The Beautiful People


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"What's it like?" she asked in the soft darkness.

"What's, what like?" I asked back, surprised she still wanted to talk.

"Sex. You said it feels good."

How to explain something like that to someone this ignorant of the real world? I almost didn't want to answer her, knowing that I would be taking away an innocence she would never get back in this life. That kind of thing had never held any appeal to me. As I held her close though, I began to get a way of explaining it.

"It's kind of like this. Two people very close together. The warm comfort of contact with another person, a giving and sharing of touch. The touch becomes more intimate and then they grow closer together. Natural instinctive urges get into play and soon they are having sex. And yeah it feels good, so then you want to do it more and more often. With some people though, they don't want that intimate contact, they're afraid of it. They just want the pleasure. That can be good too, but it's not as fulfilling." I rubbed my cheek in her incredibly soft hair. "So then, they try to have it even more get more of an effect. But then they get jaded. It becomes like an addictive drug, overwhelming them till they hate the very thing they once loved."

I closed my mouth as I realized I was beginning to ramble, my eyes growing heavier with every word.

"Sounds silly," she mumbled.

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "I can be. Now, goodnight. No more bad dreams."

"Goodnight, Ares."

** ** ** ** ** ** **

I awoke to a soft hand caressing my chest. Fingers raking trails through the dark hair, nails lightly scraping skin. As my eyes opened, I looked down to see Bellatrix looking intently at my body.

"Curious about something?" I asked when she glanced up and saw me looking at her.

She shrugged. "I just realized I had never been this close to a man who didn't have a shirt on. I've never really paid attention to how different you are from me. All this hair, these little spots?"

"Freckles," I explained.

"Freckles?" When I nodded, she frowned. "Well, they are strange looking. Almost like those pictures of skin diseases they showed us in school. The ones we can never get. Why didn't you have them taken off?"

I smiled. "Well, that surgery cost a lot of money for something that doesn't matter to anyone who isn't one of the Beautiful People. No one else ever really even notices freckles now days. Besides they are a part of me, why would I want to get rid of a part of me?"

"To make yourself more..."

"Perfect?" I smiled and shook my head. "That hasn't been a goal of mine for decades. There are a few too many Perfect people in the world already."

She looked down away from my face. "Does that include me?"

"No. Not at all." I caught her under her chin with my finger and turned her back to look at me. I smiled, and brushed her flawless cheek with a thumb that seemed hideous in contrast. "But then you were perfect when you were born."

"I don't understand," she said, that pouty frown back. I smoothed it out with my finger, her lips super soft, like touching a rose.

"I remember the first time I saw you. You were in a clear plastic crib wrapped up in a pale-pink blanket, with a little white cap covering your hair. Dad picked me up so I could see over the metal wall and there you were. Your face all red and your nose was a little button looking thing." I tapped her nose with a finger. She smiled. "Then our dad set me down and took me to the room where Mother was. She was awake, but looked tired. A nurse came in right after us, carrying you. She gave you to Mom and then Dad took you. I reached out a hand to touch your fingers..." I fell silent as the memory burned.


"Mom had been talking to representatives of the Church of the Perfect Man, there at the hospital. They had her already convinced to start you on the surgeries as soon as her and Dad could possibly afford it. When I went to touch you she told Dad to not let me. That I might hurt you. I found out later she meant I might Contaminate you!"

"I've heard it's a real danger." She tried to sound comforting.

"It's bullshit!" I snapped. "Church propaganda all of it. I've seen the medical reports. There is nothing that can Contaminate a infant so it can't be given the New Man surgeries. Nothing. All I wanted to do was touch your hand! It looked so tiny, your fingers look like bits of rice."

"You can touch my hand now." She smiled and took my hand in hers. Almost a yin-yang the contrast between them. Mine darkened by sun and wind and scarred like lava rock next to hers of pure, perfect unblemished skin. Like polished silver, it almost glowed. "See."

Unsure of what to do with this piece of fragile porcelain, I laid her hand hand on my chest and held it against my heart. She smiled and laid her head next to our joined hands.

"I can hear your heart beating."

