Sweet Gwendoline Ch. 15

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Gwen gets some pony training.
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Part 15 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/30/2014
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Lyndsay's enthusiasm for becoming my mistress seemed to grow more with each passing day. She threw herself into getting approved as a member of the Vineyard, and then began planning her first visit there with me as her lesbian sex-slave.

Since I now had a bodyguard who followed me everywhere, Lyndsay told me we needed to prepare her for my field trips to the Vineyard. For one thing, she'd need to be cleared as a non-member of the club that had club access. Lyndsay and Ruth arranged things so that Claudia could get an ID card and be entered into the Vineyard's database, so that she would have her access.

But before that, we sat Claudia down and had a long talk with her about the Vineyard so she didn't try to protect me from everyone there.

"It's sort of a bondage and discipline theme park," I explained to Claudia, "When I go there a certain amount of physical assault is expected."

"There are people there who hurt you?" Claudia asked.

"Nothing that they've ever done to me was against my will. Yes, they've done things to me, bondage, body cavity searches, spankings, whippings, you're not supposed to protect me from any of that."

"You're saying that if they strip you naked, tie you to a whipping post and beat you with a buggy whip, I'm just supposed to stand there and do nothing?"

"That's the sort of thing that I'm going there for, so, no. You're not supposed to protect me from stuff like that."

Claudia let out an audible sigh and then asked, "Okay, so where do we draw the line? How do I know the difference between acceptable violence against you, and unacceptable violence?"

Lyndsay and I gave Claudia a long list of do's and don'ts. People fondling my naked body was acceptable. People probing my vagina or anus was acceptable. Whippings and spankings were acceptable. Anything that caused bleeding was unacceptable. Branding me or burning my flesh was unacceptable. Breaking my bones was unacceptable. Drugging me and throwing me into the back of a van was unacceptable.

There was a long list, and it took about an hour before Claudia seemed certain that she knew what was to be expected and how she should react.

Our first visit to the Vineyard with Lyndsay as my mistress was scheduled for August the 7th and Lyndsay was brimming with enthusiasm.

In gratitude for all of the advice and mentoring she had done, Lyndsay invited Ruth to come join us for the big day. Ruth and her young protégé were both excited and spent a great deal of time planning for the big day.

The morning of the big day, Lyndsay dressed in riding apparel. She wore stylish, black leather riding boots, riding leggings, a tweed riding jacket and leather riding gloves.

"You're going with an equestrian theme, today," I observed, "Are you going horse riding?"

"Not exactly," Lyndsay said with a mischievous grin and a playful tone, "but, I look so cute in this outfit, it just seemed a shame not to wear it. Don't you agree?"

The outfit was very stylish, and Lyndsay was able to pull off the whole British equestrian look. She looked absolutely charming in it. So, I told her that she looked adorable. Of course, Lyndsay seemed to look beautiful in just about anything. She was a real clothes horse.

I had just about written Lyndsay's equestrian outfit off as part of her eccentric nature, when Ruth showed up wearing an equestrian outfit that was almost identical to the one Lyndsay was wearing.

And, even more ominous than the matching equestrian outfits, was the fact that Ruth Taylor was holding a wicked-looking, black leather riding crop.

"Once again, I'm noticing a strong equestrian theme," I observed.

"Gwendoline, dear," Ruth Taylor said and she pulled me in for an enthusiastic hug and a chaste kiss in the cheek, "These games are so much more fun when those involved wear costumes. And this is an important day for young Lyndsay, so I wanted it to be a memorable one."

I raised an inquisitive eyebrow and asked, "So, when we get to the Vineyard, are you planning on putting a saddle on my back and take turns riding me?"

Lyndsay and Ruth gave each other looks, somehow communicating their thoughts to each other without saying a word, and then Ruth turned back to me and said, "That's remarkably close, dear, however, it would be more fun if you were to stop asking questions now. It would be somewhat boring if you knew all of our plans ahead of time."

"Surprises can be fun," Lyndsay said in agreement with the older woman.

"You'll look much more adorable in the photos if you're well and truly surprised," Ruth Taylor chimed in.

I looked to Claudia with inquisitive eyes, but she just shrugged and said, "I'm not saying a word. It's my job to protect you, not to ferret secrets out of your friends."

