The Brookhaven B.C. Redux Pt. 02

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Poppy and Lisbet take care of their challenges.
10.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/28/2022
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This is a continuation of the Brookhaven Book Club series, the first four chapters under the title, The Brookhaven Book Club, and the next four under The Brookhaven B.C. Redux. The first four were published previously, and the next four are in the process of being published. You might enjoy this segment if you haven't read the previous ones, but it would certainly enhance your understanding and appreciation if you've read the first five.

It should be noted that this is a work of fiction and a product of my imagination. All characters are eighteen years of age or older.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope you also rate the story and leave a comment. Comments help me evaluate my writing and, hopefully, improve it.


Challenge #2 - Poppy

Poppy smiled.

When she'd thought about bringing the idea of the challenges to the book club, she'd imagined the ladies being topless, perhaps nude, and doing something that might allow them to be seen by strangers. That was the way she'd proposed it to the others and what she'd expected. She realized she'd lost control when she'd had everyone fill out the four cards, each card with a challenge for whoever drew it. She'd found out, after the first challenge, that the ladies were much more creative than she'd imagined, her own first challenge bearing witness to that.

Naked and on her hands and knees, her legs spread with a group of art students gawking at her wet and well-spread pussy, was not exactly the original picture she had of what the challenges would entail. But, every time that challenge entered her mind, her body began to tingle

There was something else too. In her and Abe's bedroom hung the portrait that Trevor had created, painting it partly from Poppy's posing and partly from photos he'd taken for reference in order to finish the painting. She had to smile each time she wondered how else Trevor might be using the photos, particularly the closeup of her womanhood, that he'd transferred very nicely to the portrait.

She'd just gotten home from the book club's meeting where she'd drawn her second challenge -- it was in the pocket of her shorts, ready to reveal its secret. As she'd discovered from some of the others, it was a kind of ecstatic torture to let the card lay when you knew you could read it at any time

Abe had certainly enjoyed the photos. He could get that view almost any time he wanted it, but to see it in a photo, with other watchers seeing the same thing, seemed to push him to higher levels of, well, passion which provided Poppy with certain pleasures as well.

Poppy debated a little more, tapping the back pocket of her shorts but not touching the card. She'd been a little surprised at the first group of challenges. Except for Lisbet, she knew most of the ladies were not what you would classify as daring or overly bold, and she'd expected the challenges to be more like, "get topless and move the trashcan to the street for next day pickup." That hadn't been the case at all, her own challenge a prime example. The six drawn this time were from the same group, written by the same ladies and ...

She took the paper from her pocket and carefully unfolded it. The handwriting was not as neatly done as she would expect from a woman -- she guessed this might be a Lisbet challenge. She began to read.

You are to acquire a rental convertible, driving to the rental agency in your own car, and parking it nearby. Once you have the convertible, you are to go to your car, strip to topless at a minimum (more if you'd like), leaving the clothing in your car. You may use back streets if you choose to get to Carlson road. Take Carlson to North Main and drive south on Main to Williams Road.

Poppy looked up from the card, her mind in high gear. She wasn't totally familiar with that area since she avoided main streets and the downtown. But Carlson to Williams had to be five or six miles, maybe more, right through the center of town. And she knew that Main Street was packed with traffic lights. If she was wondering if she could avoid being seen, whoever had written the challenge had made that impossible. She looked at the card once again.

The trip should take place in mid-morning or mid-afternoon to avoid rush-hour traffic. Approximately one mile south of Carlson is a MacDonald's. You are to go to the drive-through and place an order of your choice, and then continue your journey, enjoying the food.

Approximately one mile before you get to Williams, there is a drive-through auto wash. I'm sure the rental company would appreciate your taking the time to have the car washed and the interior vacuumed. I'm also sure the car wash facility has staff who would be more than willing to help.

It had to be Lisbet. No one but her would have added those last comments.

When you reach Williams Road, your challenge has basically ended. You simply need to return to the rental agency and turn in your convertible. You have the option of doing that still topless or going to your car and dressing.

Good luck, and don't forget to take your phone for documentation.

