The Black Swingers Next Door

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Shy Lonely Wife is Encouraged to Make Friends.
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The Black Swingers Next Door

by Buster2U

Warning // Cuck Shit // Warning // Cuck Shit // Warning // Cuck Shit

My name is Jeremy Jackson, but my friends just call me Bubba. My wife Jenny and I are both from Mississippi, but we live in Silicon Valley now because that is where the jobs are and where the money is these days.

Jenny and I grew up pretty close to each other as neighbors and knew each other all our lives. We used to have little adventures catching crawdads, guppies, and frogs for fun on our way home from school. We have always been friends and always just figured we would get married someday when we grew up.

I seemed to have a natural talent for fixing computers after I took a couple of classes. It just seemed so easy for me to figure out what I needed to do to make them work right and ended up fixing all the ones belonging to my family and friends, and I really enjoyed it.

So, I took more classes, all the classes on computers that I could find. I knew that was the kind of work I wanted to do for a career. They say it isn't work, if you enjoy doing it.

Jenny wanted to mostly be a housewife, but since times were tough anymore, she decided to learn how to be a bookkeeper and easily got jobs doing simple bookkeeping at several small companies back home before we left. This was a good fit for her since she is very shy and she doesn't care to meet a lot of folks usually.

When I got hired at a computer company back home, they offered me a big raise if I transferred to Silicon Valley. We talked it over, and Jenny thought it sounded exciting to get out of our small town and move to the big city, so we did. The company helped pay for all the moving expenses, so off we went!

With the bonus I got for moving, we were able to use it for the down payment on a nice house in Morgan Hill, just out of San Jose about another half hour's commute on the 101 highway. It was much nicer than our apartment back home. Our new place even has 'air conditioning' which we have never had before. This was considered almost out in the country for where we were, but it was still like the big city to us.

We were able to quickly move in and start getting our home set up. It is in a quiet neighborhood that we like. Not many neighbors, lots of privacy. and even on a cul de sac where 5 homes are on a large circled street. We didn't know anyone so it was pretty lonely at first, for Jenny, while I went to work.

Jenny was able to find a part-time job, doing bookkeeping at the feed store within walking distance from our home, and that helped keep her busy while I went to work in Sunnyvale, a long commute each way from our home.

I knew that I was going to be required to 'go on the road' soon, so I wanted to make sure Jenny had access to whatever she needed and that our home life was all set up before I had to leave.

A normal day before I 'went on the road' was working 7 am to almost 7 pm, Monday through Friday. We quickly realized that this was rough with so long of a commute, especially with Jenny being alone so much and not knowing anyone to talk to.

It wasn't long until Jenny brought home some vegetable seeds from her work and planted a vegetable garden in our big unfenced backyard. She loved to work out in the sun every day and started to look a little less pale than her usual self. I didn't mind at all.

One day, the next-door neighbor, Jasmine, stopped by to introduce herself to Jenny and since they are both in their 20s they quickly became best friends. Jasmine explained how all the soil in this area is very good for planting almost anything and that Jenny should expect an excellent harvest.

I was so happy to hear that Jenny had a friend. I just knew that this would help keep her from being so lonely all the time. It wasn't long before Jasmine took Jenny shopping with her. You know how women love playing dress up with all different kinds of clothes.

"What do you think, Jenny? How does this top look on me?" said Jasmine.

"It looks ok, but I can see your nipples through your blouse, but they seem to look funny." said a confused Jenny.

"Ha, those are my nipple rings showing silly! I have my nipples pierced and wear rings through them to help show off my breasts. Do you like them?" asked Jasmine.

"Ha, I've never heard of such a thing, Jasmine! You have your nipples pierced?" asked Jenny in amazement.

"Sure, many of the young ladies here in Silicon Valley have pierced nipples these days. It makes a woman's breasts more noticeable and helps a woman get more attention from all the horny young men. My husband, Jamal, loves them. When we get done here. Let's stop for a drink and I will tell you more about it. OK?" asked Jasmine.

"Yes, that sounds like fun. Bubba won't be home for hours, so no problem," said Jenny.

The ladies tried on several outfits and Jasmine managed to get an opportunity to show Jenny what her pierced nipples looked like, sending a tingling sensation through Jenny's body. She started thinking about what it would be like and how much it might excite Bubba if she had nipple rings also.