Taking a slow, deep breath my nose filled with her sweet scent, all toasted almonds and vanilla. That peculiar mixture of musk, pheromones, and altered sweat glands that marked the scent of one of the Beautiful People. In my mind I knew that it was something that a group of gray-haired scientists had spent a decade working on to bring about, but my body wasn't listening to my mind. It was beginning to respond to having a woman so close to me. I told it to knock it off, that this was my sister, but it didn't want to listen to me.

I shifted a bit as I felt myself begin to harden.

"Are you alright?" she asked, looking up at me. Her face was just inches from mine, her eyes so crystalline blue.


She went to lay her head back down but stopped. She sat up a little and moved a hand to the blanket and lifted it off where I was beginning to tent my sweat pants. "Why are you doing that?" she asked, looking back at me.

How do you answer that?


"It's been a long time since I had a woman in my arms, this close. My body is wanting to respond to that. Just ignore it. I'm trying to." I about jumped out my skin when her hand suddenly cupped my cock and gave it a squeeze. "Hey, don't do that."

"What? Did I hurt you? Is it always that hard?" she asked.

"When I'm hard yeah it's always that hard. No, you didn't hurt me, but sisters don't generally touch their brothers' cocks." I explained.

"Why?" she asked.

Sweet Jesus-a-living. Body of a goddess, mental capacity of a Mensa candidate. Absorbs knowledge like a sponge and has the common sense knowledge of a rock. Someone save me or at least shoot me please. Sooner, rather than later if that's not too much to ask.

"When close relations have sex, it's called incest and is generally frowned upon by society. So a sister doesn't generally touch her brother or a brother his sister." I hoped that would help her to understand, and we could get away from this topic as it was not helping me not think about sex at all. I was now almost painfully hard.

"But you've been touching me all night." she said, clearly still confused.

"No, I have not...well I guess I have, but not in that way! I mean touching an intimate way." The pouty frown came back. I sighed. "Think of it like this. If you wouldn't want to have sex with someone, you shouldn't touch them on their sexual organs."

"Oh, okay." She nodded, finally getting it.

Settling back into my pillow, my eyes popped open when her hand went down my belly under the edge of my sweats, and her soft fingers wrapped around me like a silk glove. "Bellatrix!"

"But I want to have sex with you," she said, as her hand gave my cock a squeeze. "My goodness, you get so very hard. Does this feel good for you?"

"Yes, it does. Now stop that, please."

I moved my hand down and caught her wrist. Her fingers tightened. She looked up at me with those Beautiful eyes, her hand still firmly wrapped around me. "Why would you want to stop something that feels good? You said it had been along time since you had been with a woman this close. Why not take advantage of the one you're with who wants to give you pleasure?"

"Take advantage. Good word for it. That's just what it feels like I'm doing here. You don't really know what you're doing." I said, looking at her.

"Yes, I do." Her thumb moved to the head of my cock and rubbed across the slit. "I'm not a child, Ares. I told you, I want to have sex with you. I don't care about what silly rules Pariah society has." She crinkled her nose. "Or New Men rules either. They're all stupid. I'm a woman and I desire the man I'm with, is that not enough? I... I just don't know what to do because no one has ever told me."

I could have argued with her logic. That satin-fingered hand tightening and loosening on my cock though was getting the better of me. I closed my eyes, just enjoying the pleasure of it, and I knew I was lost, but then...when have I ever been anything but lost in this world. When I opened my eyes and saw that too lovely face, in all its perfection I knew there was no way I could ever say no to her. It was as if the goddess Artemis had come down from Mount Olympus to walk among the mortals once more. To temp them with her beauty and then destroy them for wanting to take her virgin innocence.

Who was I to tell such a goddess no, even if I'm destroyed for it?

"Come here." I turned her wrist loose and let my hand run up her arm to cross her shoulder, to the back of her neck. As my fingers moved into her silky hair, I urged her upwards.With a frown she moved towards my face.

Cupping her body to me, I brought my lips to hers. A soft touch that startled her at first then, as the kiss lingered, she began to kiss me back. Hesitantly at first, then with a growing passion.

"Like this?' she asked, the words breathless. "Am I doing this right?"

I smiled. "My lovely sister, there is almost no doing it wrong. It's simply a kiss. From the first one on we are all masters of kissing."

"That was my first."

"I know." I kissed her again, as I let my hands roam a bit on her back. When I slid my hand under the back of her shirt and up along her spine, she tensed, expecting a tickling but then gave a soft moan as her nerves caught fire under the gentle caress.

