The Canoe Trip

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Online lovers meet for a kinky wilderness adventure.
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Author's Note: This is a collaborative piece between Brittni4U and Skye_sub. Although published under my name it started as private emails shared between us to amuse only us. We liked the concept so much we decided to make it a real story. We hope you enjoy it as much we do.


Serenity is a rare frame of mind, but we had found it in that moment, gliding along a pristine river in Canada's unpopulated north. I was completely awestruck not so much at the scenery but at my company. That moment and every subsequent one I'd spent in Britt's company had been nothing short of heaven. This was a shared dream somehow made reality; we were canoeing up in Saskatchewan's north. I couldn't quite understand how life had led me in this direction. Brittni was just 25 but had somehow found her way up north meet me, a woman, ten years her senior. We had been caught in a whirlwind romance ever since we had met online and fallen in love despite ourselves. Neither of us had expected it, but yet there we were.

Our saga had started simply enough, both of us being writers on an online erotica site had met via a mutual friend and fellow writer. Pictures were exchanged along with self introductory correspondences. It was a shock one day, when I realized that I had been a fan of Britt's for quite some time without realizing who she was. However, the emails exchanged between her and I died off quickly when my husband confronted me about my online activity, he disapproved of my writing, said I needed to be home more and furthermore he accused me of being a bad wife. He had never been a very affectionate man, but he withdrew further after this. Our sex life had never been good, but with that; it diminished until it was an exercise, we both performed out of obligation. Anniversaries or date nights were the only time we attempted to reignite our passion, but it was to little avail.

Feeling guilty with my own deficiencies; I tried to be something I wasn't. I stayed home, went to work, cooked meals and cleaned the house. At night I was lonely and sad, but I buried all that deep within myself. I hunkered down in the spare room, wrapping myself in the cold comfort of my sorrow caused by my failed marriage and my own perceived inadequacy. Soon I began to doubt whether I was even attracted to men at all anymore. All my relationships with them seemed to end poorly with me losing interest and feeling alone in a supposed partnership of two. I'd known I was bisexual for years but as my sexual appetite for men waned drastically, I began to question whether I was a lesbian. I couldn't bring myself to believe that though, my relationships with men were based on some real feelings... they just never seemed to last.

Years later, after I had separated from my husband, I wanted to reunite myself with the things that had given me satisfaction in the past. One night while viewing an adult lesbian film online I was instantly reminded of a beautiful blonde girl from California. On a whim, I typed a quick email to Britt in hopes we could collaborate on a writing project. I hadn't expected much. Certainly not that we would fall in love. Yet, while writing together and after many late-night talks, we found ourselves unable to stop thinking of one another. Longing to have something more overtook our thoughts, as we tried to maintain our own separate existences.

We made deals with each other in a vain attempt to abate the intensity of our feelings. It was agreed we wouldn't speak our love aloud with the hope we could banish our need by neglecting the emotion behind it. Contact was limited and yet, neither of us could bring ourselves to cut off our correspondence completely. Since we couldn't halt it all together, our feelings continuously broke through to the surface, until after some time we dove into the depth of the reality of our shared fate. Our emails, were heated, filled with the angst and frustration we felt at our distance, and our undeniable love for each other. I began to think that this must be it; I'd met my soulmate and she couldn't be further away by distance or circumstance. What kind of cruel twist of fate was that?

Eventually, we couldn't hold back anymore, we threw caution to the wind and decided we owe it to ourselves to meet and explore our feelings. So that was how it came to be that Britt and I found ourselves basking in the shared joy of one another's existence. Britt had made the outwardly appearing insane decision to spend a week of her vacation time with me in a remote northern area of Saskatchewan, Canada on a canoe trip. During our late-night talks, I had regaled her with stories of the pristine wilderness I explored in my 20s with my friends. Intrigued by more than the tales, Britt left the comfort of suburban California for the excitement of a real outdoors adventure and the promise of seeing me, her long-distance love.

The day was intensely hot in a way that Britt found discordant with her internal image of Canada. Under the heat of the hot summer sun, we paddled along wearing nothing but bikini bottoms, water shoes and swim sports bras. I was wearing a backwards ball cap to cover my long dark hair. Britt's hair was French braided into two tight pigtails that rested naturally over each shoulder and down the sides of her beautiful face. We were both wearing sunglasses. Upon seeing Britt's stylish large frames, I teased, "Oh hey there Hollywood, are you worried about being recognized by the paparazzi up here?"

