The Chronicles of Slave Nano No. 03

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A mission to rescue Goddess Rhiannon.
9.4k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 11/21/2008
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Chronicles of Slave Nano No.3: A True Account of the Mission to rescue Goddess Rhiannon from the Roman debauchers

The dark grey sky hung over the Welsh border hills like an omen of impending doom. It was as if some cataclysmic event had disturbed the natural order of things. I knew the circumstances that had presaged the unleashing of these forces. I knew that the actions that I took would have a profound effect on what would happen.

Goddess Nemesis had briefed me on a serious threat posed to the sisterhood of Goddesses. She had told me how the Celtic Goddess Rhiannon was in dire need. The symbols of her power, her magical white mare and her three birds had been taken from her and imprisoned by the Roman forces in an underground fortress carved from the rock in a subterranean labyrinth of caves. It was the intention of the Roman invaders, under the leadership of Queerissimus, their legate in the Welsh border lands, to impregnate Rhiannon's horse with the seed of a white stallion and sire a herd of white foals that would possess the power to weaken the strength of the Goddesses. Rhiannon's powers had already been diminished by the capture of her companions and their separation from her life force. She had secretly changed herself into a brown mare to protect and watch over her mystic white steed and was also a captive.

Goddess Nemesis had entrusted me with the mission of rescuing Goddess Rhiannon and restoring the white mare and three birds crucial to her powers. She had described the tokens and symbols that I needed to pick up on the way that would help me to enter the underground labyrinth where they were imprisoned. Goddess had warned me of the desperate need of the mission and of the dire perils that I would face.

It was her instructions that had led me here to the border town of Ludlow, to a market stall at the foot of the castle walls that sold jewellery of Celtic design. I had been presented with a challenge. There was one piece of jewellery here that was a key that would allow me to enter the secret underground chambers and was essential to the success of my mission.

"Can I help you?" The old crone serving at the stall asked me.

"Yes," I replied, "I am looking for something very special, a daffodil broach of pure gold. Can you help me?"

She fixed me with a knowing gaze. She passed me a tray with thirteen broaches, all in a daffodil design.

I examined each of them closely.

"Perhaps you can assist me. Is there any here that you would recommend," I asked, hoping that she might have some knowledge of my mission and could offer guidance to me.

"No, there is none that I can recommend. The choice is yours and yours only. There is no advice that I can give you," she said. "Look at them closely and use your intuition. Beware. Make your decision carefully for much depends on your choice."

I knew now that the old crone must have some knowledge of my mission. I should have known that I would not get any clear direction from her.

I fingered each of the broaches, examining them carefully. I had been told that only one of the thirteen was pure gold. I sought inspiration from somewhere. I recalled one of my earlier missions when I was sent to Constantinople to the temple of the Goddesses, which had a door of pure gold that I had to pass through. I tried to remember the qualities of that door. When I reflected on this I could see that there was only one broach that captured the luminous qualities of that door and this was the one I chose, hoping that my intuition had led me to the correct choice.

The face of the old crone was inscrutable and betrayed no flicker of recognition as to whether I had chosen wisely.

I paid for the broach and thanked her. Time was passing and I needed to follow Goddess Nemesis's directions to a sacred grove of thirteen ancient trees dedicated to the Celtic Goddess Morrigan, where I would face the next challenge in my task.

The site was twenty or so miles from Ludlow nestled in the border hills. It was an ancient landscape resonating with the pagan powers of the ancient Celts. I could easily imagine how these hills had been the scene of battles between fierce Celtic tribes and the Roman invaders.

I stood under the dark canopy of a clump of the thirteen ancient oak trees that formed this shrine to the Celtic Goddesses. I had been told to seek out a stone with runic symbols under each of the trees. This part was easy, the stones with their angular pagan symbols were easy to find nestled in the ground at the base of each of the trees. The next stage of the task was more puzzling. My challenge was to form the runes into an incantation to summon Goddess Morrigan to the site to lead me to the entrance to the subterranean chamber.

