The Adventures of Scarlet Warrior Ch. 03

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Scarlet Warrior has her final confrontation with Futanara.
6.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/05/2024
Created 11/04/2023
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Inside of an FBI field office, a group of agents and costumed superheroes waited anxiously around a laptop computer. Attached to the computer via USB was a special communicator, exclusive only to members of the Star Squad, a government-funded team of superheroes. All of them were legitimately concerned because one of their own had recently been captured.

The captured party was Swift Justice, arguably the most popular member of the squad. Two days ago, after doing battle with an evil villainess by the name of Futanara, she had unexpectedly been taken captive after what had seemed to be a victory for the side of good. The ransom was set for noon today.

And what did Futanara want? It wasn't money she wanted, or the release of some criminal. She wanted Scarlet Warrior.

At last, at 9 AM the communicator activated, and the fiend's voice could be heard saying, "Shell Gas Station at 230 E Ridgeway Ave, Waterloo, IA 50702. Center stall in the women's lavatory. Don't be late."

Immediately, everyone scrambled to the location. Some flew in helicopters, others using their superpowers. Thankfully, they all had time to set up a discreet perimeter around the gas station without arousing the suspicion of the locals.

At ten minutes to noon, a beautiful woman strode into the gas station. She was wearing a red women's one-piece tracksuit, matching colored combat boots, and leather gloves. The old woman behind the counter did a double take as she watched her make her way to the bathroom. An old man grabbing beef jerky went slack jawed as he watched the heroine open the restroom door.

Thankfully, the bathroom was empty. Scarlet Warrior heaved a sigh before walking inside, occupying the center stall, and closing the door. Pulling back the sleeve of her left arm, she glanced at her wristwatch: five minutes to noon. She heaved a sigh and tapped her foot impatiently.

"Nothing yet," said agent covertly disguised as a customer pumping gas.

"Everyone, stay frosty," said Senior Special Agent Sherman Pellis.

He was holed up in a disguised utility van that housed three agents operating surveillance equipment. Though they didn't have time to set up cameras in the restroom, they were still able to monitor her heat signature. They also had the means to hear everything inside the bathroom as well. Looking at the digital clock, they only had two minutes left.

Scarlet Warrior gave a start; someone had entered the bathroom. She heard footsteps walking up to her stall and then stop.

"Sorry to bother you, darlin'," said a female voice. "I just got a weird phone call from some lady to tell you to ditch the tracker in your shoe."

"Thanks," Scarlet Warrior grumbled.

"No, problem," said the woman before sauntering out of the restroom.

Scarlet Warrior sighed in exasperation; it was worth a shot. She reached down, pulled the laces out of her right boot, dropped them in the toilet and flushed it. The plastic caps on her laces contained tiny transmitters that would have helped the FBI locate her.

About ten minutes after she flushed, she heard someone else enter the restroom. They stopped in front of the stall and knocked on the door. Scarlet Warrior opened the door to see a skinny young woman with brown hair and a large hooded sweater fidgeting in front of her.

"Can I help you?" Scarlet Warrior asked.

"Yeah," she said pulling out a metallic orb from her pocket. "This weird lady paid me 500 bucks to give this to you. She said to press the button."

Upon the orb was a button that flashed with a green light. After Scarlet Warrior took the orb from the young woman, she pressed it and her body was enveloped in a green light. The light blinded her for a few seconds, and when it receded, she found herself in a lavish bedroom. She adopted a battle stance and looked around frantically.

"Relax," said a familiar voice behind her.

Scarlet Warrior wheeled around to find her hostess. There stood a beautiful woman with purple hair with matching lipstick and fingernail polish. She was wearing a green bathrobe with yellow trim.

"Futanara," Scarlet Warrior growled.

"Yes, dearest. You are here at last. I commend you for trying to smuggle that tracking device, but it was all for naught."

"Can't blame a girl for trying."

"Well, then, shall we get started?"

"Is Swift Justice still alive?"

Futanara sighed and produced a small rectangular device from the pocket of her robe. After pressing a few buttons, Scarlet Warrior found herself enveloped in the strange green light again. She was no longer in the bedroom, but in a cell. Looking around, she saw Swift Justice lying on a cot nearby.

"Scarlet Warrior!" Swift Justice said, sitting up in surprise.

Before Scarlet Warrior could say anything, the captured superheroine bolted from her cot and gave her a hug. Before this incident, the two of them had a rather one-sided rivalry. Scarlet Warrior found Swift grating, showy, and annoying, but, right now, she was glad to see she was alive.

