The Cheating Zone 06: The Counselor

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Man destroyed by wife gets life back.
6.9k words

Part 6 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/16/2019
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The following was inspired by the two-part 2010 series, "The Marriage Counselor" by NTRMaster. The original story was about a husband whose life and mental state is completely destroyed by an evil man who poses as a marriage counselor for the purpose of stealing wives while literally destroying the husbands. I suggest you take the time to read that series to understand the full context of what is happening here.

The basic premise remains the same, however all but one of the names have been changed. Adrestia Rhamnousia, or "Dr. A," makes a repeat appearance in this story.

As always, constructive comments are always welcome and appreciated. Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc. And remember, this is a work of fiction, meaning that it is not real in any way, shape, matter or form.

This story begins where that series ends...

Tom Waters sat dejected at the table after Rachel left. He couldn't believe that he had allowed himself to be so humiliated in public by Dr. Castle, or whoever he really was, by Rachel, the widow of a man who literally put himself in harm's way to help him. What made it all worse was the guilt he felt by the fact that it was him who warned Castle. Had he not said anything, Jason might still be alive. But he thought that Castle would at least allow him to finally see his wife, Charlene by doing so.

Instead, he learned that he was nothing more than a thing to be toyed with by Castle and his harem, which now included his wife and the wife of the man he betrayed. Rachel had furthered the humiliation by making him masturbate in the public diner to completion.

He had to get away to think, to try and make sense of what he had unwittingly become part of. He paid his bill and went outside, finding a small park next to the street. He sat on a concrete bench and looked out at the little pond. He thought about the events that had led him to this point.

It started innocently enough. They visited the doctor, thinking he might help them get through some issues he thought they were having in the bedroom. For Tom, Charlene was God's gift to womanhood, perfect in every way with large breasts topping off a body most women would die for. Charlene was okay with their situation and had no problems, but went along to support her husband.

After the first visit, she was uncomfortable about going back, telling Tom that the doctor had stirred up feelings that scared her, but Tom insisted they continue seeing him. Dr. Castle gave Tim some pills to take twice a day. According to the doctor, Tom was over-stimulated mentally, but under-stimulated physically and the pills were allegedly meant to help mitigate that. Castle never gave him a prescription, but dispensed the pills in his office and never told him what they were called or what they contained.

It was much later that he learned they were actually made from the doctor's own semen, and that Charlene had actually participated in their making, by having sex with Castle. It was at that session that the doctor had injected Tom with a drug that paralyzed him completely, making him immobile as the doctor and his wife fucked right in front of him, humiliating and degrading him the whole time.

When they were finished, Castle put a bucket in Tom's lap and urinated on his face. As they left, Charlene dropped her wedding ring in the bucket of urine. The experience had a profound impact on Tom -- so much so that he ended up in prison for a couple months for assault, an assault that happened after someone mentioned therapy to help him relax and talk to women.

He spent some time looking for Castle and his wife, but was unsuccessful. It turned out there was no doctor by that name, nor was there anyone certified as a marriage counselor by that name. Eventually, Tom moved to the midwest, taking on a job as a courier. That's where he met and befriended Jason, his supervisor.

He told Jason his story and one day, Jason said he had located Castle somewhere in Arizona and that he had used his wife, Rachel as bait. Tom didn't like that, knowing what Castle was capable of, but Jason reassured him there was nothing to worry about. Rachel was a very beautiful woman, but nothing like Charlene. Still, Tom had reservations.

They set out for the southwest and located Castle, although he was using a different name. Tom wanted to kill the bastard for what he had done, but Jason took his gun in hopes of taking care of the man himself. Tom called the doctor and warned him, in hopes that Castle, or whoever he was at that time, would relent and let Charlene be with him again. That's when Jason suddenly went missing.

Much later, Rachel informed him that Castle had eliminated Jason, and made her part of his "harem." He also learned that Jason had been held for a time by local police. He realized there was no one on earth he could trust or turn to.

He buried his head in his hands and sobbed, hot, wet tears dripping off his face. "Please," he prayed silently, "God, anyone, please help me get justice." His meditation was suddenly interrupted by a female voice.

