Temptation Abounds Ch. 02


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"I love you, Joel. I've wanted to say that for a long time."

"I love you, too. We'll get through this. I'm here for you."

"Thanks. Now, let's get back to the lake. They must think something's happened to us."

I bent my head down and kissed her.

"Something has happened to us, Barbara. Something quite good."

Sometime later...

As divorces go, it was not that bad. Jim had pleaded with Barbara for another chance. After some consideration, she said no. Even with no contentious issues, it took almost a year for the decree to be finalized. They did close to a fifty-fifty split on assets with the exception that Barbara kept the condo, including all the furnishings. I think the video of Jim and his mistress took most of the fight out of him.

Jim moved in with Keisha, but that only lasted a month. Seems once the allure of a dangerous and secretive affair went away, so did a lot of the passion for both parties. He ended up sharing an apartment with another divorced attorney in his office. We never played tennis together again. I see him on occasion, but other than a perfunctory hell-o, we don't have much to say to each other. I miss having him as a friend, but his behavior toward Barbara destroyed any chance we had for maintaining a friendship that included trust and respect.

Sheila finished her senior year and moved to the west coast. During her senior year, she shifted her need for advice and support from Jim to me. She continued to flirt, but it was clearly a game and we both knew it. My affection for her grew and sometimes I thought I must be crazy to not enter into a physical relationship with her. At times she would stay with me on a short college break. In the morning I would find her in the kitchen making coffee dressed solely in tiny bikini bottoms. She would smile and slowly walk back to her room. I thought perhaps she was majoring in flirting. If so, she was magna cum laude. In spite her teasing, Sheila knew she was safe with me. She could let down her guard and relax. I think she developed some mistrust of men after seeing how her brother treated Barbara. When I never responded to her flirting, I hope she realized that you could trust a man. Of course, she probably never grasped how close to the edge I was. In the end, I loved her too much to violate her trust.

During her senior year, Sheila met and fell in love with a great guy, whose family lived in the San Diego area. His father owned a large landscaping business and Sheila's boyfriend started working there. He graduated with a degree in landscape design and would most likely take over the business. She got a job at the San Diego Zoo in the development office. They are still together and appear to be happy. She has not come calling to collect on my promise made at the lake. I am fairly certain she never will.

Ruby and I, to both our surprises, have continued to build a relationship. At first the foundation was sex. It was excellent sex, but we kept it at that level for a while. Finally, as Barbara's divorce moved along, the three of us began to hang out together. Ruby and I found we enjoyed each other's company just as much when we weren't slapping our groins together, although said slapping continued at a pleasant pace.

She and Barbara also found equilibrium without sex as the common element. Their friendship deepened. The biggest turning point turned out to be a week-long trip to Ireland. Traveling and sharing rooms in B&Bs brought us to a new level of comfort and intimacy. That's intimacy without sex. Well, to be honest, Ruby and I had lots of sex and Barbara watched. We felt bad at first, but after a couple times, we enjoyed having her as a non-participating partner. We would fantasize on how maybe things could be different after the divorce. Barbara was not shy about pleasing herself while watching Ruby and me. Truth be told, I was equally aroused by the physical contact with Ruby and the visual appreciation of what Barbara's fingers were doing.

Barbara and I shared lots of lunches during the year and a half after the weekend at the lake. Our friendship deepened to the point where we became each other's most important relationship. She was supportive of Ruby and me being together. We never fully discussed what we would do once she had the decree in hand.

It was a Tuesday several months after the decree was finalized when she called me at my office.

"Can we skip lunch today?" Barbara asked.

"Sure. Got something pressing?"

"No, actually I'm taking the day off."


"Yes. I plan to spend the entire day cooking a great meal for tonight."

"Special occasion that I'm not aware of?"

She made a little sound. "Can you be here around seven?"

"Sure. Can I bring wine?"

"Got everything taken care of."

We rang off with our usual, "Love you."

I got home close to six and showered and shaved again. I dressed casually, but in decent clothes. I wasn't sure what Barbara had in mind, but I thought it sounded special.

I walked into the lobby and saw Ruby at the elevator.

"Ah, dinner for the three of us," I said. "Do you know what's up?"

