Sweet Gwendoline Ch. 19

Story Info
Humiliation, outdoor bondage and spankings.
7.7k words

Part 19 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/30/2014
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When I returned home, Lyndsay took it easy on me for the first few days. Julie has missed me and wanted to spend time with her best friend. We reconnected by swimming laps in the pool, watching television together, chatting endlessly, going window shopping and of course having shower sex, which now seems to be Julie's favorite way to achieve orgasm.

On my fourth day back home, Lyndsay told me that she'd be interviewing candidates for a new maid/disciplinarian and she wanted to make sure I'd be there for all interviews.

"Of course," I said obediently.

"Nervous?" she asked.

"Oh yes," I confirmed, "my heart is pounding."

This was true, I was nervous and my heart was pounding like a Buddy Rich drum solo, however, what I didn't mention was the fact that my panties were becoming soaking wet as I dwelled upon the possibility of a new cruel woman in my life to oversee and discipline me.

The first applicant was a young blonde woman who was about my age, my height and my build. I think her name was Cerie (or possibly Siri). She was very attractive, however; it quickly became apparent that she wasn't right for the job. Lyndsay's mom had placed an ad on a very exclusive BDSM website advertising for a dominatrix/maid to oversee and discipline me. Cerie seemed to think that the job she was auditioning for a part in a movie.

I think she was on drugs.

The second applicant was a tall, athletic woman named Natalya. She understood that we were hiring her to be a maid/disciplinarian and she had no problem punishing me. She claimed to have experience punishing naughty girls, however she was opposed to me being naked.

"If she takes her clothes off, it's too much like prostitution," Natalya insisted.

"I'm a good Catholic and I'm not going to have sex with my wards, no matter how much you pay me."

The first few candidates were huge disappointments; however, Mrs. Brie was of the opinion that we'd find a good candidate if we just persevered.

On the third day, we interviewed Ms. Knauss.

I never learned Ms. Knauss's first name. She was very formal when dealing with me and seemed very intimidating. She was 5'11 in her bare feet, and in heels she was more like 6'2" or 6'3". I'm 5'9", which is tall for a woman, but Ms. Knauss towered over me.

"I have twelve years' experience supervising and disciplining young women like Gwen," Ms. Knauss told Lyndsay and her daughter, "I can be as strict with her as you wish."

"We had a program in mind of strict rules and harsh punishments," Mrs. Brie explained, "Gwen is my daughter's girlfriend or lover or whatever the kids are calling it these days, but Gwen isn't like other girls. She needs rigid discipline, cruel punishments and authoritarian women watching over her or else she doesn't feel loved."

Ms. Knauss turned her gaze to me, and her eyes seemed intense and challenging. I felt an irrational urge to recoil from that and run out of the room, but I resisted that urge and remained where I stood.

"Is that true, Gwendoline?" Ms. Knauss, "Do you require strict rules and cruel punishments in order to feel loved?"

My heart pounded forcefully in my chest and I felt intimidated by her by her gaze. Something about her just made me feel panicky, like a rabbit that just discovered it was being hunted by a wolf, but I tried to force down that irrational sense of panic and I replied, "Yes, Ma'am."

"You appear frightened," Ms. Knauss observed, "do I frighten you?"

"Be honest with her," Mrs. Brie urged, "It could be very helpful if Ms. Knauss understands your emotional state."

"You seem very severe and intimidating, Ma'am," I admitted, "like a wicked stepmother."

"Like from the story of Cinderella," Lyndsay added helpfully.

"And is that not what you want, dear?" Ms. Knauss inquired, "a wicked stepmother who shows that she cares for you by giving you strict rules and harsh punishments?"

"Oh, yes Ma'am," I confessed, "but I'm sort of a mess. I want these things, but I'm also frightened by them."

Ms. Knauss laughed like a villain in a Disney movie and I knew she was going to get the job. Lyndsay and Mrs. Brie continued to ask about her qualifications and methods, but I viewed all that as mere formalities. Ms. Knauss was the one we had been looking for.

* * * A day after Ms. Knauss was hired, I was told by Mrs. Brie that I had rules that I would need to follow from now on.

"Ms. Knauss will give you a list," Mrs. Brie explained, "I suggest you read it and commit it to memory."

