Sweet Gwendoline Ch. 04

Story Info
Gwen is forced to expose her naked body in public.
8.5k words

Part 4 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/30/2014
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Monday was boring.

Instead of going over to Christina's house to be stripped naked, tied up, spanked and sexually abused, I went to work.

My job is pretty boring. I work in a bank, processing deposits, loan payments, cashing checks, entering data into my computer and filling out paperwork.

I had worked at the bank for about two years, but somehow everything about the place now seemed wrong. I felt like I should be naked behind the counter, and if my boss found any fault with my work, I felt she should call me into her office for a traumatically painful spanking that left my bottom all red.

But instead I wore a pale-gray skirt-suit and my boss spoke politely to me and reminded me to fill out a CTR for that large cash deposit I had taken in on Friday.

Tuesday was just as boring as Monday. I redeemed a lot of savings bonds. I helped an elderly customer with their questions about required minimum distributions from their IRA and of course there was lots of data entry and paperwork.

Then came Wednesday.

Wednesday, Lyndsay came into the bank and greeted me like we were old friends.

"Gwen, it's so good to see you! I didn't know you were working here! How are you? What time do you get off? We should totally get together after work!"

I was totally shocked to see Lyndsay at the bank, but I didn't panic (not much anyway), and pretty much just improvised and went along with whatever she said. She didn't say anything about me getting spanked or forced to perform cunnilingus on her and Christina, so she didn't actually hurt my reputation and my job was still secure.

However, it turned out that the stuff she said about hanging out after work was actually genuine. When my shift ended, Lyndsay was waiting for me out in the parking lot.

She had parked her car just two parking spaces down from mine and intercepted me before I could get my car keys out and open the door to my Volkswagen Golf.

"Hello, Little Girl," she said as she walked up and gave me a sisterly hug.

"Lyndsay," I said hesitantly, "I, um, hello."

"I thought we should hang out, just the two of us," Lyndsay said, linking her arm in mine. "We can do some shopping and I'll take you to dinner. We'll take my car."

I had little choice in the matter. Christina said that if I ran into Lyndsay in public, I should treat her as if we were good friends. If I pushed her away or acted distant toward Lyndsay, Christina would find out and I'd be punished. If I was going to be obedient, I'd need to be warm and friendly towards Lyndsay.

"Um, okay," I said as Lyndsay dragged me over to her car. Of course her car was much nicer than mine. She drove a Jaguar XK. I wondered how she paid for it. You couldn't buy a car like this on a bank teller's salary.

Lyndsay walked me to the passenger seat of her car and fastened my seatbelt around my waist. I could have easily fastened it myself, but for some reason Lyndsay was taking charge of things like that.

"So, where are we going?" I asked as Lyndsay started up the engine.

I realized as she drove away and I left my car behind, I was utterly at her mercy. Without my car, I would pretty much need Lyndsay to get home. I had just given a huge chunk of freedom away to Lyndsay without even thinking about it.

"We're going to the Fremont Mall," Lyndsay explained. "Christina said that you needed to wear clothes that would allow you to show off the shape of that cute little bottom of yours, and what you're wearing right now just isn't doing your bottom justice. I'm going to buy you an abundance of clothes that display your ass to its best advantage."

When Christina had told me to wear clothes that showed off my ass, I had naturally assumed that I would be picking out my own clothes. Apparently Lyndsay was taking that away from me and dressing me herself.

* * * * * * * * * *

When we got to the Fremont Mall, Lyndsay took me straight toErotische Dessous.It was a lot like Victoria's Secret. They specialized in panties, G-strings, thongs, push-up bras and just about every garment a girl needs if she wants to be a stripper.

"We'll start you off with some yoga leggings," Lyndsay announced almost the second we walked through the door. "What's your waist size?"

My waist size is twenty-six inches, and when I told Lyndsay she picked out five pairs of yoga leggings and sent me back to the dressing room.

As Lyndsay ushered me back to the dressing rooms, I passed a customer as she was walking out. She was wearing a backless mini-dress that was so small that it was practically obscene. The front was cut so low that her breasts were almost completely exposed and the hem was so high that it barely covered her ass. If she bent over even a little bit, I'd be able to see what sort of panties she was wearing.

"Excuse me, ladies," the girl said as she squeezed past us and made her way back up front. As I watched her walk away, I hoped that Lyndsay wouldn't have me wearing anything like that in public.

