The Belly Button Ring


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'My god Charlotte, I don't usually come that quick.' She panted, resting back onto the grass.

I moved my hand away and grinned down at her. 'I didn't know if I could do it well enough.'

'Well, you can. And then some.'

She just lay there naked and with her legs spread wide, her chest still heaving, making no attempt to cover herself up.

'Have you done it before?' She asked suddenly, as if the idea had just come to her. 'To a woman I mean?'

I shook my head. 'No.' I answered simply.

'Are you going to do it again?' She asked, looking up a little slyly.

I chose to both deflect it and answer it all in one go. 'Are you going to let me?'

Suzy laughed breathlessly. 'What do you think?'

'Good, but there's something I want to do first.'

'What's that?' She said it with a raised eyebrow, perhaps having an idea that whatever it was might be just as pleasurable. I didn't answer; I just shuffled down the grass until my face was level with her beautiful breasts. Ever since she'd stripped off I'd been captivated by her lovely nipples, they were so much longer than mine, like little rubber pencil erasers mounted on her gorgeously firm breasts. Now I was going to do what had been in the back of my mind ever since.

I leaned over and fastened my mouth firmly over the nearest one, sucking it in and closing my lips around it before placing my hand over her other breast. I was in heaven, clutching and massaging one breast while sucking and flipping my tongue over the nipple of the other.

'Oh yes.' She whispered, her arm going around my shoulders and hugging me closer.

I grinned a little into her breast and carried on flicking the end of her nipple with my tongue. It wasn't long before I started to do something to her other breast that I like having done to mine, I changed from gently massaging to squeezing quite firmly and then taking her nipple between finger and thumb and pulling at it. I didn't know if Suzy would like it, but I love it so it was worth at least a try. I soon found out that she did like it, but not as hard as I do. She groaned deep in her throat and placed one hand over mine.

'Yes.' She whispered. 'That feels good, but not too hard.'

I backed off a little, rolling the nipple between finger and thumb instead. But at the same time I began nibbling at her other one, nibbling very gently and tugging at it with my teeth. She moaned softly again and squeezed me briefly with the arm around my shoulders, as if as a sign of approval. I kept on, chewing lightly until I felt her hand move to the zipper at the back of my dress and begin to ease it down. I didn't mind, I think I'd been waiting for it, and I liked the feel of her hand on my skin as she found her way inside and stroked my back. But then suddenly she pulled it out and rested it on top of my shoulder.

'Charlotte, you're wearing far too much.' She told me, pushing the dress over my shoulder and as far down my arm as she could.

'I guess I am.' I answered, knowing what she was hinting at.

Rather reluctantly I let go of her breasts and stood up to face her, feeling behind myself to finish unzipping my dress. I wanted to do it but I wasn't finding it easy, I'm a bit self conscious of my body, thinking I carry to much weight and too little shape, but I was too aroused now for that to stop me. Slowly and a little hesitantly I took the rest of my clothes off and dropped them in a heap beside hers. I was long past being nervous about playing with another woman now, although I did have a fleeting concern about what might happen if our husbands ever found out - but they weren't going to, were they? My main worry was that fit and beautiful Suzy might change her mind once she saw me in the nude. For a few moments I made myself stand there naked in front of her, my feet planted apart and my hands on my hips, just letting her stare hungrily at me and feeling absurdly anxious at being stared in that way.

'Very nice.' She smiled. 'I didn't know you had boobs as lovely as that.'

Although she couldn't know it, commenting on my breasts like that was probably the worst possible thing and it made me suddenly very self-conscious. They're my least likeable asset in my eyes, even though they are larger than Suzy's. I really don't like them very much, they're not half as firm as they should be at my age and my nipples are too flat and pink, even when I'm turned on. I covered them with my hands and hurriedly sat down beside her, feeling embarrassed.

'Don't.' She admonished me, 'They're gorgeous.'

I took my hands away and forced myself to let her look at them, sure that she would compare them unfavourably with her own. But she didn't. I could see the hunger in her eyes, I could see she wanted so much to touch and play with them and in truth I wanted her to. I was intensely turned on now, but I was still so unsure and so embarrassed that I deliberately rolled on my side and reached over to suck at her nipple again in order to hide myself from her view. I couldn't help myself.

