The Chronicles of Slave Nano No. 07

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Worshipping the Snow Goddess.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 11/21/2008
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Chronicles of Slave Nano No.7: Worshipping the Snow Goddess

Author's note: This story deals with themes of domination and submission, mind control, female supremacy and Goddess worship. If you don't get that then you'd probably better not read on any further. This story is based on a real task set by a dungeon mistress. Parts of it reference other characters in this 'Chronicles' series but it can basically be read as a self-contained story.

The advice about my Chronicles of Slave Nano series on my profile page is also relevant:- "The premise of these stories is that Goddess Nemesis sets me a mission. She describes a task that needs completing in a real time session, which usually involves the rescue of another Goddess. She lays out the setting, provides tools that can be used to complete the task and some of the challenges that must be faced. It is up to me to solve how I complete the mission and fill out the story and then return to Goddess Nemesis's dungeon for her judgement on the success of the mission. This is to help explain the bizarre nature of these stories, which are BDSM fetish adventures and fantasies in which anything is possible!"

Look North News and Weather, 1 Dec, 10.28pm

"So, Kayleigh is there going to be any let-up to this cold-snap?"

"No Peter, I'm afraid not. As you can see, there's another front sweeping over from the North Sea and this means we are going to get further falls of snow overnight. These flurries will hit the east coast in the early hours of the morning becoming heavy in places, especially over the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Wolds before clearing in the early morning. By tomorrow the snow will start to ease up a bit but commuters will face lots of disruption again tomorrow morning. Back to you Peter."

I sat at home nervously watching the late evening weather forecast.

"Have you seen the forecast, you can't go to York tomorrow in those conditions; that's crazy."

"Well, it's a really important meeting and we've got somebody coming up from London to see us. I'd feel really bad about missing it because it's me that's called the meeting," I reply, desperately trying to justify why I would need to take the car out in such appalling conditions.

The meeting was not so vital; I would have been able to cancel it and, to be honest, the participants would have been only to happy to do so given the weather conditions. No, tomorrow was an important day to me for other reasons. I had already been summonsed to attend Goddess Nemesis for an important ceremony.

There was a reckoning I had to face following my previous attendance at Goddess's dungeon. She had me tied onto her hog-tie bench and left me for a few minutes and whilst I was restrained her dungeon was infiltrated by her enemy, Sister Domexia, from the cult of the Sisters of Mercy. I was subjected to seduction and then torture as Sister Domexia sought to persuade me, and then force me, to come over to her and act as a spy for the Sisters of Mercy. She failed, I am relieved to say, and my heart remained true to Goddess Nemesis and the cause of the Goddess's against the forces of the new religion.

But, Sister Domexia had a final trick to play on me, to leave her mark on me. She attached a funnel gag into my mouth and squeezed some of the foul waters from her body into my mouth, forcing me to digest it so they became absorbed into my body. Then she climbed onto the bench, crouched over my body, and let a stream of her piss gush all over me. I was powerless to resist this humiliation. She taunted me that I would be tainted with the smell of her forever and that I would be permanently marked by her humiliation of me. When Goddess returned to her dungeon she looked upon her slave, a stinking sodden mess on her bench, de-fouled by the sinister cult of the Sisters of Mercy and their agent, Sister Domexia. I explained what had happened, how I had resisted seduction and torture and remained true to her, how I had taunted Sister Domexia that she had failed in her mission to bring me over to the Sisters of Mercy. Then, I had to describe my humiliation to her, how Sister Domexia had left her foul stain on me and inside me.

"Goddess, she said that nothing would be able to remove the stench from me and that I would forever be stained with the smell of her."

"Slave Nano, I am surprised at you that you would believe that. You should realise that the strength of the pagan goddesses is greater than Sister Domexia's and that I have the power to remove her scent from you. But, Slave Nano, I must warn you that you must be subjected to a cleansing ceremony to remove her impurities from your body and that will be a challenging ordeal for you because, as you know slave, there can be no cleansing without suffering for me. And, of course, you realise that you cannot be permitted back into my domain and serve me without being cleansed."

