Superman's Conquest Ch. 04

Story Info
Supergirl stumbles upon Superman's orgy.
4.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/16/2022
Created 08/12/2011
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"Kal!" Kara gasped in shock, staring at the three naked women covered in cum in front of her cousin.

"Hold on Kay, I can explain," Kal replied to the appalled Kryptonian.

"Kal! How can you do this? This seems so wrong. I was just flying by and thought it would be nice to say 'hi' to my cousin, and I find you doing...doing," Supergirl trailed off, her face reddening.

"It is so nice of you to join us Kara Zor-El," Wonder Woman greeted, licking her lips, tasting Clark's wonderfully thick jizz.

"You know you can call me Kay, Diana," Supergirl said, refusing to look at Wonder Woman in her lewd state.

Supergirl's face was beat red and she felt light headed as the crushing embarrassment overwhelmed her. Seeing Kara Zor-L, her parallel universe counter-part, Diana, the princess of the amazons, and Lois Lane, her cousin's beautiful wife, kneeling if front of a naked Kal, licking his seed off each other was surprising and terrifying to her. She never thought of these people in a sexual capacity, and seeing her beloved cousin this way was so inappropriate.

Kay was rocketed to Earth to take care of her cousin, but due to a trajectory accident, she didn't arrive on Earth until after Kal had grown up in Kansas. All she ever wanted was to rise to the duty as his protector, but due to her suspended animation, she was just a teenaged, inexperienced, emotionally unstable girl. Kal didn't need her. He had three of the most gorgeous women in the world to take care of him. Besides, this wasn't the time for Kay to be here. Kay felt like crying at the thought, but held the tears back, and turned to float away.

"Kay, where are you going?" Wonder Woman asked sweetly, cleaning the last bit of cum off her fingers.

"Um...away," she said turning to the amazon, still not looking at the sexually explicit scene.

"Oh no, that will displease me," Diana responded, waving her clean index finger at the teenager.

Supergirl felt confused, and looked up at Diana. She examined closely all of her strong curves and her breath-taking bosom. Small pings of jealousy entered her thoughts as she realized she could never be as wonderful looking as Wonder Woman. She didn't let that stop her from getting answers she wanted.

"What do you mean?" the kryptonian girl asked.

Wonder Woman did not respond immediately. She just let her eyes take a good look at the blonde teenager. Kay's hair was blonde and flowing, her golden locks blowing slightly in the breeze. Her Supergirl costume composed of a long sleeved half shirt, with the "S" shield across her chest, and it exposed her thin, strong midriff. Her blue skirt swayed and was very short, revealing her long, beautiful legs. While Kay was not as curvy as Lois, Kara, or herself, Diana was pleased with Kal's skinny cousin's body. She walked towards Kay and answered her question.

"If you leave you will not do what I have planned for you," She said, obviously withholding information.

Kay was getting more confused and her face felt like a furnace as she stood around all of the nakedness. It didn't help that she saw Lois and Kara licking each other's breasts near Kal. She wanted to go home. This was the most embarrassed she had ever felt.

"Tell me Kay, have you ever had sexual relations with a man?" Diana asked candidly.

Kay felt the heat at the tip of her ears, and looked at the ground. She brought her hands together and thumbed, not wanting to answer. Diana was being so forward and she didn't know how to handle it. It was turning out to be the weirdest day of her life.

"It's okay Kay," Diana rested a hand on her shoulder, "you can tell me."

"...No...," she responded, hesitating to admit it.

"That's okay. Do you just no think you are old enough?" Diana smiled thoughtfully.

"Oh, I know I'm old enough," Kay said sounding sure of herself, "I'm eighteen now by Earth standards...I just..,"

"What is it dear? You can tell me." Diana smiled sweetly, but Kay noticed something gleaming in her eyes.

Kay felt so insecure in this moment. She could tell Diana about knowing nothing about the opposite sex. She could tell her she wouldn't know what to do. She could tell her how critical she was of her body. She could tell her she wouldn't even know how to find someone who would engage in sex with her. She decided to answer in a different way.

"This is a good example I think..," Supergirl trailed off.

"Go on, tell me dear," Diana encouraged, as her recent sexual partners waited patiently behind her.

"Well...the first thing I noticed when I saw all of you is how perfect you all are. You are Wonder Woman, the most beautiful woman in the world. Your body is gorgeous, and look at how big your..." Kay reddened again.

"My breasts are?" Wonder Woman answered, laughing warmly while groping her chest pumpkins.

