Sun, Sand & Seduction Ch. 01


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The three of us lay in silence in the still of the early evening. Alice slipped her hand on my chest and softly rubbed my chest and stomach. Sharon noticed and added her hand. Together they moved up and down my front, from neck to the top of my pubic region.

Alice then placed her hand on my flaccid penis. Her hand was warm and soft and felt good against my bare flesh. Sharon reached between my legs and gently cupped my balls. She massaged them tenderly.

Alice broke the silence, but not her caress on my penis.

"Owen, you said before that you did not think we would make love tonight. Is that because of us or you?"

"Oh, definitely because of me. You both are so sensual, attractive and intriguing. I feel like I have only seen the tiniest glimpse of the complexities of each of you. I would love to explore you physically and then lose myself in your mind, your personality. I am simply blown away that each of you has a man that ignores this treasure in front of him every day.

"But, I cannot give myself to you without you wanting the gift. What we would have would be very, very good sex. I don't mean to compliment myself, but I have learned from experts how to make love to a woman. And, I sense in each of you an ember that just needs a breath to make it flame. So, I know it would be hot, wild and ever so satisfying. "

"Jesus, I'm fucking wet just listening to you," said Alice.

"Ditto," echoed Sharon.

"That's the point. We all could just let it go and have a fantastic night of pleasure. But, in a couple days Ann Marie is coming back, and, the harsh reality is I will put you aside in a second. Is that what you want? You have a husband, and a family. You want to give that up for one night and then live with, perhaps, regret for breaking the bond?

"I am not a defender of marriage. I think people can be committed to each other without the legalities. I also think that some relationships can include more than two people. But, I am not sure the two of you are of the same mind. I believe you are not happy right now. If so, make a positive decision. We are very close to edge of what we can do here, on this bed at this time, without risking something major in your life. I am sure you never thought this morning that you would end up naked in bed with a man you hardly knew and another naked woman. I am also certain that even this afternoon you didn't even remotely consider that in a few hours you'd be lying nude with your hands on my dick and balls. So, this is not a positive decision, it is a reaction. A sensuous and exciting reaction, but is it something you want to hang your entire future on? So, yes I'd love to fuck both of you, but you both control the course. Maybe, you can decide that sex for sex is good and engage without regret. I just don't know."

I stopped talking, but the soft hands continued to enclose my most private parts.

Alice spoke first. "Well, you certainly got one thing right, I never thought I'd have some guy's pecker in my hand tonight."

We all laughed.

"But, you're right about a lot of the other stuff. Can you believe this is only the fifth penis I've ever touched? I was not a virgin when I married, but I only had sex a few times—five penises in all, if we are counting--before I got married. I know I come across as some wild thing, but I am really a traditional little girl. I love my son, I love him more than life. I am not happy with my marriage, but I'm not sure I want to chuck it out, either. So, yeah, the thought of sex with you is tempting, but I'm not sure I could handle the aftermath. But, then again maybe I could and maybe I want to try.

"All that being said, I am really turned on right now, and wetter than I've been in years."

"God, Alice, sometimes you are over the line," said Sharon.

"Hey, before you agreed you were wet, right? And, so, are you? Are you, Sharon?"

In the smallest of voices, Sharon said yes. "But, I get so embarrassed talking about it. It's like a good girl wouldn't be like that."

Alice laughed. "Sharon, you are totally nude lying on a bed with me, your fuckin' sister-in-law, who is also totally nude, and you have your hand on a guy's balls. With all that, you think you're such a 'good girl' that you can't admit your turned on. Come on."

"Well, when you put it like that..." As she spoke she pushed Alice's hand off my penis and snuggled my member in her hand. Alice snorted a laugh and lifted my sac. "Shit, these are awesome."

"Yeah, they are. I never felt any like that. I never got turned on by a guy's scrotum, but I definitely like the feel of these," asserted Sharon.

"The thing is, Owen," said Alice. "Sometimes I wonder if you couldn't just turn off all the complexities of life for one night, and just go for it. Just let it happen. Enjoy the moment."

"That sounds like a bad beer commercial," said Sharon, "but I get your point. Right now, I think I could let my sexual desires take over. I almost think I could fuck you. But right now, I want to kiss you down there."