She was carrying a bouquet of yellow roses. "Not sure, but I have a suspicion she's thinking that this is the sixth month anniversary of the decree. Barbara said she didn't want to make any big changes or commitments for a while after the divorce was final. She's been putting most of her energy into her work. You know she's now regarded as the one of the top death penalty defenders in the country."

I did know that and was proud of what she had accomplished. I was also in awe that she had the strength to seemingly abstain from sex for this long a period.

"So this is celebration time?" I mused.

Ruby leaned in and kissed me. "Probably. I wonder what she has in mind."

As we rode up together, my mind churned in anticipation.

Barbara greeted us at the door. She was dressed in a simple blue skirt and long-sleeved pale yellow blouse. She looked radiant. Her hair was pulled back with a blue head band and then hung down in a soft pony tail. She wore make-up to accent and not to overpower her natural beauty. The blush on her cheeks was real and not applied. I could see a glint in her eyes that was absent during the time she was recreating her life.

After hugging and kissing both of us, she welcomed us into the condo. The scent of something subtle and exotic lingered. I felt I could inhale that fragrance forever and never tire of it. As Barbara went to the kitchen, Ruby turned to me and whispered. "God, she smells so good."

Smiling, I whispered back, "Does it make your mouth water?" Ruby jabbed me in my ribs and told me to behave. She then grinned and the desire in her eyes told me her true answer.

The table was set with her best china and crystal. Sitting in the living room, we enjoyed champagne and light appetizers. Dinner was superb and accompanied by a selection of wines. Barbara served a composed salad with a semi-sweet dressing. The accompanying fresh sourdough rolls balanced the sweetness. This course was accompanied by a light, buttery Chardonnay. She would not allow us to clear or help serve the next course, which was tenderloin of pork in an apple demi-glaze. Each of us received a plate with the carefully arranged meat, fresh sautéed asparagus and spätzle made in bacon fat. Barbara served a light St. Emilion.

Our dinner conversation flowed as only three close friends can accomplish. With no awkward pauses, we jumped from topic to topic, listened to each other and laughed a lot. Barbara cleared our dinner plates and returned with a selection of hard and soft cheeses. After returning to the kitchen, she served a bottle of sauterne. The wine was perfect with the cheese, but I was becoming concerned about driving after drinking so much. I was to learn that it would not be a problem.

Ruby and I resisted pushing her into the one topic we had not discussed, but as we nibbled on the cheese plate, Ruby finally burst out.

"So, what are we celebrating—your anniversary?"

Barbara lit up. She nodded and pulled an envelope from under her chair. Opening it, she passed the decree around. In spite of all the legalese, we knew she saw it as her passport to her future. She then pulled out her original marriage certificate. She touched one corner to a lit candle and watched it catch fire. She held it until it burned down close to her fingers and dropped the remnant in a wine bucket. We all stood and did a group hug. Ruby and I congratulated her as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"You two have been my rocks. I could not have gotten through all this without you. Thank you."

Now there were three sets of eyes running with tears.

"I've prepared a special dessert. I am really nervous about it."

We assured her that we would love whatever it was.

Taking us each by our hands, she led us back to her bedroom. Ruby and I shot a glance at each other.

Barbara pushed open the door. Although I had seen her bedroom before, I was amazed at what was before our eyes.

Her queen-sized bed was gone and a king-sized one was in its place. The room was repainted in a soft yellow. It struck me as not too feminine nor too masculine. The blue sheets and comforter were pulled half-way down. Resting on the headboard were three pillows. Candles were the only illumination. A wine bucket with a champagne bottle rested on the bedside table accompanied by three flutes.

"God, just let me get this out," Barbara gushed.

Ruby and I stood silent.

"I've wanted this for a long time. When we were in Ireland, I loved watching the two of you in bed. More than anything I wanted to join you. I wanted the three of us to join as one."

Barbara took a deep breath and continued. "Joel, I know that I love you and am sure you love me."

I nodded.

"Ruby, I know you love me and you know I am crazy about you."

Ruby sniffled and nodded.

"Joel, I imagine you thought about the two of us making love. I do want that, I really do. But, tonight I want the three of us together. I want to be loved by both of you and I want to love you both in return. I've never done anything like this and am not sure how it all works. But, I figure let's get naked and let nature and our desire do the rest. I can't tell you how many times I've been tempted to just say the hell with it and drag one or both of you to bed. I resisted those temptations until I could put a definitive end to my marriage and give myself some time to reassess who I am."