But, this was one part of my mission that I did not need to leave wholly to fate or intuition. I had prepared myself by doing some research into runic symbols and their meaning and interpretation before I set out. Even with this knowledge I was still faced with a puzzle to solve. I examined the symbols and started to sort them in my head to make out a meaningful sentence. Eventually I found a combination that created a strange but meaningful rhyme that seemed to make sense: "Not from human flesh but from flowers of the Goddess was I created."

As I had been instructed by Goddess Nemesis I lie spread-eagled on the ground facing west and chanted the message I had deciphered on the stones. I waited patiently. If I had solved the riddle of the stones then the incantation should summon Goddess Morrigan to take me to the secret entrance of the underground fortress.

After a few minutes a hare jumped out in front of me. I realised that this must be the Goddess transformed into her animal form. The animal beckoned me to follow her where she led me to a spot in the grove. As I had expected there was a pile of clothes in Celtic fashion and a small vial of brown liquid. I quickly put on the clothes, clearly chosen for me so that I could blend into the background once I had penetrated the caves. I pulled the linen tunic over my head and then wrapped the long woollen cloak of tartan pattern around me and fastened it at the shoulder with a broach. I then picked up the flask of fluid, which Goddess Nemesis had said contained walnut juice, and hid it on my person. I knew that the fluid must be significant for my mission but I had been given no guidance as to how to use it. I would have to use my own intuition to judge its value.

Now fully robed, I followed the hare as it leapt forward using its powerful hind legs to jump outside the ancient grove of trees down the hill. She dashed off at great speed and I ran after her. I had been led to the entrance of a burrow with an entrance just about wide enough for me to squeeze through. I thanked Goddess Morrigan for her help and eased myself head first into the opening of the burrow. It was dank and musty. The burrow widened slightly but there was no room to stand up so I crawled on my hand and knees through the tunnel. It bent once to the right, and then to the left and again to the right until opening up to a chamber where I could finally stand up and move around freely.

Facing me, and just as Goddess Nemesis had described, was a boulder. In front of the boulder were thirteen stones, with a runic symbol on each one. This was the second puzzle that I had to solve before I could pass further. I pondered on my next action carefully. I knew that my task was urgent and that lost time could prove fatal, but at the same time I knew that I must keep my focus and resolve. There was nothing to be gained from panicking. I knew from my research that runes had numerous meanings and could represent animals or colours. I decided on a new strategy. I would use the divinatory meanings and properties of the runes to map out the cycle of my task. I started to set the stones out.

Ansur – messages and new opportunities – this represented Goddess Nemesis's message and instructions to me.

Rad – a journey or quest – this represented the mission that I had been set

Thorn – contemplation before action – this represented the time taken in.mental preparation before setting off.

Tyr – initiation – this represented the start of my mission.

Ken – enlightenment and inspiration – this represented what Goddess Nemesis had provided for me to aid the completion of the task.

Hagall – strength to face a challenge – this represented what I had to find in myself to complete the mission.

Peorth – choice, taking charge – this represented the decisions I had to make upon which the mission would succeed or fail.

Sigel – good fortune – I would need some of this.

Mann – destiny – this represented the powers of Goddess Nemesis as Goddess of fate watching over me.

Ehwaz – progress – this represented the progression through the stages of my task.

Othel – focus – I would have to maintain this to succeed.

Nied – everything is as it should be – this represented the point where the goddess Rhiannon would be rescued and order restored.

Wynn – success and achievement – hopefully this represented the final success of my mission.

Once I had laid out the runic stones in this order I felt quite pleased with my work. But the boulder showed no signs of shifting. I did not despair though. My instincts told me that I was on the right track and I started swapping some of the stones around to see if this made any difference.

Eventually, I was rewarded with success. After I had laid out one pattern I heard a scraping sound and looked up. The boulder started to move to one side. The pattern of runes had unlocked the magic that held the boulder in place. I felt triumphant. I had solved the puzzle and now had a path into the caves.