I was the submissive of the group. It wasn't my place to argue, so I just went along with the suggestions of the three dominant women and I halted my inquiries.

I was absolutely bursting with curiosity, however, Ruth had admonished me not to ask questions, so I used remarkable self-restraint and forced myself not to ask anything else on the ride over, despite the fact that an army of queries were bussing around in my head.

Claudia, Ruth, Lyndsay and I entered the main lobby of the Vineyard and it was much like I remembered. The beautiful hardwood floors had that just-polished look, the counters still looked like they were made of expensive and polished marble. And the receptionist still looked young, perky and exceedingly well-dressed.

The receptionist was named Rose. She and I had met before. As a receptionist, she was deferential and polite to almost everyone she met, however, I was a special case. As I was a slave, Rose's social status was considerably higher than mine. She wasn't required to be deferential to me. It was expected that she would treat me as an inferior.

Rose was bouncy and enthusiastic as she stood up and greeted Claudia, Ruth and Lyndsay. Claudia wasn't a member of the Vineyard; however, she was listed in the Vineyard's computer database as being authorized to go anywhere that I went. She had a photo-ID issued by the Vineyard that didn't look anything like my Vineyard membership card. Her ID looked much more like the employee ID cards carried around my Vineyard personnel.

Rose checked Claudia's pass and then she shook all three of the free women's hands and asked them how they were.

Then Rose looked at me. She looked me up and down leisurely as if undressing me with her eyes, and then said, "Ms. Schön, aren't you overdressed for this visit?"

"The dear girl has a point," interjected Ruth, "You really should be naked now that we're in the lobby."

A dozen sets of eyes focused intently on me and I felt my face growing hot. It was standard procedure for slaves to strip naked as soon as they set foot in the lobby of the Vineyard, however, I always managed to feel embarrassed and helplessly exposed each time I was forced to strip in a public place like this.

Also, getting undressed in full view of everyone in the lobby meant that my bodyguard was going to see me strip naked as well. Claudia had never seen me naked before, and somehow stripping naked in front of the tall, self-confident, officious woman added dramatically to my feelings of helplessness and humiliation.

Also, there were multiple comfortable leather chairs in the lobby for club members to relax in and nine of those chairs were occupied as I began to strip. Nine well-dressed, well-groomed women with an air of entitlement closely examined me as I divested myself of my clothing. They ranged in age from early twenties to late forties, and they all stared unashamedly at my body, appraising me, evaluating me, as if they were trying to decided how much they would pay for me if I were on the block at a slave auction.

They seemed to like what they saw.

Not a one of them could take their eyes off of me. Every one of them had a very intense look as their eyes looked me up and down. I could practically feel their eyes burning into my naked, exposed flesh. I felt a reflexive urge to cover my naked body with my hands, however, that was strictly forbidden by the rules of the Vineyard. Slaves were supposed to leave their naked bodies open and available for free men and women to gawk at, watch and take photos of as much as they liked. Slaves were supposed to be eye-candy for masters and mistresses. Slaves that attempted to cover up their bodies could be severely punished.

When I was utterly naked, Rose took my clothes, my phone, my watch and all of my other personal belongings and placed them in a cardboard box. The box was labeled with my name and my inmate number. Then the cardboard box was locked up where I couldn't get to it.

All of this ceremony and ritual was deliberately designed to make me feel as helpless and vulnerable as possible.

And it worked. There I stood barefoot and naked, without a single possession to my name, helpless and at the mercy of everyone around me. My bare breasts, nipples, pubic lips and other naughty bits were all on display for anyone who cared to look at them. It was embarrassing with so many people watching, but the embarrassment caused my pussy to throb with even greater intensity.

Rose locked up my clothing and all my belongings, while I stood there stark naked and a crowd of smartly-dressed women scrutinized my naked body and openly examined all my charms in minute detail.

When Rose returned to the reception desk she looked me in the eye, gave me a friendly smile and said, "Ms. Schön, give us a spin."

"I'm sorry," I said, not understanding her meaning at first.

"A slow turn," she elaborated, "like models do in fashion shows. Several of the entries in your file claim that your buttocks are your best feature. And while I'm sure that all the paying members in the lobby are enjoying the view of your breasts, your pubic lips and your sculpted abs, I think they'd like to see those sculpted glutes too."