Poppy chuckled.

"So, after being seen by a thousand people, I have the option of letting one more see me or not."

She went to the backyard and plopped into a softly cushioned chaise lounge. She was reviewing the challenge in her mind, working to create pictures of what it would be.

She'd be stopping at lots of traffic lights, she was sure. She made a quick mental note to use lots of sunscreen. She wondered how weird she'd look taking selfies with her phone since she'd be including the people watching her as well.

The MacDonald's would be an experience, she was certain. The pay window and the window where she'd get her order were high enough that they'd give whoever was there an excellent view. The car wash would be much the same -- she was sure if any of the guys got a glimpse of her, she'd have lots of help doing the vacuuming. She had been seen before, much more exposed than she would be here. She could do it. And Abe would love it.

She had begun to have some suspicions about Abe, too. She was sure he was trying to think up challenges for her to do outside of the club's activities. She'd have to keep her eye on him. She had no intentions of becoming a frequent nudist.

Now, she had to decide when to do it. She wondered about mid-morning, but the more she thought about it, the less she liked that idea. Some days, the mornings were still a little cool. Topless in the convertible in the cool air and a cool wind whipping through the car, the goosebumps and hardened nipples might give her observers a bit of an extra show. It would have to be afternoon for sure.

The day arrived. No matter how much she'd thought about it, planned, and run through the entire challenge in her mind, she was nervous. Based on the first challenges, the unexpected always seemed to happen, and she was sure that trend would continue. She tried to picture what might happen but eventually gave up. Unexpected meant unexpected. She'd just have to respond.

The day was warm, which suited Poppy. She put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt on top since it would be removed before too long. She grunted, then pulled off the shirt. A good slathering of suntan lotion from her face to her waist, and the shirt was back on. She grabbed the small plastic pouch that held her driver's license, credit card, money for MacDonald's, a small container of spray sunscreen just in case, and her cell phone. She was ready.

Poppy had checked to find the rental agency closest to Carlson Avenue and called ahead, reserving the only convertible they had; a 2021 Mustang. She had to smile when she arrived at the agency as there was free public parking next door. She parked at the back of the lot, went to the agency and filled out the papers, drove the Mustang away, quickly parking it beside her car. The adventure was about to begin.

She climbed into the back of her car and pulled off the T-shirt, tossing it to the seat beside her. She was certainly topless, her large and lightly freckled breasts in clear view now. Looking around, she slid out of the back seat, being careful to have the little pouch. She locked the car and climbed into the Mustang, bright red no less, to compliment her hair, she decided. She'd gathered that hair into a tight little ponytail, her red locks barely long enough for the snuggie to hold it in place.

She started the Mustang, hearing again the throaty rumble that she wished wasn't present. It would only make her more noticeable. And this very issue was what she had wrestled with. If she didn't want to be seen, why did she propose the challenges? She enjoyed the drama and the possibility of others seeing her bare body, and, when she really considered it, she enjoyed the feelings that raced through her body, knowing that others were seeing her. When she had been on all fours, posing for the art class, she was so charged up she was surprised her pussy wasn't dripping. It was certainly very close.

Poppy pulled out of the lot, turned the first corner and then the second as well. She'd done a little research on the side streets that would lead her to Carling street. Despite having to stop at three stop signs, she hadn't been seen yet. At Carling, she turned left and had to sit at the red light as she waited to turn left on Main Street.

"Honey, you forgot to wear a shirt," a guy she guessed to be in his fifties called to her from his car. "And, I'm glad," he added. She smiled and waved to him as the light turned green, and she turned onto High Street -- the real start of the challenge, and she'd already been seen and yelled at once.

She'd gone only about two blocks when she saw the orange cones in the street -- single lane traffic ahead with the left lane closed. There were a few pedestrians on the sidewalk, and she was still moving, if very slowly.

"Did you see that?" She heard a female voice yell.

"I saw them" a male answered, and even above the rumble of the Mustang, she could hear the slap-slap of running feet. She had a companion, running along beside her, smiling.

