The Chauffeur

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Hayley Atwell seduces her chauffeur.
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Daniel sighed as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, glancing at his watch for what felt like the 10th time in the last minute. His work as a chauffeur meant keeping to a very strict timetable, especially in a massive and crowded metropolis like London. He had been working in this manner for a year now, and was yet to be late. This spotless record meant he quickly went from driving around some low-level banking sector executives with egos the size of a Jumbo Jet to driving A-List actors, singers and other famous people one could group up in the "celebrity" category. However, even with the change in clientele, some habits seemed to never change.

Like, for example, missing the deadline on the pick up.

Daniel groaned as he exited the car - a sleek, black Mercedes S-Class - and moved up to the doors of the house tonight's client was supposed to live in. According to the email he got from the firm beforehand, her name was Hayley Atwell - an actress, now mostly known for her role as Peggy Carter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The assignment actually made Daniel a little more excited than usual. He had heard very positive things about her from other drivers - how she would always be there right on time, not be a diva and even engage with some small talk or even longer, pleasant conversations - something quite rare in the current times. It also didn't hurt she was a very beautiful woman - all luscious curves and tonnes of sexappeal, looking like a pin-up model someone would paint on a bomber during World War 2. That last part, of course, wasn't important in the context of his job, but in private, Daniel would admit he had developed at least a little crush on her, evidenced by the fact he had fantasized about her a few times while wanking himself off.

As he approached the door, his mood starting to sour, they suddenly swung open. Daniel stopped walking, just a few steps from the entrance as a woman quickly turned around to lock it. He quickly rearranged himself into a proper position - arms crossed in front of his chest, his legs spread a little - as the woman turned around.

Daniel had to bite himself hard on his tongue not to let out a gasp. While he knew Hayley was a gorgeous movie star, internet pictures didn't prepare him for what he just saw. She looked absolutely stunning - her face elegant and looking like chiseled by a master from finest marble, her brown eyes warm and welcoming. What did really make him feel a little tingle in his groin was her outfit - a black, almost sheer evening gown, extending all the way to the ground, with a massive, plunging neckline showing quite the amount of skin. He could clearly see she wasn't wearing a bra, her breasts clearly visible through the material. He shot a quick look to her chest, hoping she didn't notice, before looking back at her face.

"Miss Atwell." He spoke, putting on his best customer service voice. "My name is Daniel, I will be your chauffeur for the night."

"Good evening, Daniel." She replied, her tone apologetic. "So sorry I'm late, the damn makeup took me far too long than I planned to. My mistake"

"No problem, madam." He answered, already pleasantly surprised. Most other celebs wouldn't even acknowledge him at first, let alone admit to a mistake on their part. "Shall we?" he continued, gesturing towards the parked car.

"Of course. Lead the way." She replied, quickly throwing the house keys to her clutch.

Daniel took off, an extra spring in his step as he approached the car, opening the back door. Hayley slid inside gracefully, unwittingly giving him another look at her spectacular cleavage. As she settled in he shut the door, and then moved back to get into his own seat, trying to recompose himself after what he just saw.

Jesus, dude, chill. It's not like she'll take you to bed or anything. He thought as he strapped himself in and turned the Sat-Nav back on, driving off towards the destination - Grosvenor House Hotel.

"Again, I'm so sorry about the delay." Hayley then spoke again. "I hope we can still make it."

"Not at all, Ms. Atwell." Daniel replied, looking back at her through the rear-view mirror. "I think we should still be there on time." He wasn't lying - while there was a delay, he knew a few shortcuts that would allow him to reach the hotel right on schedule.

"Thank God." she replied, clearly relieved. The last thing I need now is a phone call from my agent about being late to some meeting there."

"I can understand that." Daniel said, a little smile on his lips as the drove along, mindful of the maze of streets and any dangers that could lurk along.

"Although the last thing I want is to have to sit through some boring, idle chit-chat about how my career could use a boost." Hayley spoke, looking out of the window. "Without even asking me if I would like that."

"Is that so?" Daniel asked, trying to continue the conversation. It was a rarity that his clients would be so talkative as Hayley was being now - most of them either ignoring him, sitting glued to their phone screens or not progressing over the most basic of small talk.

"All the bloody time." She replied, sighing. "I'm quite happy with what I have now. Especially since I do know what it can be like up there."