'You devil.' She gasped, not wanting me to stop but feeling thwarted in her aims. 'You know I like that.'

I needed to take her mind off of my body altogether, and so instead of gripping her other breast again I slid my hand right down her body and between her legs, feeling for her pussy even as I sucked and nibbled at her breast. I found what I was looking for and ran my fingers up and down its length. She was very, very wet and my stroking served to spread her lubricant right along her slit so that my fingertips slipped easily all the way from her clitoris to her perineum, skating over the entrance to her vagina. I ran my fingertips along a number of times, each time flicking her clit and smiling at the little gasp it caused. I was enjoying the effect I was having until one time, perhaps accidentally and perhaps not, my fingers slipped straight into her passage instead of skating past. My heart jolted, it was something I'd not consciously intended doing, not up until then at least. My aim, if I had one at all, was to make her climax just like before by playing with her clitoris, but now all of a sudden I wanted to do finger fuck her to orgasm instead, and when she gasped with surprise without objecting I pushed my fingers further in, as deep as I could.

I shuffled down the grass a little further, just far enough that I could keep her nipple in my mouth and at the same time thrust all the way into her. Her hand grasped at my shoulder and I thought for a moment she was going to stop me, but instead she just held me hard against her. Now I could twist my hand around a bit, just far enough for my thumb to press against her clit as I plunged my fingers in and out of her.

This time I didn't begin slowly or gently and work up speed, but instead I simply rammed my fingers hard up into her from the start, my thumb colliding with her clit each time. It was almost violent but it seemed to be just what Suzy needed for very soon she was writhing under me just like before, her nails digging into my shoulder. All the time I was chewing her nipple, pinching it quite hard between lip-covered teeth and pulling. She groaned and gasped, her body squirming and twisting from my attentions as she worked her way towards a second climax.

She didn't come anywhere near as quickly this time as the last, but I didn't stop or even slow down. It wasn't difficult; she was wide open and her vagina was so wet and slippery that I could hear a squelch every time my fingers plunged into her. Soon the position made my wrist ache, but even so I kept slamming hard into her, trying to make her come really hard and knowing that she was obviously on her way. Soon her pelvis began to lift in time to my thrusts, coming up to meet me as I plunged into her, and she began to make harsh little gasping noises. In the end her bottom hovered clear of the grass and she just jerked and jolted against my fingers before finally she lifted her pelvis as high as she could and stayed there, gasping as she came. As soon as I realised her orgasm had arrived I pushed my fingers deep into her and held them there, twisting them around and around instead of in and out. At her peak she cried out loudly and then sprawled back onto the grass, my fingers sliding free as she slumped down. I released her breast and leaned back, propping myself on one elbow, instinctively covering my breasts with my free arm, and gazing down at her with a broad grin on my face.

For a good few minutes Suzy just lay there, her legs still apart and her chest heaving while she tried to get her breath back. Eventually she was able to speak.

'I didn't...' She panted, '...expect that today!'

'Me neither.'

We lay side by side like that for a few minutes until Suzy rolled onto her side to face me and also propped herself on one elbow.

'You don't think you're getting away with it, do you?' She asked, looking all serious.

'But you wanted me to do it.' I protested, wondering why she was saying such a thing.

'Yes, but I know why you did it.' She looked straight at me.

'Why?' I asked, feeling more than a little confused.

'So that I'd have to do it to you.' She replied, giggling, her free arm coming out without warning and pushing me onto my back.

Where I'd been hesitant and doubtful at first about touching another woman in any sexual way, Suzy was the exact opposite. Before I'd even had the chance to realise what she'd done she'd pushed herself close to me, pressing herself against me so that I felt her hardened nipple pressing into my softer breast. I could even feel her bush against my hip. And then she did the one thing that hadn't even crossed my mind to do - she kissed me.