"Can I get in?" he yelled to her, and she immediately wondered if it was a double entendre question, then decided that was silly. But she was almost to the end of the cones.

"Get back to your girlfriend," she yelled and hit the accelerator, leaving him behind. The roar of the big engine drew several wide-eyed looks.

She had to stop at two more traffic lights before she spotted the MacDonald's. At the first light, the woman in the car next to her asked if what she was doing was legal. Poppy had shrugged, and the woman had said something about, 'more guts than I have." At the second, the guy in the plumbing company truck said, "Great tits, lady. Glad you've got them hangin' out." She returned his smile before turning in the fast-food part of the challenge.

She was third in the single-file line that left her generally unobserved. She ordered a Big Mac and decided to splurge, a gastronomical splurge, at least, with a chocolate milkshake. In moments she was at the pay window. A quick selfie.

"Seven forty-three," the girl in the window said, extending her hand. Her eyes widened. "What's going on?"

"Kind of a dare thing," Poppy answered, the standard answer the ladies had developed independently of each other.

She handed the girl a ten.

"Just keep the change," she said with a big smile.

"Thanks. Have a great day, and come back any time."

Before the line moved, she saw three people in the small window, cell phones in the air taking photos.

She pulled ahead, now ready to receive her order. The window opened.

"Could you pull ahead, please? We'll bring your order out to you."

She chuckled as she pulled forward, wondering how many guys would be delivering her bag of food. She didn't wait long.

A very good-looking guy appeared at the side of the car, bag in hand. His eyes were moving back and forth between her face and her breasts. A second selfie.

"Nice car," he said. "Love the sound. How long have you had it?"

"It's a rental," she replied, wondering how much conversation he'd be able to generate.

"Oh, wow. I didn't know they rented these."

"It was the only one."

"Ah. Where'd you rent it?"

She told him.

"You mind if I ask, how much?"

She told him, noticing his eyes were making little effort, now, to reach her face. That simple fact was providing him with an extra treat as her nipples were now erect and alert.

"That's not too bad. How long do you have it?"

"Just today."

"So," he said, gesturing to her breasts, "this is a one-day thing?"

She was glad she hadn't moved when he gestured, or he'd have had a feel as well as a view.

"It is," she said. "Our book club members are all doing dares like this."

"You mean there are other women driving around with their hooters out."

Poppy closed one eye and squinted at him. "Hooters?" she said.

"Yeah, sorry, but you have to know how guys talk."

Poppy laughed. She knew a little about that.

"Um, may I have my food? I probably need to get moving."

"Oh, I almost forgot," he said, blushing slightly and handing her the sack.

The Big Mac was there, but nothing else.

"I ordered a milkshake too."

"Shit, I'll be right back."

True to his word, he was back in twenty seconds and handed her the milkshake, which went straight to the cup holder.

"Sorry about that."

"May I ask a question?"


"Did all of you guys have a lottery or something to see who'd bring the food out?"

His turn to laugh.

"Normally, it would have been one of the girls, but we pushed them aside, and the three of us were going to bring it. Someone said that was too weird, so a quick rock-paper-scissors settled it.

She put the Mustang in gear.

"Bring those beauties back anytime," he yelled as she drove away.

Back on Main Street, she made it through the first intersection but had to stop at the second. She grabbed the sack and opened the sandwich container. A quick bite of the Big Mac, two drops of the sauce landing on her shorts, and a ring of onion landing on her left breast, finally ending up hanging from the nipple. She reached for it.

"Need any help with that?" a female voice said from the car next to hers. "I'd be happy to lick it off for you." That got Poppy's attention. The speaker was an attractive lady, probably in her forties, and driving a Lexus. "I have a thing for redheads and big squishy boobs." The smile that came Poppy's way left no doubt about the lady's meaning.

"I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll let my hubby take care of it."

"So, are you just going to leave it hanging there?" she continued.

Poppy carefully lifted the onion and tossed it into the paper bag. "That took care of it," she said as the light turned green.