Slowly she moved her head toward my crotch. On the way she glanced at Alice with a sheepish grin. Alice lifted my penis and Sharon kissed the tip. She slipped her hand over Alice's and took my tip inside her mouth. She sucked gently, kissed my tip, working her tongue under my foreskin. Finally, she released me and kissed her way up my stomach and caressed my lips with hers.

"Wow," I said, "that was beautiful. Is that a prelude for more to come?"

Sharon was resting her head on my shoulder.

"I can't say," she spoke into my skin. "But that was delightful. I still can't get my mind around screwing you, though."

"OK, so maybe no fucking tonight or maybe not," I said. "Interesting. But, now I do have a question you can answer, since we are apparently speaking the truth. Before I mentioned that you probably saw each other naked before, and you two exchanged a weird look. What gives?"

Each woman lifted her head and looked at the other. They then broke out in peals of laughter. After catching their breath, Alice explained.

"Well, you know we're married to twins. We always go on vacation together, and have regular dinners together, go over to their parents' house together. In short, our lives are co-mingled. As the years have gone on, both Sharon and I noticed that the boys seemed mighty curious about the other's wife. After a swimming party at their parents, my husband would try to casually say something like, "Gee, Sharon is looking good. That was a nice suit she had on. It showed off her body really well. Uh, she has a pretty big chest, it seems."

"Yeah," Sharon continued, "and mine would say, 'Boy, that Alice is something. She's a little fox. Not that much on top, but I bet she looks great naked."

Both women shook their heads. Sharon continued. "Of course, Alice and I would share these little comments. We also shared that by this time sex was a monthly occurrence at best. So, Alice got an idea that maybe we should give the boys a treat and maybe fire up the old engine again."

Alice picked up the story. "So, one weekend we suggested we have a cookout and swimming party at their parents' house. We each had one child by then, and we arranged for one babysitter to watch them both at my place. The guys at first tried to put it off because their parents were gone on vacation. We told them that was the point, we'd have the pool to ourselves.

"That was enough to plant a seed even in that dense soil that constitutes their imaginations. So, all of a sudden, they were all for the idea. I'm sure they imagined a skinny-dipping party and each were dying to see what his brother's wife looked like naked.

"The weekend came, and I swear, they wanted to get over there at 10 in the morning. Sharon and I had agreed to wait until the afternoon, and had arranged for the babysitter to come at 1. Everyone met at my house, and the guys were like nervous kittens. They kept pacing, checking out their watches, asking when the sitter was coming, and mostly driving us crazy. Finally, she arrived and we gave her instructions and the number to reach us. The boys had us in our cars in less than a minute.

"We arrive at the house and they carried in the cooler of beer—always a necessity—and another cooler with the steaks and fixings. They hardly plopped the stuff on the deck when they suggested we go swimming. Sharon and I played like we didn't feel like it, and would work getting the food ready. They tried to change our minds, but we acted like we really didn't want to swim. Finally, my husband just blurted our, 'Fuck the fuckin' food, we want to go skinny-dipping.'

"Sharon and I acted shocked and asked what they meant. Now, our dear hubbies are normally as eloquent as a sixteen year old boy asking a girl out for the first time. So, they stumbled and stammered that they thought that's what we meant by having the place to ourselves. We responded what a silly idea that was. We meant that we wouldn't be bothered by our kids or their parents and could have a nice quite meal, just the four of us.

"Well, if disappointment had a face it was painted on our men. I actually thought Sharon's hubby was going to cry. So, then I said, you really want to go skinny-dipping. It was like I had just thrown a drowning man a life preserver. 'Yeah' was the most coherent answer we got.

"So, we said, well it's kinda dumb, but I guess we could. Well, the guys ran to the pool and stripped faster then either of us thought possible. They were facing us, and for the first time we saw both twins naked. They each are about 40-50 pounds overweight and it's all gut and ass. They have these funny little dicks that seem even smaller because of the stomachs looming over them. They both also shared a slack-jawed look of anticipation.