"Are you alright?" Scarlet Warrior asked.

"I'm fine," Swift said. "Going a little stir-crazy, but I'll live. Listen, Scarlet Warrior, you have to get out of here! Don't stay and..."

Before Swift Justice could finish her sentence, a flash of green light yanked Scarlet Warrior back to the bedroom. Futanara was smiling as she pocketed the remote.

"As you can see, your friend is alive," the villainess said. " you intend to uphold your end of the bargain?"

Scarlet Warrior gave a withering glare to her foe before undoing down her top. Futanara leered as she watched the heroine begin to disrobe. She'd only seen this woman naked once, and that was during their initial encounter almost a month ago.

Minutes later, Scarlet Warrior stood fully naked, her arms folded in anger. Despite the pure loathing on Scarlet Warrior's face, Futanara was captivated by her toned stomach, shapely legs, and large breasts. Her nipples were hard and puckered as they kissed the open air.

Futanara strode up to her guest, reached forward, and gently fondled one of her breasts. Scarlet Warrior shifted uncomfortably. Every fiber of her being wanted to put a fist in this woman's face, but she had to endure in order to secure the freedom of Swift Justice.

"At last, I have you," Futanara breathed. "Get into the bed."

Scarlet Warrior complied, climbing onto the mattress, lying on her back, and spreading her legs. She watched as Futanara undid the belt of her robe and let it fall from her body. Even though she was her enemy, she had to admit that her enemy had a nice body. Futanara was a tad slimmer, but not as curvy as Scarlet Warrior. She had grapefruit-sized breasts with dark pink nipples, and her pubic area and armpits were replete with a great amount of purple hair.

Of course, Futanara's most noticeable feature was her male genitalia. Try as she might, Scarlet Warrior couldn't avoid looking at them. That throbbing, uncircumcised penis jutted proudly from her loins.

Then the smell came; Scarlet Warrior had noticed it in their previous encounters. Whenever Futanara became sexually aroused, she gave off this powerful pheromone. It was a strong scent, not pleasant at all, but it was still effective in arousing her.

Futanara quickly leapt into the bed and got on top of Scarlet Warrior. She roughly spread her legs open and pressed the tip of her penis against Scarlet Warrior's labia. The two women moaned as Futanara slid inside of Scarlet Warrior and started thrusting.

"Oh, yes!" Futanara crowed. "I can't believe this is happening. I'm not leaving anything to chance. I'm going to cum inside of you as quickly as possible."

"Do what you have to," Scarlet Warrior grunted, looking up at her rapist with quiet fury.

"Ohhhh, believe me, I will. Last time I made the mistake of prioritizing recreation over procreation. Be angry with me if you must, but I'm doing you a favor," Futanara said before she roughly grabbed Scarlet Warrior's folded arms and pinned them over her head. Without having her arms over her chest, Scarlet Warrior's large breasts were jiggling with reckless abandon.

"A favor?!?" Scarlet Warrior hissed, trying to fight the urge to moan.

"Yes, woman. You are a Thandian! In the centuries that you have lived, you haven't done enough to further your race! Don't you care that your race is nearing extinction?! DON'T YOU!"


Scarlet Warrior couldn't take it anymore. Between the pheromones and the strong she-cock battering her insides, her body gave up resisting the sexual pleasure that was overwhelming her. She surrendered to it all.

Futanara was cautiously optimistic seeing Scarlet Warrior's arousal. This could have been an act, but, then again, the signs were all there. Her skin was rosy, her heart was pounding, and her pussy was sopping wet. Could she be closing in on her victory?

She started pumping even faster. For once in her life, she felt bad that she had such great staying power. She had to cum soon!

In order to hasten her orgasm, she decided to allow herself some enjoyment. She buried her face in those wonderful teats. She could easily imagine those gourds becoming swollen with breast milk. It was thrilling to consider that she would soon be able to taste such a rare delicacy like Thandian breast milk. Her mouth was watering at the mere thought.

Overcome with joy, Futanara pressed her mouth against Scarlet Warrior's. She could feel those loud moans reverberating throughout her entire body. As she slid her tongue into the heroine's mouth, she could imagine their beautiful future together: several children, a wedding, a home to share, and perhaps the conquest of this pathetic little ball of mud called Earth.

She broke their kiss and gazed deeply into her eyes. With a few more bouts of lovemaking, she would sure be hers. It was then that a glint caught her eye. Looking to her right, she noticed two rings of reddish-gold upon Scarlet Warrior's left hand. Her eyes widened with recognition as she saw the beautiful and elaborate engravings on the rings.