I pleaded to her, "Please Goddess, do whatever is necessary. Whatever trial is needed to remove her foul stench from me so that I can return and serve you again, I beg you to do it."

This was no ordinary attendance. The cleansing ceremony that I had faced and so desperately needed was an important ritual. Until it had been carried out I would continue to carry the smell of Sister Domexia's waters on my body and carry them inside me. I had to pass through this ritual cleansing to be able to return to Goddess's dungeon domain.

I reflected on the exchange of texts and voice mail messages, which were stored silently on my special mobile, my line of communication with her. They were all a testament to the importance of this ceremony and to why I had to attend her the next day.

Text message from Slave Nano, 18 Nov, 10.51am

If Goddess is able to receive her slave, I can make it on Thursday 2 December at 2.00. I will await your summons. I must see you soon so I can be cleansed of the foul stench Sister Domexia has left on me. Your devoted slave. Nano.

Voice Mail message from Goddess Nemesis, 29 Nov, 8.49pm

Hello Slave Nano this is the Goddess speaking to you from a cold wintry night in Leeds. Slave Nano, I require you at my dungeon on Thursday of this week at 2.00 pm where you will be dutifully cleansed of the impurities and scent of Sister Domexia of the so-called Sisters of Mercy who infiltrated my premises whilst you were there. Also Nano, you have some questions to answer as to why you didn't resist a little bit better. After all, I'm sure you could have wriggled free somehow. She's only a mere woman, not a Goddess like myself. Now Nano, I shall see you on Thursday at 2.00. I hope you can make it through the bad weather. In the meantime please find out the name of a snow goddess. I'm sure there is one, a goddess of the Eskimos perhaps, and we shall have to make devotions to her to clear the snow before Christmas. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Text message from Slave Nano, 30 Nov, 10.32am

Goddess. Thank you for your message. I will attend Goddess at 2pm on Thursday as you command. There's been lots of snow over her -- east coast had worse of it last week but is thawing this morning. Rest assured that your slave will do all in his power to serve you whatever the weather. I can still smell the stench of Sister Domexia on me and only Goddess's powers can remove it. Your devoted slave. Nano.

Text message from Goddess Nemesis, 30 Nov, 10.07pm

I gaze out of my bedroom window at the snowy wastes, and reflect what an admirable and resilient Goddess, Goddess Freyja is; residing, controlling and patrolling her frozen lands, how the chill of the protecting wolf Algiz's cry, must haunt the icy ravines...from Goddess Nemesis

Text message from Slave Nano, 1 Dec, 5.52pm

Still hope to be with you tomorrow. Will text you when I set off for your world. Your devoted slave. Nano.

Listening to the weather forecast that night I was getting very worried. It had already been snowing for much of the day and that was on top of earlier snow falls that hadn't cleared. The conditions were already poor, and if there was a further snow fall overnight.....well, that could make things even more treacherous. My plight had been made worse by the pledges I'd made to Goddess to try and reach her tomorrow despite the severe weather. I could only hope that the overnight snow was not too heavy and my carefully laid plans were not ruined.


I woke up in the morning and anxiously looked out the window and was faced with a wintry scene. There had been a further snow fall and the road outside my house had a thick layer of snow, my car on the drive was covered. My plan had always been that I would be in York for 9.30 for this business meeting and when that had finished set off to Goddess's dungeon to arrive at the appointed time of 2.00pm. I was still determined to make it and fulfil the pledges that I had made to Goddess Nemesis to attend her, whatever the weather conditions.

I went out onto the drive and started scraping the snow and ice off the car; I took up a shovel and started clearing the snow on the drive from behind the back wheels of the car. My actions were fast, frantic and desperate. I calculated that perhaps, if I could get the car out, the main roads might have been clear enough to make it to York and by then the weather might have eased and the snow less heavy further inland.