When I stepped past the boulder I entered into a proper underground fortress, its walls and floors lined with stone flags. The tunnel dipped downwards deep into the depths of the labyrinth. As Goddess Nemesis had described I soon reached a fork in the tunnel. To the left, three steps led down further into the labyrinth. To the right, three steps led to golden door. I knew that this was the direction I must take.

I approached the door and could see clearly that it was set with thirteen carvings of daffodils. I had reached a crucial point in my mission. I had already made my choice of golden broach which, when set into one of the impressions on the door, would break its spell. If I had made the wrong choice at the market stall then there could be no turning back, my mission would have failed. As well as that, there were thirteen carvings in the golden door and I had been told that I had only three chances after which the door would be permanently closed to me. The tension of the moment welled up inside me. The success or failure of my mission depended on this vital choice.

I fingered the delicate gold broach apprehensively. I was still confident that I had made the right choice and that my instincts about the quality of the gold and the intricacy of the workmanship were right. However, I had no idea which of the thirteen carvings to place it in, they all looked exactly the same. I studied the door intensely for any clue or inspiration, but none came to me. Do I trust to fate and make a random choice? I took a deep breath and gently placed the broach into one of the impressions in the golden door. Nothing happened. The tension I felt was immense. I closed my eyes, took another breath and tried another daffodil carving. Nothing happened. I was beside myself with anxiety now. I had one more choice. If I chose wrongly my mission would have failed. I closed my eyes again. I sought inspiration. I turned my attention away from the door and focused on Goddess Nemesis. She is the Goddess of fate and retribution. Her powers must surely have some influence on my destiny at this critical moment. I took another deep breath. I opened my eyes and, whilst contemplating on Goddess's power, let my hand instinctively guide the broach into one of the carvings. I hesitated and stepped back. Nothing happened. I waited for what seemed like an age, though it was probably no more than a few seconds. Nothing happened. I was distraught. I had not even penetrated the fortress. I had got nowhere near Goddess Rhiannon.

Then, there was sound like an explosion. The golden door shattered into dust that filled the chamber with thousands of tiny golden stars. It turned the air into a golden haze through which I could see that the door had disintegrated into golden dust and the path was clear for me. In that moment I had gone from despair to joy. My mission was still alive.

I entered into the subterranean fortress. My challenge was now to find Goddess Rhiannon and her white mare. I was now in the occupied parts of the caves and I decided on a direct approach. This was where my disguise would assist me. There were numerous English and Welsh servants and a few Roman centurions going about their business in the tunnels. I waited until there were no centurions in sight and stopped one of the English servants. The quality of my woollen cloak would suggest to him that I had some authority.

"My friend," I said. "I have been ordered by Queerissimus to summon one of the stable slaves to his quarters, I don't know this part of the fortress very well, can you point me in the right direction to the stables."

The servant suspected nothing and directed me through a series of passages to the stable blocks. I approached carefully to appraise the situation. One part of the stables was open and consisted of a series of paddocks where the Roman horses were. I would easily gain access to this area if I was careful. However, there was another massive thick wooden stable door. It was secured by two huge padlocks. Not yet another door to penetrate, another obstacle that I have to pass through, I thought to myself.

I hid myself behind a stone pillar and listened intently to a conversation between two centurions who were sat in front of a roaring fire.

"The time is nearly here. The white mare is in heat. She is locked away. Queerissimus is going to use the white stallion there," he said pointing to one of the paddocks, "to impregnate her this evening. It should be good sport if you want to watch."

"Nah," the other centurion replied, "I am on guard duty soon. I'll have to miss it. Whatever's going on is a big thing though. Queerissimus talks about nothing else but getting that white mare pregnant. He says it is vital for his plans to take over the Celts land and impose his own debauched rule there, though why he would want to occupy those bleak mountains is beyond me."

"In the name of Mars yes, I know what you mean. I long to get back to Rome, a good Roman woman and some decent wine."

The second centurion got up to go.

"Are you coming with me, I'm just going to get something to eat before I go on guard duty."

I shrunk behind the pillar and watched as the two centurions left the stables.

Now I knew that I would have to think quickly. I was just in time. Clearly, Queerissimus intended to carry out his plan to impregnate Goddess Rhiannon's white mare in just a few hours time.