"What are those?!" Futanara said as she stopped thrusting.

Scarlet Warrior didn't answer; she was too dazed from the great sex. Futanara gently slapped her on the face to rouse her.


"These rings!" Futanara said, grabbing Scarlet Warrior's hand and holding it up to her face. "They're...Thandian bonding rings! They're used for marriage rites on your planet!"

"I know that." Scarlet Warrior said. "These are from my parents."

"Well, since you're going to bear my child, I should take one."

"NO!" Scarlet Warrior said, snatching her hand away. "Look, I'm going to carry your...our child to term...but, I'm promising myself to someone else, someone who actually loves me, and not just my body."

Futanara's astonishment turned to annoyance as she grabbed Scarlet Warrior's right hand. The heroine struggled, but, despite her efforts, Futanara was able to get one of the rings off her finger. As undoubtedly the strongest female on Earth, it bothered her that Futanara's physical strength was equal to hers. Their first fight had been so taxing that it took Scarlet Warrior three days to fully recover.

Futanara slipped the ring onto left ring finger, admiring it with a triumphant smile. She then turned back to Scarlet Warrior, still lying beneath her.

"I should clarify something: even after you give will belong to me! Too long have you been saddled with mating with these puny humans! You are MINE!"

Futanara growled as she resumed their intercourse. Scarlet Warrior cried out as she felt her womanhood being assailed by Futanara's mighty cock. All words of protest were lost as they only exchanged grunts and moans.

"I'm gonna cum!" Scarlet Warrior cried.

"Ohhhh, I'm getting close! I don't care if you hate me, Scarlet Warrior. I love you! Please, take my sperm! Be my wife!"

Yet again, Futanara noticed a glint of light from the corner of her eye, and again it was coming from Scarlet Warrior's ring finger: her ring was glowing. She gasped, noticing that the ring on her own finger was glowing as well. She opened her mouth to speak, but there was a flash of white light, and some unknown force threw her off the bed.

Futanara awoke to find herself lying on the floor, quite dazed. She wasn't sure how long she had been knocked out. She groaned as she got to her feet, looking around and seeing Scarlet Warrior stirring nearby.

"Another one of your tricks?" Futanara spat. "You stupid woman, why do you keep resisting! Don't you care about your comrade? Ohhh, you're going to get it!"

She reached down and grabbed at her cock but ended up clasping air. She looked down at her crotch, thinking that she had become flaccid, but her heart dropped. Futanara clapped a hand over her mouth in shock, and tears welled up in her eyes. She felt ready to collapse onto the ground.

Her penis and testicles were gone.

She felt at her crotch in shock and confusion, only able to see her pussy. She looked over in fury at Scarlet Warrior. Somehow, she had caused this to happen, she knew it. She was going to beat that devious cow within an inch of her life, and then rape her.

"Looking for something?" Scarlet Warrior asked.

Futanara looked puzzled and annoyed as Scarlet Warrior stood with her hands on her hips in a pose of triumph. Futanara took a step forward to engage her foe but stopped when her eyes drifted downwards. Extending out from Scarlet Warrior's crotch was a large, throbbing penis and two big testicles.

"What have you done?!" Futanara shrieked in fury.

"I've taken your favorite weapons away," Scarlet Warrior said. "It's your fault. I warned you not to take that ring."

Futanara looked at her left hand, yanked the ring off her finger, and threw it away in disgust. She looked down at her crotch, waiting for her parts to return to her, but nothing happened.

"It's no use," Scarlet Warrior said. "Both rings were enchanted with a spell. When you said the words 'I love you', the enchantment activated."

"So...what now? Do you intend to rape me?"

"Normally, I abhor rape...but, for you...I'm going to make an exception."

"You can try!" Futanara snarled as she sprang forward. She threw a fist towards Scarlet Warrior's face and connected, but instead of triumph she felt...pain.

She clutched her hand and winced. She hadn't felt pain like this in a long time. She doubled over, fighting to keep her eyes from welling with tears. Futanara looked up at Scarlet Warrior, who had a haughty smile on her face.

"Oh, there's something else that I forgot to mention: the ring also took away your super strength."

As Scarlet Warrior walked forward, Futanara made a dash for the bedroom door. She yelped as she felt a pair of strong hands grab her and throw her into the air. She tried to stop, but it seemed that her powers of flight and enhanced speed were gone as well. She landed on the bed with a bounce, and barely had any time to right herself before Scarlet Warrior joined her.

