Teaching Kat 01: First Blowjob

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My young neighbor asks for my help.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/22/2020
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Author's Note:

This short piece is a little different from my other stories. I created it as backstory for something else on which I am working and decided to publish it. Look for more in the near future, as well as a much longer series about an older, much more experienced version of Kat, the main female character in this story.


"Hey, Mr. P.," a girl's voice called from the front of the garage. I peeked my head around the open hood of my old truck to take in an eyeful of Kat Dennison, the teenage daughter of my next-door neighbors. The blonde-haired girl waved from the garage door, and I returned the gesture, doing my best not to stare. Short shorts and a pair of spiky heels lent her legs a long, toned look. A thin t-shirt, loose everywhere except across her chest, revealed that the girl wore no bra. This was not the first time Kat had come over without one, but I had never seen her nipples protrude quite so much.

"Hi Kat," I said, forcing my gaze to her face. Bright, cornflower blue eyes met mine. Her smile widened, stretching soft, full lips and dimpling her cheeks. Had Kat's face looked more like her mother's, with its high, well-defined cheekbones, she would have been perfection. But her more rounded features were a feminine version of her father, giving her a cute appearance rather than pretty. Still, with the luscious frame her ripening had bestowed on her, I suspected she would have no problem attracting men.

"Working on your truck?" she asked, walking from the sun to the shade of the garage. As she approached, the effort required for me not to stare at her prominent nipples doubled. Feeling guilty, I met her eyes again and nodded, sure I had imagined her puffing out her chest right before my gaze shifted.

"Mrs. Page and the kids are at her mom's, so it gives me some chance to do some maintenance I've been putting off."

"Can I help?" she asked. Part of me wanted to tell her 'no' so maybe she would leave, saving me from having to force myself not to look at her enticing young body. But another part, one not as swayed by guilt or propriety, did not want her to leave at all.

"Sure," I shrugged. I had been teaching Kat about cars since the Dennisons first moved in next door. She proved to be a quick, eager student, and I had even helped teach her to drive by the two of us taking my old truck on the backroads. But something had changed recently, and it was not just her clothing.

"Yay," she said, giving a little jump that caused her braless tits to bounce and my heart to beat faster. "What can I do?"

"Can you get me the 5/8" spark plug socket?"

"You got it, Mr., P.," the teen grinned. She headed for the toolbox, and I watched her ass. That she had inherited from her mother, who might have had the best ass I had ever seen, at least before Kat's grew in all the right places. Not too big, but rounded enough to fill out her tight shorts perfectly and wiggle in a way that made me wish I was eighteen again.

"Here you go," she said, giving me the wrench and leaning over the truck's fender to watch what I was doing. Her loose t-shirt neck gave me a view of the creamy white tops of her full, and no doubt firm, young breasts. I concentrated on fitting the socket over the spark plug, but I could not get the image of her smooth flesh out of my head.

"When will Mrs. P. be back?" the blonde girl asked as I worked on replacing the plugs.

"She's staying the night at her mom's."

"Is everything okay?" Kat reached out and touched my arm as she spoke, and my skin tingled where her smooth fingers brushed it.

"Oh, yeah," I said, not looking at her, afraid she'd see the red that I was sure had invaded my cheeks. "It works best this way. It's an almost three-hour drive, so a long day. Also, the less time I spend with my mother-in-law, the better we get along. So, it makes sense for them to stay overnight and me stay here."

"My mom feels that way about my gran-gran. That's my dad's mom."

"In-laws can be tricky."

"My parents are with Cameron at some boring debate thing. I didn't want to go, so they let me stay home. They'll be home after nine tonight, maybe later."

"Oh, okay," I said, my mind matching the racing of my heart. The absence of her parents and younger brother explained the more risqué than normal attire the teenage girl wore. It also meant that not only were the two of us alone, Kat was making sure I knew it.

I told myself to stop imagining things, afraid I was bordering on dirty old man territory. But a few seconds later, Kat said, "I was kinda hoping you could help me with something," bringing me right back there.

"That depends," I replied, keeping my tone neutral. "What do you need help with?"

"It's sorta... embarrassing."

"Umm... well, just take it slow. And if it's too embarrassing, maybe wait until tomorrow and talk to Mrs. P. when she gets back."

"I, um, need a guy's help. I mean, I've already talked to some of my friends about it, but they can't help me the way I want."

