The Abathandi Adventure Ch. 02

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The researchers start to explore each other.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/17/2020
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Note to readers: This story is in the Novels section because it is on the longer side for this site, and because the story herein crosses several categories of sexuality, even within each chapter, beginning with "Fantasy." All people in sexual situations are 18 or older.


If one word could have described the island, it would have been "fertile."

More kinds of animals than the two non-natives who had come to the island had ever seen flourished there. Birds of brilliant colors, in every size from a bird you could hold in your hand to giant birds bigger than human beings filled the air. Dazzling red, orange, pink, yellow and white flowers grew everywhere, with butterflies and bees flying around them. Vegetation was so thick that someone could get lost within 20 steps. The island had multiple-colored snakes and lizards. Mammals ranging in size from small dogs to cows roamed the forests.

The weather was ideal for a tropical region. The high temperature rarely varied regardless of the time of year, but the heat was accompanied by ocean breezes. There were neither dry nor rainy seasons. It rained every few days, usually in nighttime thunderstorms with spectacular lightning streaking across the sky.

The island had a mountain toward its east end, from which a river flowed down by several waterfalls toward the west, almost cutting the island in two. A few lakes dotted the forested terrain.

Rick was a biologist, and Summer was an anthropologist, two Ph.D. candidates employed by a mysterious billionaire to explore the island, the existence of which only he seemed to know. Following the most invasive medical exam of their entire lives — a test that seemed extremely sexual in nature, starting from all the examinations being conducted while they were nude — a private submarine took them to the island, then left. They found a place to live and then slowly introduced themselves to the island's aboriginal inhabitants, taking care to not interfere with the native culture.

Rick and Summer were not the same people who had arrived on the island nearly a year earlier.

Rick's body had lost its civilization flab. His short brown hair had grown considerably and lightened with the sun, and his skin, originally white because fluorescent lights don't give you a tan, was bronzed by the constant sun. He was in the best physical shape of his life. He had been slightly nearsighted when he arrived, but now his vision seemed perfect.

Summer had changed too. Her hair, primly blonde and neat, had grown outward and curly in the jungle heat and humidity. She too had been bronzed by the sun. Rick found her much more attractive than when they met, but Summer seemed uninterested in pursuing a personal relationship with him.

As their time on the island grew, they naturally accepted the islanders's customs as the islanders grew to accept them. One was the relatively infrequent wearing of clothes beyond loincloths that barely covered men's genitalia, or women's short skirts, some of which covered only to their own sex. The women's hair would occasionally cover their breasts, but if their hair moved and exposed them, it was as inconsequential as the sun rising the next day. Some women wore chains that connected their breasts by nipple rings. Some of either sex would wear necklaces with shells from the ocean.

Everyone, it seemed, swam in the ocean or river that divided the island nude. They ran nude and played games nude. Everyone also seemed to sleep nude.

And yet they didn't meet a Western definition of nudist, someone who didn't see a bare body as a sexual object, perhaps because most nudists have bodies no one else wants to see. Every islander was in superb condition, with toned bodies in various shades of brown. Most of the islanders had dark eyes, though a few interestingly had eyes the color of the ocean around the island. And everyone seemed horny. Women walked with their hips tantalizingly swaying. Men walked proudly, their genitals full behind their loincloths, if they wore them.

Other than swimming around the island or across the river in races, the most popular game the men played appeared to be wrestling. Two men, their bodies oiled, faced off, each trying and failing to get a hold of the other, before one finally took down the other. They writhed together trying to push the other onto his back and then shoulders to get the victory.

Rick and Summer were surprised when they saw what happened after a match. The loser embraced the winner, but the embrace seemed to last longer than it should have. And then the loser stepped back, revealing that the winner had a large erection. The loser put his lips on the winner's cock, and as the crowd cheered, the loser sucked until the winner's hips bucked into his face.

Another match concluded with the winner appearing to mount the loser, running his cock between the loser's ass cheeks. After a while of the simulated sex, the winner stepped back, having ejaculated all over the loser's ass. The audience cheered.