"Mhm," Kay nodded in confirmation, "and Kara's are even bigger, and Lois is the most beautiful looking human I know. You are all so curvy and...there is just no way I can look at myself positively next to you I guess..."

Kay turned away again, feeling her tears building. Hearing it out in the open made everything so real. The situation was unusual enough, but having such an intimate moment with Diana was sending her on an emotional rollercoaster. To add to everything she was feeling, she was the only person around with clothes on. She saw Diana shake her head and smile.

"Do you think we were born like this?" Diana asked.

Supergirl lowered her head and shook it slightly.

"You are right. We were all young girls once, hoping for our chests to grow to tremendous size and hoping we were pretty enough. You said it Kay, we are gorgeous women. Men dream of us. There is no reason you can't be a part of that too," Diana reassured her.

"But I don't look anything like you girls. Lois has the smallest chest here, and she has what? DD's? I bet you and Kara need custom made bras. You are all so curvy and have an hourglass figure...I..," Kay started to sniffle as tears built up in her pretty blue eyes.

"I've been looking at you since you got here. I am impressed how you have grown since I saw you last, you are no longer a little girl. You have filled out and are a young woman," Diana said honestly.

"Filled...filled out?" She asked, wanting to hear what Diana had to say.

"The last time I saw you Kay you only had B cups!" she laughed grabbing Kay's chest.

Supergirl made a funny noise in response to the surprise, but did not stop her Amazonian role-model. Diana squeezed on her breasts lightly and bounced them a little.

"These have got to be, what? D cups now?" The amazon asked curiously.

"...Yeah, they grew a lot...I was so happy," Kay admitted.

"Look at how skinny you are! Your tummy is so toned, and your legs are beautiful, any man would love to have you," Diana explained taking a few steps back and crossing her arms, waiting for Kay to absorb that.

" who?" Supergirl asked, still not convinced.

"Kal would fuck you to kingdom come," she said with her voice full of dark intentions.

"WHAT!?" Kay shouted, baffled by the amazon's remark.

Supergirl shot a shocked glance at her cousin. The catch in Kal's throat prevented him from responding to Diana's remark. Neither Kal nor Kay knew why the amazon would say such a thing. Kay looked back at Wonder Woman and protested.

"That is absurd Diana! He is my cousin!" she shouted, still baffled by Wonder Woman's statement.

"It is not absurd," Diana disagreed, "He doesn't know it yet, but he would fuck you until you both passed out."

"Please stop saying that," Kay said, her face reddening again.

"Watch this," Diana said.

Wonder Woman walked her gorgeous naked self over to Clark and positioned her lips close to his ear. She became excited knowing her plan would come to fruition soon. Clark stood, confused and guarded. Supergirl wondered why Clark hadn't been protesting as she had. Diana spoke into Clark's ear, but loudly enough for Kay to hear.

"Please Clark, look at your cousin for me," she asked sweetly.

Clark did as she said. He locked onto Kay's beautiful blue eyes, and wondered what the strange feeling growing inside him was. He desperately tried to identify the feeling as Diana continued.

"As you look at your cousin dear, imagine ripping that top off and gazing on those big, teenaged titties," she teased.

The knot in Clark's throat returned and stopped him from responding as he imagined the cloth between him and his cousin's bosom gone. Supergirl's jaw dropped at Diana's comments. She couldn't let her speak that way.

"Say something to her Kal!" Kay desperately asked.

Kal did no such thing. The feeling building in him grew, and he identified it quickly. Kal was becoming aroused. He felt his flaccid penis twitch, as it began to respond to his thoughts. Wonder Woman saw his member move, and smiled.

"Oh Kal, it couldn't be that you want to see those sinfully young breasts, is it?" Diana playfully questioned.

Clark kept his silence, but could not keep his erection from beginning. He hoped Kay would not notice. Diana was going to see to that she did.

"Now imagine her untainted crevice being broken in with your giant pole, imagine that slender body stretched thin on your enormous dick, being destroyed by your massive member," Diana urged.

"Diana that is so wrong!" Kay yelled, making tight fists at her side.

Kal thought about taking Kay's young, thin body, and pushing himself into her, as he suckled on her perky breasts. He wanted to feel the depths of his cousin's tight cunt. He had crossed over. He wanted this incest. Kal could no longer hide his growing cock, and it stood tall at twelve inches in front of him, pulsing with desire. Kay stared wide eyed at the development, and gasped.

"Ohmigod. you like what she is saying?" Supergirl whispered.

