The Bachelorette Party


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Having accomplished that I retreated to my room on the seventh floor and called Kate on her cell phone. She answered on the second ring.

"Hey lover, are you there yet?" I asked.

"We just now got to our room."

"How was the trip over?"

"Great. We had a cooler full of beer so we're feeling pretty good right now."

"I hope your driver was sober."

"Pam drove and she didn't drink anything. I think she is starting to suffer from withdrawal."

I heard Pam's voice in the background. "I am not," she yelled. "I can go at least another ten minutes without a drink".

"So what are your plans for the evening?" I asked.

I was trying to get some idea of when they might head down to the casino and where they might go from there.

"We're going to change clothes and head downstairs to get something to eat and then we are going to party."

I said, "Have fun but don't over do it. I need you back in one piece."

"Don't worry and I love you too."

After the call I changed into my Steven Segal disguise and headed back down to the casino. I found a bank of slot machines near the elevators where I was sure they would have to pass when they came down.

Twenty minutes later the four of them walked out of the elevator alcove and walked passed me into the food court. I was surprised to see them going for fast food but I guessed they didn't want to waste a lot of time eating as it was already getting close to nine o'clock.

After they ate I was easily able to follow them around the casino as they played some slots and then roulette and finally craps. I even stood at the crap table next to Brenda and they didn't notice me.

I was shooting the dice when I heard Sherry suggest that they go to the MC Pub and Brewery that was just a little way off the casino floor heading down into the shopping mall area.

"They have a live band in there," Sherry said.

Kate was the first to agree with Sherry's idea.

Since I knew where they we going I didn't follow them immediately. I gave them a twenty minute head start in which time I managed to win two hundred dollars shooting the dice.

When I walked into the MC Pub it took me a minute to find the girls. They had found a table against the wall opposite the bar and near the dance floor. I went to the bar and order a draft and positioned myself so that I could appear to watch the band but could still keep an eye on Kate.

I was on my second beer when a couple of guys appeared at the girl's table. I saw Kate get up and follow one of them to the dance floor and I felt a pang of jealously. I knew there was nothing wrong with her dancing with a guy but it still bothered me. I managed to stay calm when she stayed on the dance floor for the next three songs. When she finally went back to her table and the guy she was dancing with rejoined his friends I was able to slow my heartbeat.

Unfortunately, my relief was short lived. Ten minutes later the same guy asked Kate to dance with him again. This time they stayed on the dance floor even longer and danced to a couple of slow songs, which really bothered me because I thought they were dancing a bit too close for just a casual dance.

I have to admit that I could understand why he would want to hold Kate close but I didn't understand why she let him.

When Kate finally sat down again the girls ordered another round of drinks and I decided to go back to my room and change outfits again. I didn't think the Steven Segal look worked with the young crowd in the MC Pub.

It took me fifteen minutes to change back to the surfer, get my digital camera and get back to the MC Pub. When I walked into the bar Kate was back on the dance floor with the same guy. I was beginning to get pissed at her. Even if she thought it was just innocent fun I didn't like that this guy seemed to be monopolizing her time. I had a hard time fighting the temptation to cut in on them on the dance floor and see what would happen but I knew I couldn't do that.

When Kate finally sat down I wandered down near the group of men Kate's new friend was with to see if I could hear anything.

"She's really hot," I head him say to his friend. "I'd love to get her up to the room later. I'll bet she's great in bed."

I walked around behind the guy and I wanted to hit him but again I couldn't do anything. I just had to count on Kate doing the right thing. So I moved back down the bar to watch Kate again.

I ordered a beer and when I turned around Kate wasn't at the table. I looked toward the dance floor but she wasn't there either. Then I spotted her walking toward the table where her new friend was sitting. I watched in shock as Kate reached out and took the guy by the hand and dragged him up to the dance floor.