I glanced at the list and was dumbfounded. It was a very draconian list. Ms. Knauss was to be informed of where I was always. If I failed to let her know where I was going or whom I was meeting with, I would be punished. My ideal weight was listed as 126 pounds and my ideal waist size was listed as 24 inches. If I exceeded my ideal weight or waist size, I'd be punished. I was to keep my legs and pubic area smooth and hairless. If Ms. Knauss found any stray hairs or stubble on me, I'd be punished.

The list went on and on like that, I was to be naked at all times when in Mrs. Brie's home, before I left the house any clothing I wore had to be approved my Ms. Knauss, when I came home I was required to immediately strip naked and report to Ms. Knauss for a very thorough and very humiliating body cavity search...allegedly to keep me from smuggling contraband into the house. And although Dasha and Ms. Knauss were household maids, I was given numerous household chores to do. And if I didn't perform my chores to Ms. Knauss's satisfaction, I'd be punished.

"This list seems very draconian," I observed.

"I think it's quite reasonable," Mrs. Brie said as she poured herself a mug of coffee, "Ms. Knauss, Lyndsay and I spent hours revising and updating the list until we felt we got it just right."

I could probably have challenged some of the rules and gotten them taken off the list, but in the end I decided to just surrender, submit myself to Ms. Knauss's authority and try to abide by every rule on the list.

Later that morning I was given a document to sign that said I consented to Ms. Knauss's authority and although I was Lyndsay's girlfriend and I was living in Mrs. Brie's home, Ms. Knauss was my official overseer and she could overrule Lyndsay and Mrs. Brie when it came to me. I doubted that that document was legally enforceable, but it had a potent emotional effect on me. It made me feel like I was Ms. Knauss's slave and that she had total authority over me.

A shiver ran through my body as I signed the document. I was unnerved by how much control I was handing over to Ms. Knauss, but I was also aroused. My whole body was overstimulated, and my head was reeling. It was as if I'd been injected with a large dose of adrenaline and aphrodisiacs at the same time.

For my first full day under Ms. Knauss's authority, it was decided I should spend the entire day in sexual frustration. After I had finished washing and grooming, I presented myself to Ms. Knauss for inspection. I stood in the dining room with my lags spread apart and my fingers laced behind the back of my neck while Ms. Knauss crouched down and carefully examined my thighs, calves, vulva and anus, verifying that I had done an acceptable job shaving myself and that there were no random hairs or stubble that I had missed.

"There are some small hairs around your anus that you missed," the maid informed me coldly, "You will have to be punished for that."

I went over Ms. Knauss's lap for a humiliating spanking, while Lyndsay and Dasha watched. Ms. Knauss was a lithesome woman with slender arms; however, she wasn't weak. When she spanked my bare bottom, she put a great deal of force behind each blow. Within seconds my bottom felt scalding hot and I squirmed across Ms. Knauss's lap as it got hotter and tenderer. It was my first time being spanked by the authoritarian woman and I wanted to make a good impression on her, however, within seconds I was writhing uncontrollably and sobbing like a little girl.

"Dasha, take this naughty girl upstairs," Ms. Knauss said imperiously, "shave the spots she missed and then bring her back to me."

Dasha helped me to my feet and escorted me upstairs to the bathroom. She had me bend over the sink and spread my legs while she shaved away the errant hairs that I had missed. It was humiliating to be groomed by Dasha this way; however, I found the humiliation to be shamelessly arousing.

"If you wish, I can do this for you every day," Dasha offered, "Your bottom is very red right now, and maybe I can save you from that in the future."

I thanked Dasha for her kind offer, and we agreed that she would assist me in shaving every day.

Ms. Knauss inspected me again and complimented Dasha on a job well done.

* * *

Later that morning; right before I was ordered to clean the breakfast dishes; I was ordered to go over Ms. Knauss's lap again.

I assumed that this meant I was to receive another painful spanking; however, Ms. Knauss surprised me by showing me a shiny, black, silicone egg attached to a short length of beaded chain.

"This goes inside of you," Ms. Knauss explained, "The chain will make it easier to retrieve. Just remember, I am the only one allowed to pull this out of you. If I find that you've pulled it out, you will be punished."

Ms. Knauss inserted the egg into my vagina while I was bent over her lap. My vagina was already wet with arousal, and the egg, being smooth, slipped in easily. I could feel the beaded chain lightly touch my labia as it dangled outside my orifice.

Ms. Knauss used her fingers to push the egg somewhat deeper inside of me. And then I felt a buzzing sensation inside of me. The egg vibrated and my sex throbbed, sending erotic tingling sensations through my entire body. I gasped and my whole body twitched in response.