"Excuse me, sir, mind if I sit here?" the woman asked. Tom looked up to see a slender girl with cascading blonde hair over her shoulders. Dressed in jeans and a modest t-shirt, the girl looked to be in her early to mid-twenties. Probably a college girl, he thought. She was pretty in a girl-next-door way and her eyes twinkled as she smiled. She wasn't nearly as well-endowed as Charlene or Rachel, but she was well-proportioned. He motioned for her to sit on the bench and he moved over a bit, not wanting to crowd her space.

She studied him for a bit before speaking.

"If you'll let me, Tom Waters, I'd like to help you," she said quietly. He looked at her, surprised. What could this waif of a girl do, he asked himself. How did she know he was praying for help, and how did she know his name? He shook his head.

"There's no one on earth who can help me," he said quietly. She took his hand in hers. He felt a strange warmth start to spread through his body.

"I know," she said. He looked at her, surprised. She smiled, her eyes flashing. "Come with me." Suddenly, Tom found himself inside a small office filled with what looked like old books and files. He was sitting in an old chair that was surprisingly comfortable. The desk was overflowing with books but was also home to a computer with two large flat-screen monitors.

The girl was standing next to a credenza where she appeared to be making coffee or tea with a Keurig coffee maker.

"Where are we?" Tom asked. "How did we get here? Who are you?" He remembered his prayer. Could it be, he wondered... "Are you... God?" he asked. The girl turned around and laughed, her eyes sparkling.

"Oh, no, not hardly," she said, handing him a plain business card. "Trust me, I couldn't begin to handle all the paperwork he has to deal with," she said jokingly. He looked at the card. "Dr. Adrestia Rhamnousia," it read. What kind of a name was that, he wondered. He tried sounding out the name before she interrupted him.

"You can simply call me Dr. A, if you wish," she said. "Many of my friends do. I've been called many things over the years, like Nemesis or Tyr, but Dr. A will suffice." Nemesis? Tyr? What kinds of names were those, he wondered. She handed him a large mug of hot tea that had a refreshing citrus odor. "Please, drink up. It's a special tea blend given to me by an old friend and it's guaranteed to help relax you. Don't worry, it's safe, not like those pills Castle gave you."

Tom took a tentative sip and instantly felt a giddy warmth as the hot liquid went down his gullet. The sweet, citrus flavor tasted good and he took a longer drink. She smiled.

"See," she said. "I told you it would help."

"How do you know about the pills he gave me?" Tom asked. "What's going on?" She sat at her desk and took a drink from her mug.

"I know all about your situation," she said. She looked around the room. "I know all about Castle, or whatever he's calling himself now. Trust me, you're not the only one he's done this to." Tom was confused.

"Why me?" he asked. "If you know what he's been doing, why haven't you gone to the authorities?"

"First off, I want to help you because you asked me to. Second, the authorities aren't even aware of what he's been doing and third, as you've already surmised, at this point, there's no power on earth that can touch him," she said. "The authorities who haven't already been compromised by him don't even know he exists."

"I asked you?" Tom asked, confused. She picked up a remote and pointed it at a large screen on the wall. Tom saw himself on the park bench, his hands over his tear-streaked face. He heard his own thoughts come over the speaker: "Please. God, anyone, please help me get justice." He looked at her, surprised and shocked. "How...?" She looked at him compassionately and smiled.

"The 'how' isn't important. The fact that you asked for help, is," she said. "I learned many years ago the dangers of getting involved where I wasn't welcome. Now, I have a strict policy of non-intervention. I do not get involved unless I am asked or invited. You asked. I responded." He still looked confused.

"Who, exactly, are you? Really?" he asked. She stood and walked around the desk, rolling another chair in front of him. She sat down, and looked him in the eye.

"I am justice for those who have been wronged," she said. "And no one escapes me. Ever."

"So, what are you?" Tom asked. "Are you a lawyer, a mercenary, what?" She smiled, her eyes flashing.

"I am trained and qualified for many disciplines," she said.

"But I can't afford you," he said. "I'm practically broke."