It was nice, I can't deny that I enjoyed her kiss, especially when her tongue found its way between my lips and urgently probed my mouth, but that was the moment when things changed for me. Up until then I'd thought of what we were doing as just playing. Yes okay, so it was very intimate playing, but playing nonetheless. Now I suddenly realised that we were making love, and that definitely wasn't just playing. And then I made another discovery, I liked it -- a lot. So my arms went around her to hold her tight and I kissed her back, my tongue fencing with hers, probing her mouth as she had mine, listening to the little pleasure noises she was making and making some of my own. By now she'd found my uncovered breast and was squeezing it, her thumb brushing over my nipple and making it stand even higher to attention.

'Is that nice?' She eventually whispered into my ear.

'Oh yes.' I assured her.

'Good, and if you don't squeeze me so tight I can make it even nicer.' There was an excited giggle in her voice.

I hadn't realised that I was holding onto her quite so tightly, and I very promptly loosened my grip, just resting my hands on her bare shoulders, not quite sure what she meant by 'even nicer', but hoping I was guessing right.

I soon found out that I was. She wriggled down a little and clamped her lips firmly around my nipple, sucking it into her mouth and licking it just as I had hers. I groaned with pleasure from that. But she was far from finished, now I felt her hand work its way down my body, between my legs and onto my pussy. I didn't speak, I couldn't, I simply opened my legs as far as our positions would allow, inviting to her to go on. She is taller than me and has longer arms, so she could reach further than me. She was able to run her fingers all the way down my pussy, and I mean all the way, right from my clit to my back door and back before she found my entrance and pushed first one finger and then another into me. Like me she was inexperienced with women and so at first she just pushed gently in and out, reaching as far into me as she could and then withdrawing until only the tip of her fingers were inside, experimenting I guess with how it felt to her and what effect it had on me.

The effect on me was wonderful, I hadn't realised just how much I'd wanted her to play with me too until her slim and supple fingers explored inside me, especially as she became more confident and skilful and her movements became quicker and more forceful. I gripped her shoulders, holding her down against me, feeling her mouth sucking hard on my nipple as she fingered my pussy faster and faster. Very soon she was going as quickly as she could, her knuckles banging against my labia as her two fingers pistoned in and out of my very wet hole. I couldn't take it for long, I knew I couldn't, an orgasm was very quickly building, the very first one I'd ever had at the hands of another woman. As it built I could feel my pelvis lifting to meet her fingers, just as hers had met mine minutes earlier, moving in little involuntary jerks that matched the gasps and moans that I was making. I released one shoulder and put my hand on top of her head pressing her hard down on my breast, willing her perhaps to bite my nipple, just wanting the strongest contact between us. And then my climax exploded inside me and I cried out loudly, immediately worrying pointlessly if anyone had heard me, before I collapsed back onto the grass and just lay there, completely spent for the moment at least, and panting for breath. Suzy lifted her head and gazed at me, her fingers still inside me but no longer moving.

'See.' She grinned. 'I said it would get nicer.'

Too breathless to speak I just looked at her with a big stupid grin on my face and nodded.

'And I haven't done yet.' She added, wriggling a little further down to give her hand more scope. With her face about level with my own belly button now she looked up at me with an inquiring expression, silently asking what I wanted her to continue.

'Oh my god!' I wanted more, but I wasn't sure that I could take it. I still hadn't come down properly from my orgasm and every little movement of her fingers inside me was giving me an instant jolt of pleasure. 'Yes.'

Suzy giggled and shaped her hand like a gun, two fingers thrusting deep into me while her thumb hit against my clit. I lay there gasping with delight with each thrust, totally lost in a world of pleasure and with the promise of a second climax always there in the background, especially when she started to wiggle her fingers instead of just thrusting in and out. I'd never had anybody do that before, and it was a strangely exciting feeling to have fingers moving like an erotic little creature running inside my pussy. I reached down to grasp one of Suzy's shoulders with one hand and grabbed at my breast with the other while my pelvis started doing a little dance of its own, rising and falling and writhing under Suzy's ministrations. I didn't think it could get better, but then she managed to wriggle a third finger up inside me and it did, adding to the wonderful sensations.

