The Borrowers' Club Ch. 02

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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 01/11/2013
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The Fourth of July found a small party going on in Vic and Christine's backyard. Vic and Dale held forth over the barbecue and the bar while Hugo and Karl played with and lifeguarded an assortment of children in the pool. The women, on the other hand, were clustered around an umbrella-shaded table with their laptops out and intense expressions on their faces.

"See?" Twyla asked. "It's just as I said. The Morehouse group teaches male multiple orgasms on Kauai in Hawaii. They run seminars four times each year."

"Amazing!" Sonya stared open-mouthed at her screen. "Eight orgasms in an hour without losing his erection? Man, if Karl fucked me for an hour I'd walk bow-legged for the next two days."

"Oh, don't be silly." Twyla admonished "To make you walk funny he'd have to seriously pound you for an hour and I doubt his back could take it. Trust me on this. When you set out for marathon sex you go smooth and easy. Before the twins were born Dale used to spend all Saturday morning inside me and I never got sore. We still sneak off once a month or so and find a quiet B&B and do the same thing."

"An' any man can learn this?" Pilar looked skeptical. "'ugo is, how you say, muy apasionado but an hour? I 'ave a 'ard time to believe."

"Pilar," Christine responded, "you've got to trust me on this one. While Twyla was in Lucerne, Dale called Vic for a loan. He called a couple of times because it got to the point where it looked like Twyla was going to have to file for Swiss residency? The first time he was surprised and confused and unsure. But the second? Girl, he laid me down and did me for half an hour. I lost track of how many times I came. And he and Twyla took that course. Believe us, it works!"

"Oh, look. There are other places teaching the same technique. In fact, there's a woman right here in town." Sonya was excited. "'Gwendolyn Escher, MSW, offers fully clothed instruction in multiple orgasms for both men and women. Instruction for couples only. Courses start the second Monday of every month.' And there's a website with an email where you can sign up."

The other two women raised their eyes from the computers to look long and hard at their unsuspecting husbands. But shortly their eyes turned to Dale and narrowed appraisingly.

"So," Sonya began, "if we take some time off, turn the kids over to their grandparents and zoom over to Hawaii for a week or two we can end up with men who can fuck us senseless? Send us into those Energizer Bunny orgasms that just keep going and going and going?"

"No!" Pilar was emphatic. "There is no way we can all take off at once. That would leave poor Twyla to travel with no one to care for Dale. Impossible. 'owever, 'ugo and I could take the local class. See, it meets in the evenings after work. And it say new classes start every mont'."

Sonya nodded sagely in agreement. "Yeah, when we go on vacation we take the kids and I don't see ours being happy sitting around the hotel in Kauai while mommy and daddy take a class in advanced fucking. However, my niece would be happy to babysit in the evenings. She could put them to bed and then do her homework until we got home."

Pilar leered. "An' thenyou could do 'omework! Yes, that is the better plan."

Christine glowered. "You do whatever you think is right but Vic and I haven't had a decent vacation in years. The resort in Kauai says it offers skilled child care and age appropriate adventures while parents are—otherwise occupied.We're going to Hawaii. However, that isn't the real point for today. What I want to know is, do we want Dale and Twyla in our section of the Borrowers' Club?"

Once again Sonya and Pilar looked up at Dale, innocently mixing a pitcher of Tom Collins at the bar.


Twyla wasn't quite that enthusiastic but Karl was tall, lanky, raw-boned and kind while Hugo was the epitome of a fiery Latin American gentleman. If either of them called Vic to ask for a loaner wife she certainly wouldn't hesitate. After all, how often would it happen?

"Thank-you, I accept."

About that time Pilar looked distantly across the yard, stroking the corner of her jaw reflexively. "I would not wan' to be a, 'ow you say, wet blanket? But if Twyla is gone for a long while an' Dale calls 'ugo for a loan an' I go comfort im an' 'e take an hour doing me? An' then I go 'ome and 'ugo do me another hour? 'ow do I get to work the nex' morning?"

All four women were quiet at the question. Pilar had raised a good point. Two hours of sex plus travel time and foreplay? That was a huge chunk of the evening. And that didn't even include showering and getting ready for bed. A night loaned out would probably stretch into the wee hours of the morning and, as she pointed out, they had to go to work the next morning.

