looking at him expectantly.

"Oh, I can open it, I guess." Derek said, grabbing the wine from his sister-in-law. She flashed a smile of gratitude as Derek retrieved a bottle opener and a couple of wine glasses. He quickly poured two glasses and gave one to Jackie, keeping one for himself.

Jackie pulled out a chair near the window, the light from the setting sun framing her body like a work of art. She sat down on the chair and crossed her legs, exposing her fit calves as she sipped her wine. Derek pulled out a chair and sat across from her, Heather asleep in the bed on the other side of the room.

"So, what is it you study... string theory?" Jackie asked.

"Yeah, string theory." Derek confirmed.

"Now what is that again?" Jackie asked naively.

"Well..." Derek paused, looking around. Jackie watched Derek react as an answer to his search came to him. He began loosening his tie, causing Jackie to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Derek extricated himself from his tie and untied the knot, the tie now a long piece of fabric. He smoothly tightened and spun the tie, forming a tight coil.

"Okay," Derek began. "Imagine that this tie is space-time."

"Done." Jackie replied with a smile, causing Derek to laugh.

"Now, imagine that each and every one of the threads in this tie is a timeline. Like the timeline we live in. That would be one of these threads. Each of the other threads are similar timelines, but they are slightly different." Derek began, no longer stuttering over his words as he was now in his wheelhouse, explaining the concept he had spent his life studying.

"Now, imagine that space and time are composed of an infinite amount of coiled threads. Coiled strings." Derek explained.

"As in string theory." Jackie replied confidently.

"Exactly."Derek said. He brought the tie close to his eyes. "Now look here. There is a loose thread. If I pulled this thread, sure, most of the effects of pulling the thread would be on that thread. But, it would slightly effect the threads around it. So, in theory, one string of space-time could affect another. Two timelines, totally separate, could interact with each other. That is what I study. I am trying to prove this theory, and prove the existence of separate timelines. "

Jackie nodded, seemingly understanding this high-level theory. She looked at her brother-in-law and smiled.

"So, how long have you studied this?" Jackie said.

"Since I was 13." Derek replied.

"I bet all this talk of space-time made you a real hit with the ladies." Jackie joked. Derek laughed and looked at his feet in slight embarrassment.

"Surprisingly enough, no it did not." Derek replied, getting more comfortable talking to Jackie, comfortable enough to joke around. "But it did land me the love of my life." Derek said. Jackie raised an eyebrow.

"But did it land you any other girls?" Jackie asked. Derek blushed and looked at his feet again.

"Uhhh, not exactly." he replied, trailing off. "I was not exactly the most social guy in my teenage years. I was, if you haven't guessed, kind of a nerd." he added. Jackie laughed.

"Well, no offense, but I'm not surprised." Jackie began. "Derek, you should have spent your teenage years having fun, like I did. You know, drink, chase after girls, go crazy. Here's what I think: you should have cared less about the strings of time and more about the string running up the crack of a girl's ass."

Derek choked on his drink as she said this.

"Oh, c'mon Derek!" Jackie said with a laugh. "I'm just saying that instead of having your nose buried in books, you should have had it buried in a girl's thon..."

"Okay, okay, I... I got it." Derek said, eager to end this uncomfortable line of conversation. Jackie giggled in delight at how uncomfortable she was making him. "I should have been more... outgoing. I got it. It was just, uh, I was a late bloomer."

"Must have been." Jackie purred, knowing full well that if Derek had looked this yummy, this fucking hot in his younger years, it wouldn't have mattered how much of a nerd he was. He would have gotten fucked by the hottest of girls. A lot.

Derek didn't hear her as he was consumed by his thoughts, feeling ashamed at how lame he had been for years. He had never felt ashamed of his past and who he was, but having his lameness being pointed out by his worldly sister-in-law made him regret all the time he had wasted.

"So, was my dear sister your first?" Jackie asked.

"Uh, I don't know if I want to talk about this." Derek said nervously, his cheeks growing hot.

"She was, wasn't she!?" Jackie said. She couldn't hide her excitement. Jackie could tell her younger sister was a lame fuck. And that was good news, cause now Jackie knew for sure that her brother-in-law's dick had not been used to its full potential. She just wanted to tell him to pull out his massive dick so she could see it in its smooth, unblemished glory.