"I have no need and no desire for your money," she said. "I have what you might call very deep pockets. If I need something, I simply get it. Maybe this will help you understand." She placed her hands on the sides of his head and kissed him lightly on the lips. He felt a shock and his mind was filled with images of strange, powerful beings with flashing eyes and lightning streaking from their fingers.

He was reminded of the stories he had read as a child of the ancient Greek and Roman gods. He saw a vision of her, wearing a long, flowing robe, clasped on one shoulder. She held a large double-edged sword in her hand and a snake was immobilized under her delicate, sandal-clad feet.

She looked sadly at the scenes around her. At her feet were a number of individuals, each undergoing some form of torturous punishment. One woman, for example, was in an iron pot filled with oil. Under the pot was a blazing fire. She was screaming in pain as the hot oil bubbled, but her skin was still intact. Another woman was being consumed alive by alien creatures with large, bulbous heads. Suddenly a part of him understood what was going on.

She released his head and looked at him. He focused on her face and found that he was attracted to her, emotionally and a bit sexually. She smiled and her eyes twinkled. They seemed to do that a lot, he thought to himself. She stood and took her seat behind her desk.

"Please understand, Tom," she began. "I take no pleasure in meting out the punishment you've seen, but there are some who simply deserve much more than earthly 'justice' can provide. Especially those like your Dr. Castle." She pulled up a file on her computer and cleared the screen on the wall.

"Keep in mind that I have files and information on every marriage on Earth. Some are quite solid, like this couple in Springfield who's been madly in love with each other since they were children. Others aren't so good. Let's review yours, shall we?" she asked.

Over the next couple hours, she told Tom everything about his marriage to Charlene, even the most intimate details of their sex life. Then she went through the period involving Castle.

Tom began to sob as she recounted the entire period. She stopped and stepped to his side. Bending down, she held his head and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Instantly, he felt better and stopped crying.

"She told me that she was uncomfortable with going back to him after that first visit," Tom said. "Maybe if I had listened to her then, none of this would be happening."

"Don't blame yourself, Tom," Dr. A said. "The damage was already done. He already had his hooks in her. You might have been able to buy yourself a week, maybe, but not much more. The end would have been the same."

"Is there anything we can do for Jason?" he asked. She shook her head.

"I can do many things, but I cannot raise the dead," she said. "Your friend has already crossed the great divide and is beyond my help. Besides, if you were to ask him, he'd tell you that he's much happier where he is. I'm sorry, Tom." He nodded, tears falling down his cheek for the friend who died helping him.

"So what do we do?" Tom asked.

"Right now, I think you need some rest," she said. "I have a few things to get set up. After you've had some food and sleep, we'll talk again. You should know that your apartment is under surveillance, so I've set up temporary lodging here."

She got up and escorted him to a door that led to an adjoining suite. She ushered him inside, where he found a change of clothes, his pajamas and toiletries. A large bed with the covers pulled back was at one wall. She left him to change, telling him she would be back once he was ready for bed.

He went into the restroom and did his business, then brushed his teeth and changed into his pajamas, which felt more comfortable than he remembered. He slid under the covers as Dr. A returned. She sat on the edge of the bed and took his head in her hands. She smiled and for the first time in months, Tom felt... love. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before -- not a physical or sexual love, but yet much stronger than what he might feel for a sister.

"Remember that I am always with you, Tom," she said. "I will keep you safe. You need to rest and recover from what has been done to you." He heard her chant something in a language he didn't understand for a few moments. Then she kissed him. "Now, go to sleep, Tom. I'll come get you when I'm ready." He looked at her for a few moments, then closed his eyes and slept better than he had in months.

He woke up refreshed a few hours later when Dr. A came into the room, carrying a tray. She set it on the bed and raised the head of Tom's bed. He looked at the tray, taking in the bacon, eggs and toast and a glass of orange juice.

"I took the liberty of making some breakfast," she said. "I hope you don't mind. Once you're ready, come on in to my office and I'll bring you up to date, okay?"

"Okay," Tom said. "Thanks, this looks delicious." She smiled as she left the room. After Tom ate, he showered, dressed and went into her office. He sat down and watched her for a few minutes.

"I hope breakfast was satisfactory," she said quietly.