After I started the car I reversed back down the drive. As soon as the wheels drove into the thick snow it compacted into ice and the wheels span helplessly. I jumped out of the car and cleared some more ice and snow with the shovel and tried again. I went forward and tried reversing again but once again the tyres got caught in the ice and span. By now the car was spread-eagled across the pavement in front of the house, caught in the dip of the gutter. After several attempts I was able to get it back onto the drive.

I decided to give up, go back into the house and take stock. By now the others were up having their breakfast.

"You aren't really going to try and get to York? You'll never get there in time anyway in these conditions."

"Oh, yeah, I'm still going to give it a try."

Then my work mobile rang. It was the people from London who I was meant to be meeting. They were at King's Cross station but the trains were all delayed and they were ringing to say they wouldn't be able to make it.

"Well, there you are, there's no point going to York now, is there?"

I sat in gloomy silence.

My mobile rang again. It was another work colleague saying he couldn't get out of his house and wouldn't be able to come.

"This is silly, you'll definitely have to cancel, there's not even going to be anybody there!"

A desperate sinking feeling overwhelmed me; my determination and optimism about seeing Goddess today draining away. My carefully laid plans to get to Goddess's dungeon were unravelling before me and I had a crucial decision to make. I had never before had to cancel a session with her and I would do anything now to avoid it but my options were rapidly diminishing. The car was stuck in the drive and my cover for going out completely blown. I made a final desperate decision. I calculated that it was better to let her know as soon as I could that I was not going to be able to make it than risk having her go to the trouble of getting to her dungeon in this weather only for me not to show up at all. That would be even worse. I knew I'd be punished for this but I would just have to accept that. I might be fortunate and she might show me some leniency given the extremity of the weather conditions, but I was under no doubt that I would face some extreme punishment for cancelling a session with her. I took an intake of breath and made my fateful choice.

Text message from Slave Nano, 2 Dec, 8.38am

Goddess. It's Slave Nano here. I'm really very sorry but I'm not gong to be able to get to you today. More snow last night; cannot even get my car off estate. Also my cover for journey in other world is gone and am in very difficult position. I don't know what to say --when I texted last eve I was determined to attend but is just not possible. I'm very sorry. I have failed a test and can only place myself in your hands when next see you. Thought best to let you know as soon as I knew I wouldn't make it. Please believe me that I would not cancel unless I really had to. I am still your devoted slave. Nano.


I set off for work despondently and determined that I would ring Goddess later in the day to make sure she had got my message and speak to her so that I could offer my apologies to her in person. When I switched on my mobile phone later in the day I saw that I had a new voice mail message.

Voice Mail message from Goddess Nemesis, 2 Dec, 12.19

Hello Slave Nano. This is the Goddess speaking to you. I did get your message Slave Nano thank you, but while I can understand that you cannot get your car out under these conditions, obviously you will have to pay a penance. I have been in touch with Goddess Freyja and she assures me that all her slaves and heroes manage to get themselves out of their snowy waste land even in 20 or 30 ft of snow. She says she cannot understand your predicament. Nevertheless, you must pay a penance Slave Nano, this is it. If you have access to your sacred symbols this afternoon you must put the cock ring around your balls at 2.00, the time you should have been with me, and leave it there for one hour. Also Slave Nano, and here is a very perilous task for you, but I want you to carry it out. Tonight, when you go to bed, when all the houses around you are quiet, when everyone is asleep, you must get up out of bed, let yourself out the house, take off your dressing gown and lay in the snow completely and utterly naked. This is a fair and just punishment for you Slave Nano and you will know the meaning of how insignificant it was of you this morning not to reach the Goddess. You will find how cold and disagreeable the snow is on your naked body. Lay there for maybe 10 or 20 seconds, turn over look up at the sky and contemplate the awesomeness of the Goddesses and their power. If you are discovered I think the only way out of that predicament would be to plead insanity, don't you? I expect you to do this Slave Nano at whatever time of the night. Now, if possible, you must take a photograph of this. I shall leave now Slave Nano and shall wait to hear from you with the task completed to my satisfaction. Goodbye Slave Nano.

