Ted Online Pt. 03

Story Info
Chapters 16 - 24.
18.8k words

Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/01/2016
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Author's note - Hey all, third post, which pushes it just past fifty thousand words already, and it looks like this is turning into my longest and most complicated novel yet, because I'm just now starting to write the part where the main plot goes out of control (not this post, the next one), where most of my books are done at this point or tying things up. Anyway, enough of my rambling and on with the story...


Chapter Sixteen

"Hey beautiful," he said with a smile.

Mia grinned, "Welcome back Ted. I heard you ran into a fan."

She caressed his face, and then got out of bed.

"Where are you going, and what fan?" he asked curiously.

She giggled, "Dinner, then your surprise should be here. Oh... that Bob fellow, he posted about his Ted sighting on Facebook, and the damned thing went viral."

He groaned and rolled out of bed.

She shrugged and added, "It's actually a good thing, gamers as a whole are pretty much on your side, and it's getting a lot of play in social media, and a few news reports. Unfortunately, Senator Jones also gave another interview, and indicated he would be pursuing legislation to close up this hole in the original law."

He frowned and felt a cold shiver down his spine, "That's ridiculous, how could his investigation take a day? Even assholes don't move that fast. No one in the government does."

She stopped halfway down the hall and gave him a hug, and a soft kiss, "I agree, I think he had all the data compiled and a bunch of scientists ready to give their professional opinion on it. Which means the leak on this project is older than just three days ago. There's a high probability the senator was aware and waiting for the first test subject to be hooked up.

"It's possible he'd heard of it first from someone in the government, when the procedure was approved I mean. It should have been kept top secret but..." she shrugged helplessly, and headed toward the kitchen.

She added as she pulled stuff out of the fridge, "It's not all bad, several commentators found his quick turnaround suspicious, and some of the other senators are coming down on your side using the quality of life argument. They also strongly pointed out that you won't live past your body's demise so no digitization has taken place. Still, it's too early to call any results, he'll be introducing a bill next week to a committee, and luckily there is no way to rush that to a vote."

He took a deep breath and tried to relax. What could he really do about it? Even if he had a human body back in the real world, all he'd be able to do is blog his opinion and write his senator, which...

He asked, "What if..." he trailed off and shook his head as the idea died half born. He wouldn't be able to blog or talk about it on a news show or something like that. Confidentiality agreements and all that. He'd have to depend on others to fight this for him, "Never mind, what's for dinner, and what can I do to help?"

She smirked at him, "You just want to be close enough to me to swat my ass."

He tried to look innocent, but she clearly wasn't buying it. He also couldn't help but stare, she wore a pair of daisy dukes that hardly covered her ass at all, and had on a strapless sports bra.

She giggled nervously and backed against the counter when he suddenly got up and rounded the kitchen island like a man on a mission.

He stepped into her and leaned down, and kissed her softly, and gently.

She sighed in pleasure and relaxed her whole body into the sweet, loving, and slow kiss.

He tried not to grin as he grabbed her hair, twisted her around and bent her over the counter.

She gasped and squirmed at his perfidy, "You cheated!"

He laughed, and swatted her ass, hard, once on each cheek. Then he rubbed the red spot softly in circles. He tenderly kissed the side of her neck, released her, and then got started on the vegetables.

"You enjoyed it," he said in a calm teasing voice. He was as hard as a rock, but he was enjoying the playful game too much to take her right now. Although it was rather tempting, they hadn't done it on the kitchen counter yet.

She tried to glare, but the flushed and heated look on her face was all the proof he needed...

They continued to tease each other throughout dinner, both the cooking and eating of it. It was actually really fun, and she got the better of him a few times. After dinner they cuddled up on the couch, he couldn't wait to get her into bed later, and if he was any judge she wanted it to.

He also had that bill stuck on his mind, he knew it would be fought. By the company, supporters, and even other severely handicapped people. He just wished he could do something more than be a simple bystander. He played with Mia's hair absently, he loved her hair, while he considered it, and other things.

Another thought on his mind was he definitely had feelings for Mia, there was no doubt in his mind. Otherwise he'd have just taken her over the counter earlier, but he found the teasing, bantering, and her stimulating conversation enthralling and wanted to drag the fun out. It'd only been a few days, but if he wasn't in love yet, it wasn't going to take much longer he didn't think.

