The Age of Enlightenment

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A princess is desperate to try and save her estate.
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Elizabeth Lawton sat nervously. She waited in a large ornately decorated room, she was alone. Despite her uneasy predisposition, she sat up straight with her head held high, her arms folded on her lap. Elizabeth Lawton after all was still a princess. Her face was powdered white, her hair was made up in the usual "egg-shape" fashion of the time. Elizabeth's voluptuous lips were adorned with dark red lipstick. Elizabeth wore a gold dress, that gracefully descended onto the floor, it had taken Elizabeth hours to get ready for this occasion. It was pressed upon her that, she was to look and act her finest and that this day was dramatically important for both her and her family.

It was the 1790s and times were changing. No longer did her family enjoy collecting taxes from the peasantry, no longer did her family's land holdings stretch the distance of her eye's gaze. For the last fifty years, her family had sold off portions of their sizable estate in order to continue to live a life without want. Now it had come to this, the desperate family was now forced to sell their large stately manor. It was Elizabeth's childhood home, a place where she rode and bred her large stable of horses, where servants followed her everywhere, eager to be at her beck and call. Now it was all disappearing, the family would have to move to some smaller estate and then after that, yet another even smaller estate. Elizabeth shuttered at the thought of her family descending into the ranks of the "commoners."

But alas there was one last hope. His name was Robert Lee, he was a young man, a few years younger than Elizabeth, he was self-made, he soared from the bottom of society's dredges to the upper echelon of the merchant class. Now he wanted to buy the Lawton Manor, most likely because, like Elizabeth he grew up on the Manor's premises, although he did so in a very different way. You see Lee was a "bastard son" of a lowly maid and he had spent the first nineteen years of his life as a servant for the Lawtons.

Elizabeth tried to remember Robert, she racked her brain, throughout her life she barely noticed her servants, she never gave a thought to their names and avoided looking them in the eye, for she did not believe that they deserved her respect. As a girl she was never allowed to play or associate with the children of the adult servants, unless of course she was ordering them to do some sort of task. The children of the servants were expected to be mostly invisible, they would be harshly punished if they were even gazed upon by a guest of the manor, they were instructed to be "invisible," and to never under any circumstances speak without being spoken to first.

The world had changed so much since Elizabeth was a girl. The nobility's power had slowly been eroded in favor of an elected parliament, the noble families didn't lose their heads like elsewhere, but they did lose their rights. As the feudal system was abolished the peasants no longer gave the nobility tributes of grain or livestock. Peasants were also free to travel away from their former fiefs, and many of them did, straight into the now exponentially growing cities.

Robert had been one of those "commoners" who left the countryside to find fortune in the city. Elizabeth had heard horror stories of the living conditions in the overcrowded disease infested cities. She had heard debauched tales of drunkenness, gambling and whoring. Most fortune seekers found themselves even more destitute than they had been in their country estates. Factory owners became their new masters. Yet, some strong willed and lucky individuals managed to rise up and become barons of industry themselves. The cities represented the potential for upward mobility, however small that potential really was, did not matter to the former feudal peasants, they had fled in droves.

Robert had somehow become exceedingly wealthy in a few short years, going from a penniless peasant, the bastard son of a maid to a wealthy businessman. Elizabeth had learned from her father that Robert's fortune began in shipping and since then Robert had invested his money in many lucrative factories. Robert seemed to have more money than he knew what to do with, and because of this he was one of the most sought after bachelors in the entire country.

It was Elizabeth's father who first inquired with Robert about the prospect of him courting his eldest and most beautiful daughter. Despite being nearly 30, Elizabeth had avoided marriage. Marriage was after all a suffocating prospect. The relative freedom she enjoyed on her manor would be taken away from her. She had seen it many times before. Wives of wealthy men were merely progeny creators. Elizabeth had witnessed her aunts go from carefree youths, to constantly pregnant women, who at the moment after they gave birth to a child, would hand the child over to a servant woman to raise. She heard her aunts gossip about their unsatisfying sex lives, of how they were treated as receptacles for their husband's seeds, meanwhile their husbands would save all the "good stuff" for whores. Inevitably these women would either live past the age of fertility and become overwhelmed by bitterness, or they would die while giving birth to a child. Elizabeth was certain that she did not want this life, so she made herself hopelessly picky. No man was good enough for Elizabeth, either too poor, too old, too young or too unsightly. This frustrated Elizabeth's father to no end. He wished Elizabeth to marry some wealthy man who would support and maintain the family wealth, for he was hopelessly behind the times, refusing to invest money in the burgeoning industrial economy and instead opted to live above his means with the hope that the feudal system would be reinstated. Elizabeth traded near total chastity for some semblance of freedom from being controled by a man. Yet even still as a single woman, the expectations of her would be that she be constantly elegant and polite, constantly demure and reserved. Underneath her elegant gowns, Elizabeth often times felt like an animal in a cage.