"Yes." She continued. "How you almost lose a role because you refuse to lose weight or how you're fresh out of acting school and you get a role in a movie directed by an A-List pervert. Great, isn't it."

Daniel stayed silent, not really knowing what to respond. The silence hung in the air like a thick curtain for a few seconds, before Hayley spoke again.

"Oh, sorry, I think I went a bit too dark there. Excuse me."

"No problem, ma'am." Daniel replied, looking back at her in the mirror. "It's not often I get to drive someone as talkative as you, Miss Atwell. You're probably the first one that I'm having a proper conversation with."

"Really?" She replied, her eyebrow arching. "I guess there is a first time for everything, then." She then added, her lips curving up in a smile.

Daniel nodded in reply, checking the Sat-Nav again. They were still a bit far from the hotel, but thanks to the traffic being surprisingly light by London standards, they could even make it on time without having to resort to shortcuts. Daniel relaxed into the comfortable seat as he drove along.

"So..." Hayley then spoke again after a moment. " are we looking?"

Gorgeous. He thought before steering his mind back into the conversation.

"Good. Traffic is light so we might be there even before it all starts."

"Very well." she replied, her fingers tapping against her clutch. "So, Daniel, how are you doing today, by the way?"

"Fine." He replied. "All things considered. Why do you ask?"

"Well, In burdened you a little with my thoughts, so I guess it would only be right for me to listen to you now." She responded, splaying her hand over her thigh.

"I guess it makes sense." He replied as he neared the destination, crossing the intersection onto the home stretch. "But, no, everything is fine. Job's good, life's not bad. Not much to complain about."

"Mhm." She replied, nodding along. "Private life?"

"I'm sorry?" He spoke, not really understanding what she was asking him about.

"Girlfriend giving you problems? Or boyfriend if you're into that sort of thing?" she continued on, Daniel noticing a little twinkle in her eye as she spoke.

"Ummm... I'm single. And straight, if that matters. Had a few quick hook-ups earlier, but nothing stuck." He replied, swearing he saw her lips curve up into a sly smile.

"Okay." She replied, a smirk now clearly forming on her lips. "Why didn't they stick?"

"Don't know." He replied, his eyes darting down to her cleavage again and back to her face in the mirror. "Everything seemed fine and then they were the ones who broke them off."

"Their loss, I guess." She replied, as Daniel started to maneuver the car into the drop-off spot, already seeing cameras flash from behind the barriers. It didn't take long before he reached the position and stopped.

"Miss Atwell, we're here." He spoke, straightening out his jacket and then checking his watch. "Just on time."

"Very good." She replied, giving herself one last look-over. "I'll call the firm when I need a pick-up."

"I'll be waiting. Have a nice evening" He replied as he exited the car and moved over to her door, opening it. She then gracefully stood up and moved out, the sound of flashes picking up the instant she was outside.

"Thank you. You too." she replied before moving away towards the entrance, already turning towards the photographers to give them a full view of herself.

Daniel then closed the door and moved himself back into the car, driving off to the designated parking space.

That wasn't so bad. He thought to himself.

The next few hours passed peacefully. After parking the car, Daniel socialized a little with other drivers, swapping stories of horrible clients and the weirdest of stuff that he ever witnessed in the back of the car. Afterwards, he busied himself a little cleaning the car, before driving off to get some food. After a solid dinner, he drove off back to the hotel, waiting for the call.

It came exactly three hours after he dropped off Hayley at the hotel. He was checking his phone for new emails when it buzzed in his hand, the number of the dispatch displaying on his screen..

"Yes?" he spoke, taking the call."

"Miss Atwell has called. She's waiting."

"On my way." He replied, ending the call and starting the engine. A short drive later he emerged back at the red carpet, now mostly deserted save from a few celebrities and random journalists, all waiting for either their limos or their cabs. He spotted her quickly - standing on the edge of the carpet with a phone in her hand. He flashed his lights for a second as he approached, her head turning as he did so. He saw her lips curve up into a smile as he pulled up to her and exited the car.

"Miss Atwell." He spoke as he opened the door for her.

"Daniel." She replied, sliding into the car, a small gasp escaping her lips as she sat down. Daniel ignored the light tingle in his groin as he heard that, closing the door and moving back

to his seat.