"Okay, I guess..." I said, wondering what kind of help she could need, ignoring my more perverted thoughts.

"Thank you," she beamed, bouncing again. This time, it was all I could do not to stare openly at the motion of her unrestrained boobs. "It's my boyfriend, Clarke. He's... he wants... well, what every guy wants. I'm not sure I'm ready, but I don't want him to dump me."

I forced words out of my dry mouth, doing my best to ignore my growing arousal. "If you're not ready for something, don't do it."

"Yeah, I know. But I think I might be ready for, um, other things."

"Oh. Well, that's... something."

"When you were my eighteen, if your girlfriend wasn't ready for, you know... sex... what would have been enough for you not to look elsewhere?"

Kat almost whispered the word "sex," and her face took on a pink cast at the same time. Her apparent embarrassment, as well as a wave of protective feelings, aided me in repressing what I knew to be inappropriate lust for my young neighbor. I pondered how to answer her question.

"If he's pressuring you, he's not worth keeping," I said, giving in to my protective impulses.

"You sound like my mom," Kat pouted, arms crossed under her breasts. "What do you think as a guy? What would you have thought when you were my age?"

The thought that I would want to fuck her came to my head unbidden. I pushed it aside, attempting to craft an honest but also responsible answer.

"As much as I could get, I guess," I said, wishing I had come up with something else. "But I would not have pushed."

"Did you ever get a blowie from a girl?"

It took me a moment to understand what she meant, as I had never heard anyone refer to a blowjob like that before. Several more seconds past before I could formulate a response.

"When I was your age? There was a girl I dated who... we explored each other in, um, several ways."

"But she went down on you, right?"

"Yes, she did. But she wanted to, um, explore. I would never have pressured her to do it." As the words left my mouth, I cringed at the truth they hid. I had not directly coerced the girl in question, but I knew she had felt pressure anyway. And I had happily let that pressure she put on herself lead to benefits for me.

"And it was enough?"

"It was more than enough," I grinned, then remembered I was talking to my teenage neighbor. "But if she had not wanted to..."

"I don't know how to, um, give a blowie," the suddenly shy blonde said, her eyes locked on the garage floor. "I want to... I mean, I want to make him happy and all, but... what if I'm not good at it?"

"I'm not sure we should be having this conversation," I told her, although I could no longer ignore that my semi-hard dick wanted nothing more than to keep it going.

"But I need your help. All my friends, at least the ones who've done it, say guys will like it no matter what. Some of them gave me pointers, and I've watched videos on the internet too, but... I think I need to practice first."

Kat's fingers stroked my forearm. Shining blue eyes met mine, and I saw a plea in them. But my mind could not accept what my body, especially my cock, already had.

"I've heard some girls use cucumbers," I said, thinking back to my wife telling me about how she practiced giving head before her first time.

"I've done that," the teen said. "But cucumbers can't tell me whether I'm doing a good job or teach me to do it better. I need a man for that. A man who I know is a good teacher. I need you."

"Kat, I can't... we can't..."

"Please, Mr. P. I need your help."

"Okay. But no one can know." My erection throbbed in my jeans at my words, and my heart hammered. Deep down in my mind, my conscience attempted to object, but I ignored it.

"It'll be our secret, Mr. P. Promise," Kat squealed, then she hugged me, her firm, young breasts pressing against my lower torso, her lower abdomen against my rigid cock. I hugged her back, stroking her soft hair, not thinking about any possible consequences.

"We can go inside," I suggested, breaking the hug. "Maybe use pillows from the couch for you to kneel on..."

"Can we do it in your truck? Clarke has a truck, and that's probably where I'd do it with him."

I hesitated, watching her chew her bottom lip as she waited for my answer. What she proposed made sense, but I suspected it would be easier for her to learn, as well as more pleasurable for me, if we were both comfortable. However, now that I was committed, I did not want to mess up the chance to be the first guy this sexy young thing went down on.

"Sure," I said. "It'll be a bit more awkward, but it will prepare you for... later."

"Thanks," Kat beamed, giving me a kiss on the cheek before running around to the passenger side of the truck. Watching her ass giggle, I wondered if Clarke knew how lucky he was.

I closed the truck's hood, hit the button to shut the garage door, walked to the driver-side door, and opened it. Kat, her cheeks pink again, sat on the bench seat and stared straight ahead, hands in her lap. For a moment, my guilt returned. Had Kat not pushed out her chest at that exact same time, I might have backed out. But the sight of those firm, round tits encased by only her thin t-shirt proved to be too much. I buried my doubts and slid into the truck.