Even more proof of that was the fact he thought he was more worried about losing her, than being stuck in an unresponsive body in the real world. Definitely not something just lust and good sex could account for.

He also wondered what his surprise was, he'd tried to tickle it out of her earlier, but she wasn't talking, not even under that dire torture. He'd have tried a spanking, but he was positive that would end his game and he'd wind up taking her hard and fast, wherever they happened to be in that moment.

All of that percolated in his mind, while they'd been looking at posts, and short clips that showed both supporters and people against the procedure. He was surprised at the amount of fear and vitriol that still existed toward A.I.s and the online world. Without any proof or backup, they were convinced the machine revolution was just a matter of time. Prejudice was a terrifying thing, and it turned normally intelligent people into an unthinking angry mob, logic couldn't fight that kind of thing.

Despite all the bad things, Mia's presence worked to sooth him, and kept him from going over the edge into anger and panic about it. He just had to trust that Cyber Dreams, Helen, and all the others would keep his real body safe while he lived a life in this virtual world. All it would take is one competent attack, rather than idiots throwing alcohol bombs, to end his life. He wouldn't even see it coming.

That was his greatest fear outside of losing the woman he was beginning to love, that he wouldn't see it coming, and one day he'd just... disappear.

Chapter Seventeen

His control was just about shot. She'd straddled his lap a few minutes ago, and they were kissing like teenagers. His whole body ached to take her, and then the doorbell rang.

She broke the kiss and smiled down at him knowingly, "Your surprise is here, I guess you'll have to wait a bit more."

He spanked her as she hopped off the couch, and he cleared his throat as he stood and adjusted his package. He was pretty sure she'd timed it this way, he was tempted to throw her on the couch and take her anyway, but held back and followed her to the door.

Mia opened it up, and he smiled at the sexy golden blonde with stormy gray eyes standing on the front step. She wore a body hugging creamy white blouse with a hint of a silver tint, with a red pencil skirt over her voluptuous body. Mia's breasts were a solid D or bigger, but there was no doubt that the blonde's breasts were a DD, or perhaps even bigger. Her waist was absolutely tiny and then her body flared out over her sexy hips.

It gave her more of a waspish figure than an hourglass.

She smiled, and her innocent adorable face was almost jarring on top of the body that was clearly built for sin.

"Trudy," he grinned, "Come on in."

"Ted," she said with a wide smile, "How are you?" she asked as she walked in.

He caught himself as he looked down at her luscious ass. Then he wondered if Mia had wound him up so tightly in anticipation of her other best friend coming over. The two of them would need to have a talk later. Not that he'd complain, but he was already primed to ravage them both, he'd have preferred a clearer head instead of one clouded by lust to talk with Trudy first. Still, he'd do his best not to rush.

He sure as hell didn't need to be drowning in lust to desire Trudy, she was... very hot. She also seemed to have a bright personality, but without being annoying about it. Trudy's eyes sparkled as he answered her question.

"I'm hanging in there with all the crap going on, how about you?"

Trudy turned and took a seat on the couch, and then shrugged with a light smile as she answered, "I'm doing very good Ted, glad I'm here."

She winked and added, "Helen wouldn't shut up about you. I've been looking forward to getting to know you better outside of the strict workplace regulations and guidelines we usually interact under."

She tilted her head with a suddenly unsure smile, and blushed a little as she said, "Was that too forward? Like Helen and Mia I know you quite well, sometimes I forget that you just know me as that boring voice that helps you run tests and parse results."

She smirked, "I guess you could say you charmed me before I even got here."

He chuckled and sat down next to her, and Mia sat next to him. He found himself once again bracketed by two stunning ladies. He really didn't mind, he just hoped Mia didn't have a whole train of friends set up to share him with. Her two best friends however, were more than welcome. They did need to talk though.

He shook his head, "The hazard of dealing with A.I.s I suppose. I'm used to it, and trust me, a woman as beautiful as you desiring me is not something I would ever mind. But I do want to know more about you, all I know is lab Trudy, and gorgeous sexy Trudy," he gestured at her body, "But I don't know Trudy, Trudy."