Sonya was the first to speak. "Oh, come on. How often to we get loaned out, really? Two or three times a month, max? And a lot of them are Saturday night. I mean the guys work, too, and most weeknights they're as tired as we are. And even if we did drag into the office bleary-eyed but smiling once a month or so, wouldn't that be a small price to pay for rolling orgasms two or three times a week the rest of the month? I just don't see that there's any downside to this. Besides, if you're all that worried about how long it would take, just have the guy get a baby-sitter and come on over to your place. He and your husband could just share you for an hour or so and then he could go home."

Christine's eyes grew wide. "Shared? Like take turns? How would that improve things? You'd still be up to all hours."

"No," Twyla was emphatic, "Shared like double penetration. Two guys, one hour, everyone gets off and home he goes. Look at the time it saves."

"But," Chris protested, "I don't think I could give head for an hour."

The other three looked at her pityingly. "So?", Sonya replied, "Don't give head; give tail. I don't see the problem."

"Oh dear lord," Christine shook her head. "I've never let any guy go the backdoor route and now I'm gonna end up with one in front and one in back? Oh well, I suppose it's like you said, a small price to pay for ecstasy the rest of the week."

Just then Victor called out, "Hey ladies, the burgers are ready. I've already got the kids eating. You gonna spend the rest of the day yakking?"


Halfway through August the four women met once again at Umberto's. Pilar and Sonya were smiling quietly to themselves, Twyla noticed with a mischievous grin. It seems that Ms. Escher's classes were a great success. Christine, on the other hand, had a smile of a different sort and since she'd called them all together the other three waited for some sort of announcement. When the waiter took orders for four different salads, three white wines and one ice tea. Twyla folded her hands on the table and asked, "Chris, do you have something to tell us?"

"Yes, I do. My OB/Gyn confirmed it yesterday. I'm pregnant."

"What? Really?" Sonya was amazed. "You got pregnant again in your position? Won't that put a real crimp on your career advancement?"

Christine shrugged. "It might but I don't care. Stephaney was for me. This one is for Vic. He told me every time he loans me out he gets this major urge to knock me up so I had my implant removed and he did."

Pilar grinned slyly, like a crocodile on a sandbank. "Oho. You are in for it now, chica. I tell 'ugo. Nex' mont' I have to do la argentina, Brazil an' Chile. I will be gone at least three week, maybe longer an' that man he love the pregnant ladies. That's why I have threehijos, I think. Sr. Calderon will be keeping you busy."

"He's not the only one," Sonya smirked, "but the only trip I have scheduled isn't until October and it should only take a week. However, for a chance at you with pregnancy hormones? I suspect Karl will want to stretch the rules."

Twyla laughed. "Well, at least Dale hasn't got that particular fetish, so far as I can tell, but since I have to be in Cologne on Monday and will be gone at least ten days, I'm sure he will want to take advantage of the local hospitality. Now that the two of you have gotten used to Tantric sex, he won't feel any inhibition about keeping you up late."

That's when it got quiet again. There was that issue, prolonged sex on weeknights could impact the company, perhaps, and just maybe their careers if it happened often enough. Sharing seemed the only answer. Three sets of questioning looks turned toward Christine.

She swallowed a mouthful of iced tea. "About this 'sharing'—how do you keep from hurting when your guy sodomizes you? I know you have to use lots of lube but doesn't it stretch you out bad?"

Twyla laid a comforting hand on her friend's. "Unless you want it to, if it hurts you're doing it wrong. Now me, I like it rough now and again and if Dale wants to just grease up and shove it in, yeah. It hurts—but it's a good kind of hurt. Like getting spanked, right? It stings but it's still fun? However, most women need plenty of time to get used to it. Vibrating dildos are a good place to start. The vibration relaxes your muscles. Once the vibe is sliding in and out comfortably it's time for the cock. Works a treat."

"Which is not to say," Sonya continued, "that you'll just love it. Twyla does. I put up with it if that's what Karl wants some night. One in front and one in back could be fun, though. I'm looking forward to this."

"What make it better?" Pilar added, "is you have Victor send you into some great, screaming orgasm. Then, when you are all happy and relax', he can slip it in and you have no problem. 'ugo do that to me and I jus' purr."

Christine looked dubious. "Well, the best chance for that, I guess, is at the end of the course on Kauai. If he gets as good as Dale, I'll be relaxed, all right. By the time that man got done with me it was all I could do to climb out of bed and get dressed. So I suppose it's doable. Whether it's doable with two guys at once? Maybe I'd just better specify a thirty minute time limit on all borrowings."