They danced to three songs and then a slow one started and Kate wrapped her arms around the guys neck the way she did with me when we danced. He had his hands low on her back and he was pulling her tight against him. Then he moved his hands down to her ass and pulled her in as he appeared to be grinding his crotch into her. When I saw this I pulled out my digital camera and took a picture of them. I couldn't believe that Kate was letting him do that to her. Kate didn't stop him for a little while and then she finally reached down and moved his hands off her ass.

The guy leaned back a little and I could see that they were talking. He said something and Kate was shaking her head no. They talked a little longer and then Kate put her head on his shoulder again. As he walked Kate back to her table after that dance I could see the obvious lump in the front of his pants. Kate didn't have to see it to know it was there because he had been pressing it against her the whole time they were dancing. This time instead of going back to his own table he sat down with Kate.

I really hated that they were sitting so close. I decided I had to do something to shake things up and make Kate think of me but I didn't know what. Then I remembered the roving photographers you see around the lounges and restaurants in Vegas, taking pictures of couples and then trying to sell them the prints.

I walked over to the Kate's table and lifted my camera so they could see it and then I disguised my voice as best I could.

"The two of you make a lovely couple," I said. "Are you married? Engaged?"

Kate and her friend looked at each other and laughed. Then Pam yelled from across the table, "One of them is engaged."

Kate gave her a dirty look and turned back to look at me again. I had tinted glasses on so I was sure that Kate couldn't see my eyes very well so I was able to look directly into her eyes.

"Oh, I get it. It's a bachelorette party and you are the bachelorette. So you are out for your last fling before marriage, right?" I tried to laugh when I said that but it hurt too much.

Kate said, "Nothing serious just having some fun."

"How about a picture to remember the occasion," I said and before they could answer I snapped their picture.

"Hey, why did you do that?" Kate asked and I could hear the effect the alcohol was having on her.

"I'll be back in around ten or fifteen minutes," I said. "I'll have prints of that picture if you would like one."

Kate immediately said, "I don't want any pictures."

Kate's friend did want a copy so I told him I'd be back shortly and headed back to my room.

I sat on my bed with my stomach in a knot as I tried to decide what to do. I knew that I should not have anymore close encounters with Kate. I would have to just keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't cross the line and do something that I could never accept. If she did start to cross that line I would have to step in and stop her from destroying our relationship. The strange thing was that when the evening had started out I never really thought there would be a problem. I felt silly wearing disguises and spying on Kate that way but after seeing her on the dance floor and the way she was sitting with him in at the table I knew there was the very real reason to worry. I changed into the loser disguise and headed back to the MC Pub.

When I arrived back at the MC Pub the bouncer at the door checked my stamp and as I walk passed him and into the bar I heard him mutter, "Nice hat asshole."

I had to smile to myself. The cheap wig did just what is was intended to do. As I walked back to my position at the bar I noticed that Kate and her friend were not at the table. Pam, Brenda and Sherry were there but not Kate. I quickly looked around the dance floor but there was no sign of them. I looked toward the table he had occupied with his friends but he wasn't there either. I was beginning to panic when I finally spotted Kate's friend at the end of the bar talking to another guy.

I was about to go looking outside for Kate when she appeared at the door. She came back in and went directly to her table and started talking to her friends. They sat and talked for a couple of minutes and then they all got up and headed for the door. On their way out of the pub Kate's friend waved to her and she waved back.

I gave then a head start and then followed. They headed straight for the elevators. I got into the elevator with them and pushed the button for the eighteenth floor and Sherry pushed the one for seventeen. On the way up they all talked about how beat they were and how they planned to sleep late in the morning. As they got off the elevator on seventeen I glanced at my watch. It was 2:15 AM.

I was glad that day was over. My head hurt from the tension I had felt all day. With the girls safely back in their room for the night I headed back to my room.


As soon as my head hit my pillow I fell into a restless sleep. I had lots of strange dreams and stressful thoughts separated by periods of deep sleep. I woke up at 7:30 AM. I got up, showered dressed and without a disguise I went down to the cafe for breakfast. I felt it was a safe risk. I knew the girls wouldn't be up before ten after the night they had.