Jasmine finally convinced Jenny to try on a little more racy outfit, consisting of a mini-skirt and a see-through blouse. Jenny was excited about putting on such revealing clothing, but wouldn't buy them, money was too tight for her yet.

Jasmine insisted that she would pay for them, not taking 'no' for an answer. Jenny was embarrassed but excited about the new clothes. When they left the mall, they stopped for a drink at the bar restaurant that overlooked the runway, nearby at the small private airport, just off Capitol Expressway.

Jasmine paid for the first round and started explaining that she was all about looking sexy and how she enjoyed attracting the attention of men. About that time the bartender brought over a couple more drinks for the ladies. When they asked where the drinks came from the bartender just pointed over at the two smiling young men, behind them.

Jasmine turned waved and smiled at them. They quickly took the hint and came over to join the ladies. Once seated and chatting, it wasn't long before Jasmine had the young man sitting closest to her accompany her outside for some fresh air. When she returned with a friend about 20 minutes later her hair seemed a little messy, but the conversation continued.

Jasmine took Jenny to the bathroom like women always do.

"That young man has a nice cock, I loved sucking it and making a quick $100" said Jasmine.

"What? You sucked his cock?" Jenny was shocked.

"Honey, don't be a square. A little cock sucking just paid for your outfit I bought you. I love sucking cock, especially 'strange' cock, so it was a real win-win situation for both of us." Jasmine smiles.

Jenny is completely blown away by this information, and was thinking that this new friend of hers was really wild! How could her new friend, just sell a blow job like she was a whore?

Later on the way home Jasmine explains about the parties they have, helping Jenny realize that Jasmine enjoys all her sexual opportunities. It is obvious that Jasmine just sees sexual opportunities as more fun for herself.

"Jenny, we are having a big swinger party this coming Friday night. We have them every month. I would really like you to come over, join us, and enjoy yourself, Jasmine smiles.

"Jasmine, what is a 'swinger' party?" Jenny asks.

"A swinger party is just like any other party, only at our parties everyone eventually gets naked and has sex with as many folks as they desire," Jasmine explains.

"Jas, I could NEVER go to a swinger party. Jeremy would kill me and then divorce me! He just won't go for that kind of stuff." Jenny explains.

"Well, don't tell him then. Besides you don't have to do anything. Just come on over to meet some of the folks it is usually several hours of drinking and socializing before everyone gets naked and starts fucking. I think you will enjoy meeting all the people that come over. They are all very nice, and attractive as well." purrs Jasmine.

"I don't know Jas, I will have to think about it," explains Jenny. Jasmine drops it and they drive on home giggling about other stuff.

Meanwhile, Jeremy is out on the road two hundred miles from home, busting his ass to make all his stops and take care of business. It is another hot day on the highway. It seems that no matter how Jeremy tries to plan his trips each week, he just can't see a way to be home before Saturday.

Friday evening...Jasmine knocks on Jenny's door.

"Jenny, you coming to the party tonight aren't you?" Jasmine inquires at the door.

"Jas, I just don't think that I should go." Jenny attempts to bow out gracefully.

"Jenny, just come over for a while. Meet some people, have a drink, smoke a joint, and chat with some friendly folks. Our parties start just like any other party. The clothes don't come off until everybody has been there for a while. There isn't anything to be scared of. Just come stand by me, if you are scared, Honey." Jasmine reassures and explains.

"OK, if I don't have to do anything, and I can stand by you. Then I will come over and check it out for a while." Jenny agrees sweetly.

"Great. You will meet some fun folks. I will look for you soon." Jasmine says.


Jasmine is wearing one. sexy. outfit! It's a see-thru shear blouse and a mini-skirt with high heels, no bra and no panties. Jasmine is acting like the social butterfly that she is, as she is welcoming and introducing everyone as they arrive for the party.

Jenny arrives after putting on one of her summer dresses, and comes on over. Jasmine introduces Jenny around and she finds that she enjoys meeting such friendly and attractive folks. Everyone is drinking and smoking joints, the atmosphere is so much more friendly and fun than Jenny would ever have imagined.