She pulled away slowly, the Lexus right beside her, and she wondered what was going to develop from this. When the car in front of her made a quick left turn, it was the opportunity she was looking for. She tromped the accelerator, and the Mustang shot ahead, leaving the Lexus far behind. However, it also had an effect on the milkshake that was loosely nestled in the cup holder.

The big cup toppled backward, missing the steering wheel and landing in Poppy's lap. The lid popped off, and the one-drink-less-than-full milkshake exploded across her shorts, legs, and belly. Plus, it was cold.

She gasped as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. It only took a quick glance to see that she was a mess. She slowed the car as she pondered how to deal with what had happened. The Lexus was beside her again, that same face smiling at her. All was clear, and Poppy made a quick left turn. She pulled to the curb, the challenge temporarily forgotten.

Her shorts were totally soaked, and her stomach and legs were also covered with the chocolate-colored liquid. There was nothing in the car she could use to clean things up. Disgusted as she thought about it, she wasn't anxious to continue her drive soaked with the milkshake. She shook her head, the futility of her situation overwhelming her.

Thirty seconds later, the light dawned. There was a park with a lake somewhere close by. She wasn't sure where she'd turned, but she was sure she could figure it out and find the park. Plus, sitting here topless in a residential neighborhood wasn't the best plan. She pulled away, ready for her search.

It was only five minutes later that, relieved, she pulled into the park, cruising slowly until she spotted the lake. There was a small parking area adjacent to the lake, and Poppy pulled in and shut off the engine. The area seemed to be relatively deserted as she studied the lake. It wasn't a simple round body of water as you'd find in the majority of small municipal parks. There were lots of little nooks and crannies surrounded by bushes and trees. Perfect, she thought.

She jumped out of the car and ran to the spot she had picked -- a narrow finger of water that extended eight or ten feet away from the main lake. It wasn't totally isolated, but it would do. She hoped the water wasn't too deep.

She slowly peeled the soggy shorts down her legs, tossed them aside, and sat down on the edge of the finger, her feet in the water. It was much colder than she'd thought it would be, probably spring-fed, she decided. No matter, she needed to use it to wash herself. Holding onto the edge, she slid off the grass, finding the water to be waist-deep. It was perfect ... except for the goosebumps.

She used her hands and the water to begin removing the residue from the milkshake. It was working, though. She heard a sound but didn't see anything. She heard it again, a very different sound, and when she looked this time, there was a large black dog lapping away at her shorts.

"Shep, where'd you go, buddy?" she heard. "Ah, what the hell?" Their eyes locked. "Good dog," he said, chuckling.

Poppy's instinct was to cover her breasts, but she was in the midst of her challenge, and being seen was part of it.

"I wasn't expecting this," he said, possibly the understatement of the year.

Poppy, smiling and standing waist-deep in the cold water, goosebumps and very hard nipples very obvious, explained both the challenge and the milkshake incident.

"So, do you have clothes to put on when you're clean?" he asked.

"Nope," she said, "and I have to finish the challenge without them."

"I don't want to offend you, but Shep and I would love to ride with you."

"Thanks," she said, taking it as a compliment. Of course, she was naked, which probably helped. But Shep's buddy was about to get another treat.

Poppy needed to be sure she was clean from the waist down. She'd been soaking in the cold water, but she needed to check. She moved toward the end of the finger and was happy the water was getting shallower. She glanced at Shep's buddy again, and he appeared to be happy as well.

"I'm Poppy," she said.

"Bob," he responded, "and Shep is enjoying your shorts. Is that okay?

"Sure, someone should get some good from that milkshake."

She carefully washed herself, Bob watching equally carefully.

"Well, you look good," he said. "And clean too."

Poppy shook her head and chuckled. Bob was getting a good view of her but wasn't at all obnoxious about it.

She climbed out of the water, standing in front of Bob and Shep, water running down her body. She felt a little helpless.

"Looks like you're ready to go," he said, standing. "Mind if I take a photo?"

"Not quite. The car's still a mess." She shrugged. "And sure on the picture."

A quick photo with his phone.

Poppy squealed and jumped.

Shep, here!" Bob called.

Although she thought she was clean, Shep had apparently found some remnant of milkshake between her legs.