Now Elizabeth had no excuse. Her family was desperate and by all accounts Robert met all of her criteria. He was unimaginably wealthy and by all accounts handsome. Newspapers even published gossip about his various supposive love interests.Yet Elizabeth shuddered at the thought of marrying a "commoner." Elizabeth's father had made it very clear unless she wanted to eventually live a life of relative poverty she would have to marry Robert. Elizabeth's father had spoken for Elizabeth and agreed that Elizabeth would meet with Robert, alone in one of the manor's many large rooms. Elizabeth was taken aback by this request, as it was not the usual courtship ritual to do this. Normally it would be months before two noble people in a courtship were allowed to be alone together. So Elizabeth waited nervously, with her hands folded for Robert Lee to arrive, she had no idea what to expect.

Suddenly as Elizabeth sat she heard the large door creak open and a man let himself in. He was tall, with broad shoulders. He did not sport the stylish white powdered wig, that most nobility wore and instead wore a tricorn hat and a handsome black suit adorned with ornate gold threading. The man removed his hat and bowed slightly.

"Miss. the name's Robert Lee, it is a pleasure to make acquaintances with you." Robert sat down directly in front of Elizabeth.

As was the custom, Elizabeth reached out her gloved hand and Robert gently touched it and kissed it. Under Elizabeth's powdered flesh she blushed, looking away after she looked at Robert's piercing dark eyes, their intense stare was intimidating, but also undeniably apealing. Robert certainly was handsome, he had dark hair and a strong jaw.

"Miss, so you know why you're here in this room alone with me?" Robert went straight to the point, he still spoke like a "commoner" despite his wealth.

Elizabeth stuttered but eventually said, "My father said you would like to court me."

"Correction, your father clearly want's you to marry me, he wants me to support your fledgling estate, I came to buy his manor and he wanted to sell me his daughter."

Elizabeth swallowed, "He finds you to be a suitable, suitor for me."

"Because I am rich! He wants my money. I just want to know if you are interested in my courtship?"

Elizabeth did not expect this direct line of questioning, she did not want to make it be known that she, like her father was desperate to save her family's wealth and lifestyle, she did not want Robert to know how much sway he held over her.

"Possibly," Elizabeth said trying to hold on to some level of mystery, she did now want Robert to see her desperation.

"I need to know, cause I am going to ask you to do some things for me if you find me acceptable," Robert said.

Elizabeth let out a deep breath, "I find you acceptable." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay then, that's good, will you be willing to disrobe for me?"

Elizabeth's eyes widened she was shocked by the audacity of Robert's question, "What? Why!"

"You see all these clothes don't give me a good picture of your body, they hide your flesh, if I am to marry you, I need to know what I will be getting."

"I never!" Elizabeth quickly looked away from Robert and covered her chest with her hands. She made a shocked expression.

"Well, I'll be going then," Robert replied and began to get up.

Elizabeth grinded her teeth, she was seething, failing to marry Robert might lead her family into poverty, he was handsome and rich, it was likely no one else would ever know about this day besides herself and Robert, so Elizabeth decided to embarrass herself by disrobing, in front of this man whom she just recently became acquainted with.

"Stop!" Elizabeth cried out, causing Robert to sit again.

Robert stared at Elizabeth. Elizabeth's hands shook as she pulled off her gloves and then began to unbutton the top of her dress.

"You know Elizabeth, I do know you." Robert's tone suddenly changed, he seemed to become more self assured.

Elizabeth swallowed as she methodically unbuttoned her dress, slowly revealing a sliver of her undergarments.

"You don't know me, I don't know if you ever even looked at me, but I know you."