Jenny finds that she is really enjoying being at this party. When her drink is empty, she wanders towards the bar, set up in the kitchen, for more booze. The only thing that is different about this party so far, is that almost everyone except Jenny is black.

As Jenny passes the doorway to the screened in rear porch, she notices several naked couples having sex. Jenny is embarrassed at first, but is fascinated by what she sees. Then, after watching for a few minutes, feels her sexual arousal climbing, and realizes that she needs to just get out of there and go home.

That night, Jenny, has a hard time going to sleep. She is so aroused by what she remembers seeing, while at the party. The Big Black Cocks pumping into the women were so much bigger than Jeremy's cock. They looked so thick and so long, and so much bigger than she has ever seen before.

Jenny, rubs her clitty for some sexual relief and hopes to get some rest before Jeremy returns home tomorrow. Thinking about all those Big Black Cocks while rubbing her clitty, Jenny comes so powerfully so many times. She realized that she really wants to try one, if Jeremy would just let her.

The next day, Jenny just happens to mention that she went to the party next door for a few minutes last night, and that she met some nice folks. But explains that she came home early because she wanted to be all rested up for the return of her husband. Jeremy was very relieved to hear this, but is determined not to let his wife know how he really feels.

Jeremy doesn't know these are swinger parties. But he loves his wife very much, Jenny is the biggest treasure of his life. He understands that she gets lonely with him on the road so much, so he feels he must encourage her to make friends and go to parties.

Jeremy feels worried that if Jenny goes to a party, with so many men that could flirt with her, that there is always a chance that she could be seduced and have sex with another man. But Jeremy encourages his wife to go to parties next door, but still grits his teeth and sweats bullets with worry from what might actually happen.

Six months have now passed. and Jenny has been to 6 swinger parties, each time seeing more sex and becoming more aroused and more frustrated. All this time Jenny has proudly and successfully resisted the call of the Big Black Cock.

However, watching others having sex at these swinger parties, just keeps winding her up more and more. Now, she has finally decided she can't take it anymore, and at the next party she is finally going to join in and partake herself.

Jasmine has another party planned again and invites Jenny again. Jenny ponders why Jasmine's parties are ALWAYS when she is fertile, finding it to be very ironic, but resolves to be careful. Regardless, this time Jenny gladly accepts Jasmine's invitation and eagerly gets there a little early.

Jenny had mentioned another party next door to Jeremy and he insisted that Jenny be sure to go to the party, as usual. Of course, Jenny has never mentioned that these parties are swinger parties, and definitely not mentioned that she intended to get naked this time and finally try some big Black Cock.

Jenny has even decided that she is going to wear that outfit of the mini skirt and the see-thru blouse that Jasmine bought for her months ago, that she has been hiding from Bubba.

Jenny takes her time and even shaves her pussy for this party. She saw many woman had their pussies shaved at previous parties, so she wanted to fit in with the crowd. Jenny has been anticipating this night for weeks. Her hungry pussy can't wait to try out several of these big black cocks, like Jasmine has suggested.

Jenny finishes her final touches of her bright red lipstick, and hurries next door in her new outfit, just leaving the bra and panties at home. Then she adds high heels for maximum appeal. Just before leaving for the party next door, Jenny grabs her box of condoms and puts them in her pocket of her mini-skirt. With a big smile she walks next door.

Upon Jenny's arrival, she just walks in the back door like she lived there, having been over at least a hundred times by now. Smiling at every one and thrusting out her breasts to look more sexy. She has already decided to get nipple rings like Jasmine but hasn't had the time or money to get that taken care of yet.

Jenny is met with big smiles by all the men, being one of the few white woman there. All the black men admire Jenny's big beautiful DD breasts easily seen through her see-thru blouse.

It isn't long before Jenny is smoking a joint and passing it to the next person in her group. Jenny is relaxed and having so much fun socializing with all the folks at the swinger panty. They even pass out some ecstasy, Jenny is hesitant at first, but Jasmine says she will enjoy it and not to worry about it.

Out on the road, Jeremy is looking forward to getting home to his loving wife and has purposely taken a different route this week to get home early. Without having said anything about it to Jenny, he has shortened his trip and will be home tonight by 10 pm, hopefully in time to join the party next door and pleasantly surprise his loving wife.