With that Barbara unbuttoned her shirt and dropped it. The lacy bra soon followed and in a minute she had shed her skirt and panties. I had not seen her naked since Ireland. Her blond bush was still neatly trimmed and looked so sexy in the flickering candlelight. I certainly had not forgotten how beautiful her breasts were, but it was a new found delight to see them standing firmly on her chest, the nipples hard and proud.

"God, guys, say something," Barbara exclaimed.

"I'm trying," I said. "But, honestly, you are so beautiful, I'm practically speechless."

Barbara relaxed and let her smile spread across her face.

"Oh, honey," Ruby said. "You can't imagine how I've ached for such a sight. Yes, you are beautiful, but you're so much more than that. I love you."

Barbara grinned, exposing her perfect, white teeth. She spread her arms and Ruby and I filled that space. I drank in her delightful aroma as she pressed her lips to Ruby. In a minute, she turned to me and I grew weak as her soft lips met mine. Barbara alternated between our mouths, letting her tongue reacquaint itself with long denied pleasure.

She finally stepped back and said, "You, two, are way over-dressed."

Needing no further encouragement, Ruby and I were naked in record time. The three of us crawled on to the huge bed. I poured three glasses of champagne.

"To new experiences," Barbara said raising her flute.

"To new love," added Ruby.

"To all new temptations," I added.

We clinked, drank down the smooth liquid, set our glasses aside and fell into each other's arms.

I turned Barbara's face to mine and explored every inch with my lips. I could feel Ruby move a hand to Barbara's chest and play with the soft mound and bud. Barbara moaned as Ruby teased her. Soon my hand joined Ruby's on Barbara's chest. I slowly moved my kisses from her face to the crook of her neck. Barbara's response told me it was a special place that she loved. As I nuzzled her, I could feel her nipple harden and extend farther. Ruby's fingers touched mine and together we massaged Barbara's right breast.

"Oh, god, yes," Barbara said. "That feels so good."

I brought my face down to her chest. Ruby and I locked eyes as we each took a nipple into our mouths. Barbara's back arched and her tongue licked her lips. I knew I could be happy sucking her breast for the rest of the evening, but both Ruby and I wanted more. Although I had never made love with Barbara and Ruby knew her body in intimate detail, I decided to hold back. I looked at Ruby and pulled my mouth from Barbara's breast.

"Oh, no, don't stop," Barbara moaned.

I mouthed to Ruby, "Make love to her."

She shook her head, and by doing so pulled Barbara's nipple, eliciting a small cry.

I said softly, "Yes, do it."

It was part respect for Ruby but also a practical approach. I knew Barbara and I were going to have sex. I thought Ruby might enjoy going first and not having to deal with the mess that I would definitely be leaving. Come to find out later, that would not have been a deterrent. The three of us found many things that others might consider off-putting that we loved. But, at this moment, I moved my eyes to indicate Ruby should begin her descent.

As Ruby kissed her way down Barbara and I lavished attention to both her breasts, Barbara called out. "Oh, my god, yes Ruby, yes."

Ruby adjusted her position so that her face was between Barbara's legs. For several moments she looked at the golden triangle and the droplets of moisture highlighted by the candles. Slowly she pushed her tongue forward and touched the plump lips.

Barbara made a sound I never heard before. Her hand grabbed my shoulder as her nails dug into my flesh.

"I've missed that so much."

Ruby was now licking up and down. I saw her use her fingers to open Barbara's lips and let her tongue move along the wet slit. Barbara thrust her hips up to increase the contact. I had never witnessed two women making love before. Sure, I watched porn, but never the real thing. The sounds, the smells the subtle movements of face, hips, back—all these were new delights. I could watch these two women and never tire of what I was seeing.

Ruby abruptly stopped. Barbara lifted her head and stared down in surprise.

Ruby smiled and said, "Joel, come here. You need to share this before I finish her."

Quickly I moved down and Ruby guided my face to the plump lips that shone with arousal and the wetness from Ruby's kisses. I let my tongue touch the outside of one lip. Barbara pushed back. Using the point of my tongue, I ran the length of her pussy. My senses exploded with the taste and with the knowledge that this was the love of my life opening her sex to me. Throwing any sense of restraint aside, I started licking and probing with my tongue. Barbara was writhing on the bed, encouraging me with sounds.