"So," he spoke as he drove off, joining the night traffic "how was it, Ms. Atwell?"

"Not as horrible as I first thought." she replied, her voice like honey to his ears. "Met a few friends, they always make those things more bearable. The champagne helped, too."

"Where do I know that from." he replied, smiling a little. "Good times, then."

"Yes, sure." she replied, busying herself with her phone. A comfortable silence fell between them as he drove on for a while, shooting quick glances at her through the mirror.

"Any plans for the rest of the evening then, Miss Atwell?" He then spoke, cringing a little at the way the question sounded.

"Not much, if I'm honest." she replied, seemingly not caring about who asked her that question. "Lounge a little with some good wine before going to sleep? I'm not sure yet. How about you?"

"Haven't been planning anything." He replied, noticing he was getting closer and closer to her home. "Can't return the car today anyway, the office is already closed. I was just thinking I'd go straight to bed."

"Alright." she replied, Daniel noticing how her lips against curled into that little, sly smile she gave him earlier. He felt his cheeks heat up a bit, but quickly discarded that feeling, focusing on getting the actress home safely.

It didn't take long for him afterwards to reach their destination. As he parked the car and prepared to exit the car, he suddenly heard Hayley speak.

"Daniel, I'm sorry to bother..." she began, her voice wobbling a little before she continued "... but would you might like to get a coffee? Since you said you didn't have any plans for the evening..." she finished as she bit her lip, a little red now coloring her cheeks.

"Oh, ummmm..." Daniel gasped, not really expecting a question like this to ever appear on the job. "... I can look for a coffee bar nearby..."

"No, I meant... from me. I have a coffee machine in my house, so..." she continued, her lips curving up again.

Holy shit. He thought, before another thought crossed his mind, his self-doubt now kicking into high gear. It's probably nothing, just a coffee, calm down. Why would she want you anyway? When you're a walking definition of the word average. Jesus, you're such an idiot. And an ass. She's your client, for fuck's sake.

"Daniel?" She then said, sounding just a little concerned.

"Oh, sorry, got lost in thought for a while." He replied, noticing a smirk forming on her lips as he spoke that. "Why not? It's not like I have anything else to do."

"Alright. Follow me." She spoke as she left the car. Daniel did as she said, locking the car before falling in step right behind her, his eyes darting for a second to take a look at her shapely bottom as she walked towards the door.

Soon enough, they both reached the kitchen as Hayley pulled two cups from the drawer.

"What's your style?" she asked, turning on the machine. It whirred to life quietly as she set the cups down.

"Espresso, no sugar." He replied, leaning himself back on the counter. He watched as she prepared the coffee, his eyes gliding over her figure, mesmerized by her beauty as she prepared the drinks. After a while, she turned around, holding two steaming cups in her hands.

"Here you go." She said as she gave Daniel his cup. He took a large sip, almost draining it in one go

"Nice." he spoke, setting the cup on the counter. "Just what I needed."

Hayley only smiled warmly as she took as sip, a small moan leaving her lips.

"Don't mind me asking." Daniel then spoke. "But why?"

"Why what?" She replied, cocking her head to the side, setting her own cup aside..

"Why this." he gestured vaguely to the room. "I'm just a chauffeur, not a friend. Why invite me?"

"Who said you can't be a friend." Hayley spoke, Daniel suddenly noticing how close she was to him, their bodies practically touching. "Or..." she suddenly angled her head, her lips right next to his ear.

"...maybe something more." She whispered, Daniel shivering a little as he heard it.

"What..." he started to speak but didn't finish, suddenly finding himself swept into a kiss. He froze at first, feeling Hayley's lips against his, her curvaceous body now nearly flush with his own. The feeling of it all snapped him out of the freeze, his lips then syncing up with hers, their kiss growing heated with every passing moment. He then felt her hands move to his hips, sliding up and down as he grabbed the counter behind him even harder. Then, Hayley broke the kiss, letting out a gasp.

"Miss Atwell..." he started speaking, trying to catch a breath and comprehend what had just happened.

"Daniel..." she spoke, her lips inches away from his. "... I want you."

"What?" he asked, his head still spinning a little. Instead of answering, Hayley kissed him again, this time her hand shooting up straight to his crotch. Daniel groaned into the kiss, his hips thrusting forwards into her grasp.