The two stood up, the winner before the loser. The winner playfully slapped the loser's ass. The loser smiled, the winner laughed, and they walked off together.

Rick had taken to wearing only a pair of pants with most of the legs cut off and boots, which was as close as he felt like getting to the loincloths the bare-chested men wore. Summer cut off her pants too but didn't wish to go around bare-chested like the women did.

Though islanders varied from light brown to pitch black in skin color — islanders seemed to include features from Africa, Asia and Latin America — Rick and Summer were the only white-skinned people on the island. As such they attracted a fair amount of curious looks, though never hostile or impolite.

Their research was mostly inside of their heads. They had brought to the island a solar-powered generator to recharge their computers. Not long after they arrived, the generator was struck by lightning and destroyed. All of their equipment had then slowly died after their batteries drained.

"The rituals of this tribe are fascinating," Summer was saying. "They all seem tied to human biology. I found out that the women get pregnant by thinking about ... opening their wombs."

Rick gave her a skeptical look.

"It's true," she said. "Or at least that's what they say. Apparently the women ovulate only when they reach climax. But to do that they ... think about releasing eggs. And then it happens. Or so they say."

"That would solve a lot of problems of civilization if that's true," he said, including overpopulation. There were not a lot of children, but then again there weren't many old islanders. It seemed as though the number was relatively constant, and the island was far from overpopulated. And everyone appeared to be in perfect health anyway, on an island of harmony unknown to the modern world.

If what the islanders claimed was true, it allowed anyone to have sex with anyone without the consequences of unwanted, by Western standards, pregnancies.

Young islanders went through what was called "kujakwauzeeshida" once they reached puberty.

"That's when they circumcise the males," she said. "Which is interesting because some people in our own society think that's mutilation. Of course, they don't do that to girls."

Rick let go the fact that in certain Muslim societies, they did mutilate girls by removing their clitorises, denying them sexual pleasure

"And then they swim in a part of the river they call 'Hatari,'" she said.

"Where is that?"

"I'm not sure. Apparently it's where no one swims."

"Maybe it's too wide, or the underwater current, or something."

Despite their relatively low percentage of the island population, it was hard to avoid groups of adolescents. Girls giggled as boys did the universal testosterone-driven things intended to impress friends of both sexes, like jumping on the backs of angry male beasts trying to ride them until they were thrown off, diving off tall trees into water, jumping from one high place to another, or swinging between trees. Sometimes someone would miss his target and go crashing to earth, leading to shouts from his audience, only to get up, seemingly uninjured, and repeat what he was trying to do without the crashing finish.

One day Rick was out walking when he saw a nude young woman lying on a log. He stood silently and watched as she raised up one leg. Then she reached between her legs and started to massage between her legs.

Rick watched, entranced. And then he leaned backwards and his foot stepped on a tree branch, snapping it loudly.

The woman's eyes opened and she turned in the direction of the sound, eyes wide. Their eyes met, and then she giggled at him.

She got off the tree, walked over to him and kissed him. She then took one of his hands and put it between her legs, pushing down so he would pierce her sex. When he did, he noticed how wet she was.

She then put her arms around him and started to rock on his fingers, acting as if they were a penis. She rocked harder and faster and then slumped against his hand, having climaxed. She then pulled his hand out, and looking into his eyes licked his hand. She then smiled at him and kissed him, her tongue running around his lips.

She put a hand on his groin, and smiled when she found it unsurprisingly hard. She reached inside Rick's shorts, touched his penis, and then pulled at it until Rick jerked and came. Then she pulled her hand, now covered with his semen, out of his pants, and licked off his semen.

Then she laughed at him again and ran off into the jungle. He had seen her later, but she acted as if nothing unusual had happened.

More often Rick and Summer seemed to be followed — moderns might have said "stalked" — by young men, sometimes but not always accompanied by young women. They saw the groups at the periphery of their vision, often naked, watching whatever they were doing. The men usually had erections, making Rick wonder what specifically excited them.

Summer had had an experience with a young man. He came up to her, naked, while she was alone in a jungle area. She had been swimming nude.