I listened intently to the message and played it back again to make sure I had taken in all the details of Goddess's instructions. The first task was straight forward. The symbol that she spoke of, the metal clamp, that I put around my balls when I attend her dungeon, I keep at work and I didn't foresee any difficulty in carrying out that penance, but the second task....! When I first heard her instructions it filled me with dread. Did she really mean that I should go out naked in the icy cold in full view of the neighbouring houses? I knew in my heart that she did and I also knew, after recovering from the shock of the nature of her command, I would have to carry it out to her satisfaction. The penance was perfectly fair and beautifully conceived. One humiliating task was to remind me of where I should be at that time whilst the other penance was ingenious and cruel. If the snow stopped me from attending her then it was fitting that the snow should form part of my punishment.

On the stroke of 2.00pm I went into the toilets at work with my cock ring, pulled my trousers down and put the cold iron implement around the top of my balls and tightened it. I was determined to screw the mechanism as tight as it would go so that my balls were squeezed red and tight and I could feel the metal digging into. Whilst carrying out that task I reflected on where I should be. I wanted to be in her dungeon. I should be there. I so desperately desired to be in her presence. I should be preparing for the special cleansing ceremony that I knew she would have had prepared for me.

I switched my phone on to let Goddess know that I had received her message and had carried out her first task to find that I had already received another text message from her.

Text message from Goddess Nemesis, 2 Dec, 1.50pm

Slave Nano, I hope you received my voice-mail message. I shall be sorely disappointed if you fail to follow My instructions....My Retribution upon you will, as you would expect be MOST UNPLEASANT...Goddess Nemesis.

I replied instantly.

Text message from Slave Nano, 2 Dec, 2.05pm

Goddess I have got your voice mail and text messages thanks and instructions for your just penances. I am wearing the cock ring as I text and reflecting on not being where I should be in your world in your presence and suffering torments for you. Your devoted slave. Nano.

I dutifully wore the cock ring for the full hour as directed; walked around the office and chatted with work colleagues all the time bearing the secret humiliation underneath my trousers. Who amongst the people at my work place could have suspected that I was wearing a cock ring around my balls as I went about my routine business? I reflected on where I should have been during that time before sending another text to let her know that I had completed her first penance.

Text message from Slave Nano, 2 Dec, 3.16pm

Goddess. Your slave has just removed the cock ring after 1 hour as you directed. I will now prepare myself for the challenging but just penance that Goddess has set for me tonight. Your devoted slave. Nano.

Text message from Goddess Nemesis, 2 Dec, 3.22pm

Nano, I am pleased that at least a small insignificant part of you is in MY World, now are you preparing yourself to commit to your icy Supplication, to reflect and give gratitude that this Goddess is just in her punishments? From Goddess Nemesis. P.S. while texting you a text has come thru from you, this is obviously the work of The Silver Thread, that links All Goddess's to Their slaves....


Look North News and Weather, 2 Dec, 6.42pm

"Don't put your long johns away yet Peter because we are in for another chilly night! The snow is already sweeping across East Yorkshire and these snow falls will be heavy and prolonged. We can expect about another four to five inches this evening, though this should start clearing by midnight. We can expect temperatures to drop to around minus eight tonight though and perhaps as low as minus ten on high ground, some of the lowest temperatures we've had in a long time. It will be clearer again tomorrow and we expect to see some sun but, once again, early morning commuters will face some icy and hazardous conditions. The met office has issued a severe weather warning and is advising you not to make any journeys. You know, Peter, it's so bad out there that you begin to wonder if somebody up there hasn't got it in for us."

"So Kayleigh, It's stopping in tonight with a mug of hot cocoa, is it?"

"Well yes, Peter, it's going to be really cold out there tonight."

I watched the local weather forecast awe-struck. The forces at the disposal of the Goddesses were conspiring to make the task that had been set for me as punishing and extreme as they could possibly be. Goddess Nemesis had called on Goddess Skadi, the Norse Goddess of winter and snow, to unleash this maelstrom to demonstrate her control over her slave and the Goddess's power over the elements. Even as I watched the weather forecast a blizzard of snow was falling from the sky in giant flakes.