Back at the party, it's 9 pm and folks are already starting to get naked and pairing off for sex even though it is early yet. The bedrooms upstairs are filling fast as there are more folks than usual attending tonight's gathering making this party a big hit already.

Jenny is having more fun than she has had in a long time, and ready to go have sex as soon as any of the many Black men ask her to, she is getting more and more aroused, her pussy is wet and aching deeply for some black cock.

Jenny is really feeling the ecstasy, but doesn't realize it. All she knows is that she is hornier than she can ever remember being before. Forgetting about the pill she took, she attributes her feelings to the pot everyone is smoking so much of.

Jenny is so happy and in an effort to move things along to sex, just starts getting naked in the family room. Where most people have been just hanging around. As soon as she has removed her blouse, a Big Black Stud, name Devon, who was watching her from the other side of the room, and has been eyeing Jenny all night realizes it is time to make his move.

"Hello, Darlin', My name is Devon, Yours is Jenny, isn't it? How ya' doing tonight?" he says with a big smile upon approaching the almost naked Jenny.

"Oh, I am doing jus' fine there big boy. Are you going to take me to a bedroom and show me a good time, now?" Jenny purrs, gently touching his cheek and smiling.

"Well, the bedrooms are all full, so why don't we just go out to the screened in back porch. There is really nice day bed we can use there. Come on, follow me," Devon says.

"Sounds good to me," says Jenny, as she finishes taking off her skirt, folding it neatly and putting it carefully in a pile with the rest of her clothes, with her see thru blouse on top, then following Devon to the screened porch, with a swing of her hips and a pronounced bounce of her big perfect DD breasts.

They sit on the day bed in the dim light, feeling sexual tension in the air, trying to get comfortable, Devon just puts his arm around Jenny and begins to French kiss her tender lips. She immediately responses with unbridled passion that has been 'pent-up' inside her for at least the last 6 months, that she has only been an observer at these parties.

What Jenny doesn't know is that her husband, Jeremy, is just twenty minutes away and Jenny is going to have some real explaining to do when Jeremy gets here. Devon is relaxed and confident as Jenny helps Devon get naked as well, and then Jenny begins sucking his big black cock to get him ready for her pussy.

Devon spreads her legs so that he is now on top, teases her pussy rubbing his cock on her entrance. Jenny aches for his cock deep in her womb, Devon finally starts to slowly enter her pussy, just a little at a time, going deeper with each stroke, Slowly stretching her tight pussy, deeper and wider.

They are both in heaven. Jenny has completely forgotten her rubbers, they are still in her skirt pocket in the other room, even if she did remember them, now it is too late, as Jenny moans deeply in pleasure.

"Fuck me Big Daddy, it feels so good, keep working that Big Black Cock all the way into my tender little pussy. Oh, it feels so good as you stretch me, making my pussy all yours, Oh I am loving this Big Black Cock. Put it all in me Lover, my pussy belongs only to you now." Jenny groans.

"I'm just getting started Darlin', I'm not even half way in yet. You feel so tight, you never had any black cock before have you, little girl?" Devon asks.

"I have been tempted a few times here at Jasmine's parties, but this is my first real experience. But I am sure loving it so far. Give it to me Big Daddy, stretch that pussy, make it all yours tonight and forever." Jenny encourages.

A few minutes later Devon sees his partners coming in and flips Jenny over and puts her on top. He lays down on the sofa, and has Jenny climb on top of him so that she can control how fast he enters her. Working his Big Black Cock in deeper into her fertile pussy with each stroke. Jenny is so wet, so eager and ready for this Big Black Cock.

"Ya'll don't mind if I get in on this too, do you?" says Soupy, as he walks up naked and offers his big black cock to Jenny's mouth to suck. The daybed on the back wall of the porch, facing the windows to the back yard. Soupy climbs up to kneel on the cushions of the day bed.

Soupy was accompanied by his teammate Gerome. Having done this before, as Soupy wanted to get Jenny's lips on his Big Black cock, Gerome was much more determined to get into Jenny's beautiful tight ass and has a tube of lube in his hand.

Gerome saw Jenny's beautiful ass working up and down on Devon's cock and started to gently massage it with loving care. Slowly giving her a squirt of warm lube up her butt, then a gentle finger probing. Jenny isn't even noticing the action at her back door yet because she is so stoned.