Again, she felt a hand grab her as she tried to crawl away. Without her super strength, she couldn't resist being flipped onto her back. Scarlet Warrior easily parried her kicks, grabbing her ankles and spreading her legs open.

"Please!" Futanara cried. "Mercy!"

"We're long past mercy, bitch," Scarlet Warrior spat. "Now get ready for...AH!"

Scarlet Warrior's mind went blank and her eyes went shut. Jolts of pure bliss shot up her spine as she felt a pair of slender fingers wrap themselves around her new appendage. She fell backwards on the mattress, opening her eyes to see Futanara masturbating her.

"You might be stronger than I am," Futanara said. "But I've had a cock for FAR longer than you have!"

Scarlet Warrior was paralyzed with pleasure. Now she was completely at the villain's mercy. She did her best to summon the strength to resist, but it felt so good.

"I'm going to milk you dry and force you to return my male parts!" Futanara decreed. "Tell me how to undo the spell!"

"Noooooo!" Scarlet Warrior wailed.

"Oh? You want to do this the hard way? Well, take THIS!"

She could only watch in horror and Futanara dove headfirst into Scarlet Warrior's crotch. Scarlet Warrior cried out as her new part entered a whole new hole. Futanara's mouth sucked her with such force that it felt like she would consume her entirely.

Scarlet Warrior could feel Futanara's tongue roving all over, licking her rod, teasing her urethra, and probing her foreskin. She reached up and started squeezing her own breasts, trying her best to resist the mounting pressure within her new dick.


It was as if an explosion had gone off in her loins and radiated throughout her entire body. Meanwhile, Futanara's eyes bulged as she felt the stinky sausage in her mouth shooting hot, sticky ejaculate into her gob. It had been years since she'd given a blowjob, but nothing like this! Her cheeks bulged as they strained to contain the torrent of cum. She gulped frantically, lest she suffocate.

Futanara detached, her mouth dripping with drool and spooge. She looked over at Scarlet Warrior, who was sprawled out on her back and moaning loudly. Between her legs, the newborn monster was still leaking cum onto the sheets.

She absolutely had to get out of here. This door to this bedroom had a special lock that could only be undone with her handprint. If she were to escape, she could make it to the armory and find a weapon or two to make up for her lack of superpowers. Then she could go back and force Scarlet Warrior to return what was hers.

She hastily got off the bed, sprinting towards the door, the fear mounting within her. She looked over her shoulder to see Scarlet Warrior rolling over, but it was too late. A spark of hope grew within her as her hand desperately slapped against the rectangular pad to the right or the door. The door slid upwards, and she leapt out of the room. Scarlet Warrior was only getting out of bed as the door slammed closed.

Futanara let out a sigh of relief and ran quickly towards her armory, uncaring that she was still naked. If memory served, she did have a bionic exoskeleton that she had taken from the armies on planet Krygus. The thing had six arms and two mounted laser cannons.


She looked back in horror to see a large dent protruding from the bedroom door. It was impossible! That door was far too strong to damage with brute strength, even when she did have her super strength! Her fast walking turned into a full sprint. There was another loud noise, and though she couldn't see it, she knew that the door had been destroyed.

"Come back here, you!" Scarlet Warrior yelled.

Despite her best efforts, the heroine reached her in less than a minute thanks to her enhanced speed. She was hefted over Scarlet Warrior's shoulder, kicking and screaming as she fought to extricate herself, but it was no use. As if to torture her, Scarlet Warrior walked slowly back to the bedroom.

Yet again, she was thrown onto to messy bed, only Scarlet Warrior had adapted this time around. Instead of getting on the bed, she quickly leapt on top of Futanara. The villainess tried to keep her legs closed, but Scarlet Warrior had no problem parting her thighs with her superior strength. She tried to reach down and grab Scarlet Warrior's penis, but her hands were forced over her head. Despite her protests, she felt something hot and fleshy slither past her labia.

"NOOOOOO!" Futanara wailed.

"Ohhhh, FUCK!" Scarlet Warrior cried. "This feels sooooo good!"

Scarlet Warrior let nature take its course. Though this was her first time with hardware like this, she'd been with enough men to know exactly what to do next. She moved her hips back and forth as she raped Futanara.

Now that she was inside of Futanara, she released her hands. Without her strength, all she could do was scream and futilely beat her fists against Scarlet Warrior's chest. The resistance and fury only added to the pleasure.