Her laughter lit my soul and from my seat at the back of the canoe, I couldn't help but admire in disbelief; the beauty of Britt's natural lithe body as her muscles flexed with each stroke of her paddle. The river was devoid of all human life, but the birds sang from their treetop homes along the riverbed and overhead two eagles soared lazily across the sky in search of their daily meal. The water was crystal clear, and she questioned me as to whether it was actually possible to drink from the river. "Yes, of course babe, I've even done it, but we will play it safe and filter it anyway..." I explained my mouth curling into a sly smile, "Afterall, we wouldn't want to get beaver fever."

Britt laughed thinking it was a joke and added, "Yeah, well... I think we already suffer from that condition..."

"Yeah, you are right about that. Tell me, what would you, a pharmacist, suggest as a cure?"

She laughed and winked back at me over her shoulder. My heart felt like it stopped briefly as I felt a surge of love and desire. Time passed slowly and languidly as our paddles drove us to our destination. Upon arrival, we shored up on a small island that was a common tenting area for canoers passing through the area. Desolate in its beauty, the island was covered in a dense forest of jack pine, spruce and birch. There were grassy clearings near the bedrock lining the river that served as picture perfect scenes to set up the tent.

Eyes wide with wonder, Britt exclaimed, "It is so incredibly beautiful out here. Thank you for bringing me but wow, I'm overheating, I thought it would be much cooler in Canada."

I winked replying, "Canada is all sorts of cool, but we can get real hot too." My voice was dripping with innuendo.

Smiling back, she asked while following my lead perfectly, "Mmmmm, I wonder... How hot can it get?"

I curled my lip up to one side and answered dryly, playing dumb, "About 32 degrees today." While hammering in a stake with the blunt side of a hatchet I continued a little more seriously, "Babe, I am so happy to have you along. I mean... it's so wonderful it doesn't even feel real. It feels euphoric really... like maybe we are just dreaming, and this perfect weather only seems to fit that rationale. I mean... this far up north it usually isn't this hot. Anything above 30 degrees is an anomaly. Maybe you brought some Cali sun with you, along with the other half of my heart."

Britt smiled and hid her unfamiliarity with Celsius temperatures, but she knew it was hot and that was evidentiary by the sweat beading on her golden flesh and rolling down her back. Her braids had also begun to frizz from both the humidity and the spray off the rapids we had traversed. Suddenly, I needed to see more of her. I wanted to witness all her beautiful tanned body, naked and glistening in the bright sun of the day. Levelling my devious smirk in Britt's direction, I challenged, "If you are that hot, take your top off. There is nobody around to see."

I didn't believe that Britt would do it, and maybe that emboldened her to cross her arms and pull at the base of her Lycra bra. In a smooth tug, her bra went off and her boobs popped out, coming to a rest after a huge bounce. Eyes wide, I slyly remarked, "Wow babe, you look magnificent, but I think you are still hot, no?" I nodded meaningfully at her bikini bottoms.

"Oh really? Well thank you Miss Telly! How about this?" Britt retorted while she pulled her bottoms off.

Acting as though she weren't stark naked save her earrings, necklace, shoes and smile she casually started helping me set up. After several minutes, the tent was up, and the backpacks were organized. Resting on a large rock, I sat with sweat beading off my brow. Britt's eyes glowed with mischievousness while she feints petulance as she snapped, "I would like to see you put your money where your mouth is. Take em off." She trailed her eyes up and down my form with meaning while adding, "You, yourself said there's nobody around."

I laughed a bit at her indignation and replied teasing her with my own mischievousness, "I don't recall that being a part of the deal... but if you come over here and show me what you would do for my cooperation, maybe... just maybe, you will get what you want."

I watched, in awe of her glorious form, as she approached me. She was lean and muscular from her early morning workout sessions; her golden skin was uniformly tanned except for a few tantalizing patches of paler skin on her tits and pussy. Her nipples were tight and erect in the cool breeze cutting through the blazing sun. I stood up with one foot on a rock, my arms in the air, providing her with an open invitation. My breath hitched in my throat while admiring her gorgeous form as she closed the distance between us.