They stood before each other. The boy's penis was hard, though he did not know why. Summer impulsively took him by the hand and drew him closer. She let him touch his breasts and her pubic hair. She touched his lips, then took her hand and placed it on his cock, making him flinch at first. It did not take long for him to have the first orgasm of his life

He stumbled away. Summer stood there, flushed, excited that she had had a sexual effect on a man.

Summer swam there another time, and came out of the water to find out that a young woman had been watching her. She lay on the grass, and the girl followed her.

Summer felt strangely excited, her nipples becoming erect. She touched the girl's lips, and then kissed her, first tentatively, then deeper.

Summer felt the girl's breasts. The girl felt Summer's breasts. Summer then traced her hand down the girl's stomach to her black pubic hair. She ran her fingers along the girl's vaginal lips, then took her hand and used it to reach inside her and find her clitoris. Summer's hand guided the girl's hand, stroking her as her eyes widened.

The girl's body shook as she experienced the first orgasm of her life.

Rick was looking for a particular flower in the jungle when he heard what sounded like laughter. He turned to see a couple straddling a fallen tree on which the bark had worn off, facing each other about a meter away.

The woman seemed to be fidgeting on the tree. Then he realized she wasn't fidgeting. She was using the tree to stimulate herself. Her would-be lover watched, wide-eyed, as her breasts heaved and her hair flew to and fro. Then he started to do the same thing, rocking on the tree as she watched him. Rick watched his erection grow.

She arched and threw her head back. He lost control and his cock shot out ropes of white semen onto the tree.

Once they had calmed slightly down, he moved up to her, his cock still hard. He touched her face, then tentatively touched one of her breasts. She smiled at him. Then she leaned back on the log, displaying her body to him.

He sat still, hypnotized by her young beauty. She then got up, moved over his legs, and then sat down on his lap, straddling him while he straddled the tree.

Summer observed that couples who committed to each other seemed to touch each other whenever they were together, even with women holding their man's penis underneath his loincloth. The night air was filled every night with the cries of women being taken by their men.

Their being seemingly surrounded by either sex or sexual desire every moment of every day was distracting. They were having erotic dreams about each other, but of other things too.

Rick dreamed of the wife of the islanders' tribal chief, Damyrah, rocking on his penis while sitting on top of him. He dreamed of young islander women, nameless, embracing him nude.

Summer had even stranger dreams of feeling like she was being watched while an unseen erotic force was making her approach orgasm. Then a man started making love to her. She saw his face. It was Rick.

She also dreamed of swimming nude, feeling tentacles, being pulled under the water and having something invade her every orifice. She dreamed of floating in water while the alien thing took her body, causing wave after wave of sexual pleasure.

The two often woke up from their dreams sexually unfulfilled, needing to relieve their sexual stress to go back to sleep. They thought whether they should approach each other, but had not yet.

On yet another beautiful night the two sat on the full-moon-lit shore of the ocean. Behind them was the jungle, which was, among its other creatures, full of fireflies. Rick's advice was to not stare back at the lights that did not move, which likely belonged to long and lethal blank panthers.

Rick was looking out at the waves gently rolling onto the beach, instead of Summer, her chest rising and falling in her shirt tied together below her breasts, her legs crossed. Summer was looking out at the water instead of at Rick's ripped chest, his blonde hair now reaching his shoulders, or his casually spread shorts-clad legs. She unselfconsciously crossed her legs and then squeezed them together, enjoying the little jolts deep inside her.

"Biological imperative," said Rick.

"What?" Summer snapped out of her reverie of non-specific slowly rising lust.

"Every male of every species wants to reproduce, so every male of every species wants to fuck once they're able. Homo sapiens to fruit flies. A professor once told me, 'there is no rape in the animal world.'"

That made Summer laugh. Rick suddenly decided he really liked how that laugh sounded.

"So every male everywhere is horny?" she said. "Does that include you?"

That was the most personal question she'd ever asked him.

"Do you really want to know that?" Stall for time.

"Yes," she said, turning to look directly at him. So much for the stall.

"Um ... there might be entire stretches of minutes where I don't. Especially here. It's kind of hard to avoid."