The dressing rooms didn't have doors. They just had curtains. I slid the curtain open and walked inside. Lyndsay followed me.

"Lyndsay, you can't come in here while I'm dressing! They have rules! What will they say if they catch you in here while I'm naked?"

"They won't say anything," Lyndsay assured me. "You think this is my first time here? The staff knows me. I've brought girls in the dressing rooms before and watched while they changed. They have no problem with it."

I wondered if it was store policy that allowed Lyndsay to get away with it, or if Lyndsay just got special treatment because she spent a lot of money here. Either way, I stripped naked while Lyndsay watched. I didn't feel it was necessary to remove my bra and panties, but Lyndsay overruled me by saying that she'd report me to Christina if I didn't get completely naked for her. When my panties reached my ankles, I nervously stepped out of them revealing my shaved vulva to Lyndsay. I didn't know what to do next, so I just stood there with a blushing face as Lyndsay openly stared at my exposed breasts and pubic lips.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Lyndsay asked when I was standing naked in front of her.

"It's humiliating," I replied. "I'm stark naked with nothing standing between me and the other store customers except for a flimsy curtain and it's obvious to anyone who walks by that you're in here with me, ogling my naked body like a dirty old man!"

Apparently, I shouldn't have said that. Lyndsay got a cold look in her eye and picked up my pair of white cotton panties off the changing room bench.

"These will never do," Lyndsay said admonishingly. "No woman under the age of fifty wears white cotton panties like these." Then Lyndsay tossed my panties on the floor and called out,"Claire!!"

Within seconds the curtain was pulled back and a salesgirl appeared. I was still naked and I attempted to cover myself with my hands, but Lyndsay snapped at me, "Don't do that, Gwen! Claire has seen hundreds of naked girls! You're embarrassing me!"

With superhuman effort I put my hands down at my sides and allowed the salesgirl an unobstructed view of my breasts and my shaved pussy. I could feel myself heat with embarrassment and I'm certain that I was blushing.

"Claire, darling," Lyndsay said to the salesgirl, "My friend here needs all new panties. Bring me a variety of thongs and V-strings, would you? About ten of each ought to do it. Nylon and spandex, waist size twenty-six, okay?"

And as an afterthought, Lyndsay picked up my white cotton panties off the floor, handed them to the salesgirl and said, "Oh, and shred these. They're a lost cause."

Claire was eager to please and rushed off without closing the curtain behind her. I attempted to close the curtain myself, but Lyndsay stopped me.

"But, Lyndsay, I'm naked!"I protested."Anybody walking by can see me!!"

"And maybe that's exactly what I want," Lyndsay snapped. "Maybe I want people to see your body and be jealous. Or maybe, I just want to see you blush. No matter what my motives are, I expect you to be a good little girl and not embarrass me. It's be a shame if I had to report your behavior to Christina."

That shut me up. I stood there naked and hoped that Claire came back quickly and that no customers walked past my dressing room.

Of course, I hoped in vain. A customer walked past almost as soon as the thought of being exposed to customers entered my head. She was a girl of perhaps nineteen. She stood quietly surveying my exposed nudity for about six seconds before arching an eyebrow and continuing down the hall, entering her own changing room.

"Stand up straight, dear," Lyndsay said as she placed a hand on my bare shoulder, "I don't want the customers at Erotische Dessous to think that my girlfriend has bad posture."

It was another step down. Not only was I to be displayed naked for any total stranger that walked past, but I was to stand straight, chin up and chest out so that anyone who happened to see me naked, would see me displaying my nudity with good posture.

"Lyndsay, this is embarrassing," I complained.

"Now, now," Lyndsay admonished me, "A girl with a figure like yours ought not to be embarrassed. With those legs, that narrow waist, that flat tummy and those magnificent breasts, you've got nothing to be ashamed of. You look like you could be a dancer or a fashion model. Bare your body with pride!"

Eventually Claire returned with the thongs and V-strings that Lyndsay had requested. Claire didn't seem to think that there was anything unusual about the way that I was exposing my naked body to anyone who happened to walk by, so I tried to pretend that it wasn't unusual or mortifying either.

Of course, before Claire could hurry off, Lyndsay had another request for her. "Claire, its beach season now. Could you find some swimsuits for my friend as well? Something that will display her bottom? She has a really cute bottom and we're of the opinion that she should really show it off when she goes to the beach."