"Sharon and I played it to the hilt. We slowly shed our shirts and shorts. I went first and unsnapped my bra and let it fall. My husband did not even glance in my direction, but my brother-in-law actually had a little drool going. Sharon then said she was having trouble with the clasp of her front closing bra. She said she had a paper cut and couldn't use her fingers all that well. So I stepped behind her, and slowly reached my arms around coming over her shoulders and down over her breasts, still confined in the bra. I let my hands go over the cups, giving them a squeeze, and then fidgeted with the clasp, finally getting it undone and letting the puppies loose. I saw the boys had decent chubbies sticking up under their bellies. I let my hands travel up back over her naked breasts, and said "Ooh, Sharon, these are so nice.' The guys actually meowed. We each turned our backs on them and eased off our panties. Together, we turned around and gave the boys the full Monty. Both now had the best erections either of us had seen in months. We walked toward the pool and dove in. The boys flopped after us. We began playing keep away with a beach ball—boys against the girls. Somehow, as if it were by accident—right—Sharon's husband was circling me and mine near her. As each of us struggled to get the ball, we'd rub against our brother-in-law, pushing our asses against their tiny boners. They were in heaven. I then suggested we have a horse fight. I said let's have brother against brother, but with different wives. So, I climbed on my brother-in-law's shoulders and Sharon did likewise. I don't know how we kept from peeing, we were holding our laughter in so much. So, we begin fighting, all time I'm grinding my bare pussy on my brother-in-law's neck and Sharon is doing the same. It was then I think we both realized we had never seen each other naked, either. I saw Sharon's big boobs bouncing around, and the sides of her pubic patch sticking out behind my husband's head. I admit it was an erotic site. Sharon admitted she was checking out my body and felt about the same way.

"Anyway, we soon declared a tie and we each climbed down. Of course, we managed to sort of turn as we slid off and rubbed our titties on the boys' chests. We had agreed before hand, that given the chance we'd give the boys a real memory. As I reentered the water, I turned away from Sharon's husband and then pretended to slip. I fell backwards into his arms. His hands grabbed me and slipped up on to my breasts. At the same time, I pushed my tush into his boner. I thought he was going to have a heart attack by the sound he made. I acted surprised and asked if that was what I thought it was. I reached between his legs and pulled his little boner. He sorta' whimpered. I called out to Sharon that I found something hard and pointy in the water. I only pulled him a couple times, because I didn't want him cuming then.

"Sharon told me, she slid all the way down my husband's front, letting her pussy rub against his boner, and as she was steadying herself reached out and grabbed his hard-on. She immediately said, Oops, sorry, but didn't push away. She, too, gave him a mini hand job. She answered that she found one, too. I then asked Chuck if he thought my boobs were too small compared to Sharon's. All he could do was stand there with his mouth open. So, keeping one hand on his weeny boner, I put one of his hands on my tit. He had the smarts to put his other hand on my other tit. He started squeezing them way too hard and I backed away. He took the hint and just played with them.

"Bruce saw what his brother was doing and reached for Sharon's boobs. We let them play with us for a short while, all the time teasing their erections with our hands and rubbing our pussies against them. Each of the guys kissed our tits and sucked nipple. I confirmed with Sharon latter that it was more of a slobbering than anything else.

"Breaking away, we both went to the side and climbed out. We stood there letting them look up at us, right into our bare pussies.

"And, just to push all their buttons, we dried each other off, not sparing any part of the other. We finished with a little kiss on the lips,"

"I then said I need my man right now, and Sharon agreed. They hoisted their fat butts out, still with woodies. We had agreed before to push to one last point. Quickly dropping to our knees we each took the other's husband's erection in our mouths. The guys whimpered as we gave them the beginnings of a blow job. We sucked until we each knew the other's husband was getting to close to coming. Comparing notes later, we agreed that those little peckers felt the same in our mouths.

"We stopped and stood up. I said I wanted to fuck my husband in the bed he grew up in. I think he was hoping we'd switch partners, but that was never in the cards. He then figured my pussy was better than none, and followed me upstairs. Sharon dragged her man into their parents' bed. It turned into a major event for both of us. The guys lasted almost four minutes, and I actually got a second round when after the first fuck, I started talking about how Sharon looked nude, how beautiful her tits were, how they felt when I was drying them, and what a sweet kisser she was, and how did her mouth feel on his cock, and what did he think of how her boobs felt, and did he like her hand on his dick. And, miracle of miracles, the old boy rose to the occasion, and I rode him to a near orgasm. It was the closest I came to an orgasm with him in three years, and the only time I've ever been that close with him since."