"If we're parking, we need some music," I told her, turning the key to accessory so the radio would come on. "Is classic rock okay?"

"I guess," the girl shrugged, still looking out the windshield rather than at me. That allowed me to watch her boobs bounce with the shrug.

I turned up the radio, took Kat's hand as gently as I could, and moved it to the bulge in my jeans. Her fingers lay there for a second or two before she moved them away.

"I'm not... um... can we make out first?"

"If you aren't sure about this..."

"I'm sure, Mr. P.," the blonde said, turning her eyes to me. "I just think I need to, uh... work up to it, you know?"

"Sure, honey," I replied, running a finger down her cheek. "And call me Brian. I think if we're going to do this, it'd be better if you use my first name."

"Okay, Brian." Her face reddened even more at the use of my first name, and I wondered how we would ever move on to her actually sucking my cock.

I leaned close to the girl, smelling the scent of vanilla as I did so. She moved her head back and blinked. I sat back up and patted the seat beside me. Kat chewed her bottom lip, then scooted next to me. I stroked her soft cheek again. She sighed and did the same to mine. Our eyes never left each other's as I lowered my lips to hers.

Any trepidation the girl might have been experiencing seemed to vanish the moment our lips met. She grasped the back of my head and pulled my mouth tighter to hers. My tongue pushed between her lips, only to meet hers. I grabbed her waist, pulling her around to face me. Her free hand traced up my forearm. My free hand clutched one of her boobs. I marveled at the combination of softness and firmness. It had been at least fifteen years since I had felt a teenage breast, and I had forgotten the magic of it.

Kat moaned into my mouth when I found her nipple and lightly rolled it between my thumb and forefinger. I switched to her other boob and did the same thing. She moaned louder, which encouraged me. Breaking our kiss, I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and started to lift it.

"What are you doing, Mr. P... I mean, Brian?"

"Taking your shirt off."

"Um... I don't know..."

"You're going to be sucking my cock in a few seconds, sweetie. Letting me see your tits isn't that big a deal."

"I've never let a guy... even Clarke's only felt them underneath. He's never... seen..."

"Kat, trust me. Guys are visual. Let Clarke see your tits and suck him off too, and he will be more than happy."

"I guess."

"Really, it's no big deal," I lied, and this time she did not resist. I pulled the t-shirt over her head and up-stretched arms, mesmerized by her young tits. They projected from her slender chest almost torpedo style, the tips capped with small, pink areolas and slightly darker nipples. Each more than a handful, I nonetheless did my best to grasp all of them as I dropped my mouth to one. Kat's fingers laced through my hair. She started to pull my face away but reversed her effort as soon as I sucked her firm nipple between my lips and tongued it.

"Oh God, that feels good," the blonde groaned, pushing her chest out toward me. I switched to other nipple, eliciting another moan and a shudder. An impulse to slip my fingers inside the leg opening of her tiny shorts swam up to consciousness, but I decided against it. I didn't want to scare Kat away before she sucked my cock.

While I feasted on her magnificent boobs, I pulled her hand from my arm and into my lap. She hesitated, then her fingers closed around the length of my erection where it strained against the denim of my jeans.

"Your... thingie is very hard," she whispered, her fingers tracing its outline.

"If you're going to suck it, you can say 'dick' or 'cock'," I told her, sitting up to look her in the eye.

"Your cock is very hard," she said, blushing. Still, her words were louder and more confident, and I decided it was time to move our lesson forward.

"Take it out," I instructed, leaning my shoulders back against the seat.

"Um... I'm not... never mind."

Thin, soft fingers fumbled at the top button of my fly. Once she had it loose, she tugged, probably thinking that there would be a zipper.

"They're button fly," I told her, helping her with the second button.

"Oh," was all she said as she worked at the rest. In what was probably less time than it seemed, she had my jeans undone. I wiggled them down to mid-thigh, exposing my black boxer-briefs.

Kat's fingers touched my dick through the soft cotton, and it jerked. She pulled her hand away a couple of inches and gasped, eyes darting up to mine. I nodded to encourage her. After a deep breath, she ran her fingers up my length. This time, she did not stop when it moved at her touch.