Elizabeth was sweating, she started to pull her dress down, revealing more of her silk undergarments, "How so?" she said meekly.

"You know, I grew up on this manor, lived my life right next to you. I took care of your horses, brushed them, fed them, I cleaned your dishes."

Elizabeth closed her eyes tightly, she was nearly overwhelmed with embarrassment.

"I saw your ways, your mannerisms, I heard you gossip."

Elizabeth was shaking, her elegant gown was now in a heap at her feet, she was in her silk undergarments standing in front of her former servant. She felt goosebumps form on her flesh.

"Continue, my dear I need to see your flesh," Robert said staring deeply into Elizabeth's eyes.

"I am becoming faint, can't this be it, can't you see enough of me," Elizabeth said trying to force Robert to be merciful.

"Don't mind me, I've seen plenty of flesh before, take off your top there will ya." Robert smiled, he was becoming more brash.

Elizabeth's hands were shaking, she couldn't believe what she was doing, she slowly disrobed herself of the top half of her silk undergarments, revealing her milky white breasts and a black corset. Elizabeth closed her eyes as Robert silently inspected her. Her breasts were medium sized and slightly sagging, her pink nipples were clearly erect, most likely due to the cold temperature of the room.

"I was like a fly on the wall, all us servant children were, we were fascinated by how you lived. I still remember you had temper tantrums and argued with your private tutor, all the way until you were a young woman, you hated reading the classics. Yet I thank you for that, because I got a hold of your discarded old books and educated myself, taught myself how to read and write, served me very well. While education was a chore to you, it was a privilege for me."

Elizabeth was just standing in front of Robert, her hands folded across her naked chest.

"Go on, go on, continue with your undressing." Robert motioned with his hand for Elizabeth to continue disrobing.

Slowly Elizabeth bent down to slide out of the bottom half of her undergarments.

"You know, you screamed at the servants a lot, letting them know how lowly they were in comparison to you. You screamed at my mother, called her all sorts of names, she always did her best for you."

Elizabeth was now crouched down, her bare knees pressed up against her chest, she was deftly afraid to stand up, because when she did stand up she would reveal her nude pubic area. "I am sorry for screaming at your mother Robert," Elizabeth said meekly, her face glowing red underneath her delicately powdered face.

"Do you know where she is now?" Robert asked.

Elizabeth still crouched down replied, "Where?"

"She's been dead for five years, died right here on this property. She died of some unknown ailment, your family never even sent a doctor out to look at her."

"I am sorry Robert," Elizabeth said staring into the distance.

"Rise," Robert said motioning with his hand, his tone was totally changed, gone was any attempt to portray himself as having any manners whatsoever.

Slowly Elizabeth rose, one of her hands draped over her breasts, covering her nipples, the other hand cupped over her pubic area.

"Take off your corset and your shoes," Robert said.

Elizabeth was frozen in pure mortification. Robert harshly clapped his hands, "DO IT!" He ordered.

Elizabeth swallowed deeply and her knees nearly buckled, but she began to fumble hastily with her corset, her hands were no longer shielding her tits and crotch. Robert sat looking smug as he gazed at Elizabeth's tuft of blond pubic hair. Elizabeth's corset dropped to the floor, revealing her very slightly paunchy stomach.

"You know I don't mind a little extra weight," Robert commented causing Elizabeth to grimace.

As Elizabeth bent over and started fumbling with the buckle on her shoes. Robert began to speak again.

"You know, you never looked me in the eye, not once. You never acknowledged that I existed, much less thanked me for all that myself and my mother did for your family. Yet I was everywhere, I was fascinated by your mannerisms and conversations, I remember still, being amazed by how long you could stare into a mirror. Everywhere you went you had your little hand mirror, you do have a beautiful face I'll give you that, but still I don't know if it justifies such vanity."

Elizabeth was crouched down, in nothing more than her stockings, she was breathing heavily, deeply embarrassed by her exposure.

"Stand," Robert ordered.

Elizabeth slowly stood, her naked knees wobbling. Elizabeth had long legs and wide hips. Elizabeth still covered her breasts and crotch with her hands, she was perspiring despite the chilliness of the room.

"Hands to your side," Robert ordered giving off a hint of smugness.

Elizabeth's hands shook as she put them at her sides, exposing the entire front of her naked body to Robert. Elizabeth uncomfortably wiggled her toes within her stocking feet.