After breakfast I played some slots and was back in my room by nine o'clock. Now I was faced by the problem of trying to figure out when Kate would be up and out of her room and where she would go first.

At 10:30 I made a room to room call to Kate's room and the phone was picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" It was Pam's voice and in the back ground I could hear Sherry's voice.

"Is Jason there?" I said.

"You must have the wrong room," Pam said.


So they were up. I put on the Steven Segal and headed down to the casino and took up a position in the slot machines near the elevators. When they didn't come down within an hour I went to use the house phone to call the room again. This time there was no answer. How did I miss them? They must have gone through the lobby instead of coming into the casino or possibly they came down when I was in the lobby using the house phone to call their room. I walked around the casino a couple of times and looked into the cafe to see if they had gone in there for breakfast but could not find them.

I retreated to my room and stretched out on the bed and turned on the television. I dozed off to sleep for a while and woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing.


"Hi honey."

"Hi Kate. What are you up to?"

"Nothing. Just lying here getting some sun at the pool and I thought I'd give you a call."

I jumped out of bed and went to my window and started looking around the pool area and I spotted the four of them. They were straight out from my window.

"Is it hot there?"

"May in Las Vegas? It's in the nineties."

I grabbed my camera and used the zoom lens to get a close up of Kate's face.

"Are you having fun?" I asked.

"We are having a great time. Last night we play around the casino for a while and then went to the Pub for the rest of the night."

I said, "With everything there is to do in Vegas you sat in a pub and drank."

"No, of course not. They had a live band and dancing."

I steadied the camera on Kate's face.

"Did you dance a lot?" I asked looking for her reaction to the question.

"Yes, I did dance quit a bit. Why, is that a problem?"

"Not unless you danced with only one person the whole time." I said and I saw the smile leave her face.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't care if you dance with other guys as long as you don't dance with one guy all night. I am the only guy that you should be doing that with," I said.

Kate forced a laugh but I could see she was uncomfortable. I wondered if she was feeling guilty about dancing with that one guy all night or was she wondering if I knew something and if so how did I know.

"So what are your plans for the rest of today?" I asked.

"We're going to stay here by the pool for a couple of hours and at three o'clock we're going over to New York, New York to ride the roller coaster. Tonight we'll probably do the same thing we did last night. Play around in the casino and later go to the MC Pub again."

I wondered if her friend was going to be in the pub again.

"Well, I am glad you are having fun. I hope you're still saving your love for me."

"I told you, there could never be anyone else. Well, I just wanted to see how you were doing. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you."

"See you tomorrow. Love you too," I said.

Since they were going to be hanging out at the pool and then going to New York, New York at three o'clock I decided to relax in my room until 2:30 PM and then go down and wait for Kate near the strip entrance to the casino and then follow them over to New York, New York.


At 2:45 PM I was standing by the fountain in front of the Monte Carlo when Kate and Pam came out. As they walked down the steps and turned toward New York, New York I dropped in behind them. While we were waiting at the traffic light to cross the street I moved in close to them to try and hear their conversation.

"I'm just saying that I think you need to be careful that's all," Pam said.

"I am just having fun. Just a little flirting. No big deal." Kate said.

"Do you think John would think it's no big deal?"

"Well, John is never going to know. Tomorrow I go back to LA and in two weeks I become his devoted and loving wife. Don't worry so much I have it under control." Kate said.

'Just a little flirting.' I didn't like the sound of that but as long as that is all that Kate was doing I could over look it or at least I thought I could.

I couldn't hear the rest of their conversation because the light changed and they started across the street. Since I couldn't hear them anyway I dropped a little further behind them. I didn't have to worry about losing them because I knew where they were going.