"Oh yes he does, the steel hard dick is proof," Diana answered for him.

Kay stared at her cousin's package. Never before had she laid eyes on a man's southern region and she was mesmerized. Kal's dick was a thick pole of masculinity, pulsing with vigor. His head was beautifully round and his entire foot of meat was perfectly straight. Kay felt ashamed of herself for gazing so intensely.

"Are they all so huge?" she asked in astonishment, unaware she said it out loud.

"Oh no, your cousin is a very special man," Lois chimed in out of nowhere.

Kay walked toward her cousin until she was an inch away from his cock. Her big eyes looked up into his, filled with wonder and confusion.

"Is that what you want cousin? You want to fuck me?" the teenaged kryptonian said, her heart beating fiercely.

Kal stared at her and had no idea how to answer. His little cousin was asking if he wanted to incestuously have her. She was untainted. She was an innocent virgin. He desperately wanted to take that away from her. He kept his mouth shut despite his feelings.

"Oh Clark, violate this young cunt," Diana said, becoming impatient.

Supergirl snapped her head towards Wonder Woman, fire in her eyes.

"I'm not fucking my cousin Diana, even if he wanted that," she said coldly.

"I'll have to force you then," Diana responded, her eyes filled with joy.

Wonder Woman produced her lasso of truth seemingly from nowhere and with a flick of her wrist, it wrapped itself tightly around Kay's midriff. The young kryptonian struggled to remove it, but did not succeed. Kay rested her hand on her hips and tilted her head towards Diana.

"Do you really want me to heat vision your head off?" she asked plainly.

"Do you want to fuck your cousin?" Diana questioned, smiling.

"Yes," Supergirl answered without missing a beat.

Kay raised and hand to her mouth quickly and squeaked in surprise. Her face felt hot and she looked at her cousin. Kal's eyes widened and his massive member pulsed. Kay looked away immediately, astonished and ashamed of her response.

"Maybe you didn't mean to admit it, but that means you want your cousin's cock inside of you. You are bound by my lasso of truth," Diana smugly explained.

Before Kay had time to respond to the amazon, Kal lunged forward. He placed his hand behind Kay's head and lifted her mouth to his lips, kissing her deeply. Kay tried to struggle from her cousin's grip, but eased into his embrace as she began to enjoy his lips. The racing thoughts in Supergirl's mind stopped as she experienced her first kiss. After a moment, Kal parted from her sweet face, and gazed upon her.

"Kal...that was..," Kay lost her words.

"Don't be nice Clark, take what you want. Take her right in front of your wife," Diana ordered, licking her lips.

Without any hesitation, Kal grabbed Kay's half-shirt, and ripped it to shreds in a swift swoop. Supergirl, taken by complete surprise, gasped as her pleasantly developed rack bounced into the view of a man for the first time. Her perfectly shaped nipples hardened as a breeze blew over the roof of the Daily Planet.

"Kal, stop, you shouldn't be doing this," Kay protested, trying to cover herself.

Ignoring his cousin's words, Kal reached out and took the young girl's breasts into his hands. Her chest was flush and felt wonderfully warm. The soft flesh of her breasts felt fantastic under his palms as he began to knead. Supergirl's eyes rolled as a sensation of pleasure that was new to her body washed over her. She had never felt so good. Kal's hands were strong and commanding, pushing her breasts in the direction he wished them. Dampness began to cover her southern region, and she became intrigued. She wanted to explore the feeling deeper, but felt shame in letting her cousin have her like this.

"Kal...this feels so good," Kay softly admitted, her breathing getting heavy.

Kal took her approval as invitation to lower his lips to her small, pink nipples, and suckle intensely. Kay gasped as new sensations filled her, feeling her nipples pleasured for the first time. She pushed her young chest forward, welcoming Kal's mouth on her erect teats. Her feelings of shame were being drowned by exciting new lust.

"You want your cousin to gag you with his big, bulging, cock, don't you?" Diana teased, not letting go of her grip on the lasso tied to Kay.

Kay dropped to her knees, feeling drawn to Kal's powerful looking member. She marveled at its perfection, an inch away from her cute nose. Kay got her first good look at a man's balls and noted how impressed she was with the size of Kal's testicles. She did not yet know how much she wanted the load they held inside them. Sexual hunger slowly replaced the teenaged innocence in her eyes and she was unable to resist the power of Wonder Woman's lasso any longer. She looked up into Kal's eyes as she answered the Amazon's question.

