That 70's Show-Happy Halloween

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Foreman's Halloween Party.
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A fictional story about fictional characters.


"No, not that. Anything but that," Red Foreman implored his wife Kitty, " you know I hate...people."

"I've thought about this long and hard, Red," Kitty explained. "Last month I put up with your visiting mother for over a week, and you promised that you would owe me big time...anything I wanted, you said. Well this is what I want. I want to give a Halloween party...a costume party...and you will participate and pretend to enjoy it. Now don't give me that pained look; if you just let yourself, you can have a good time. You can drink beer and make snide comments about all our friends."

"Well, you do make it sound almost tolerable... who would you invite," Red wanted to know.

"The kids, of course, and Bob and Midge and any friends you want from PriceMart," his perky spouse declared.

"I don't have any friends at PriceMart," Red responded, "I'm their boss and they're all dumb-asses."

Kitty sidled up against Red, rubbing his back and looking up into his eyes pleading, "you promised Red...and I will take care of all the details; and I bet the kids will help."

"Yeah...don't hold your breath on that," Red scoffed, trying to sound disgusted, but already knowing that Kitty had won this round. "You better pick a good costume for me," he continued, "if it's stupid I'm not wearing it."

"Oh, I already know what I'm going to put together for you," Kitty beamed, knowing she had worn his resistance down, "and trust me, you will be the most envied one at the party."

The following day the whole gang had gathered in the Foreman's basement (as usual) after school and were discussing the news that Red was letting Kitty throw a Halloween costume party. Eric challenged them, " bet you will never guess who I'm going to be."

"Luke Skywalker," five voices answered in unison. It was certainly no secret that the tall, gawky teenager was obsessed with the Star Wars character.

Looking crestfallen that they had guessed his costume, Eric responded, "maybe...and Donna is coming as Princess Leia."

"I am," Donna asked, surprised that Eric would not even consult her opinion. Seeing the saddened look on Eric's face and once again realizing that she should support the boy that she loved, Donna added, "well, of course I am...who else would I dress up as."

"Well, it sounds lame, count me out," declared Stephen Hyde, the self proclaimed rebel of the group.

"Oh you'll come...and you'll enjoy yourself," ordered the suddenly bold Eric, "you wouldn't want to disappoint my mom would you?"

Since the Foreman's had been kind enough to let him live in the basement and Kitty had been like a mother to him, Hyde acquiesced and answered, "all right, I'll come, but I'm not having fun...and I want beer."

"Ha, ha, you caved like a big...cave," laughed Michael Kelso, the self proclaimed teenage lothario of the group, pointing at Hyde.

Hyde pretended to punch the perennial joker, and then did pound him hard in the left biceps, replying, "you flinched man."

"Well I can't wait to dress up," stated their foreign exchange student friend, Fez, "but my costume is a secret."

"What are you going as...Little Fez Riding Hood," joked Kelso, "yeah, my costume is a secret too."

"There is only one choice for me," interjected the debutante Jackie, "my lifelong dream...a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader."

"Are you sure you can fill out one of those costumes," chuckled Kelso, elbowing Hyde.

It was obvious to all that the petite Jackie, cute as a pixie, had been shortchanged in the breast department. "Oooo, nice burn Kelso," agreed Fez.

Hyde once again slugged Kelso in the arm, warning, "hey that's my girlfriend, so knock it was a nice burn though."

Kelso and Jackie had dated, but she had tired of being taken for granted and insinuated herself as reluctant Hyde's "significant other" almost without his realizing it.

Just then Eric's slender blonde, older sister, Laurie, came bounding down the cellar stairs. Every male, including Eric, couldn't help but notice her bra-less chest bouncing beneath her t-shirt. Laurie had a well earned reputation of being the town slut; a label she thoroughly enjoyed. "So what are you delinquents talking about," she asked, "if it's Dad and Mom's party, I have already thought of the best costume, but you'll have to wait until the party to see it. Hi, Kelso."

She and Kelso had "hooked up" on a few occasions, which had contributed to his problems with Jackie. He suddenly became shy and embarrassed and looking down at his feet merely mumbled, "Hi, Laurie."

Knowing just which buttons to push, Laurie also greeted Hyde, "hey, Stephen...looking good," and she sauntered back up the stairs.

"I hate that bitch," Jackie announced for everyone to hear.

"Just ignore her...I do," advised Eric, "let's not let her spoil the party for us. If I know Red there will be plenty of beer."

