The Chess Piece Ch. 01

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Forced meeting bring Jason and Laysea closer together.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/18/2009
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I want to thank ill_eat_wince for taking the time to help me edit. Then a special thank you to MaaddMaaxx for not only editing but also explaining things in detail to me! You are absolutely amazing and I hope that you never tire of explaining grammar to me!


Running, it always helped calm her down. She did not know if it was from the exertion that it took or just that it made her so tired that she didn't care anymore. Either way she always enjoyed her runs. Her long light brown hair was pulled back in a pony tail. Her breast was the only part of her body that was not overly thin, but she filled a D cup. At times she thought that her breast are too much for her little frame but they are hers by God.

At 18 years of age, Laysea had been through hell and back. It made her feel older then she actually was. After being the sole witness to her father killing her mother, not having a family member that wanted to take on raising her; then spending 12 years in the foster care system only to be kicked out when she turned 18 decided to only count on herself.

As she reached her favorite tree to begin the after run stretches that had become almost religious with the daily runs, she began to feel a little uneasy. Something in the pit of her stomach was telling her something was not right. The hair on the back of her neck was standing up. Laysea began to notice the birds were silent and there didn't seem to be anyone else on the path. She began to feel as if she was completely alone and danger was dripping from the air.

Unable to shake the feeling she skipped her normal after run stretch and began to speed walk back to the entrance of the park. She kept looking around her trying to find a sign that she was overreacting. Just when she could not take the stress any more she saw another runner. She began to relax thinking to herself that there is safety in numbers. She began to slow her walk some as the runner came closer to her. Mentally giving her self a shake for scaring herself, she began to focus on slowing down her heart and breathing. She was sure she was letting all of the recent news stories about girls coming up missing all over the city. The police had said it was only happening at night and the person responsible was caught.

Just as the jogger was right beside her, he flipped around grabbed her from behind. Laysea was startled, suddenly realizing that he was actually attacking her. At that moment she became aware that the hand covering her mouth and nose had a cloth that had no odor but seemed to bring a sweet taste to her mouth, she was getting weaker though and her vision was becoming cloudy. Her last thought would have sent her over the edge of fear had she not been almost unconscious -- she was breathing chloroform!


The air crackled with his anger! There were some things in this business that you just did not do and pissing Jason DeGeo off was one of them! He had just come from a briefing of the last mission one of his teams went on. It was ridicules that these teams could not understand a simple plan and just carry it out!

Since he had heard the report wondered how a team could have messed up so bad. He had made sure that they were all trained properly, had a good team leader and he even went over the plan personally with the team prior to them leaving. They knew what to do and how to do it.

He began to think that his right hand man Ty was right on the money with the nickname he dubbed the team with -- "The Jack offs!" Every assignment they went on in the last month they ended up jacking it off to the point that the next step was to give them coffee duties and hope they got that right! This time their fuck up had cost a life and several injuries.

After hearing the report, Jason had to leave before he gave the order to have everyone of them killed on the spot! He figured that his elite team of bodyguards was frantically trying to catch up with him but in his state of mind Jason had jumped into one of his available cars and floored it. He had to calm down some before he gave the next order! In his position the worst thing for him to do is to base an order on his emotions. That had been the first lesson that his mentor had taught him when he showed signs of being a leader. He could still hear Stan telling him "If you rule with emotions people will fear you not respect you. If you keep a calm, cool head about yourself people will think that you are just."

Even though Stan had been out of the business for several years passing it on to Jason to do what he wanted with it, Jason still followed the "ground rules" that Stan established. As Jason started to pay more attention to where he was going or more to the point where he was at, a chill ran down his spine. He had just driven into his biggest enemy's territory and without an invitation. SHIT! Could this day get any worse? Jason knew that he needed to get out of here and as fast and quietly as possible. He just hoped that Mitch Diago would not view this as an invasion and try to precipitate. He had absolutely no doubt that Mitch would know -- probably already did -- that Jason was there and that he was alone. Just as he got turned around Jason began to drive fast but had gotten no more then a half a block away when a black SUV with dark tinted windows blocked him from going any further. Swearing loudly, he threw the car in reverse only to find an identical SUV behind him and two more on each side of him. Jason sighed loudly and shut off the engine. Well hell, he thought, this day just went to hell in a blink of an eye.


