The Amazon's Pledge Ch. 07

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Jorem meets a sexy underworld contract.
5.9k words

Part 7 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/29/2017
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Four hours and several dozen hushed conversations later, Kaseya and I found ourselves standing outside the Silken Rose, a festive bordello catering to the wealthy noblemen of the Redwater District on the northwestern side of the city. Ostensibly, one of the "dancers" inside was something of an information broker working on behalf of the Black Mistress. I had encountered plenty of similar operatives in Vorsalos, and thanks to a few well-placed charm spells, I was reasonably convinced that this lead would actually get us somewhere.

The problem, as usual, was that we still didn't have much coin. I was already relying on my magic more than I wanted to, but unfortunately I didn't see any other options. Maybe I would get lucky and my trail of illegal channeling would ingratiate me to the Black Mistress and her allies...

"Males come here to exchange coin for coitus?" Kaseya asked.

"Some women do, too, though not nearly as many," I said. "Not everyone is lucky enough to have their own loyal amazon."

"Mm," she murmured. "Perhaps I should relieve you before we enter. Otherwise, you may find it difficult to focus on the task at hand."

I snorted when I imagined her dragging me into the nearest alley and tugging me to a quick climax. There were times when I was convinced she viewed me more like a cow in need of regular milking than a man with an overactive libido.

"I'll be fine," I assured her. "They may have a problem with your weapons, though. They'll ask you to leave them at the door."

"They can ask all they like," Kaseya said.

I pursed my lips. "We can't afford to cause a scene. Maybe you should wait outside."

"I do not wish to leave you unprotected in such a dark place. Unless you would prefer to meet with the whores alone...?"

"You don't have to worry about that," I said, grinning at the subtle hint of jealousy in her voice. "I'm not here for the girls."

"You misunderstand me. I am concerned for your safety. You are free to take as many lovers as you wish, Maskari. The male stem craves variety."

My mouth went dry. "You're serious?"

"Of course," she said as if it were obvious. "If you do take another lover, however, I should be present during your copulation. In the event that she is incompetent, I will ensure that you are properly relieved."

"That's good to know," I murmured. Every once in a while, I needed to remind myself just how insane our relationship was--and how thankful I was for it. Kaseya still seemed too perfect to be true sometimes. My natural cynicism warned me that sooner or later all of this was going to blow up in my face.

Shaking away the thought, I led her up to the entrance where an attractive greeter and a decidedly unattractive bouncer were waiting for us. The former smiled at me; the latter scowled at Kaseya.

"Good evening, my lord," the greeter said. "Tonight's entry fee is forty silver. I am afraid your guardian will need to wait outside. We do not allow weapons or armor inside the Silken Rose."

"That's unfortunate," I said, flashing my warmest smile. "My friend and I have been looking forward to spending some of our hard-earned coin."

"I wish there were something I could do, but I'm afraid our rules are quite clear."

The bouncer took a menacing step forward in an attempt to intimidate Kaseya. She wasn't impressed.

"I'm sure you can make one little exception," I said, reaching out through the Aether and touching the woman's mind. "In fact, you're so happy to serve us that you're not even going to charge an entry fee."

The woman's brow creased ever so slightly before her smile returned. "Of course," she said. "Please, go on in and enjoy yourselves."

The bouncer turned to face her, confused, before I reached out and clouded his thoughts as well. Neither of them proved particularly resistant to my magic--considering the heavy presence of the Mage's Guild, I doubted they had to deal with renegade channelers very often. The proprietor probably had a magical advisor somewhere inside, however, so I knew I needed to be careful.

"Don't worry: we won't cause any trouble," I assured them with a smile. I risked a quick glance back over my shoulder to make certain no one was watching us, then touched Kaseya's arm and nudged her inside.

The brothel was louder, darker, and smokier than I had expected, but at least the current bard was good. The vast majority of the patrons were nobles or wealthy merchants--nearly all male--and at least half the tables seemed to have private dancers. The main stage was currently empty aside from the bard, though several servants were scrambling around to prepare it for another show.

I led Kaseya to an empty table as quickly as I could, mostly to lower the chance of anyone noticing her weapons. Her bow and shield weren't nearly as obvious when propped up against the wall and cloaked in the room's long shadows. One of the serving wenches--a voluptuous young woman with freckled cheeks--came over to greet us almost immediately.