When I got to the ticket counter for the coaster Kate and Pam were already standing there and so was Kate's friend from the previous night. Suddenly I was pissed again. I watched as the guy paid for two tickets and Kate followed him into the line for the ride. I hadn't planned to ride the coaster but I had to follow them so I bought a ticket. At the loading area for the coaster Kate and her friend stood together and the attendant put me next to Pam so that we ended up riding together on the coaster.

At first I was worried that sitting so close to Pam she might recognize me but when the coaster started to move I realized that my disguise could fly off during the ride so as soon as we pulled out of the station I put my one hand up to my face and placed one finger on each side of my prosthetic nose to hold it in place and used my other hand to hold my pony tail hat on.

All the way through the ride I was trying to watch Kate and keep my nose on so other that being bounced around I was barely aware of the ride itself. At the end of the ride Kate and her friend got out of the coaster and headed for the exit. I had to wait till Pam got out of the coaster. She got up and stepped out without ever looking at me. I was just pleased to still have my nose and hair intact. I got out and followed the others. At the ride exit they were selling digital photographs that were taken of the passengers during the ride. I let Kate, her friend and Pam get ahead of me and then I went over to the guy selling the photos and told him I wanted to buy the one of Kate and her friend.

By the time I had paid for the photo and waited while they put it in a large envelope Kate and company were out of sight. I didn't really care anymore. I was beginning to get sick of the whole thing.

On my way back to the Monte Carlo I debated on whether or not to show up in the MC Pub that night as myself and reclaim my fiancée. I wasn't sure how Kate would react to that but it sure as hell would put an end to any worry about what she might do with her friend.

I went up to my room to think things over and decided to give Kate the benefit of the doubt. I was confident that if things started to get out of hand I would be able to deal with it.

I needed to be myself for a while so I left the Monte Carlo without disguise and went over to the Aladdin and played craps for a couple of hours and then hit the blackjack tables. Unlike all of my previous gambling experiences, I had a pretty good day. I came out $450 ahead. I wondered if that was an omen. 'Lucky at cards, unlucky at love.'

It was 8:30 when I left the Aladdin to walk back to the Monte Carlo. I walked all the way around the outside of the building to the lobby entrance of the hotel to avoid running into Kate and her friends in the casino. I walked quickly through the lobby and went straight up to my room.

I had become depressed. I was beginning to feel foolish running around in disguises and spying on Kate but at the same time I was angry with Kate for behaving as though she was single with no attachments. She may have just been flirting but I didn't think her behavior was appropriate for a woman that was getting married in two weeks. I wondered if she realized that her friend was beyond just flirting. His stated plan was to try and get her into bed. I supposed if I had stayed home I never would have known what she was up to and it probably would not have mattered in the years to come.

The fact is that I did see her and it would be hard to put it out of my mind. I tried to rationalize that she didn't have sex with the guy so the rest shouldn't matter but instead of making me feel better, I just wondered if Kate behaved this way whenever I wasn't around. It wasn't a question I could just come out and ask her and I didn't want to have to resort to wearing disguises and following her around whenever she wanted to go out with her girlfriends.

I hated that I would have to let her get away with her flirting. It was something I would like to address with her but couldn't without letting her know I had followed her. Suddenly I had a devilish idea.

I took the photo of Kate and her friend on the roller coaster out of the envelope and wrote on it with a left hand slant to disguise my writing. "Riding the coaster with you was fun but dancing with you last night was really hot. Hope we can get together again some time."

I left it unsigned and put it back into the envelope and addressed it to Kate at my address using the same handwriting I had on the note. I figured the picture would make for some interesting conversation when it arrived at my apartment. Kate would be too busy trying to explain the note to worry about why her friend sent it to my address instead of hers or how he even got the address in the first place. I planned to drop the envelope in the mail on my way out of the hotel in the morning.

I waited until 11:00 PM before I dressed in my Steven Segal disguise and went down to the casino. I went into the food court and grabbed a burger and fries. I had to take my fake teeth out to eat and when I was done I had to go to the men's room to brush my teeth so I could put the fake teeth back in.