"Ah, Derek, don't be embarrassed. That's sweet, really. Marrying your first. God knows where my first is these days." Jackie said. "You know, this night really should have been perfect. Too bad my sister ruined it."

"She didn't ruin it. Today was great." Derek replied with a small smile.

"And tonight should have been great too, Derek, but there she is, passed out drunk, leaving you uncared for." Jackie replied.

"It's okay, we have the rest of our lives to spend together." Derek replied, ever the optimist. Jackie marveled at this. He was so sweet. She couldn't wait breaking him of that bad habit. She couldn't wait to see that sweet veneer drop as he fucked her tight cunt.

"You know, she always said she wanted a perfect wedding day, so I am shocked she fucked it up so badly." Jackie said.

"Oh, it's okay." Derek said.

"No, it's not, Derek." Jackie began, turning up the heat. "And I think it bothers you. I don't think it's healthy to bury this... resentment you're feeling."

"I don't resent her." Derek replied.

"Derek, even though I'm the last person you should ask about marriage, I do know good marriages are not based on lies. If you're mad about something, you should say it, and not hold back." Jackie replied.

"Well, I'm a bit annoyed, I guess. But..." Derek began.

"Derek." Jackie interrupted, "You don't need to tell me this."

"Oh." Derek replied confused.

"Heather has given you an incredible opportunity here." Jackie began, standing up, gesturing for Derek to stand as well, which he did. "Now, my little sis is passed out. Drunk. This gives you the chance to tell her all the things that have, you know, frustrated you about her. You get the chance to get things off of your chest without her getting mad. This is perfect." Jackie said.

"I don't know." Derek said.

"Oh, c'mon Derek, grow some balls." Jackie remarked, knowing his balls were probably more than big enough, but that was beside the point. "There isn't a man alive whose wife is exactly perfect. Most women have flaws, or make mistakes. And look at her. Black out drunk on your wedding day. That's a pretty big mistake, Derek."

"Well, I guess that does kinda annoy me." Derek said.

"Wait." Jackie said, walking to him. "If your gonna tell Heather this, say it to her face." Jackie guided him so he was standing over his wife, looking down at her. Jackie stood behind him, hands on his shoulders, squeezing them lightly.

"Okay, babe. Tell her. Tell her how mad you are." Jackie whispered, the devil on his shoulder.

"Uh, I'm mad." Derek said nervously.

"Derek, say it as if you were talking to her. Say it like you are really pissed off at her cause she did something really dumb." Jackie suggested.

"H... Heather, I'm annoyed you got drunk on our wedding day." Derek said, a bit more firmly.

"Derek, put a bit more oomph into it. I want to feel the anger you're feeling." Jackie said, squeezing his shoulders again.

"Um... okay. Heather, I'm really pissed that you got drunk and ruined our wedding night!" Derek said.

"She really did ruin things, didn't she?" Jackie whispered.

"Tonight was supposed to be perfect." Derek said sadly. Heather snored loudly, causing Jackie to smile, happy that her sister was appearing even more unattractive to her new husband.

"But, Derek, why are you so sad? People get drunk all the time." Jackie wondered.

"She's supposed to be better than this." Derek said.

"Mmm, I know. I know she's supposed to be the smart one. People always said she got the brains. I got the looks, tits and ass. But maybe they were all wrong. Maybe I got the brains too." Jackie speculated.

"She's supposed to be better than this." Derek repeated, not acknowledging Jackie's dig at her little sis. "She's supposed to be above this kind of thing."

"But she's not." Jackie added. Derek said nothing. "Don't worry, Derek, I know you still love her. It can be tough to find out your wife is not quite who you think she is. That she is not quite the perfect angel you had hoped. That even though she is 20 years old, she is still not the adult woman you wish she was. Cause an adult woman could handle a few drinks without losing control. An adult woman would not ruin their own wedding night. An adult woman would not leave her husband uncared for."

Derek suddenly grew extremely uncomfortable with this line of conversation. He made a move to walk away from the bed and Jackie, but Jackie put her hand on his back, guiding him to where she wanted him to go, guiding him to a couch. She smoothed the wedding dress around her frame and sat down next to him.