"And maybe some of my special brownies," smiled Hyde, meaning his marijuana laced "Alice B. Toklas" concoction.

For the next two weeks, Kitty spent every moment away from her nurses job at Point Place Community Hospital working on the preparation for her Halloween party. She decorated the house with black and orange crepe paper streamers, cardboard skeletons, numerous candles and jack-o-lanterns; and it seemed like she helped all the kids with their costumes. Red had gotten in the spirit (somewhat) and had ordered an entire keg of beer, "to keep the good times flowing," as he put it.

On the night of the party (Kitty had actually scheduled it before Halloween night so they wouldn't have the distraction of trick-or-treaters), Kitty baked her favorite mini-pizzas and made a huge bowl of punch. She used Hawaiian Punch because it was "the color of blood," and had surreptitiously spiked it with vodka to lighten the mood of any "grumpy Gusses." Hyde had surprised her by commandeering the kitchen for a couple hours that afternoon to make his contribution to the party: a double batch of his "special recipe" brownies. Kitty had given him a jar of bright orange candy sprinkles for the top, and left him alone while she put the finishing touches on the decorations.

Since all the kids had turned eighteen the previous summer, Red had given them permission to have two beers each; but "if I catch you taking any more than that, I'll bury my foot up your ass."

"The place looks great Mom," Eric assured Kitty as he came down the stairs into the living room in the costume she had sewn for him. He really did look like Luke Skywalker, right down to the boots and the "authentic" lightsabre. "Wow, look at you," he exclaimed, "has Dad seen your costume; maybe you should cover up a little."

Kitty was dressed in a very tight one-piece bathing suit, bare legs and high heels, with a big fluffy cotton tail and rabbit ears on her head. It was obvious she was masquerading as a Playboy bunny. "Yeah, I've seen it," Red thundered as he came down the stairs with a pipe in his hand. He was attired in blue satin pajamas, corduroy slippers, and a red velvet robe; doing his best Hugh Hefner impression, "all my Pets dress that way when they're at the mansion."

Hyde came in from the kitchen saying, "I left the brownies on the counter with the other food...whoa...Mrs. Foreman, looking hot."

"Why thank you know you can call me Kitty," she told him.

"Down boy," Red ordered Hyde, "who the hell are you supposed to be...this is a costume party you know."

Hyde dressed in his usual blue jeans and t-shirt, had added a scarf tied around his neck, replied, "I'm Hendrix, man."

Red just shook his head and said, "now you boys come here and I'll show you how to tap a keg."

Hyde and Eric just winked at each other and poured a couple more bags of ice into the washtub holding the beer keg.

The doorbell rang and the door opened without anyone answering it admitting Kelso and Fez into the Foreman living room. Kelso was also wearing what appeared to be his usual clothes with the addition of a denim jacket. Red, obviously annoyed, demanded, "now what, another Hendrix?"

"What," asked Kelso, "no way...I'm know from Starsky & Hutch," as he opened his jacket to reveal a gold plastic badge attached to his belt and a squirt-gun tucked into his waistband.

Fez, on the other hand, was dressed to perfection, as if he had just stepped off the disco dance floor. His platform shoes were shined to a mirror finish, the crease in his pant legs was razor sharp and his wide lapel shirt was wrinkle free. "Well who are you supposed to be," demanded Red.

"Oh Mr. Red," replied Fez, "I am John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever," and he immediately went down into a split and popped back up smiling.

"Yeah...OK, "Red acknowledged, rolling his eyes, "you dumb asses just remember what I said about the beer...two each and no more."

A few of the Foreman's friends began arriving, dressed as various historical or popular figures. Jackie and Donna strolled into the living room, having let themselves in through the patio/ kitchen door. Jackie filled out the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader costume quite nicely, even showing impressive cleavage...for Jackie. Her slender legs seemed even more shapely as they disappeared into her white boots. All male eyes stared as Donna entered the room clad in her long, white flowing, floor length Princess Leia tunic. It was belted at the waist, but the thing that begged everyones' attention was the fact that she had very obviously kept in character and was bra-less. Her pendulous breasts swayed and wobbled against the silky material, her nipples clearly protruding. Donna had gone to the trouble of braiding her long red hair into Leia's trademark buns on the side of her head, but no one was looking above her chest.

"Holy shit Foreman," Hyde whispered to a stunned Eric, "you lucky bastard."