Then her lips moved from my mouth to my chin, then followed my jawline, placing small kisses there that set me afire. I moved my hand down her spine now, over the edge of her pants and, to her surprise, caught a handful of her ass and pulled her closer to me. I buried my face in the soft skin under her ear and began to kiss, nibble, suck and lick at the warm flesh. Moving as high up as into the edge of her hairline and as far down as the collar of her shirt, I listened to the sounds coming from her. My pleasure at the taste of her was heightened by knowing that I was the first person to ever make her give up such sweet, sensual sounds to the gods of pleasure.

Aroused, she moved to hover over my face looking down at me with a hunger in those crystalline blue pools. Her breath was a soft pant, her face flush. She licked at her lips, tasting me upon them.

"This is sex?" she asked softly.

I smiled. "No. This is just the appetizer. Sex is the main course and feels a hundred times this good."

She swallowed, then grinned. "For something that feels a hundred times this good, I think I would rape me too."

I laughed.

"That's called masturbation. I'll teach you about that later."

Using my hand on the back of her neck to guide her, I rolled her onto her back and kissed her again. Then it was me kissing a chin, a neck, a collar bone. The taste of her, that toasted almond and vanilla musk was growing stronger. I had to have more, a far more intimate taste. She flinched when my hand went under her shirt but then as I pushed it up she got the idea of what I was after and moved to help me take her shirt off. Pale skin, and endless field of it rising to two perfectly symmetrical peaks. Topped by nipples a startling light blue, almost an exact match for her eyes. I leaned in and placed a single kiss upon her right nipple. Then a lick, flooding my mouth with the taste of her skin. As I took that sharp point into my mouth I noticed, the odd color not withstanding, that there was nothing different about her than any other woman. She moaned in relish at being suckled upon. When I moved to her left nipple, she filled her hands with my hair and pulled my mouth closer.

"Oh, that feels incredible." she said, as I licked all around that light azure circle. "I didn't know my breasts could feel like that."

I smiled thinking about all that she didn't know that I was about to show her.

Leaving her wet, shiny nipples, I let my mouth explore down her belly. Placing kiss after kiss till I crossed her belly button, and my chin touched the waistband of her pants. Unhooking the snap I slid them down off her hips, leaving only the thinnest of cloth covering what I was now beyond hungry for. As I placed a kiss on that forbidden valley through her panties, I knew I had discovered the source of that unique sent of hers. I caught the lacy top in my fingers and pulled her panties down revealing a soft patch of brilliant white hair and a rush of scent that came to my nose. It ignited a lust so strong nothing could extinguish it now. I buried my face between her nether lips and drove my tongue as far in as I could.

"ARES! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she clawed at my head as if to stop me, and then there was a moan so deep, I thought her throat could not have made it. "Oh, that feels good. Oh!"

Leaving no part of her untouched by my tongue, I moved from every point of pleasure I knew of and could find, and as she began to buck her hips towards my mouth, I had an instinctive movement to drive my tongue deeper. When her legs opened wider I caught both outer lips with my fingers and opened her to my devouring. Then I saw it. The proof of her virginity gave me a second's pause but I was too driven by my own desire now to stop for long. I licked a tongue into her, brushing that sacred barrier which caused her to give that incredibly deep moan again. Her fingers dug into my hair, the nails scratching my scalp.

I let my tongue tease that small opening, as curious about it as trying to give her pleasure, but I could tell that it did, so I kept at the touching and probing against her hymen. I was relishing the ability to give her such raw, animalistic pleasure. Painful levels of sound came from her to echo around the small cistern, bouncing off the concrete walls then echoing back again.

"Oh, stop! Oh, you've got to stop. Oh, I can't take any more! Oh, Ares, oh my brother please. Please. I can't stand any more!" Her thighs game together, trapping my head, by that very action making it impossible for me to stop or pull away. Then Bellatrix turned loose of my hair and caught up great handfuls of the blanket and tried to rip it to shreds. "YES!"

She shook and her thighs tightened to a soft pressure that was enjoyable but suffocating at the same time. Then, after a second ear-spitting scream, her muscles relaxed, and she slipped back into the pillows, limp and panting. When I looked up at her, she was looking at me, her eyes wide, her face flush, her lips shiny as she almost obsessively licked at them. I smiled when her eyes closed and a tremor shook her thighs.