"Yes, I want my cousin's cock shoved down my throat," Kay admitted, the dirtiest words she ever uttered escaping her lips.

"Oblige her Kal," Diana ordered.

Kal pushed the tip of his thick head past the teenaged Kryptonian's lips and gasped as he entered her warm mouth. Kay's eyes widened as her first blowjob began. A small amount of precum glazed her tongue as Kal pushed further in, and she savored the sweet taste. Her quiet thoughts quickly turned to discomfort as Kal's massive dick approached fitting eight inches of his pole in her mouth. Kay coughed slightly, not expecting his tree trunk to give her difficulty.

"Oh my," Diana cooed, "little girl can't handle her first dick being so large."

A furious rage built inside of Kay at Diana's comment. It was her first time with a cock in her mouth, and it seemed that she was failing to do what she needed. She breathed through her nose deeply, and concentrated on the task at hand. There was no way she was going to embarrass herself in front of Diana, Kara, or Kal's wife. Kay grabbed Kal's ass, and drove her face into his pelvis.

Superman shouted in pleasurable surprise as his full twelve inches was forced deeply into his cousin's throat. Kay gagged so hard, tears instantly began to run down her cheeks, but she forced herself to engulf the cock of steel. Hums of discomfort accompanied her many gags as Kal's rigid manhood began to fuck her tight throat.

"Gag that young bitch Kal," Diana encouraged, "Lois and Kara will want a better view of this."

Wonder Woman motioned for Power Girl and Lois to come closer to the action. Both obliged and watched intently as the man of steel drilled his young cousin's mouth cavity. Soon, the two women became wet and pleasured themselves to the erotic sight. Wonder Woman smiled fiercely as her plan came together so nicely.

Kay's eyes became puffy and red from her tears as Kal punished her inexperienced mouth roughly, forcing her to learn her sexual duty. Her domination led to immense pain, which made her feel so humiliated. She couldn't explain why it was making her so wet. Kal grabbed the back of her blonde locks and increased his pace of thrusting.

"Oh I know when my husband is about to cum," Lois said while going to town on herself, "and he is gonna blow soon."

"It would please me immensely if you choked your cousin by shooting your load down her throat Clark," Diana said with a sweet command in her voice.

Kay's mind raced and her face became hotter than it already was. She could hardly see, nearly blinded by tears, but she knew her cousin was about to release the contents of his balls. She had never before seen, let alone tasted, ejaculate, and exciting fear and confusion gripped her. All she could be certain of was the euphoria she felt knowing her cousin was about to cum because of her mouth. She braced herself as best as she could.

Kal grabbed the back of her hair painfully and shoved himself deeper in the young kryptonian's throat than ever before. Kay gagged and coughed appropriately, and to appear as if she expected the pain, she cupped her cousin's testicles on impulse. Kal could hold back no longer.

"Take my cum cousin!" Kal shouted.

The first of many ropes of jizz shot into the back of Kay's throat, filling her cavity with warm, white seed. Kay choked as Kal's bountiful load pumped into her belly. She struggled to lift off Kal's pulsing dick, but he held her head steady. A few minutes passed, and Kal reluctantly pulled himself from his cousin, and she dropped to the floor. She gasped intensely, feeling as if she would vomit. The feeling soon drifted away and she realized how much she loved the sweet taste to her cousin's delicious sperm. It only fueled her desire for new experiences this night.

"I bet you thought that was delicious," Diana said, releasing Kay from her lasso.

"I...," Kay hesitated for a moment, "...loved it."

"Well I don't need this anymore," Diana said, tossing her lasso away.

Diana bent down towards Kara and Lois, where they pleasantly fingered one another and groped at each other. She whispered something Kay didn't bother to use her super hearing on, for she was too absorbed in her unfulfilled sexual frustration.

"I'm not done," Kal said, regaining his composure from his release.

"Of course you aren't done," Diana responded, licking her lips.

"I'm glad this happened," Kay started to say, "but maybe I should stop before we go further."

She was betraying her own desires, but she was embarrassed to let her cousin have her like he did. Only a small bit of regret touched her thoughts. She rose, and looked at her cousin, thanking him with her eyes.

"Kara, stop her from leaving," Diana commanded loudly.

Power Girl used her super speed to lunge forward and grab Supergirl's arms. She wrapped them behind her back and rendered the teenager helpless. Kay struggled but could not shake the busty blonde. Diana laughed at her efforts and motioned for Lois to walk over to Supergirl.