Claire hesitated for perhaps a second and said, "I think I know just the thing," and then she hurried off. I tried to slide the curtain shut, but Lindsay just slapped my hand and said, "No, no, no!Leave itopen!"

So, I stood there in the changing room, stark naked while Lindsay enjoyed watching me squirm, blush and fret about the possibility of more strangers looking at my naked body.

Of course, while I was squirming, another stranger did walk by. A really pale blonde girl in a black t-shirt with the Batman logo walked past and almost failed to notice I had my naked boobs and shaved pubic lips on full display. She dropped what appeared to be a pair of Capri pants when she finally realized there was a naked girl right in front of her. Her eyes went wide and I could hear her very audibly say,"Oh!"

She was wearing glasses and had the look of a bookish college student with very little experience in socialization. She didn't say a word after her first "Oh", but she couldn't take her eyes off of me.

I could see the hungry look in the bookish, nerdy-looking girl's eyes as her mouth hung open and she stared openly at my breasts and exposed nipples. No doubt Lyndsay was amused at my embarrassment. I could feel the heat of the girl's gaze and it took superhuman effort for me to not cover my breasts and crotch with my arms.

I felt exposed and vulnerable and was on the verge of panic, however I also felt a strong shudder of sexual excitement. I was shocked that I was getting wet from the way Lyndsay was exposing me, although Lyndsay probably anticipated I would react this way.

Eventually Lyndsay thought this was enough humiliation for me for the moment as she then closed the curtain to my dressing room.

Of course, before we left the dressing room, Lyndsay had me try on everything. I had to try on the yoga pants, all of the thongs and all of the v-strings. Lyndsay insisted on helping me dress, even with tiny things like the v-strings. When she pulled the back of the v-sting into my bum crack and made sure it was in place, I understood why people referred to panties like this as "butt-floss".

"It feels funny," I remarked as the material was pulled tight in between my butt cheeks, but Lyndsay just smiled and said, "You look adorable. Christina is gonna love you in those! I know I do!"

So, I tried on everything and posed and modeled all the clothes for Lyndsay's approval. The bathing suit that Claire had chosen was a one-piece, however it was cut very, very high on the leg, so that it left quite a bit of my buttocks exposed and the neckline was cut very low, causing me to expose a lot of cleavage.

"It's perfect," Lyndsay gushed, and she had me turn several times so that she could see me from every possible angle as I modeled this very tight, very revealing swimsuit.

"My parents have a pool," Lyndsay added. "We need to invite you over sometime for a pool party."

"I don't think I can let your parents see me in this. This thing is going to ride up my butt-crack," I complained as I posed. I could feel it starting to ride up already. The simple act of turning and twirling so that Lyndsay could see me from every angle caused the material dig uncomfortably into the furrow between my buttocks. I looked over my shoulder and my reflection in the dressing room mirror confirmed what my hindquarters were already telling me.

"Don't complain," Lyndsay admonished me. "I think it looks adorable on you, and since I'm paying for everything, you just smile and wear it."

When Lyndsay talked like that she sounded almost like Christina. I shut my mouth and could feel my pussy throb as Lyndsay took control and berated me. It was almost like I was Cinderella and Lyndsay was one of my wicked step-sisters.

So, I smiled just like Lyndsay told me to. When Cinderella received an order from one of her wicked step-sisters, Cinderella submissively obeyed every time. That was how these things always worked. Cinderella never argued, she was stoic and submissive and obeyed every order her step-sisters gave her.

Then, Lyndsay helped me strip out of the swimsuit, she exclaimed, "Oh, but we need to buy you a dress before we go! I'm taking you out to dinner, and I can't let people see my date wearing that boring skirt-suit you wore to work!"

"Claire,"Lyndsay bellowed again, bringing the salesgirl sprinting back to the changing room and giving her another opportunity to see me naked.

Once again, Claire looked at me amiably, as if seeing me stark-naked wasn't at all unusual or embarrassing. Remembering Lyndsay's instructions about posture, I placed my hands behind my back and stood up straight. Claire acted as if this was a completely normal and natural thing for me to do.

"Claire, I'm taking this girl out on a date," Lyndsay explained, making me squirm with even greater embarrassment. Not only was I naked, but Lyndsay had basically just told the salesgirl that I was a lesbian, "And I need a dress that will make her look adorable...something that will turn heads...you think you can hunt something up that will fit the bill?"