Skipping formalities, I stooped down and locked my lips onto her nipple while squeezing the other. As I was sucking her beautiful nipple, she lifted one smooth leg and braced it on the rock. Since her legs were semi spread, I took my opportunity and slid my ring finger and middle finger inside her, leaving my forefinger to press against her clit. My pinkie was subtly but undeniably close to her asshole. I used it to place some pressure there, where I knew she craved it. While moving my fingers in and out, I fucked her wet hole; her head tossed back as she gasped her pleasure. Her pussy was so wet, we could both hear it squishing as I continued to thrust into her, driving her closer to imminent orgasm.

Her mouth was hanging open and she gurgled with pleasure. I could feel her tense as she cried out, "Oooooohhhh! Ooooooohhhh yeahhhhhhhh!"

Her orgasm overtook her quickly and because I kept my hand firmly in place, her squirt splashed down my hand, wrist and arm instead of streaming out. The stone below her legs looked like someone sprinkled water all around. She exclaimed, surprising me with uncharacteristic vulgarity, "Fuck, that was intense!"

I couldn't help but giggle; she was so adorable. Pulling my fingers out of her pussy, I shook my arm free from her liquid, curious to see how much would agitate free. While Britt was still gasping, I was struck by the odd sensation of sexual need curbed by the need to pee. I decided to test her self-declared affinity for all things kink. Standing up, I walked a few feet away while pulling my bottoms down to mid thigh. I then began to pee, and I was not really surprised to hear her say, her voice heavily laden with lust, "Wow, you look pretty hot like that!"

I was not disgusted by any means, after all it was just pee, but I played it up, "Ugh, Britt, come on. I'm peeing, it can't be that hot."

She laughed deep in her throat and started heading towards the tent. Her voice rang out as she walked away; enticing me, "When you are done, you might as well come in this tent with me."

I followed her into the nylon shelter and found her lying on her back with her tongue sticking out. It might have been a comical sight were it not for her words, "Since you need to squat, squat on this."

My pussy twitched as I watched her flick her tongue back and forth like a worm, inviting a fish to devour it. Her amazing ability to take me happily outside the realm of my comfort zone had an aphrodisiac effect on me. I loved her unrepentant desire, her filthy mind and unabashed sexual nature. Although I had thought my own desire was peaked, she somehow still had the ability to make it grow in fervour.

Hiding my eagerness, I shrugged my shoulders and said, "OK, you asked for it."

I stood in front of her. One leg on each side of her abdomen as I lifted each leg, one by one, to peel my bikini bottoms off while she watched. Hesitating briefly, I internally questioned myself as to whether this was something she really wanted. Gazing down at her, I could see lust blazing in her eyes. As I crouched down to lower my sweaty, wet pussy on her mouth, she raised her neck slightly and met it with her glorious tongue. Despite my self consciousness, she seemed to be savouring every bit of my musky odor. Her enthusiasm fed mine and all doubt was lifted as I threw back my head to moan my pleasure out loud.

Using her palms, she spread apart my ass cheeks while licking every inch of my pussy. Shockwaves of electric ecstasy coursed throughout my body. I shifted my position slightly to aid her access to my swollen clit. Her chin was lodged in my folds as her mouth sucked and hummed on my nub. I couldn't believe how close I was to coming already, my body felt like it was on fire with desire as she played my erogenous zones like the sexual prodigy she is.

Overcome with my escalating lust, I shouted, "Damn babe, you ravenous minx; I'm going to cum all over your face. God... I'm so close. Make me cum! Yesss... right there. Keep going, don't stop!"

Her head was moving back and forth as I gyrated in tune to her rhythm. Firmly, I put my hand on her forehead and moaned, "Yesssssss! Oh God... yesssssssss!"

Unable to control myself as her ministrations increased with fervour, my body began to shake, and my legs grew weak as my orgasm built and began to rock through me. I could feel myself gush as my pussy walls clenched. She was feeding hungrily off my cum as I dropped to my knees and my slit engulfed her face. All I could see was her eyes and nose through the space between my legs. Inspired, while straddling her face, I instructed in a domineering tone, "Babe, I think we can do even better. How about you be a good girl and show me how dirty you can get? That was pretty dirty... but I think you can do better."

By this time the full heat of the sun was blaring down on my wilderness tent. It was a great tent to have if the weather turned, as it was wind and rain proof, but the air circulation wasn't the best and it was hot. We were sweating profusely; our naked bodies were shiny with sweat and other fluids. I wanted to make her cum, but I was going to make her work for it. Besides I wasn't quite done yet and Britt's hungry appetite for all things sex had me wild with insatiable desire.