Despite the fact that she was only eighteen and his son's girlfriend, Red could not take his eyes off this red-headed goddess and think, "that Eric is one lucky bastard."

Just then everyone in the room turned because they could actually hear Laurie Foreman descending the stairs into the living room. Her blond hair had been braided into cornrows with colorful beads woven into the ends, and they were making a "clicking" noise as she walked. She was wearing a skintight, flesh-color one piece bathing suit and was obviously mimicking Bo Derek's role in the movie "10." Although not as well endowed as Bo, her nipples were quite prominent and attracting the attention of every male in the room...including Eric. "Jeez Laurie," ordered Red, "go put something on."

Hugging him in her most convincing style, Laurie begged, "oh Daddy, I'm just trying to be like a movie star...Mommy is wearing a bathing suit too."

Knowing that she had him wrapped around her little finger, Red relented, stating, "I need another beer."

Answering the doorbell, Eric stepped aside to allow Donna's parents (and the Foreman's next door neighbors) Bob and Midge Pinciotti to enter. Bob was dressed all in white: white pants, white shoes, white shirt and jacket; but the most stunning thing about him was that his "Brillo" black hair was missing and he was completely bald. Red began chuckling and asked, "who the hell are you supposed to be...the Good Humor Man?"

"Ha, good one Red but anyone can plainly see that I'm Boss Hogg from Dukes of Hazzard, and Midge is Daisy Duke." He stepped aside to let everyone get a good look at Midge's costume...what there was of it. Bob's amazingly gorgeous wife Midge was wearing the tightest, shortest cut-off jeans shorts that they had ever seen. Her flannel shirt was knotted at the waist exposing her navel and flat tummy. Only about two buttons were fastened, leaving her impressive cleavage on display. Her high heels made her already shapely legs seem endlessly long. She was a total knockout, and for a moment Red's mouth just hung open.

Recovering, Red shook hands with Bob, "well of course you are Bob and a great costume at that." Red put his arm around Midge's shoulders and ushered her into the living room, "come right on in Midge, I mean Daisy, that October air must be cold." His eyes were glued on her twin mounds and he had already ascertained that she wasn't wearing a bra. "How the hell did a loser like Bob end up with this babe," Red though to himself. Of course everyone in the room was wondering the same thing.

"Don't forget Red," Bob reminded him, "tonight you have to call me Boss...just like when I hired you to work in my appliance store after you got fired from the plant."

Already annoyed with Bob, Red fired back, "oh you mean the store you ran into the ground before I hired you to work for me at PriceMart."

Out of the corner of his eye Red could see Kitty giving him "the eye" so he quickly added, "OK Bob...I mean Boss... just for tonight." Bob's lower lip had begun to protrude into a pout, but hearing Red's apology he smiled and headed for the food table in the kitchen.

Kitty had recorded lots of spooky sounds, shrieks, and screams on her tape recorder to add to the Halloween mood, but as the party progressed, the kids put the soundtrack record of "Saturday Night Fever" on the stereo so they could dance; and no one seemed to object. Eric, of course, had scolded Kitty about how the future of recording was 8-tracks, not cassettes. She had strung orange strings of lights all around the living room for effect, so the room was dimly lit to begin with, and after consuming some alcohol, it seemed more romantic than ominous. Red continued to drink from the keg, while others opted for the spiked punch. After Kitty had initially added some vodka to the punch bowl, Bob, Red, Eric and Kelso had also done the same; so that eventually the punch was more vodka than Hawaiian Punch.

Everyone was beginning to feel the combined effects of the alcohol and the special brownies, and the men were conspicuously leering at the scantily clad females at the party.

Kitty's speech had begun to slur when she cornered Hyde in the kitchen and asked if she could have the recipe for his "scrumptious" brownies.

Hyde had always had a crush on his friend's mother and immediately recognized his opportunity to take advantage of the inebriated Kitty. "I think I have it in my room in the basement, if you want to come down and get it," he encouraged her.

Heh, heh, heh, that would be fine," Kitty answered with that distinctive cackle of a laugh. Her laugh was famous in the neighborhood, and there didn't seem to be a middle ground of opinion: you either thought it was unique and endearing, or you thought it was annoying and you hated it. She carefully followed Hyde down the cellar stairs, her heels clicking in the steps, and when he stopped at the bottom step and turned around to face her, she was not terribly surprised.