Blinding white lights is what Laysea awoke to. At first she thought that she was in a hospital but wait, why would she be in a hospital? Was she in an accident? She felt so groggy, slowly her eyes closed again. The next time she opened her eyes she realized that the light was from a window and she was in a bed in what appeared to be a bedroom. The type of bedroom someone like her would imagine was in her parent's home and that she was just home from on vacation from some college she attended. But her mother had died at the hands of her father, who the state of Texas executed.

No house he ever managed to find them had any room that was this nice. She still did not live in anything this nice. She worked three jobs and shares an apartment with three other girls. In order to make rent cheap enough for everyone they had rented a two bedroom apartment then put two beds in each room separating the rooms by hanging a blanket up between the beds.

She could not count how many times she had to listen to Tracy have sex with her boyfriend not two feet from her own bed. Tracy along with Jill and Beth had given her hell about her lack of love life. Laysea just did not have time or the desire to have anybody to touch her that way. It was not that she was a lesbian or anything. She is attracted to guys, but after her experiences in foster care she just did not want anyone to paw at her.

Just then she heard the door open to her right. She looked over at the woman who had just walked in. The woman was beautiful and acted like she was very aware of that fact. "So I see sleeping beauty has finally awakened."

"Where am I?" Laysea croaked.

"Where is not important right now? Are you thirsty, hungry or need to use the bathroom?" asks the blonde.

Laysea nodded her head. The blonde took it to mean she was all of the above. She opened the door giving the order to one of the men she saw standing in the hall to bring food and water. Then closed the door and walked over to the bed.

"Here let me help you to the bathroom. By the time that you are done and back in bed the food and water should be here." As the blonde helped Laysea to the bathroom she realized that she would have never made it on her own. By the time she had gotten back to her bed, Laysea was exhausted then she smelled food. For the first time she discovered how hungry she actually was. As the blonde sat in a chair waiting on her to finish eating and drinking she kept looking at her watch.

In between bites, Laysea asked her questions that were running around in her head. "Why am I here?"

"We have a job for you."

"Thanks but I don't have the time for another job."

"You have nothing but time since we are going to keep you around until it is completed."

"What about my life and my jobs?"

"Not our concern."

"How long was I asleep?"

"Since yesterday morning when you were brought here."

"Who are you?"

"I am called Lady."

"What is the job?"

"Not for me to tell you about."

"Do I get paid?"

"I don't know."

"When will I be able to find out what you can't or won't tell me?"


Laysea finally decided that she would just have to wait to find out what was waiting for her at the end of this weird experience. After she had finished eating, the blonde came over and took the tray to the door. She set it on a table outside then announced, "It's time." This time when she walked back into the room the two guys from the hall and a woman that appeared to be a doctor all came in.

Laysea really did not like the looks of this and the sinking feeling was back in her stomach. The guys went on different sides of the bed and each grabbed an arm holding her down. In her weakened state Laysea thought that was a bit overkill especially since she could not make it to the bathroom by herself. The blonde then snapped handcuffs on each wrist preventing her from pulling them down from over her head. Then they moved down to her legs and the process was repeated. The men then left the room. Lady then removed the blankets and pulled out a pair of scissors and began to cut straight up her night gown that she was wearing.

"What are you going to do?" Laysea asked Lady.

Lady smiled a smile that was starting to get on Laysea's last nerve. "Well, I am not going to do anything but the Doc here is going to give you an exam."

"What kind of examine requires me to be naked?"

Lady just winked at her. "This is the second test that you have to pass for the job." Lady then turned to the Doctor and said, "She is all yours Doc. But keep in mind -- be very careful. We don't want to damage the prize."

The doctor nodded to Lady then turned toward Laysea, "You need to be as still as possible or I will have to have the men come and hold your body still."

Laysea knew from that statement she was not planning on moving and inch. The doctor started pulling back her the outer lips of her most personal space and began examining her. She felt the doctor's lubricated glove at her opening enter her just a bit.

The doctor then looked at Lady and smiled. "She is untouched."

"Good," said Lady, "give her the shot." She pulled her phone out and dialed a number, "She is a virgin, perfect for you plan baby." She then shut the phone and placed it back in her pocket.