He looked over to Mia quickly, and she looked a little guilty, yep, they definitely needed to set some ground rules. But later.

Trudy smiled softly, "There isn't much to know. Mia, Helen, and I are best friends, and we do a lot of things together when we're focused here. Eating out, sailing, the beach, and just spending time together."

He shook his head, "I don't buy that, I mean I'm sure you do all that for relaxation, but what about hobbies and interests."

Trudy shrugged a little helplessly, "I keep up on science and technology. I'm kind of a geek that way, and I have my own personal virtual labs," she smiled shyly.

"That I believe, will you show me sometime?" he asked while staring into her eyes. He was also going to spank the hell out of Mia, who was playing with the back of his neck with her fingernails. As if he wasn't already wound up?

She blushed at his regard, "We might be able to make that happen," she said softly, and looked down at his lips, and then back up to his eyes.

Clearly, he decided, they could talk later.

He reached out and caressed her cheek, and then moved in for a kiss.

It was tentative at first, like every other first kiss, and then they slowly melted into each other, and found their unique rhythm. He wrapped one hand around her waist and pulled her closer, while the other hand went around her head. His fingers slid through her soft golden hair and he pulled her into a deeper kiss.

She sighed in pleasure into his mouth, and they broke the kiss.

Her eyes begged him to take her, and her breath was shallow and a bit fast. He could already scent her arousal, and that pushed him to skip over the rest of the small talk. He picked her up, and carried her to the bedroom, while she nibbled on his neck and ears.

Mia wasn't sitting it out this time, and they all slowly undressed each other, as he was passed back and forth between them for heated kisses. His heart was pounding with desire and his cock strained in his pants.

Mia smiled and dropped to her knees and quickly fished him out, took him into her mouth, and down her tight throat.

Normally he'd lock eyes with her, it made it intense, but he was too busy kissing Trudy passionately, his hands teasing her huge globes of flesh. There was a tiny bit of sag, but only because of how huge they were, otherwise they were mostly gravity defying, and supple in his hands.

Trudy broke the kiss, and then smiled naughtily as she dropped to her knees. He looked down at them both as Mia popped her mouth off of his length, and Trudy tentatively stroked his length once or twice, staring at his cock with desire and need in her eyes. Then the sexy blonde looked up and took him between her lips.

He gasped at the warm hot feeling of her mouth pleasuring him, she wasn't as good as Mia at it, but it was almost hotter for him as she enthusiastically played with him and learned not only what he liked, but exactly what to do.

Mia lowered her head and started to suck and lick his balls, as Trudy slathered the tip of his cock with her tongue, and started to stroke his base hard and fast.

Trudy popped her head off and somehow looked extremely naughty and innocent as she said sultrily, "Please give me your cum, I want to suck it out... please?"

He knew what they were doing, he'd been teased for too long today and was on the edge. Once he blew he'd be able to love them both for a long time, but that didn't matter as she looked up pleadingly for his cum, his balls started to boil.

Mia sucked one of his ball sacks into her mouth, and rolled it on her tongue as Trudy started to bob up and down on his cock hard and fast.

He grunted, "Here it comes," he warned.

She just sped up and made sounds of approval as she fucked him harder with her beautiful and innocent face, and he launched his seed into her mouth with a groan of pleasure. She kept sucking and bobbing, drawing out his pleasure, and making sounds of desire around his cock. He felt weak in the knees and unsteady as he watched her suck all the seed she could get.

They both stood up, and started to kiss in front of him, sharing his seed before they swallowed.

His manhood stayed hard in light of that, and the vision was so hot he grabbed Trudy and bent her over the bed, and slid into her ready warm wet sheath. Then he grabbed Mia by the hair and pulled her into a kiss, while he started to move in and out of Trudy's hot wet sex.

Trudy whimpered in pleasure, "Harder," she begged in a breathless and demanding tone.

He knew then it would be a wild night. Trudy may have been inexperienced like Helen, but she obviously didn't want him to be gentle like he'd been with the redhead. And Mia... he was a little mad at her, they'd have to talk later, but he was sure it would come out tonight in bed as well.