"I think this should put the point across." Hayley spoke as they broke the kiss, her cheeks flushed. "So, bedroom, then?"

"Yes." he replied in a husky gasp as she pulled him by the hand. He let her lead, reaching the bedroom mere seconds later. His eyes managed only to spy a massive bed right by the left wall before Hayley laid her lips on him again, pulling him into another heated kiss. This time, he was cognizant enough to allow himself to put his hands on her, starting modestly at her hips. The feeling of it must have done something to her as she deepened the kiss, her hands now clawing at his suit jacket. He took the hint, sliding lower until he managed to cup her full ass, Hayley gasping into his mouth as he squeezed lightly. They parted then, lips swollen and breaths coming quick.

"Oh my. It's been too long." she spoke as he groaned, feeling his erection against the fabric of his briefs. Before he could say the same, Hayley suddenly turned around, moving her hair to the side.

"Unzip me?" she then spoke as she then kicked off her heels. Daniel closed in, her voice a siren's call as he found the zipper of that stunning dress. He lowered it slowly, his lips hot on her neck as he moved it down inch by inch. As he reached the end he moved his hands back to her hips, sliding them up to finally cup those amazing breasts of hers. Hayley moaned quite loudly as he did so, causing his hips to grind right against her ass.

"I didn't know pulling down a zipper involved so many extra steps." she then managed to deadpan, causing Daniel to let out a quiet chuckle.

"Sorry, Miss Atwell." he spoke, his fingers gliding over her nipples through the fabric. "You're just too beautiful."

She only responded with a breathy laugh as she suddenly spun around to face him again, giving him a little push. It was enough for him to stumble backwards, landing right on the edge of the bed with a little bounce. As he settled in he looked back at her, just as she shimmied a little, enough to let her dress drop to the floor.

"Fuck." Daniel gasped, drinking her in. He now made no effort to hide the fact he was ogling her, his eyes moving from her face to her breasts and then lower. He bit back a gasp as she saw she had no panties on, a trimmed patch of hair guiding his eyes right between her legs. He then looked back, groaning quietly as he saw the only thing she wore under the dress - a lace black garter belt, the suspenders clipping into a pair of black stockings with lace, floral trimmings on top.

"You're so gorgeous, Miss Atwell." he spoke, barely being able to contain the arousal in his voice.

"You're not so bad yourself, darling." She replied, a small giggle leaving her lips. "But you are way too overdressed."

"Oh, right." He spoke as he then quickly shucked off the jacket, throwing it behind him. Just as he managed to shuck off his shoes and socks, Hayley was right by him, sinking to her knees, her hands moving towards the buckle of his belt.

"Oh, Miss Atwell." He gasped, the view of the Marvel star unbuckling his belt making him rock hard in his briefs.

"Please," she spoke as she removed the belt, her fingers now making short work of the button and zipper. "call me Hayley."

Daniel could only groan as she suddenly hooked her fingers over the top of his briefs and pulled down. He moved his hips up, giving her enough space to slide his underwear and trousers all the way down. His cock finally sprang free of the confines, hard like a rock and bobbing against his still-clothed belly. Daniel shuddered as he saw Hayley look at it, her eyes suddenly turning from warm brown to black.

"I know it's not much..." he started speaking before Hayley reached out, her hand wrapping around his shaft, giving him a slow stroke. He gasped at the feeling, his hips jumping a little.

"Oh, Daniel." She whispered, her voice tinged with lust and excitement. "This will do just fine."

He groaned, her words going straight to his cock. She gave him a few more slow strokes before suddenly getting even closer, her tongue darting out to lick at the exposed cockhead.

"Oh fuck!" Daniel moaned, his hands gripping the sheets of the bed hard as Hayley continued, her tongue sliding lower, licking at his engorged shaft. He felt her groan against it, her tongue wrapping around it, giving it a deliciously slow lick as she slid even lower, right down to his balls. He groaned as he felt her tongue move down there, her pace slow and methodical. Then she suddenly moved back up, giving him a quick stroke before taking the tip of him in her mouth.

"Oh shit, Hayley!" he practically shouted, feeling the soft warmth of her mouth envelop his cockhead. He felt her moan against his shaft, sliding down lower and lower until she enveloped him fully, her nose touching his belly. He then saw as she moved her head back up, letting her juicy lips slide against the skin as she then released him from her mouth.