"Yes, it was perfect, thank you," he said. She smiled.

"Good, I'm glad you liked it," she said. "It's rare that I get to prepare food for someone else." She clicked a few things on her computer before turning to him.

"Here's what I have on your Dr. Castle," she began. "He goes by many names. Castle, Highcastle, Tower, Hightower, are just a few. He never spends more than a few weeks in any one location and relocates after he has finished his conquest. He never takes on more than one 'client' at a time and the husband almost always ends up missing or mysteriously dead." She looked at him.

"You were very lucky," she added. "It seems he views you as a toy to play with, much like an animal to experiment on. And your wife and Rachel are part of his scheme." She clicked something on her monitor and the large screen came to life. Below the main window, a smaller box stretched across the width of the monitor. Strange characters were scrolling across the window. "Watch this."

On the monitor, Rachel and Charlene were sitting on a couch in a luxurious apartment, naked. Castle was sitting in a recliner across from them. Apparently, they had just finished having sex. In the background was an open sliding glass door and a large body of water could be seen beyond that.

"How are you getting this?" Tom asked. "And what's that below the video." She smiled.

"Trade secret," she said. "Just watch." As they watched, the three took a drink and began talking.

"Any idea where your husband is now?" Castle asked Charlene. Charlene shook her head.

"No, I don't have any idea where he could be," she said. The words "C: What the fuck is going on?" went across the smaller window.

"What's that going across the bottom?" Tom asked.

"Thought monitors," Dr. A said. "This gives us a glimpse into what they're thinking." Castle looked at Rachel.

"You were the last one to see him," Castle said. The thought monitor displayed, "CA:" followed by gibberish.

"Yes, I know," Rachel said. "I watched him leave the diner and sit in a park. I watched him cry for a while. I got distracted by a gust of wind and dust for just a second and when I looked back, he was gone. I looked around for him, but I couldn't find him anywhere. It's almost like he just vanished. I don't know where he went."

The thought monitor read: "R: I'm so fucked."

Castle wasn't happy. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number, which was captured by the thought monitor. They could hear someone answer the call.

"Have you got anything?" Castle asked angrily. They couldn't hear the other end of the call, but the thought monitor displayed: "Nothing, boss. It's like he disappeared into thin air."

"Goddammit," Castle said. "What do you mean disappeared?" The smaller box displayed: "I mean, disappeared. His car is gone, he's gone, no one has seen him drive off and he's not at his apartment. We've been watching his place like a hawk and we have all our resources out looking for him. I've never seen anything like it, boss."

"That's not acceptable. Find him," Castle yelled. "NOW!" The thought monitor displayed: "What do you want us to do with him?"

"Put him on ice. Don't hurt him. That's my job. I'll call you and let you know where to take him," Castle said before ending the call. He threw the phone against the wall. "The fucker's gone missing," he said angrily. The thought monitor displayed more gibberish. Tom looked at Dr. A.

"Why is it doing that?" he asked, referring to the thought monitor. She shook her head, her brow furrowed.

"I don't know," she said. "It's normal for that to happen when the monitor is first synchronizing with the target, but that usually clears up after a couple minutes at most. I'm not sure why it's taking so long, unless..." She clicked a few more things on her monitor and the gibberish cleared into English. She looked at Tom. "We have a bigger problem than I originally thought."

"What do you mean?" Tom asked. She looked at him and considered her words carefully before speaking.

"Your Dr. Castle is more than a mere mortal human," she said. "Oh, he's very mortal alright, and he's mostly human, but there's something else in his DNA, something that I doubt he even realizes. If I didn't see it for myself, I wouldn't believe it."

"What do you mean?" Tom asked.

"You're somewhat familiar with Greek mythology, right?" she asked. Tom nodded his head. "So, you're familiar with the stories of the gods mating with mortal woman?" Again, Tom nodded his head. "You know, for example, that Hercules is said to have been the illegitimate child of Zeus and a mortal woman and others, like Helen of Troy, were believed to be the result of gods mating with mortals."

"What are you saying?" Tom asked. "Are you telling me that Castle is the offspring of an ancient mythical Greek god or something?" Dr. A shook her head.