"Welcome to the Rose, darlin'," she said, clearly talking to me but just as clearly transfixed by Kaseya. "Can I get you and your friend anythin'?"

"We're actually looking for Silhouette," I said, desperately hoping that the man who had dropped her name wasn't full of shit. "We'd like a private dance, if possible."

"You and about ten other guys, darlin'. She's only around a couple of times a week these days. You might have to make an appointment."

I smiled. "I'm willing to pay double."

The wench eyed me up and down. "I'm sure that will move you up the list a little. Assuming I remember to give her the message..."

"Why would you forget such a thing?" Kaseya asked. "It is a simple message to deliver."

I almost slapped my forehead. For all her virtues, she was as subtle as a brick to the face sometimes.

The wench grinned. "I have a lot on my mind, darlin'. I just need a little incentive to remember."

I repressed a sigh. I didn't have the coin for a bribe, but I really didn't want to get in the habit of charming every person we came across. Every time I channeled, I made myself more of a potential target, and the unpredictable nature of sorcery meant something could always go seriously wrong...

"Perhaps I can provide a different incentive," Kaseya said. "If you do not deliver Jorem's message, I will break one of your fingers. Is that sufficient?"

The wench's eyes shot wide, and she belatedly noticed the weapons propped up behind our table. But before she could do anything, I reached into her mind and wove another charm spell.

"Please, just tell Silhouette that we need to have a few words with her," I suggested. "It won't take long."

The woman blinked a few times as the Aether twisted her mind and thoughts. I had just started to worry that I might have hurt her when she abruptly nodded and scurried off.

"I doubt your magic was required," Kaseya told me. "She took my threat of violence seriously."

"I know--that's the problem." I sighed and ran a hand back through my hair. "Remember what I said about causing a scene? We really can't afford to draw attention to ourselves. Perhaps you should just let me do all the talking."

She studied me in silence for a moment. "You are displeased with me."

"No, I'm just--" I paused and sighed again. "I've spent a lot more time dealing with these type of people than you have. It requires a certain amount of...finesse."

"I am sorry, Jorem," Kaseya said. "I will defer to your judgment."

I bit down on my lip. I felt like I had just scolded a puppy. It was a patronizing comparison, I knew, but her naïveté could be a real problem sometimes. And it was only going to get worse if we actually started working with an underworld figure like this Black Mistress...

"You wanted to talk to me, honey?"

I turned, and my mouth almost immediately fell open. I had known that Silhouette was a young half-elf, and given her line of work, I had assumed she would be at least passably attractive. But there was nothing remotely "passable" about her--she was jaw-droppingly, cock-hardeningly gorgeous.

Her body was the perfect amalgamation of her heritage, which was a fancy way of saying she was indistinguishable from a full-blooded elf aside from her plump, human-sized tits and slightly shorter ears. Her straight silver-blond hair was cut just above her shoulder blades, and her green eyes pierced through the darkness like tiny emerald beacons.

"Uh, yeah," I managed, clearing my throat. "You're Silhouette?"

"That's right," she said, gliding forward and perching on my knee. "Teresa mentioned something about a private dance and a whole lot of coin."

I licked at my suddenly parched lips and struggled to pull my eyes off her black thigh-high stockings and impossibly short skirt. When I finally succeeded, they just locked onto the thin silken bra cradling her breasts instead.

"Yes," I replied, even though I had already forgotten what she'd said.

"I charge a hundred gold an hour, honey, though if your friend wants to watch, I'll knock off ten," Silhouette said, her voice a velvet purr. "If she wants to help out, I'll knock off another twenty."

"That is a very generous discount," Kaseya said. "Jorem desperately wishes to copulate with you."

Blood rushed into my cheeks at nearly the same rate it was flowing into my cock. "You'll, uh, have to forgive her," I stuttered. "She's new around here and doesn't--"

"Honey, I can recognize an amazon when I see one," Silhouette said with a giggle. "I've never met one in person, though, and I've definitely never played with one. I always give discounts for new experiences." She placed her hand on Kaseya's leg. "I bet there are a lot of things you could teach me."