Twyla wrinkled her nose in playful disdain. "Chicken!"


The following Saturday evening, Dale washed the lather off his face. He'd become accustomed to shaving before bed back in the Army and the habit had never left. What a day it had been! T-ball had taken up the morning and the twins had been invited to a birthday party for lunch. It had been entirely too successful. A whole afternoon of excitement and over-consumption of cake and ice cream had left him with two little boys throwing up in the car on the way home and then thoroughly miserable all evening. He'd put them to bed just in time for Twyla's nightly call. After recounting the day's disasters to her over the phone, he waited for her reply.

"Oh, you poor thing! Saturday night after a week alone with two sick kiddos? That doesn't sound like any fun at all. I may have to intervene."

"Hey, I'm fine. A bit worn out but fine. How did your day go?"

She'd told him how negotiations were going and then kissed him good-night through the receiver and he had turned to the evening chores. Now, clean and smooth and ready for the morrow, he was just sitting down to see what the television had to offer when the doorbell rang.

Outside on the porch stood a smiling, grandmotherly woman with a roguish twinkle in her eye. "'Allo, Sr. Westfield? I am Monica Covarrubias, Pilar Calderon's aunt. She send me over to baby-sit your niños so you can go visit her an' 'ugo. May I come it?"

More than slightly surprised, Dale stepped back and allowed the woman to enter. She nodded graciously and wandered over to the sofa. There she sat down and opened bag, took out her knitting and proceeded to take up where she had left off. She looked up at Dale.

"So? Should you not be getting in the car? They are expecting you."

A few minutes later Dale rang the doorbell and had hardly time to take his finger off the button when Pilar opened the door, clad only in a short silk robe.

"'Allo,macho querido, Twyla say you 'ave 'ad a 'ard day. 'ugo think you need a drink. I think maybe you need something more."

She grabbed him by the shirtfront and pulled him inside, latching the door behind them. Like a cat she curled herself into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck and grinding her hips against his pelvis before reaching up and gently biting him on the chin. Then she untangled herself and swayed over to a reclined couch, its sinuous curves in mahogany leather complimenting the cinnamon of her skin. Looking back at the men over her shoulder she shrugged off the robe and lay back on the couch, her arms raised over her head. She smiled seductively and began languidly thrusting her hips at them.

Hugo laughed. "Tequila Sunrise, amigo? Pilar is eager to give Sonya's sharing idea a try. She's been waiting for you to call ever since Twyla left and Chris and Vic took off for Hawaii."

Taking the offered drink, Dale blinked in surprise. "Sharing? Hugo, I seem to be missing something here. 'Loan' I understand but 'share' is a new one. Have I managed to get left outside the loop?"

Hugo raised a rakish eyebrow. "I guess you were. Naughty Twyla! Well, to quickly recap, you borrowed Chris and introduced her to long-lasting Tantric sex. She told Sonya and Pilar. They all got together at the barbecue and compared notes and did an Internet search to find instructors. Now Karl and I are both multiorgasmic and the girls are, shall we say, appreciative! However, when it comes time one of us needs a loaner wife,la mamacita provocative over there pointed out that there are only so many hours in a night and if both the borrower and the husband take up an hour of her body's time, getting to work the next day will be tough. So Sonya proposed that we just share the wench, front and back. Pilar hasn't been able to think about much else ever since."

"Really!" A slow, sly smile spread across Dale's face and he turned with exaggerated care to leer at Pilar. In response she stuck out her tongue and spread her thighs, showing off dark, smooth labia.

"An' 'ugo has grease me up all ready for you, Dale. Wan' me to be your, 'ow you say,catamita?"

Half an hour before, Dale was planning on getting to bed early. The day had been rough and he was tired, too tired, he thought, to make a borrowing call to either of the guys. However, the sight of Pilar's lush, naturally dark tanned body was restoring his interest very quickly. He took a swallow of his drink.

"Damn, amigo, that sounds like a wonderful idea. And it looks good, too."

Pilar giggled and rolled over, arching her back to give him the best possible view of her ass. "An you can spank me firs', if you wan'. 'aving mycoda all hot make mycoño hot, too." She waved her bottom back and forth.

"Dale, I think you better put that glass down before you drop it," Hugo laughed. "Don't just stand there,hombre, get out of your clothes. Can't you see how ready she is?"