"I hope you're not having second thoughts." Jackie began.

"Oh, uh, of course not." Derek replied quickly. Jackie studied him for a second.

"I mean, if you are, I would totally understand." Jackie began with a smile. "There are reasons people don't get married so young. I know it sounds great to marry your first love, but sometimes it's better to play the field a bit. Really experience what's out there."

"But, I'm happy with Heather." Derek said. Jackie smiled at him like he was a slow child.

"What makes you happy now might not be what makes you happy in a year. The little things you find endearing now could get old extremely quickly. You think what you have now is the best you could ever get, and you will think that way until you do find something better." Jackie stated.

"What are you saying?" Derek asked, confused.

"Derek..." Jackie began, searching her mind for the right phrasing. "I love my sister, I really do, but... she's a five and you're a ten. Like I said, I love her, but you can do so much better than her."

"How could you say that?" Derek asked, taken aback.

"I say that because I love my sister, and I care about her." Jackie began. "What I'm afraid of is that a year or two down the line you're gonna run off with some skank. You're a young guy, Derek, and you're very sweet, but you are a man, and eventually, all men think with their dick. And I know my sister. She has many talents, but I get the impression none of those talents are in the bedroom. And Derek, you are a very attractive man, very... sexy. And guys like you usually have a very big appetite in the bedroom. I'm just afraid that once you realize this, you will run off with the first slut that bats their eyes at you." Jackie finished, beaming inwardly at how well she was weaving this bullshit.

"I would never do that." Derek said.

"Really?" Jackie said. She got to her feet and stood in front of Derek, hands on her hips, posing. "Cause I think you will. I think under this charming little façade you've created, you're a real fucking asshole."

"Excuse me?" Derek questioned.

"It's the nice guys that are the darkest, Derek. It's the quiet guys that are the most nasty. It's the good guys that can really dig deep into something really evil when they have to." Jackie said.

"I'm not like that, Jackie!" Derek defended.

"I've met lots of guys like you, Derek. I really have. And those were the guys that were really nasty. Really fucked up. It's the nice guys like you, who go around marrying nice girls, those were the ones who were really into pure filth. Are you that type of guy Derek? Are you the type of guy secretly desires nastiness?" Jackie asked.

"Jackie! No! Of course not!" Derek cried, absolutely floored by this line of questioning.

"Really, cause I know your type. You'd get hard for the first slut that flashes her cleavage to you at some bar. You'd trick your wife into going away for awhile, just for a little quality time with this whore you just met. You'd sneak away, sneak back home, whore on your arm. And you'd fuck her in your marital bed, wouldn't you. You would defile the vows of your marriage just to fuck some slut with really big tits! And you would probably make fun of my sweet little sis, wouldn't you? You would fuck this hot, sexy slut and you would make fun of my sis for not being as hot as this skank you just met. You would make fun of my sister for her tiny tits, and her flat ass, and her plain face while fucking some whore that is superior to your wife in every way. Wouldn't you?" Jackie said, attacking her brother-in-law with her filthy mouth.

"No!" Derek called out. "I don't know why you think this! I haven't done anything wrong!" he added, standing up.

"That is the problem Derek." Jackie said, pointing at him. "You haven't done anything wrong. No one should be the good guy all the time. If you had some clear flaw, I wouldn't be so bothered. But quite frankly, you're fucking perfect, which makes me want to find your little secret. So tell me, Derek, what is your flaw? What is your secret shame? What is something you desperately want that you've never gotten?" Jackie said, pushing out her chest towards him. Showing off her valley of cleavage for her hunky brother-in-law.

"What do you mean?" Derek asked, his eyes not taking the bait.

"All men have desires, Derek." Jackie started. "With some men, their desires are more specific. And most men go through life with these desires unfulfilled. Some men see these desires as a weakness. A flaw. A secret shame. Cause they know that they are in fact a slave to these desires. These desires can bring a man to his knees. These desires can make a man into an animal. A man can lose everything he has, everything he loves, in order to fulfill these nasty, filthy, fun little fetishes. These men can be destroyed by the very thing they want the most. So tell me, Derek, what's your poison?"