Now the possibility of a second orgasm promised to become a reality, the sensation was building inside me, radiating out from my crowded pussy. Without intending to I found I'd begun making noises, strings of involuntary 'oh's punctuated by an occasional sibilant 'yyeesss' of encouragement. I didn't want her to stop; I was getting closer and closer to coming for a second time. It was as if my body had pressure and heat building and building until, suddenly, it was released and I jerked my pelvis from the grass and cried out loud for a second time. The beautiful sensations that had been gathering inside me were abruptly released to spread in wonderful waves, one after the other, making my toes curl and my fingers dig in hard to my own breast and Suzy's shoulder.

Once again I found myself laid out flat on the grass with my legs spread and Suzy's fingers resting inside me while I struggled for breath and stared unseeingly into the sky. Once again I slowly got my breath back and, licking my lips, I turned my gaze onto Suzy's smilingly triumphant face and managed finally to speak.

'Bloody hell, Suzy.' I wheezed. 'What are we doing?'

'Having fun.' She giggled. 'Why, don't you like it?'

I nodded, licking my lips once more, suddenly very conscious of her fingers still inside my pussy and wondering if I should be enjoying them so much. She was my friend after all, and I didn't want it to affect that. I was trying to form a suitable reply when her fingers began to gently move again, driving all such worries out of my mind.

'Want me to stop?' She asked mischievously.

I shook my head.

'Good.' She paused. 'Can I try something?'

I nodded this time, wondering what she had in mind and half thinking that she intended to fist me; after all she already had three fingers up inside me. It wasn't something I'd ever had done, although a boyfriend had once tried and failed, but I was quite ready to give it another go. But I was wrong, so wrong.

She gave me a little nervous smile and then, letting her fingers slide away from me, she wriggled down even further and rolled over my thigh to lie between my legs, staring directly at my pussy. Now I knew what she intended, and this time I was so right, so beautifully right.

She stared at me for what seemed like ages, just looking at my pussy before she eventually reached forward with both hands and spread my labia with her thumbs, opening me up completely to her gaze. I knew that I was wet, slippery and gaping in front of her eyes, but I didn't care, I was far too turned on to worry. All I was bothered about was that she would do what I knew we both wanted. But she hesitated still, this time for so long that I felt like screaming for her to just do it. I could feel my heart beating harder and faster again with anticipation and frustration before in the end she lowered her face to my pussy and gently kissed it. Another hesitant pause and then, finally, she took the plunge and let her tongue lick me from one end to the other. I sighed with pleasure, and maybe that was what she was waiting for because now she wrapped her hands around the top of my legs and pulled herself closer, burying her face in my wetness.

I sighed again and just let it happen, feeling her tongue lick my pussy, long strokes from top to bottom and back, first along the centre and then up and down each side. She was exploring me with her tongue, getting to know the feel and taste of a woman's pussy. It felt so good to be the subject of her exploration; I just hoped she liked what she had found. I looked down at her, sort of hoping to be given some indication of her enjoyment, but I was just met by her lovely brown eyes looking back at me over my mound, twinkling hungrily. I smiled at her, being rewarded by a quick little lap of my clit by her tongue and a simple thumbs up sign, the only way she could tell me how she felt without stopping. Then she was moving up and down my slit, pushing her tongue as far into me as she could reach before moving up and lapping at my clit and then going down again. I loved it; I stared down for a few minutes to let the sensations flood through me and then relaxed back to enjoy it, my hands once more finding and playing with my breasts.

It didn't take long, but then I knew it wouldn't. Very soon I felt another climax building, my third, a rare experience for me. I was sure she'd never gone down on anyone before, but my god, Suzy was instinctively good, her tongue working pure magic on my pussy. Little shudders and jerks began to happen again, making Suzy clamp herself to me even harder, her hands digging into the tops of my legs and her head nodding with my actions. All that did was make it even more enjoyable and very soon I was jerking and writhing like a mad thing, twisting under her grip as I got closer and closer to coming. I was on the very edge when one of my own jolts made her accidentally bite my clit. It hurt, it really hurt, but in sending that sharp pain through me it triggered my biggest ever climax. I cried out even louder this time, shoving myself at her face, my bottom lifting and falling, drumming on the grass. She gripped my legs, holding onto me, her tongue never stopping its licking and probing until I finally slumped back down, completely spent.