I could feel my face and upper body becoming saturated with the heat of embarrassment. I was probably blushing a deep red, but Claire didn't even seem to notice. She just dashed off, intent on performing her errand for Lyndsay.

When Claire came back, she was holding a black sheath-dress. "I think you'll be very happy with this," Claire panted. "Not every woman can pull off a dress like this, but your girlfriend has a very sleek, toned body. I think this dress will flatter her figure."

Lyndsay insisted I leave the curtain open while I tried the dress on. Lyndsay also insisted that I couldn't wear any underwear underneath it. Claire didn't seem to think there was anything unusual about Lyndsay's refusal to allow me to wear a bra or panties and so I got dressed that while Claire and Lyndsay watched.

The dress was made of some sort of rayon/spandex mix and it clung to me like a second skin. The neckline was cut low enough that it revealed some of my cleavage, however my biggest concern was the hemline. The hem on the dress was so high that it was almost indecent. The hem of the dress ended just two inches below my butt cheeks. If I bent over for any reason, I would expose my ass.

Before I could object, Lyndsay gushed, "It's perfect! Claire, you're an artist! We'll take it!!"

Claire produced two bags for us, one for my regular clothes, which Lyndsay insisted were totally inappropriate for going out on a date, and another bag for the swimsuit, yoga leggings, thongs and v-strings that Lyndsay was buying for me.

Claire smiled at me and enthused, "Lyndsay must love you a lot to spend so much money on you."

When we got to the cash register and Lyndsay paid, I could almost agree with Claire's assessment. The final bill was more than eight-hundred dollars, but Lyndsay paid it like it was nothing of consequence.

* * * * * * * * * *

The staff atI nostri amicibehaved very much like Claire did when I was standing naked and exposed in front of her. I was wearing a dress that covered my pussy with just the tiniest bit of fabric to spare, and Lyndsay had her arm intimately wrapped around my waist, hand on my hip, holding me close. And while I thought that this was far too suggestive, provocative and Sapphic for a public display, the waiters, waitresses and hostess all seemed to be incapable of noticing how I was dressed or how blatant Lyndsay's displays of lesbian affection were.

When we were both seated at our table, Lyndsay said, "Don't worry. I've brought dates here before. Nobody will so much as raise an eyebrow, no matter what happens here today."

She kissed me passionately one the mouth, just as the waitress was coming over to take our order. And just as Lyndsay predicted, the waitress didn't even raise an eyebrow. She just patiently waited for Lyndsay's lips to separate from mine and then she asked, "Are you ready to order?"

I can't remember what I ordered. I can't remember what Lyndsay ordered. Mostly I remember being glad that the table and the tablecloth helped conceal that I wasn't wearing any panties. You see Lyndsay insisted that I sit with my legs apart and my bare pubic lips were exposed to the air of the restaurant.

"How can you even afford all of this?" I asked, attempting to take my mind off the fact that I was very nearly naked from the waist down. "You paid over eight-hundred dollars buying me clothes today and now you're buying me dinner. What kind of job do you have, that you can afford all of that?"

"I don't actually have a job," Lyndsay said with a smirk on her face. "My mother is president of Brie Incorporated. She's a very wealthy woman and I'm her only child, so she spoils me rotten."

Understanding began to dawn on me. "So, that was really your mother's money that paid for my clothes?"

"What can I say? My mother wants me to be happy," Lyndsay responded. "She knows I like girls and she knows I have a tendency to buy girls gifts. You're not the first girl I've taken clothes shopping."

"Am I the first girl that you've stripped naked and exposed to the customers and staff over at Erotische Dessous?" I asked.

"That sounds like you're being judgmental," Lyndsay said admonishingly. "You'll have to be punished for that."

Suddenly I remembered my place. I was supposed to be the submissive and Lyndsay was supposed to be the wicked step-sister. I was gripped with a feeling of fear and trepidation as I realized I had no idea what sort of punishment Lyndsay might have in mind.

"I'm sorry, Lyndsay," I blurted out. "I didn't mean to judge you."

"It's too late," Lyndsay said, not willing to debate the issue. "You have to be taught not to take that tone with me. And you're not the first girl that I've stripped naked at Erotische Dessous, either. Although you've been the most fun. You're the only girl that actually blushed when she was displayed naked. You have no idea how adorable you look when you do that!"