Ruby took my erection in her hand and slowly stroked me as I ate Barbara with abandon. The little tastes Barbara had given me in the past in no way prepared me for the feast I was experiencing. The sweetness of her essence drove me to lap and suck for more. I slipped a finger inside to probe her g-spot. Her pelvis shot from the bed and my lips captured her clit.

"Oh, yes," Barbara cried out. I knew she was mere moments from exploding. That's when I pulled away.

"What?" she cried, her hands scrambling for my head to force me back between her legs.

"No," I said. "I want to make you come with my cock. Ruby will take it from here."

Ruby smashed her mouth to mine. "I love you, Joel. Thank you."

Before I could reply, Ruby was back in position. She attacked Barbara's pussy with an intensity that made me wonder if she was trying to punish her lover. By Barbara's reaction I saw that Ruby was far from inflicting any sort of punishment. Barbara was sweating and breathing heavily. Her hands were pushing Ruby's face so hard against her pussy I wondered if the red head could even breathe. I saw Ruby move two fingers into place and then stab them inside.

"Oh, yes, my love, yes," Barbara cried.

Ruby was pumping hard and suddenly Barbara went deathly still. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung open. Her chest was not moving. Then it broke. She screamed in pleasure and her body shook. I could see her thighs quivering with the effect of her orgasm. Ruby withdrew her fingers, raised her head and gave Barbara one last, slow lick from her butt to her clit. Barbara emitted another sound of ecstasy and her body went limp.

I pulled Ruby to me and kissed her. I cleaned every drop of liquid from her nose, lips, chin and cheeks. We scrambled back up to lie on either side of Barbara. As we snuggled her between us, she opened her eyes.

"Am I still alive?"

Ruby kissed one cheek and I the other. "Not only are you alive," said Ruby, "But the second round is yet to come."

"Oh, I don't know if I can," she said in a small voice.

My heart sunk. I had waited so long to be inside her, to make her mine and now I must wait longer. My only consolation was that I loved her more now than I did before.

The silence in the room seemed to overtake us. Ruby was about to say something, when Barbara cracked up. She laughed until her belly shook.

"The look on your faces is priceless," she said once she got under control. "Sorry, I just had to do that. We were all getting so fucking serious. Of course, you and I are going to make love, Joel. I want you and I want you deep inside me."

I smiled and kissed her. "Uh, should I get a condom?"

"You don't have one with you?" Barbara asked.

I shook my head. "I thought this was dinner." The three of us cracked up at that statement.

"Do you use a condom with Ruby?"


"Have you been with any woman other than Ruby in the last six months?"

"Of course not," I said. Ruby smiled.

"Then, no need for a condom," said Barbara.

"But, what if you get..."

"Joel, I've been planning this evening for a long time. Believe me, it was not just the menu I was preparing. I've been on the pill for three months."

If ever there were words that gladdened my heart, those were the ones.

"Ok, guys," Ruby said. "Here's where I make my gracious exit."

Barbara grabbed her hand. "Not on your life."

"I thought," said Ruby, "that you, two, would want some privacy for at least the first time."

"Darling, did you see the three pillows on this bed," said Barbara.

Ruby nodded.

"That means this is our bed. Yours, mine and Joel's. Understood?"

We both said yes.

"Good," continued Barbara. "Remember on our trip to Ireland how I would watch you two make love?"

We smiled and nodded in unison.

"That was so special. I want the same thing tonight. Joel is going to fuck me. There will be plenty of time for making love later, tomorrow or for the rest of our lives. Tonight, however, he is going to fuck me and you are going to watch. Then, if any of us has any strength left the three of us will begin to figure out how to do the old three-way."

Barbara reached for our hands and pulled us to her. We kissed her and each other until our mouths were soaked.

"Ok, Joel, ShowTime," she said. "I hope you don't have performance anxiety."

"Barbara, this is something I've dreamed about for a long, long time. Believe me, I'm ready."

"Great," she said. "Now, remember that night in Ireland, in Kinsale? We drank all evening in the pub because we didn't have to drive anywhere. We barely got into that lovely room overlooking the harbor when you two were naked. Joel you fucked Ruby so hard that night that I thought you were going to split her open. I sat there and must have come three times watching you. Joel, that's what I want now. I haven't had a man in close to two years. I never had you. That combination has me so freakin horny I'm crawling out of my skin. So, take me."