My hips were still moving in auto pilot as I contemplated my next move. Still hungrily slurping at my pussy, Britt's noises were feeding my nasty thoughts. Without overthinking, I grasped her hair and pushed her head down, so she was licking my taint. Instructing firmly, I said, "I want you to get me real wet." I then slid my hips forward further yet, so her tongue was now licking my asshole while saying, "Because babe, it's going to be your turn to fuck me."

Britt's eyes widened as she continued her work. She knew exactly what I meant as I leaned back with my hands on her thighs and relaxed into enjoying what she was doing. Soon, she had progressed from rimming my asshole to darting her tongue in and out of my hole. Moaning low, the sensation flowed over me. It felt amazing but I knew I wouldn't cum, not yet, I needed more.

Abruptly, I lifted myself from her mouth while I registered a look of disappointment cross her face. I cooed, "It's alright, babe. You're not done yet. We are just switching gears."

Rummaging in my bag, I discreetly pulled out my purple strapless strap on. I obscured it from Britt's view while moving between her legs into the 69 position. Pantomiming that I was about to start licking her, I surprised her by inserting the small end of my strapless, so the large cock stuck out from her beautiful, shaved pussy. Britt gasped in shock at first, but soon understood what was happening. Backing off her face again, I turned around and lowered my mouth to her ear and whispered breathlessly with excitement, "Babe, now it's your turn. I want you to fuck my ass. You've been such a good little slut. Now, I want to be yours."

Britt moaned softly in approval and quickly moved behind me, so we were in the doggy position. Wasting no time, I could feel her push the dick up against my rear entrance. She paused a moment while my heart pounded in anticipation, and I realized she was self lubricating it with spit. Soon I could feel the familiar and pleasant, yet slightly uncomfortable pressure of the thick rubber cock on my tight asshole. My lust was feeding my impatience to be taken by her and my hips shot out to devour the cock in my ass. The pressure turned to sharp pain as it pushed past the rim of my asshole with a tangible pop and I cried out, "Slowly, babe... I need it slow at first, please."

She halted and waited, knowing I needed time to accustom myself to the big girthy cock head resting just inside my ass. The pain abates, and soon I was left with that familiar pleasant feeling of fullness that I associate with anal. Feeling ready, I instructed her by saying, "Fuck me, babe. Go slow for a minute, but then after that... you are to make me your slut."

Britt giggled, excited by my words, "You want to be my slut, huh? Well...I think you already are, right now. Tell me the truth, you like my dick in your ass, don't you?"

To accentuate her point, she thrust her hips forward pushing her dick further inside me. I was still wincing while trying to acclimate myself to the rubbery purple phallus lodged in my rectum when I mumbled in affirmation, "Umm hmmm!"

Slapping my ass, she made me jump while taunting, "I can't hear you. Tell me you want me to fuck your tight ass and say please."

I was so turned on by the control she was taking over me; I felt out of my mind. Willingly I succumbed to my role, even though it was out of line with my personality, and I blurted out in desperation, "Please... fuck my tight ass with your cock!"

She pulled it out of my anus and stuck her hand between my legs to my leaking vagina and she gathered a large amount of my wetness in her palm. With her other hand, she pulled the strapless nub out of her pussy and combined her wet hands between my legs to add my juices to the mix. Her action was causing a sluicing noise as she rubbed our shared juices all over the shaft and even though I would've thought it impossible mere moments ago; I became even more aroused.

After pushing the strapless back into herself, Britt continued to smear our combined juices evenly around the cock while informing me, "There we go... I'm gonna use our pussy juices for lube. I think it will slide in and out of your asshole much easier now. Here comes my dick...get ready."

Without any further preamble, she put the tip on my partially stretched asshole and pushed it in. Exhaling, I tried to relax as I could feel her push until every inch was snuggly inside. Her soft hands gripped my hips as she slowly moved the rubber cock so I could feel its every movement as she smoothly pistoned inside me. The initial slight discomfort soon turned into pleasure with the smooth rubber providing the perfect friction and fullness. Hips moving, her pelvis smacked my ass cheeks as she pumped. I could hear the wet sounds of our sweaty bodies slapping together with every thrust as she drilled into me.