The doctor went to her bag and withdrew a needle and a bottle of clear liquid. "What is that?" asked Laysea.

Lady smiled down at her, "We don't want you to get pregnant from your stay here." Laysea then felt the prick of the needle pushing the medicine into her upper thigh.


Well at least he was still alive. Jason tried for the millionth time to look on the bright side of things. Shit, he hoped that the guys found him soon before Ty blew his infamous temper and actually shot every one of The Jack Off squad. Jason's fist actually itched to smash into someone right now. If Mitch's right hand man Jake came back to the little cell that they put him in it might just be him. It had to be his luck today that when his car was surrounded by the SUVs that Jake would be one of the first ones out of the head SUV. With more guns aimed at him then he thought possible, he had no other alternative then to go with them. After dumping him into this cell, Jake smiled at him and told him that Mitch had a little gift for him then laughed as he walked back out.

Jason kept wondering if Mitch's gift was going to be a slow agonizing death. The jackass had not even showed his face yet. Leave it to Mitch to be cocky. Just then Jason heard voices coming back down, sure enough within a few minutes there stood the jackass himself.

"Well, well, well look what we have caught on the wrong side of the line. Jason I never thought that you would be so stupid as to make it easy for me to have you as my guest."

"Guest implies that I can leave whenever I want." snarled Jason.

Mitch laughed loudly, "But then you would not receive a special present that I have acquired. Just. For. You."

"What the hell is this present you are talking about." "It will be delivered later and you will be released after I am sure that you have enjoyed it to the fullest ability." With that Mitch walked away leaving Jason once again by himself to ponder the riddle that Mitch used for a conversation.

Jason found out a few hours later that they were not planning on starving or dehydrating him since he was given plenty of food and plenty of water. In fact they had placed a water cooler with a ton of little water cups along with a fully stocked dry goods storage and a small refrigerator also fully stocked, in the room with him. He looked up at the door when he heard it open again and saw a woman wearing a sheet around her being lead down. Great, Jason thought, just what I need they are going to turn me on to give me AIDS or some other STD. When they got closer to the door of the cell he could not help but notice she probably only came to his shoulders. From his view she is very gorgeous. If they had meet some where else he would have tried to get her back to his penthouse and make love to her all night long until neither one could stay awake. But they were meeting in Mitch's Hell Cell. Was this the gift that he kept going on about? There had to be some reason why they suddenly wanted to get Jason laid. He just could not figure it out right now and the closer she walked the harder it was to think about it. She was locked in the cell with him before he could even think to object. Jake walked away laughing that stupid laugh of his saying "Enjoy your night Jason."


Laysea could not believe they put her in a prison cell with a man. On top of everything they gave her a sheet to cover her naked body. Every time she took a step the sheet seemed to rub the right spots making her want to keep moving with the sheet. She had begun to feel feverish and kept thinking that she might have been coming down with something. She thought maybe she should find out something about her cell buddy -- try to make nice while they are forced to be together in the small living quarters.

"W-w-what d-do they w-want?" Laysea asked hating how small her voice sounded.

Those crystal blue eyes turned to look directly into her eyes and replies, "If I had to warrant a guess I would say that they want me to fuck the hell out of you."

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SenieceTaOSenieceTaOabout 12 years ago


DawnzoDawnzoover 12 years ago
Just found this series..

Glad I did:)

DreamMaker12DreamMaker12almost 13 years ago
Love this

I have read this story through once already and now I'm back to re-read it.

Uggh, I get really tired of reading comments that only talk about a few minor grammatical errors, when they should just enjoy the story, for Christ's sake.

I love the story, the characters, all of it.

PS-I personally believe this site was created for weird/sick people.

Much love~~

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great start...

Hey there! Just wanted to say before I get back to reading that it's a great start. Got as far as the mini preface in the second part and had to come back. Ignore the naysayers. If a person can't overlook minor typos so much so that they feel need to point it out, they have no real imagination of their own, sadly. Off to finish reading...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

You need to find another editor. The grammar is awful, just plain awful. Its filled with tense errors, you go from was to is. If you revise it more it will be an easier read and more enjoyable. I couldn't even finish the story because of the mistakes.

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