"That egg will vibrate at random intervals," Ms. Knauss informed me, "Mostly in short bursts, although sometimes there might be extended periods of it pulsating inside of you. I'm sure you'll learn to cope."

It turned out that coping with the egg inside of me was more difficult than Ms. Knauss implied. The more the apparatus vibrated, the harder it was to concentrate. It was distracting to the point of delirium. When I was washing the dishes, the device pulsed at a high rev and brought me to the verge of a feverish orgasm. I gasped and dropped a coffee mug on the floor, the mug broke and Ms. Knauss ordered me over her knee for another punishment.

The whole day was like that. Because of the egg inside of me, there was a tingling sensation in my loins all day long, and it seemed that whenever I was right in the middle of doing something delicate or complicated the pulsing from the egg would become much more intense. Ms. Knauss said that the egg vibrations were totally random, but I suspected that she might be controlling the egg with some sort of remote-control device. The way that the egg would pulsate furiously only at the worst possible times seemed too sadistic to be a coincidence.

* * * On the 2nd day, Ms. Knauss took advantage of my fear of being anally penetrated. She escorted me downstairs to the aptly named Punishment Room and strapped me down to the bondage bench. The bondage bench is a device that leaves a girl totally helpless. Broad, leather straps are fastened tightly around a girl's neck, waist, ankles, wrists and knees so that she is bent over wither legs spread wide and her ass up in the air. In such a helpless and humiliating position, I was vulnerable to any sort of cruel torments Ms. Knauss might wish to inflict upon me.

My vulva and anus were both indecently exposed and as Ms. Knauss stood behind me, I could feel her fingertips brush against the delicate folds of my pubic lips as well as the pink flesh of my asshole.

"Lyndsay has explained to me how you are averse to having your anal cleft violated," Ms. Knauss said clinically, "and she's respected your feelings on the matter. She's is your girlfriend, so, I suppose it is acceptable etiquette for one girlfriend to be kind to another. However, I am not your girlfriend. I am your disciplinarian, and I would be violating the established protocols of slaves and disciplinarians if I showed you mercy and took your feelings into account when planning out your day."

I began to make some feeble protests; however, Ms. Knauss silenced me with three sharp slaps to my bare buttocks.

"Do not complain," Ms. Knauss admonished me, "It is improper for slaves to complain about the way they are treated. As a slave you should accept your chores, humiliations and punishments with grace and polite acceptance. Complaining is dangerously close to insolence, and insolence in a slave is never tolerated."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Knauss," I apologized, "It will never happen again."

The maid gave me a few minutes to wallow in the frightening realization of just how vulnerable and exposed I was. I held my breath and felt an icy cold shiver prickle up my spine. The way I was bound, I couldn't see what she was doing while behind me, but I heard a jar opening and then I felt something cold and oily being smeared across the sensitive flesh of my anus.

"Your young Ms. Brie may not be interested in stretching out this tight asshole of yours," Ms. Knauss commented as she smeared cold lubricant all over my delicate anal cleft, "however; I intend to violate it on a regular basis. "

After she made that pronouncement, Ms. Knauss pushed her fingers past my anal ring, and then explored deep inside of me. I gasped as the maid's fingers opened me and then twisted around, making me feel helpless and violated.

"It is a shame Ms. Brie has never done anything with this cute back passage of yours," Ms. Knauss opined, "It is so pink and tight and feminine. Once I have sufficiently lubricated it, I shall see how much it likes cock."

I gasped at the pronouncement and then Ms. Knauss took her time probing my insides, lubricating me thoroughly and using her strong fingers to pry me open. Eventually, she became satisfied that my anal cavity had been sufficiently coated with lubricant, and she impaled my poor, sensitive anal cleft with some sort of imposing phallus. I couldn't see what she was forcing into my ass, but it felt enormous.

I whimpered as my sphincter muscle was opened even wider and Ms. Knauss forced a fake cock inside of me. My poor, virginal orifice was reluctant to yield. Accepting the terrible girth of Ms. Knauss's anal intruder seemed impossible at first.

Her artificial cock stuffed me, impaled me and filled me up far more than I thought possible. I gasped and tried not to whimper as my body endeavored to accommodate the monster Ms. Knauss was thrusting into me. And, just when I thought maybe I'd be able to handle the massive thing Ms. Knauss had thrust inside of me, she would twist it and then shove it in even deeper.