"So what do you like?" One of her legs shifted. Rick noticed.

"Blondes," he blurted out before he could think about whether he should have said that.

Summer leaned back on her arms. The result was to make her breasts seem to puff out.

"The adults here seem monogamous," she said, backing off from the first step of an approach. "Apparently they have some kind of bonding that takes place. I heard the word for 'initiation,' but that doesn't really seem like an initiation."

"Maybe that's when the young males get it out of their systems."

"Are you saying girls don't like to fuck?"

"What? No." That conversation had also never come up between them before now.

"What about you?"


She leaned close to him and said slowly, "Do you like to fuck?" One step back, two steps forward.

"Of course I do," said Rick, not admitting that he hadn't had sex in more than a year, and that was with his last girlfriend, whose interest in him seemed to wane the longer their relationship went. By the time he told her he was leaving for their island expedition, he realized he had wasted almost all of his time with her. "You?"

Summer just smiled, not admitting that she was a virgin. "Girls or guys?"

"Girls. You?"

Summer just raised an eyebrow.

The two stared at each other. Summer looked at Rick's chest, rising and falling with his breathing. Her peripheral vision included his shorts. His peripheral vision included her cleavage shown off by her shirt.

"I'm going for a swim," Summer suddenly said as she stood up to start taking off her clothes. "Come join me."

Rick hesitated, then watched Summer pull off her shirt, releasing her breasts. The etiquette of more than one person skinny-dipping seemed to be that someone had to show off their sexy bits first before you did.

"You have seen breasts before, haven't you?" she asked.

Not yours, he thought to himself. He threw off his shirt.

Summer slid her shorts off her curvy legs and stood before him nude. Rick pulled off his shorts. Summer stared as the shorts revealed his genitals, which were starting to stir.

Summer turned and walked into the surf, skimming the water with her hands before she dove in, her shapely ass and legs the last thing he saw before she dove beneath the surface. Rick followed behind her, walking in.

Rick suddenly realized he had seen her nude before. He realized she was the girl he watched in the exam room and then in the shower stroke herself to orgasm, which prompted himself to do the same.

His face grew red in the dark, but at the same time Rick was as hard as a rock in the blood-warm water. The moon's reflection provided the only light on the surface. A million stars shone down from overhead, their light unbuffered by the lights of civilization.

He swam up to where he thought she would be. He looked around on the surface for her, then nearly sank under the water when he felt a hand grab his cock.

"Does this always happen to you?" teased Summer, hanging on to it.

Rick couldn't stop staring at how her breasts seemingly held her up in the water. He also couldn't put out of his mind what she was doing to him underneath the water.

"You're going to have quite a scene if you keep that up," he finally gasped.

"So?" she said innocently, while continuing to massage his cock and balls. "Do you like me?"

"Oh god, yes," he said.

She let go of his cock. Then she suddenly sank into the water. Rick felt her hands grab his ass. And then he felt something wet that wasn't the water on his cock. Only her feet could be seen sticking out of the water.

About 30 seconds later she popped her head up, water cascading off her hair. "Do you like that?" she said.

He was panting. "Can't you tell?" he said.

She smiled, and her head dipped back below the water.

Thirty seconds later she came back up. "Show me you like it, " she said.

Rick took her in his arms and kissed her, a kiss that was as long as she had been underwater. Her breasts touched his chest. Below the water he could feel his cock touching some part of her lower body.

They were breathless when the kiss ended. Summer floated in the water while Rick was tall enough to stand on the bottom.

"Just so you know, I don't fuck on first dates," she said.

Then Summer's eyes widened. Then her expression changed.

"What are you doing?" she said.

"Who, me?" he said innocently as she straightened up in the water.

"I told you, I ... I ..." as she started bobbing in the water and rocking on his fingers that were between her legs, stroking her.

She put her hands around his head and kissed him. With their lips together she made an increasingly higher humming sound as he stroked her sex below the water. And then she had her first orgasm since they had been on the island. Their kiss broke off as she cried out, hanging in the water by his hand inside her throbbing heat.