"I've only felt Clarke's through his jeans," she said, her hand grasping me through my underwear. "It's softer than I thought it'd be. But hard too. Really hard."

"Do you want to see it?" I asked, and Kat nodded, eager eyes not leaving my crotch. I considered telling her to pull my briefs down, but I didn't want to wait. I freed my erection, which sprung straight up. The girl drew in a sharp breath, then touched my shaft with trembling fingers. My cock jerked to the side, but she never lost contact.

"Wrap your hand around it," I told her, and she did. I groaned, fighting to keep my hips from thrusting up.

"It's bigger than I expected... and warm," she said, eyes meeting mine, a grin on her face. "I didn't think... I mean, it makes sense but... this is... incredible." She gripped my dick tighter, squeezing it.

"Stroke up and down."

Kat nodded then looked back down at my lap. Her fingers loosened and slid up and down the shaft a few times before wandering to the head.

"I love how soft the skin is even though it's so hard inside," she said before moving her thumb up the glans to the slit. "Is this cum?"

"Precum." I said, resisting the urge to grab a fistful of hair and move her lips down to my crotch. "It leaks out when a man's hard."

"I didn't know that. So, when I suck your thing... your cock, it'll do that?"


"Oh. Should I taste it now?"

"If you want."

Kat wiped up a glob of my fluid with her thumb and brought it to her mouth. Her tongue pushed out to taste it. A strange look crossed her face, and her gaze rose to mine.

"It's... weird," she said. "Sweet and salty. And something like... soap? That's not it but...something..."

Shrugging, the girl sucked her thumb into her mouth, then pulled it out with a 'pop'. My cock twitched.

"Does cum taste the same."

"Stronger, but similar."

"I think I like it," she grinned. "But it's different than I expected. My friends who've tasted it said it's bitter or sour. But it's not."

"I understand different guys taste different," I told her. "I've only ever tasted mine."

"Oh, of course," she said, the blush returning to her cheeks.

"I think it's time for the next step."

"What should I do?"

"Kiss the tip."

Kat nodded, licked her lips, and leaned down into my lap. Her lips brushed the glans of my cock once, tentatively. The second time was surer. The third, she wrapped her lips around the very tip and sucked. My dick twitched in response, and the young blonde did it again. I wanted to tell her to take more, but I saw that her position might be too awkward.

"Scoot back a little and lie on your tummy on the seat," I told her, and she complied, knees bent so her calves and feet stuck in the air. The change in position left her face hovering over my groin, and I nudged her downward. Kat took the hint, and seconds later, she slurped the entire glans of my penis in her mouth. I groaned, doing my best not to push harder on her head. I needed to let her do this in her own time.

"Move your tongue while you suck," I told her, and she wiggled it. "Yes... like that. Now take a little bit more down... watch the teeth!"

The girl pulled up, alarmed eyes locking on mine.


"It's okay. It happens, especially for girls new to sucking cock. Try this, suck on your finger. Yes, like that. Now, scrape your teeth along it. It's a thousand times worse than that."


"It's okay. But you must make sure your lips protect a guy from your teeth. Here."

I took her finger, sucked it into my mouth, my lips moving up and down it. Kat shuddered, and what sounded like a disappointed noise escaped her parted lips when I removed my mouth from her finger.

"Now, you try," I said, holding out my index finger. Kat wrapped her lips around it and slid them to the base then back up.

"Good, now add suction."

She did as instructed, hollowing out her cheeks. I'd always liked a woman sucking on my fingers, and Kat was certainly no exception.

"Very good," I told her a few seconds later. "Now add some tongue movement. Oh yeah, just like that."

The girl attacked my finger, sucking hard, lips sliding up and down its length, tongue wiggling. If she could do that to a penis, she'd have boys eating out of her hand.

"Okay, now do the same to my cock," I said. Kat pulled her lips from my finger, grinned, and dropped her face to my lap, giving the tip of my cock a wet kiss. I groaned, bucked my hips, and applied what I hoped was gentle pressure to her head. She did not resist, sliding her lips—no teeth this time—down a couple of inches of my cock. I groaned again.

Slowly at first, Kat bobbed her head up and down, concentrating her efforts on the first third or so of my shaft. A few times, she took at least half of my almost seven-inch length, but much more than that caused her to gag and back off. I remembered my wife's efforts when she learned to deepthroat, and I considered trying to teach Kat. But better sense prevailed.