How would I get through the locked wooden gates and, if I did so, how would I prevent the stallion from impregnating the white mare and then escape with the two horses? As Goddess Nemesis had said, it was a perilous and dangerous undertaking. And then a wild and reckless plan came into my head. Goddess Nemesis had said that nothing was impossible. I still had the walnut juice from the sacred grove of trees and this had to be a significant tool for my use. If I were the white stallion, then I could use my training and willpower to ensure that I did not get an erection and the mare was never impregnated, which would at least get me into the locked stables and buy me some time. It was a risky and dangerous strategy. It depended on there being some wild magic in the walnut juice that I could trigger and on my own strength of will to prevent my getting an erection.

First of all I picked up some soot and smothered patches of it over the white stallion that was already in the stable and led it out into another paddock. Then, I stood in the paddock, drank a drop of the brown liquid from the vial, focused my mind on what I wanted to achieve and waited.

The sensations were most peculiar. I felt as though I was being stretched in all directions. The pain was intense, as strong as being stretched on the rack in Goddess Nemesis's dungeon. But my plan was working. I had tapped the shape shifting powers of the Goddesses to turn myself into a pure white stallion. I tried to adjust to weirdness of the experience and get used to having the physical attributes of a horse. Then, I would wait until Queerisimus came down to the stables to enact his foul plan against the Goddesses.

I did not have long to wait. I soon heard a commotion as some Romans came into the stables.

"Now we are going to have some fun," one of the Romans called out to the others.

This had to be the Roman legate, Queerissimus. He continued.

"This is the moment when all my plans will become to fruition. I will destroy the magic of the Goddesses that protect these people and introduce my own rule of debauchery. I will harness the power of Goddess Rhiannon's white mare to my own ends to create a reign of lust and debauchery. None of you will have to worry about having enough young virgins to fuck. When I have my way you can have your fill of them."

Then Queerissimus approached the paddock I was in.

"And this is the white stallion that is going to do the business. He's a fine figure of horse don't you think. One smell of that mare's cunt and he will be as hard as anything," he said confidently.

One of the centurions fitted a bridle on me and led me out of the paddock. Queerissimus himself took out the keys to the padlocked stable door and opened it. I was led through.

In the next stables there were two horses. In the centre was a beautiful pure bred white mare. She was a magnificent beast, perfectly proportioned, graceful and exuding an air of mystical calm around her. I could feel the strength of her presence immediately. This had to be Goddess Rhiannon's white mare. In the corner was a brown cob mare. This had to be Goddess Rhiannon herself transformed into the form of a horse. At the sight of me her ears pricked up and she looked across at me and snorted. Could she see through my shape shifting disguise? Did she know that her call to the sisterhood of Goddesses had been answered and that I had been sent on a mission to rescue her?

I was led up to the white mare's rump. Suddenly, I felt very worried. What kind of challenge had I set myself? I have been taught how to control lustful urges in Goddess Nemesis's dungeons, but there had been occasions, even under her strict training, when I have lapsed and succumbed to carnal desires. This was an altogether new and stranger test. The first thing that struck me was the smell. The white mare was in heat and the smell of her filled my nostrils, went through my body and started to arouse my stallion cock. I focused. I forced myself to show discipline. I snorted and shook my head to try and distract myself and shake the smell of the white mare's cunt out of my head. I had got my lustful feelings under control, but only just. I had set myself a perilous undertaking. I raised myself up on my rear legs neighing. The centurions held onto my bridle and got me under control. But, this was a battle of wills I had won. I could feel that my urges were now under control. My cock remained flaccid and soft.

Queerissimus turned to one of his centurions.

"If this stallion hasn't the strength to get an erection, maybe he needs some help. My task is too important to be denied by an uncooperative animal. Call for Brigantia. She will give this stallion a hard-on." He turned to one of his centurions and continued. "I picked this girl from one of the Iceni tribe. I have never seen such skills with a horse. She is my servant now. She comes in useful when I put my stallions to stud."