Hyde thought to himself, "it's now or never...she may not even remember this in her condition," as he encircled her with his arms and pressed his lips against hers in a sensuous kiss.

"Oh Stephen," Kitty gasped when he broke the kiss, "that was even better than I dreamed it would be." She quickly grasped his head in her hands and returned the kiss, adding her tongue to the equation. Hyde's hands found their way to Kitty's bathing suit covered ass cheeks as their tongues played tag. Kitty broke their kiss and quickly and decisively told Hyde, "let's not over-think this...let's just do it; I've wanted you for a long time." As they walked to the well-worn sofa, Hyde began to shed his clothes. By the time he was at the couch, he was shoving his jeans down revealing a lack of underwear and a nice seven inch cock as thick as a salami. Kitty stood in front of him, kicked off her heels and reached behind her to pull down the zipper on her bathing suit costume.

Hyde stepped closer, his cock waving like an excited dog's tail, and slowly lowered Kitty's costume down her slightly chubby body. It was stiffer than a normal bathing suit, molded so as to not lose it's shape, and it fell easily down her torso to the floor. Sucking in his breath when he saw that the costume was her only garment, Hyde sunk to the floor and gently lifted her feet one by one to pull the suit off. His face was now directly in front of Kitty's bushy dark blonde muff and he could clearly smell her arousal as he leaned in and pressed his nose into the jungle. His hands reached up and grasped her impressive 36D breasts as they hung slightly on her chest.

Almost involuntarily, Kitty spread her legs as Hyde's tongue worked it's way through her bush and found her lips. They were moist and meaty as he sucked each one into his mouth and ran his tongue up and down her slit. Kitty's knees buckled and she dropped back onto the sofa, her legs spread wide. "Stephen, I need you inside me now," she urged as she worked her fingers through the thick pubic hair and spread her lips. Kneeling, Hyde grabbed her behind the knees, pulled her to the edge of the cushion, and nudged his cock-head between her slit. He steadily moved forward and felt the warmth of Kitty's cunt as he slid deeper inside her until his balls were wedged between them. "Oh that's nice fuck me."

She leaned back against the sofa as Hyde began to thrust his cock in and out of her tunnel. Her tits were bouncing as he held her ass cheeks firm so he could pound into her harder. Her breasts were capped by large brown areola and hardened nipples which Kitty began to pinch so hard they turned almost white. Hyde had fantasized about fucking this desirable housewife ever since she had given him dance lessons, and his cock was a blur as he sawed in and out of her cunt. Kitty's head was spinning as she looked down her body and watched a cock that was not Red's plunging into her. "Oh that feels good Stephen," she encouraged him.

Lasting longer than he had expected, Hyde could feel his balls begin to pump their contents through his cock. He swiftly withdrew his staff as it began to spray his seed, and it squirted white streams of goo all over Kitty's stomach and all the way up to her tits.

"Heh, heh, heh," she giggled as the warm fluid began to drip down her naked body, "I guess you really were glad to see me tonight, heh, heh, heh." Kitty reached next to her, grabbed a t-shirt that someone had discarded there, and began to wipe Hyde's cum off her belly. Thank you Stephen, that was really nice but I guess I had better get back to the party...I am the hostess, heh, heh, heh."

"No, thank you Mrs. Fore...I mean Kitty, you have an amazing body."

"Yes, that's right Stephen...I think we can be on a first name basis now, heh, heh, heh...after all, you did just fuck me."

In the living room, Midge Pinciotti was pressing the side of her body into Red and asking, "so Mr. Hefner, what does a girl have to do to get an audition to be in your magazine?"

Feeling no pain after countless beers and a couple of cocktails, Red played along, "well, of course I would have to see her naked to evaluate wether she was Playboy material or not." In response, Midge pulled her shirt straight in front of her out so that Red could look down inside and see her entire chest, nipples and all. "Wow, that's a nice set for sure," Red exclaimed, his face turning pink, "but you know I would have to see everything."

Midge grabbed Red's hand and began to pull him toward the stairs leading to the second floor. Glancing around nervously, Red realized that absolutely no one was paying any attention to them as they mounted the stairs. Watching Midge's ass undulate in her tiny shorts, the bottoms of her cheeks actually escaping the material, as they climbed the stairs was almost more than Red could handle. Red guided her to his bedroom and shut the door as Midge turned to face him. "Are you ready for my audition," Midge inquired as she unbuttoned the remaining buttons on her shirt, untied the knot and pulled the front open.