Within minutes both men were naked. Pilar stood up and backed up to Dale, reaching back with both hands to pull his head down next to her ear. His hands roamed lasciviously over her body, squeezing and kneading. She wiggled her butt until his stiff member was between her butt cheeks and then she bumped up and down making him stiffer. It made him moan, too.

Hugo pressed his cock against his wife's belly and bent down to give her a deep, wet kiss. He sucked and licked her lips and tongue; he probed her mouth with his while his fingers deeply dented her buttocks. The three of them waved and writhed together.

Finally, Pilar broke the kiss, panting. "Ay, machos! Bastante! Enough foreplay,hombres. 'ugo, where is that strap, the one that holds my 'ands behind me?"

With a mischievous grin, Hugo reached under a sofa pillow and drew out a leather strap. He buckled it around his wife's neck with the tail hanging down her back then cuffed her wrists behind her. The effect was spectacular. It pulled her shoulders back, straightened her back up and made her breasts jut forward. As Dale gawked briefly, Hugo sat down on the curved couch and pulled Pilar over to it. With a little help from him, Pilar straddled his hips and while he guided his manhood sat down, impaling her pussy on it.

"Ah, so good. Now, Dale, I am all lu-bri-cate up. Come, enjoy my ass. Take you time; 'ave all the fun you wan'."

His eyebrows knit in determined concentration, Dale picked up his chinos off the floor and pulled the condom packet out of one pocket. Rolling the latex down over his manhood he, too, straddled the couch. Hugo pulled his pinioned wife down onto his hairy chest while she arched her back as far as she could to present Dale with and easy target. Sitting on Hugo's legs, he skootched up behind Pilar. Grasping her hip with one hand he guided the bulbous end of his engorged cock to the entrance of her pucker. Then, sinking his fingertips into the resilient flesh of her ass he eased his way in.Damn, she's even tighter than Twyla.

"Ay!Tan lleno! You two together are so big; you fill me.Maravilloso! Ahora, machos, chinganme!"

Hugo slapped her ass sharply. "Cabalganos, mujer!" and Pilar planted her feet on the floor and began posting up and down, impaling herself over and over on both men. They focused on their sensations, breathing faster and then slower, tightening muscles and then loosening them. Faces tingled, shoulders itched and then they came.

"Yes! Damn, Pilar, you're good. Okay, gal, it's your turn." Now the men began to move, alternating their thrusts and withdrawals to maximize her pleasure. Pilar panted, then whimpered and then wailed as the climax hit. But none of them was finished, yet. She would ride until they cam and then lay still while the men drilled her fore and aft sending her into orgasm after orgasm until after the last one, she looked up at her husband and murmured, "Basta, 'ugo. Enough for tonight" and they withdrew.

Pilar had a hard time standing up while they released her arms and then helped her over to the sofa. Through puffy, half-closed eyes she grinned up at the men. "Madre de dios! That Sonya, I wonder if she 'ave any idea what she's in for, making that idea. But I am right. It take much less time to make everyone 'appy when the men share. Now Dale can go 'ome and sleep well. Maybe we do this again—Friday night? Then when Twyla land on Sunday, he be all recharged and ready to keep her up late."

Dale chuckled as he pulled his clothes back on. "Hugo, you are a gentleman and a gracious host. Pilar, you may be the hottest mama in town. Don't tell Twyla I said that."

He bent down and kissed her fondly, shook hands with Hugo and headed back to the house and the boys, a contented smile on his face. The Borrowers' Club—what a concept!

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LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago

Coulda been Group before, almost certainly should be this time. I prefer that all chapters in a serial be in the same category, but this series is clearly Group!

Kudos for the Spanish being much better than is commonly the case!

ythebadgerythebadgerover 11 years ago
The swinging and bragging club

First chapter held (some) promise - this one was poor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

We don't know anything about these people other than they work and swing? What is the deal with this company they work for? How is there no jealousy? If you don't address these questions and give no detail about their lives it just makes it sound like a silly kids stroker story! Food for thought!!!

KidCreoleKidCreoleover 11 years ago
They could be a little longer

Each chapter could be a little longer, with a little more plot and character development, but it is a great idea and a very good start.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Swinging ?

This just gets sillier. The writing is okay but the story is just completely out of whack. No jealousy? Right. It's just a swinging group with a convenient background excuse. Still no explanation on what the women do or who they "borrow" why there a way for months on end. "Here, I'll take care of you at home while I bang my boss, the clients and anyone else." They get this amazing half hour sex at home and then go cold turkey why their away, right. And none of the guys have any questions.

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