Rose then made a twirling gesture with her index finger as if that would make her meaning more clear.

I felt my face blush hot. It was somewhat humiliating; however, the Vineyard did not allow slaves the freedom to disobey staff employees. I would either do as Rose asked, or I would be punished and then forced to display my naked buttocks anyway.

I took a couple of steps closer to the ladies in the lobby and then proceeded to turn slowly, allowing all the well-dressed, well-groomed women in the comfortable leather chairs to get an excellent look at my bare bottom.

One of the bolder women rose up from her seat and took a few steps closer to where I was standing. She was old enough to be my mother, however, she looked stylish with fashionable boots, perfectly styled hair and professionally applied makeup.

"Magnificent," the woman said, with a very noticeable German accent, "Those are the most beautiful and perfectly-shaped buttocks I have ever seen."

Slaves don't get many compliments, so, out of gratitude, I gave the German woman a smile and then gave her another spin, even slower this time.

"They are quite exceptional," said another well-dressed woman, with a similar accent, "however, they have no color. It's quite obvious that she hasn't been spanked."

"Oh, she will be," replied the bold German, "I know this place. A slave with buttocks like that will be spanked before you can blink. Or possibly whipped. That's the way they do things around here. The attractive ones, it's like they have a neon sign that says, 'Punish me'!"

"It seems you have an admirer," Lyndsay said as she glided over silently and took my hand, "Don't you think that you should introduce yourself and thank her for her words of adulation?"

I was taken completely off guard by the suggestion. When Christina used to take me to the Vineyard, she didn't have me engage with any of the other masters or mistresses. She only had me interact with my handler or with other slaves.

I guess Lyndsay was a different kind of mistress with a different way of doing things. Lyndsay pushed me forward until I was standing just a few inches away from the German woman in the custom-tailored skirt-suit.

I felt somewhat nervous and defenseless as I stood within grabbing distance of the respectably-dressed German woman, while I was naked and barefoot and I struggled to get the words out of my mouth like a good, obedient slave.

"Hello, Mistress," I said, dutifully, "My name is Gwen, and I would like to thank you for the kind words that you said about my buttocks."

The German woman smiled broadly, and said, "Well, aren't you adorable? My name is Gisele. I've been a member here for almost four years, and I've never seen you here before."

"Gwen is fairly new to the Vineyard," Lyndsay interjected, "Her first visit was about two months ago. She's only been here only slightly more than a dozen times."

"And you are?" Gisele said, suddenly ignoring me and giving Lyndsay her full attention.

"Lyndsay," my mistress said and then she and the German woman shook hands.

"So, do you have a slave of your own?" Lyndsay asked.

Gisele nodded in affirmation, "I used to have two, however, it turned out that two slaves were far too much for me to handle. Slaves can be very high maintenance and owning two slaves is twice as exhausting."

Just then, Ruth came over and introduced herself to Gisele. The three of them chatted like they were old friends and traded advice and anecdotes on slave-owning.

Gisele owned a slave-girl by the name of Julia. Julia had been signed up to spend four whole days incarcerated at the Vineyard and Gisele liked to drop by and clandestinely check in and see how Julia was doing.

I didn't realize that a slave-girl could be kept here that long. I had always thought of the Vineyard as a sort of a BDSM theme park, not a prison where you could be locked up for days on end.

Perhaps it was illogical, but the thought of being locked up for four whole days as the Vineyard's naked prisoner, utterly at the mercy of the Vineyard's assertive, domineering employees, made my pussy throb wetly.

Suddenly, I was broken out of my reverie when I heard a deep, authoritative, female voice say, "Ms. Schön?"

I had been flanked by two female guards. They were both around my age, perhaps slightly older, however they were both taller than me, broader shouldered, and they both had a very serious look in their eyes.

Their uniforms were mostly black and looked very smart, with their visored hats, black leather boots and their tactical belts. Somehow the way they were dressed made me feel even more naked than I had a few seconds earlier.

I was quickly identified as the slave girl that they were looking for and then they handcuffed me. As my bodyguard, Claudia had a word with them before they were able to take me anywhere. There was some degree of negotiation between the three women and finally it was agreed that Claudia would accompany me as I was escorted back to Doctor Riemen's office.