Moving up beside her, I turned her till I lay spooned up behind her, then lifted her thigh a little. Reaching between us, I moved the head of my cock till I had it nestled between the puffy outer lips. The wetness was almost an hindrance as I moved forward, just a bit.

"Brother?" she looked over at me when I came into contact with her hymen.

I softly kissed the side of her neck. Moving my hand around her hip, I let my fingers come to rest on the mound above her clit. The tips just touched the skin above that little bud of nerves.

"This will probably hurt a little when I push in, but I'll try to be gentle with you. "I began to softly rub a circle above her clit and her eyes closed. The soft moan from her became a gasp of pain as I pushed through and into her, my cock stretched her hymen down to allow its passage. I wondered as I went deeper if it would break or simply stretch more. Her hand went to my waist, and when she pushed against me, I stopped. I continued the small circle above her clit and she slowly relaxed again. "I'm sorry it hurts. It won't after this first time."

"It didn't really hurt. It didn't feel good, but it wasn't too painful. Now it just feels weird. You're really inside me? Wow!" She startled as I laughed and she felt it through the length of me inside her. "Okay, that was just an odd feeling."

"Really? How about this?" I pulled back about an inch and pushed forward again.

"OH, MY!"

"Good?" I asked softly as I leaned in to kiss her neck.

"Ah, yea...and at the same time, I don't know." I felt her hand move past mine, and then the tips of her fingers were touching my cock as I moved a little deeper into her. "You really are inside me! Oh, my...okay that felt good."

Smiling, I let my finger touch her clit again as I pulled back and pushed into her. A slow even thrusting began to build, the more I rubbed. I was watching my sister's Beautiful face, that Perfect skin. Her rose bud lips had parted, and she was moaning mindlessly now. Sucking air with every breath, every thrust of me. I was making the goddess mortal, giving pleasure to the Perfect woman in my arms.

I was fucking one of the Beautiful People.

That thought flashed through my mind, and just as quickly, I sent it away. I was not. I was making love to my sister, a thought that was equally disturbing, but not as likely to anger that part of me that despised the New Men. The last thing I wanted right now was to be angry. To let that anger fuel any sort of aggression in me. I wanted this to be the most gentle first time my sister could possibly have. To be loved, caressed, touched, devoured and then taken with care, to levels of pleasure she would remember forever.

I wanted that, but my own needs were getting the upper hand, and I wanted to feel her surrounding the whole of me. Moving, I caught her thigh and opened her legs wide. She looked up at me, panting, as I placed myself back into her and then leaned my weight down onto her. Bellatrix opened her arms and welcomed me into her embrace. Holding me tight as I sank so very deep into her now. I heard a slight whimper.

"I'm sorry, but I'm getting so close. I've got to cum."

"Shushh, it wasn't even a pain worth mentioning." She caressed my face, brushing hair back out my eyes. "You feel wonderful in me. Oh, yes!" she gasped as I thrust into her harder than I had before. "Don't worry about me now, you've brought me more pleasure than I have ever known. Do what feels good to you, and I will enjoy it for no reason other than that."

Thus urged, my lust needed no spur. Pulling back till I was nearly out, I began a slow, deep, rocking rhythm that took the breath from me it felt so good. Moans, whimpers, cried of pleasure and a soft moan that might have been pain met every one of these thrusts, driving me like a whip to a horse.

"Oh, Ares. Oh, my god. My beloved brother. Yes. Take what you need and make me yours. I am yours and I want this never to end." My sister's words a soft whisper in my ear as she held me tight. I turned my head, placing soft kisses on her neck just under her ear, but had not the air to do more. As I felt myself building towards that end, I knew that I needed to pull out of her, we were using no type of protection but I could not make myself do it. I wanted this to happen. In some part of my brain I knew that I was never going to turn her loose, and that no matter what she was going to be mine forever. Why not a sealing of that bond? Why not the completion of this act as it was meant to be?

Then all arbitrary thoughts left as the building pressure released into a pleasure pulse so ecstatic that it pulled sharp gasps of air from my lungs. I strained to make it last for even a second more, to hold that moment in suspension even as my body fought to bring it to completion.