"Turn around," Robert asked with a wide smug smile.

Elizabeth let out a frustrated grunt and inadvertently stomped her right foot on the ground before spinning around, exposing her naked backside to Robert.

"Excellent, I do actually prefer a little bit of extra weight in this part of the female anatomy."

Elizabeth shivered, her ass was,shapely and round, but nonetheless large.

"You may sit and please take off your stockings," Robert asked.

Elizabeth sat, surprised by the fact that her chin was now uncontrollable quivering, she felt as though she was going to cry.

"I know this must be rather intense for you, I suppose I may be the one of the only men who has seen your nude form, but this is not anything to be upset about."

Elizabeth slowly pulled off one of her stockings and began to work on the next one.

"You know, I remember one conversation I eavesdropped on between you and one of your female cousins. You told her that, you didn't like the way courtship worked, you didn't like the way wives were treated as vessels for the progeny of men. You said that you wanted to be lusted after, you wanted to be desired. You went a little further as well, you said you wanted to be ravished, to be taken, to be as you put it, "treated like a common whore.""

Elizabeth remembered this conversation, she had a lot of wine to drink, her cousins shamed her and acted appalled by her brazenly sexual statements. Elizabeth closed her eyes as she pulled off her last garment of clothing and tossed it aside. She was now completely nude.

"Do you remember saying that?" Robert prodded.

Elizabeth nodded her head, her face was glowing red even through her white powdered face.

"Elizabeth, spread your legs and look me in the eye."

Elizabeth's mouth dropped open, her eyes bulged out and she looked up at Robert, "What?!"

"You heard me! Open your legs and look at me, I have more to say!"

Elizabeth looked like she was going to cry, she began to hyperventilate. Robert just looked at her impatiently. As soon as Robert began to unseat himself from his chair, Elizabeth began to oblige his request. Slowly her thighs started opening, slowly her vagina was revealed, until Elizabeth's thighs were spread wide open.

"I see it is glistening with lubrication," Robert said with an air of undeniable cockiness.

Elizabeth looked down at her crotch to see that indeed Robert was correct, she had barely registered her own arousal. As Elizabeth sat in the most vulnerable state in her life, she realized that she had a shameful amount of lust rising within her.

"Put your hands behind the chair and look into my eyes," Robert ordered.

Elizabeth pulled her hands away from her tits and put them behind the chair, she looked into Robert's eyes. The range of emotions, from arousal to shame, to anger caused tears to well up in Elizabeth's eyes as she stared at the handsome young man before her.

"You know Elizabeth, I understand, that if we did get married, I wouldn't be your first."

Elizabeth's chest heaved, her erect nipples shook as she continued to gaze into Robert's eyes. "How does he know!" She thought frantically.

"I remember eavesdropping on you when you were speaking about a dalliance you had with a visiting french duke, it was much debauched, you seduced the older married man and he took you haphazardly in the broom closet. You talked about it with your cousins for weeks, revealed in your wild debauchery, lusted after his return. But you did say that you never climaxed."

Elizabeth bit her bottom lip, a tear fell out of one of her eyes. Elizabeth looked away in shame. "You little bastard!" Elizabeth said under her breath.

Ignoring Elizabeth's statement Robert said matter of factly, "Do not break your gaze, it is important that you look at me!"

Elizabeth again looked at Robert, it was clear that all the years of Elizabeth actively ignoring Robert had given him a vendetta against her.

"I am sorry, Robert." Elizabeth meekly pleaded.

"It is no worry! I understand your lust, your need for a sex." Robert said, unaware that Elizabeth was apologizing for ignoring her servants more than her short-lived rendezvous with the Frenchman.

Robert unbuttoned his trousers to reveal his large erect cock. Robert noticed that Elizabeth's eyes wandered from his gaze to briefly look down at his throbbing cock.

"I want you to suck my prick," Robert said as he began to gently stroke his cock.

Elizabeth was dumbstruck, she had heard of whores putting men's pricks in their mouths, swallowing the man's seed even, but she had never imagined she would debase herself in that way. Yet she felt a strange allure towards Robert's large throbbing cock. The thought of her lips caressing the ridges and veins of Robert's cock turned Elizabeth on considerably. Elizabeth silently cursed herself.