I squirmed and struggled against the leather bonds that held me. I felt panicky, tears welled up in my eyes, and sweat began to form on my naked skin as Ms. Knauss abused my sphincter muscle and pushed her lubricated phallic invader deep inside of me again and again, stretching my anal orifice to the point where I felt she might do me an injury.

"You look so fetching when you struggle," Ms. Knauss informed me, "however, there is no cause for alarm. Your cute pink orifice is quite small, but it has a capacity to stretch and expand."

I was dubious about that claim, but then I felt fingertips brushing across my exposed pubic lips. At first the physical contact with my labia seemed accidental, but then I felt my nether lips being stroked again and again. I moaned as a fleet of delicious tingling sensations sprang into being. The erotic tingles began in my loins but soon spread across every part of my naked body and left me suffused with a pleasant, intoxicating heat.

"Naughty girls like you respond well to having their genitals played with, don't they?" Ms. Knauss asked then the she pushed one finger into the gap between my labia and slipped it inside of me.

"You like that, don't you?" Ms. Knauss asked as her finger explored the interior of my vagina and then brushed up against my G-spot.

"Yes, Ms. Knauss," I responded. And although I was her helpless prisoner and she was the sexually assaulting me, I somehow felt a profound sense of guilt for enjoying the sensation of having a woman's finger probing my vagina.

"Bad girls always enjoy having their pussies played with," Ms. Knauss informed me, "It is a good thing the young Ms. Brie keeps you away from boys. Bad girls like you always get into trouble when they let boys touch them down here."

As Ms. Knauss abused and stimulated my helpless, naked body she created a series of confusing sensations within me. Sensations of panicky fear and helplessness competed against sensations of sexual arousal. Ms. Knauss continued to impale me on her thick, silicone cock, but whenever tears overflowed my eyes, Ms. Knauss would finger my sex, causing me to moan. It was a confusing mix of twisting and thrusting that dread phallus inside of me, combined with teasing fingers stroking my swollen labia and deliciously stimulating my libido.

Ms. Knauss tormented me like this for hours. And when she finally unbuckled my restraints and helped me to get up from the bondage bench, my legs were wobbly, and I couldn't walk without Ms. Knauss's assistance.

* * *

On the 3rd day, Ms. Knauss took me out into the back yard of the Brie Estate. Lyndsay tagged along, with several lengths of rope coiled over her shoulder.

"Am I going to get tied up?" I asked my girlfriend as I walked alongside her.

"You look so cute when you struggle but can't get free," Lyndsay confided.

The back yard of the estate was larger than the house itself. Lyndsay had told me once that the yard was approximately three or four acres of land and I believed her. I'd explored the area before and from my wanderings I can report they have an Olympic size swimming pool, a deck, grounds-keeping shed, a small grove of Chinese pistache trees, a decent-sized lake and grass so green and lush you could sleep on it in comfort. We had to walk for quite a while before Lyndsay found an ideal spot for trying me.

"Between those two trees," Lyndsay said, gesturing to two saplings and then she unslung the ropes that she had brought and dumped them on the ground

I was ordered to stand with my legs far apart and Lyndsay and Ms. Knauss worked together to tie me between the two trees. Knots were tied around my wrists and ankles and then I was bound in a spread-eagle position with ropes tied around the trunks of each tree. Even though the tree trunks weren't much thicker than my arms, they were sturdy. Lyndsay ordered me to try and get free, but no matter how much I struggled, I couldn't break free. The trees I was bound to didn't even wobble.

My body was exposed, naked and vulnerable to whatever wicked plans my captors had in mind. I looked at Lyndsay and Ms. Knauss with pleading eyes, however, Ms. Knauss's gaze was cold and unsympathetic. And of course, Lyndsay just returned my gaze with a mischievous smile.

"Now that you're helpless," Lyndsay said, "I can tell you about our plans for the day, "You know how I love to expose your naked body to strangers and even sometimes members of your own family and watch you squirm and blush with embarrassment?"

I nodded my head in affirmation and then Lyndsay said, "Well, that hasn't changed. So, I've invited somebody that you know to come to my house and see you all naked and exposed like you are now. She should be here shortly."

I gasped and my eyes went wide in response to Lyndsay's words. I flexed and pulled at my bonds once again in a desperate attempt to break free and cover myself, not that it dd any good. Despite all my struggles I was still spread-eagled, and my breasts and my shaven sex were both shamelessly exposed.