"Possibly," the amazon replied. "I would also enjoy the opportunity to learn from a professional. I'm certain you could instruct me in a wide variety of techniques to better please my Maskari."

My breath caught in my throat. What the hell had just happened? What had I just witnessed?

"Then I think we have a deal," Silhouette said. "Though you will understand if I ask for payment before we head upstairs..."

I smiled, wishing more than ever that I was a wealthy man. I didn't have enough coin--I'd never had that much coin--and no matter how hard my cock was throbbing or how desperately my libido was begging me to charm this girl onto her knees, I wasn't here for sex. I needed information, and she might have been the only one capable of providing it.

"On second thought, let's forget the coin for now," Silhouette said unexpectedly. "Why don't we head upstairs where we can discuss the details?"

She slid off my lap and held out her arm for me. I stood without even thinking about it, and before I knew what was happening, we were halfway up the nearby staircase. Kaseya was walking right alongside us, her eyes vacant. She had also left her weapons behind, which was extremely out of character...

It was only then, in a flash of panic, that I realized I had been right before--the proprietor did have a magical advisor on staff. And apparently that advisor just happened to be his most coveted whore.

You fucking idiot, what have you gotten yourself into now?

I closed my eyes and tried to fight against the charm spell Silhouette had so subtly woven over us. Now that I was conscious of what she had done, it was easier for me to feel the Aetheric currents flowing between us. Unfortunately, sensing them and severing them were completely different things. Even when I ordered my legs to stop moving, they refused to obey.

"What..." I croaked. "What are you...?"

"We're almost there, honey," Silhouette cooed. "Then we can have some fun without any distractions."

We entered one of the private suites a few seconds later, and the instant the door closed, Silhouette's eyes flashed with Aetheric power. Kaseya's body abruptly stiffened as she snapped out of the spell clouding her thoughts. She drew the dagger concealed in her boot, lunged forward--

And vanished.

"What the hell..." I stammered, glancing around the room. I could still feel Kaseya's presence through our bond, but I couldn't see her anywhere. Gritting my teeth, I reached out to the Aether and summoned its power to my hands--

At which point, Silhouette slammed me against the wall with a sudden burst of telekinetic force. Before I could recover, several magical, web-like strands of energy materialized from the air and pinned my arms above my head.

"It's not every day a fellow sorcerer walks into my parlor," the half-elf said, calmly sauntering forward until her lips were barely an inch from my face. "At least, not one stupid enough to channel the Aether in public. Poor Teresa downstairs is going to have a headache for hours."

I swallowed and forced myself to take a deep breath. Valuri had always warned me not to underestimate whores. In massive cities like Vorsalos and Highwind, they were often the keepers of dangerous secrets. I just hadn't expected Silhouette to be a keeper of dangerous magic as well.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I never had any intention of harming anyone. I'm just here for information, and I was told that you were the only one who can help me."

Silhouette studied me carefully for a long moment, her green eyes glittering. Under different circumstances, I wouldn't have minded being tied up in front of a woman this beautiful, but right now I felt like an idiot for getting caught flat-footed so easily. There was still a chance I could overpower her if I needed to, but I was more concerned about Kaseya.

"Your amazon friend is safe," Silhouette said. "She just can't see us at the moment. The mind is the most powerful sexual organ, you see, but it's also the most devious prison."

I closed my eyes and tried to reach out through our bond again. I could still sense Kaseya's presence, but I couldn't communicate with her. If I could somehow activate the ring, however, I might be able to help her break free of Silhouette's spell...

"You are new to Highwind, so perhaps you don't understand just how severely the Archmage frowns upon sorcery," Silhouette said. "And his wife, the Academy Headmistress...well, let's just say she's even less fond of us than he is."

"I'm from Vorsalos," I told her. "Believe me--I know exactly what it's like when powerful people despise you."

She studied me again. I didn't get the sense that she was upset--she seemed more amused than anything. Of course, a cat probably seemed amused when it was playing with its food...

"I'm here because I'm looking for allies," I said. "Rumor has it that there's a new power in the undercity--a Black Mistress who welcomes people like you and I."

Silhouette smiled. "The Mage's Guild considers her a criminal, and the Highwind Council considers her the greatest threat to the city's security."