All during the story, both Alice and Sharon had the giggles and seemed to delight in retelling the adventure. Sharon summed up by saying that she could only get "one hump out of her man." She wished she had thought as quickly as Alice and maybe she could have had a two-fer.

The women still held me in their hands, and I was at full mast as they softly stroked me up and down.

"So," I asked, "is this the second time you've seen each other naked?"

Sharon responded no. "Since that time, we've been more relaxed with each other. I've seen Sharon nursing a bunch of times and,..."

"And, what?" I asked.

Alice looked at Sharon. She just smiled and nodded.

"And, one time I suckled her breast and tasted her milk."

"Wow, that sounds very exciting," I said.

"Yeah, whatever," said Alice. "So, it's no big deal if we jump in the same bathroom to change, or when we are at the beach house we rent, we share a shower and wash each other's hair."

"Just hair, nothing more?' I quizzed.

"Owen, you have a dirty mind," chided Alice with a little squeeze on my balls that made me squirm. "I admit that we both agreed that kissing each other that day was sexy, and that I truly did like the feel of her boobs. And, I enjoyed nursing her boob. But, I'm sure neither one of us has any desire to have real sex with each other, or, for that matter, that either of us has ever had sex with a woman. That little show we put on for our husbands was just a show. Right, Sis?"

Sharon's hand stopped its slow stroking of my penis. The silence in the room was total.

"Sharon, right?" repeated Alice. "You don't want to have sex with me, do you?"

"Of course not. I love that we are best friends and sisters-in-law. But, I'd be lying if I didn't say you are incredibly beautiful and have a fantastic figure. I like looking at you naked. And the time you tasted my milk, well, I never told you this, but I had an orgasm when you were doing it."

"Wholly shit! And, I thought I was being weird because I got wet when I was sucking your nipple. I think that just looking is great and I think you are so pretty," said Alice, "and, yes, you are sexy when you are naked. But, I don't think that means we want to have sex with each other. Does it?"

"You didn't answer the other part of the question, Sharon," I put in. "You didn't say if you'd ever had sex with a woman."

Alice butted in. "Of course she didn't, Owen. God, you guys just love thinking about two women together. So, put his dirty little mind to rest, Sharon. Tell him."

Again, the silence.

"Sharon, come on. Tell him, no way, no how."


I leaned my head toward Sharon and kissed her hair. "It's Okay, sweetie. You don't have to say anything, and you certainly don't have to answer that question."

I felt her hand tighten on my penis, as she snuggled her head into the space between my neck and shoulder. She then turned on her side and drooped her leg over mine and fit her body to me, still keeping a hold of my member. I sensed her need for reassurance and held her more tightly.

In her little girl voice, Sharon said, "I've never been with another man since we got married—well until right now as I hold a huge erection in my hand. But, I do get so lonely, and feel so starved for love and affection. I wasn't looking for this; it was something that sorta' happened. I never thought I would breathe a word of this to another soul, but now I want to. Owen, what about the lobsters?"

I laughed. "The ever practical Sharon. I put them in a warm oven, all wrapped up. They'll stay warm and moist. So, tell us, Sharon. Tell us your story."

Alice also turned on her side and drooped a leg over mine. She moved her hand off my sac. I immediately missed the tender caress she was providing. Her hand then travelled to the cheek of her sister-in-law.

"It's all right, darling. I love you and you can tell me anything. If you want to share, do it."

Sharon took her hand from my penis and put it on Alice's face, "Thank you and I love you, too."

They leaned their heads across my chest, and softly kissed each other and smiled, then kissed on the lips again in a tender fashion. They seemed to enjoy the sensation and kissed again, even longer this time.

I was touched by this tenderness, but was sad to loose the intimacy their hands had provided.

"Alice, first, I need you to be totally honest with me," she said as she looked at Alice.

"Ok, I will."

"You never had sex with a woman. Not even once."