Once inside her office, it was obvious that Doctor Riemen wasn't there. Her assistant was the one that answered the door and allowed the security guards to drag me inside.

"Where's Doctor Riemen?" one of the security guards asked.

"She's coordinating with one of the other handlers," Doctor Riemen's assistant replied, "There's a lot going on today. I can handle this one until she gets back."

The security guards tried to argue with Doctor Riemen's assistant. They had some sort of idea that they had to physically meet face-to-face with Doctor Riemen and deliver me to her personally.

The fact of the matter was that Keira (Doctor Riemen's assistant) had worked for the Vineyard for four years and had worked for Doctor Riemen for most of that time. She was intelligent, hard-working and learned quickly. Doctor Riemen trusted her implicitly and had no problem leaving a slave-girl under Keira's authority.

The guards were being obstinate, so, finally Keira broke out the big guns and said, "Look, Doctor Riemen has a very busy morning today and she doesn't want to be disturbed while she's working out all the details. If you go and disturb her right now, she's going to be upset with you. Is that what you want?"

Keira's thinly veiled threat worked. The guards unlocked my handcuffs and left me alone with Claudia and Keira. The guards were alpha-females and didn't back down easily, however, even they didn't want to get on Doctor Riemen's bad side.

When the guards left, Keira immediately established her dominance over me and said, "go stand in front of that desk and bend over," in a cold, commanding voice.

I did as Keira said and bent over at the waist. I bent over with my ass in the air and my fingertips and face touching the smooth, wooden surface of the desk.

Claudia and Keira spent several minutes in quiet discussion behind my back. To the best of my knowledge Keira and Claudia had never met before. Keira was probably questioning Claudia's authority to be there. Claudia was probably seeking assurances that Keira wasn't an actual threat to my safety.

Eventually, the talking stopped. Both women seemed to be satisfied that neither one of them were going to cause trouble for the other, and they could both get on with their individual responsibilities.

"Spread your legs," Keira commanded as she turned her attention back to me, and I quickly obeyed. Keira's orders had left me very open and vulnerable. She had made my anus, my vagina and my buttocks all extremely available and unprotected.

"You have a busy morning too," Keira warned me as she rummaged through a supply closet, "I'm going to take you outside, and you're going to get plenty of exercise. Your new mistress insisted. However, you shouldn't have any problems with that. You're young and athletic, aren't you?"

I wasn't certain if I was supposed to answer Keira's question or if it was rhetorical. I took a chance and answered it.

"Yes, Mistress," I said, "I'm young and athletic."

Keira came back from the supply closet with a butt-plug and a container of lubricant. With my face touching the surface of the desk it was difficult to see either one, however I managed somehow.

"Being that this is the Vineyard, this won't be like the exercise routines you do at your health club," Keira warned me, "We do exercise differently here."

At some point when I wasn't looking, Keira had snapped on a latex glove and coated her fingers with a huge blob of lubricant. I had something of a phobia when it came to being anally penetrated, and when I felt Keira's fingers prodding at my anus and trying to force it open, I gasped.

"Open up for me," Keira insisted, "I can pry you open by force if I have to, but you wouldn't like that. It's much better if you just relax your sphincter muscle and let me in voluntarily."

Keira's voice sounded cold and commanding, however she didn't force my anus open, and instead she massaged my bottom with one hand and pushed against my tight asshole with one lubricated finger of the other hand and patiently waited for me to overcome my fears and relax my sphincter muscle enough to allow her fingers to slide into my tight anal cleft.

Slowly, gradually, Keira's finger slid into me. I whimpered and squirmed, but I didn't dare disobey Keira. I remained bent over and kept my legs spread wide.

Keira worked an excessively large amount of the lubricating gel into my anal orifice. It was cold at first, but the more Keira worked it into me, the more it warmed up.

Then Keira removed her fingers from my tight anus and picked up the butt plug. The way I was bent over with my face down on the smooth surface of the desk, it was hard to see, however, from my vantage point the butt plug looked imposingly large. I was certain that it was too big to fit inside me.

Keira busied herself, greasing up the butt plug with even more lubricant. My legs trembled as I imagined Keira trying to spear that thing inside of me. And having Claudia watching as Keira prepared to violate my tight little asshole, just added to my feelings of humiliation.