"That's only because they've never encountered the Senosi. If they think the Black Mistress is bad for harboring sorcerers, just wait until the Inquisitrix shows up and tells them that all magic is evil."

While Silhouette paced off to the side and considered my words, I channeled the Aether back through myself and focused upon my ring. I couldn't move my hand because of the web, but I didn't need to--a tiny bit of telekinetic force was all it took to depress the tiny crystal embedded in the side. A second later, Kaseya's emotions washed over me. She was enraged at being deceived, but otherwise, I mostly just sensed confusion.

It's all an illusion. Focus on my presence, and you should be able to pierce the veil.

"The Black Mistress is always seeking worthy recruits," Silhouette said after a moment. "Careless ones, however, are another matter entirely. Why would she be interested in risking her position to harbor someone like you?"

"Because she needs me," I said. I could feel Kaseya pushing through the illusion; I just needed to buy her a few more seconds...

Silhouette snorted. "So you're arrogant and reckless, then."

"I'm the only person in this city with the knowledge to help you defeat the Inquisitrix and her Senosi," I said. "I'll give you an example. A few days ago, a mage named Dieran was smuggling some illegal magical cargo into the city for you, but his caravan never arrived. The Duskwatch and the Mage's Guild blame bandits, but I know the truth: the Senosi stole whatever it was you were transporting."

Her face barely moved, which I took as further proof of her professionalism rather than a sign of ignorance. "Go on."

"There's not much else to say, other than the fact my amazon friend and I killed the Huntress responsible," I said. "Unfortunately, the cargo is long gone. And now that you have the Inquisitrix's attention, you can look forward to her operatives raiding your shipments even more over the next few months. She controls all of Vorsalos, and now she's focused on expanding her reach here."

Silhouette stopped pacing in front of me. "Interesting, assuming any of it is true," she said. "But I hope you don't expect me to help you based on hearsay and conjecture."

"No," I said, smiling. "I expect you to help me because if you don't, my friend is going to kill you."

I had the pleasure of watching Silhouette frown in confusion an instant before Kaseya reappeared and tackled the half-elf onto the room's plush bed. In the span of two seconds, Silhouette was pinned face-down with her arms locked behind her back and a dagger at her throat.

"Even a mental prison can be opened with the right key," I said, channeling the Aether back through my body. Without her standing over me, I had time to unravel her spell and free myself from the magical webs. "Now, how about we restart our negotiations from the beginning?"


"Nau'shevi!" Silhouette breathed in an unfamiliar language. "How did you escape so quickly?"

"Amazons are clever like that," I said, rubbing at my unshackled wrists. "If I were you, I'd be trying really hard to keep her happy right about now."

Oddly enough, Silhouette didn't seem particularly concerned despite the knife pressing against her throat. If anything, she looked almost excited...perhaps even aroused. What in the hell had I gotten myself into?

"I apologize for the deception," the half-elf said after a moment. "But you did manipulate my assistant's mind, and I had no other way of gauging your intentions."

"You can apologize by telling Jorem everything you know about the Black Mistress," Kaseya said.

"It's all right," I soothed. "I think maybe we all just got off on the wrong foot here. How about we relax and try again?"

I gestured for Kaseya to stand down, and she grudgingly withdrew her knife from Silhouette's neck. She kept the half-elf's arms pinned behind her back, however, and remained pressed atop her.

"I've heard stories of the amazons and their bonding rituals," Silhouette said, her eyes shifting over to my ring. "I can sense your connection now. It's remarkably strong."

"Another reason your mistress should want to meet with us," I said. "We're in need of powerful allies, but I suspect she is, too."

Silhouette smiled. It was incredibly disarming, and I caught myself reflexively letting my guard down. She was good--there was no denying it. I had a feeling she had far more influence with the Black Mistress than she was letting on.

"A face-to-face meeting is possible, but it will take some time," Silhouette said. "She's a busy woman, and one can't be too careful with the Mage's Guild and Knights of the Silver Fist sticking their noses where they don't belong."

"Naturally," I replied. "Unfortunately, time is a factor. The Inquisitrix is holding a prisoner with incredibly valuable information on the Senosi's current plans for Highwind. I'm not sure how long she'll survive."