In the meantime, when Trudy came all over his cock, he switched, and pushed Mia over the side of the bed. He not only railed into her hard and fast at a punishing pace, he also gave her a harsh spanking. He wouldn't feel guilty about it either, he knew she loved it, and she only begged for more as she got off on it multiple times. He went back and forth like that several times before they even made it up onto the bed.

It was going to be a long fun night. He could get to know Trudy another time, her mind that is...

Chapter Eighteen

"I'm sorry," she pouted cutely up at him after Trudy left several hours later.

He looked down at her from the side, in bed. He'd lost count of the amount of positions the three of them had tried out, much less the amount of orgasms they'd shared. He also wasn't all that upset anymore, now that he felt rather sated and not wound up anyway. He looked down at her beautiful sad face, and wondered how could he possibly be mad at that? It seemed almost silly in retrospect, but he still wanted to understand her motivations.

She said softly, "I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that, or at least, that's not how it started. I had a great time all evening as we teased each other, and it had nothing to do with Trudy coming at all, it was all about you and me. But then I knew Trudy was about to show up, so I kind of got the naughty idea to raise the teasing up a level. As you found out Trudy is quite a bit... wilder than Helen is. You had a good time right?"

He snorted, "Of course, both of you are amazing. Do you really have to ask? So is that it though?"

She looked confused for a minute, and then giggled, "Yes. That's it. Did you think I'd have all the female A.I.s lined up outside? I just want to share you with my best friends, that was my desire, obviously that works out for you and them too, in different ways. Are you still angry with me?" she asked unsure.

He sighed and shook his head, "No, I'm not. Those two are welcome here anytime, even just to visit and talk."

He kissed her softly then, and she sighed in pleasure.

He rolled onto his back and pulled her into his side. He figured it was time to sleep, but she started to kiss his neck and the light touch of her hand moved between his legs. When he looked down at her in surprise, she smiled lightly and there was a look of love and devotion in her eyes.

He couldn't help but respond to both, and when he hardened she straddled him and took him deep inside of her tight pleasure with one stroke.

She looked and sounded vulnerable as she said, "That was a lot of fun with Trudy, but I want you just for myself too."

She started to rise and fall on him slowly, and he moaned softly at the pleasure her body was having on his. There was no rush, or loud slapping sounds, this was pure decadent pleasure, they were already sated, the only words to describe it was a casual lazy fuck.

He looked up at her and watched, his hands caressing her waist, hips, and ass as she slowly took him from above. She was so beautiful as she shivered and trembled, a small orgasm rolled through her body as she tightened around him.

It just slipped out as he said softly, "I love you Mia."

He realized what he said immediately after, but didn't regret saying it. He was sure it was true.

Her eyes widened, and her warm velvet sheath tightened and pulsed up and down his length, as she rolled into another small, but stronger moment of pure bliss.

He was in heaven, and she felt so good as she flushed his manhood with her hot liquid satin, but he knew he could last for a very long time right now. He'd cum so much tonight he might last forever at the slow lazy pace she had set. He'd also never felt so close to another person in his life, he was lost in her beauty, in her body, and in who she was.

When she recovered she looked down at him with tears in her eyes.

He caressed her side and teased, "Great, I tell a woman I love her, and she cries."

She giggled and hiccupped, obviously overcome with emotion, and her silken passage gripped him tightly as she collapsed forward into a kiss.

"I love you too Ted."

He caressed her face, and they stared into one another's eyes as she continued to swivel and thrust her pelvis in slow lazy way. They shared kisses, and even chatted lightly as she rode him. They weren't really making love, or fucking, it was more of a shared decadent pleasure. After a great while, he'd lost count of all the mini-orgasms she'd had, she rode him hard and fast to take him to completion.

After he filled her, she kissed him and snuggled into his side. All of his false preconceptions about A.I.s were gone now and he wondered how he could have been so wrong as he fell asleep.

"I'm just saying Mia, there's no reason I can't eat more bacon."

She snickered, "It's not healthy."

He shook his head, "It's not real bacon, it won't hurt me. Plus, I love bacon. Crispy, greasy, bacon."