Straight Outta Coxville


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Tonja lifted her hips up, angling it right so that it could pass through her cervix. She didn't need resizing.

Corinne watched jealously as the black dildo buried deep inside Tonja's pussy. She leaned over and licked Tonja's navel. Her finger pressing the familiar button that ran the vibrating dildo through its cycles. She licked under Tonja's bellybutton and down along the crease of her pubic mound and her thigh. Her tongue flickered over the dildo and Tonja's clit just as the vibrations switched to the maximum setting. Tonja's hips were rising quickly and Corinne could hear her whimpering. Her tongue flickered quicker and just as the dildo switched to spurt mode, she sucked the swollen clit hard between her lips. Tonja cried out, cumming hard.

Corinne watched the base of the dildo pull up into Tonja's pussy as the black woman's vaginal muscles squeezed tightly down around it. The muscles switched direction and the dildo was shoved the other way and Tonja's orgasm forced nearly half the shaft out, her pubic mound throbbing like crazy until eventually, she pulled her clit out of Corinne's lips.

Corinne reached down and flickered the vibrator off, pulling the dildo out and planting another respectful kiss on Tonja's wet clit. She sat up, holding the dildo up unintentionally holding it so that it looked like a hard cock sticking up between Tonja's legs. It was dripping with Tonja's arousal. Corinne leaned in and licked some off around the head. She liked it and licked some more off.

Tonja watched her intently. "I've often wondered what it would be like to have a cock like my husband, to be inside a woman, to know what it feels like to cum like a man."

Corinne nodded, though she'd never had thoughts like that. Then just as she'd kissed Tonja's pussy or Leon's cock head. She planted one last kiss on the tip of the dildo while staring up at Tonja. The black woman seemed to like that and smiled down at her.

Corinne laid the cock down and crawled up next to the black woman. Tonja opened her arm and Corinne snuggled up next to her, the black woman clearly in the dominant position. Tonja stared up at the ceiling. Corinne watched her white hand caressing Tonja's body, sliding along her breasts and toying with her nipples. The contrast between their skin colors was every bit as arousing as it had been with Leon. After a short period of time, there was a noticeable swelling in Tonja's black nipple. Tonja turned into her and the two women kissed again.

The second time was more intimate and affectionate. Tonja's anger was gone and there was no spanking, no dildo, and no talking. There was just a lot of gasping and moaning. Tongues found brown nipples and pink. They kissed and caressed up and down each other's bodies with an emotional connection that only two women could have. Eventually, Corinne found herself on top Tonja, facing the opposite direction, her tongue wiggling into Tonja's brown pussy while Tonja's tongue was licking up her pink folds across her perineum and probing at her anus.

Both women tensed up, cumming together, and ending with a final kiss on the other's pussy.

Corinne rolled off the black woman and crawled up to snuggle again, but Tonja just put her hands under her head and stared up at the ceiling. "You can go now," she said.

Corrine froze a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay." She slid off the bed and searched the floor for her panty, stepping into it when she found it and her sweat pants. "Thanks. That was an... experience." She tied the drawstring on her sweats.

Tonja finally turned her head towards Corinne. "I don't ever want to see you again. Understand?"

Corinne nodded. "I understand," she responded feeling very sad.

"That includes my husband."

Corinne nodded again. She didn't answer, just turned around and left the bedroom. Her bare breasts bounced down the stairs. She fought to hold the tears back, just wanting to get away and leave their house for good. She left her bra off and just pulled the Cougar's sweatshirt over her head. She cheered up a little on the drive home. At least she hadn't broken up their marriage. She loved them both and wanted the best for them.


Corinne returned home or at least her home for the next two days. She was glad Simon wasn't home showering or doing his laundry. She still felt bad for hurting him, but she really didn't want to see him again. She glanced at the calendar on the wall. She'd drawn a big X in the square two days from now.

The day she was leaving for home. The date was... Corinne frowned; her brow furrowed as she worked out the math. The date couldn't be right. She did the math in her head. Her last period had been just over a week before she'd had sex with Leon for the first time.

"Oh no!" cried Corinne as she realized just what that might mean. She turned around and headed back out the door.

Forty-five minutes later, she was sitting on her toilet, rocking with her legs drawn up staring at the pregnancy test sitting in a cup of her urine. "Dear God, please don't make me pregnant. Please don't make me pregnant," she muttered. It would explain so much, why her period was late and why her cervix was closed up tight. She pulled the home kit out, stomach-dropping as the second line appeared.



"CORINNE!" Rose sprang up from her seat, well not quite sprang, but she got up quickly for an old woman. "I thought you were going to leave without saying goodbye."

"I couldn't do that," said Corinne, giving the secretary a hug.

"You look horrible," said Rose, tactlessly. She stepped back looking her up and down.

"I didn't get much sleep last night," she replied faking a smile. Corinne had one of those nights where her mind was too active to sleep as she debated whether or not she should tell Leon. He had the right to know, but at the same time, it might damage his marriage further. When she did sleep, she had waking dreams, as weird as the dreams she'd been having since September. She was dressed in an antebellum white lacy dress, running from the Coxville townhall and former plantation of the Cox family. Her sister was with her dressed similarly and leading her into a barn to see a bearded black slave sitting on a bale of hale with a monstrous black cock dangling between his legs. She'd never seen the man before but swore she'd had dreams about him. "Is he in?"

"Oh yes," nodded Rose. "I'm sure he'd be thrilled to see you. He's not been himself since the fight with his wife, but I think they've worked things out. He's in a good mood."

"Thanks." Corinne took a deep breath and knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

Leon rose from his desk, looking up as she walked in just as he had the first time she'd walked in his office. A smile tried to spread across his face seeing her, but he composed himself. "You shouldn't be here," he said, nervously.

"I know," she replied, taking her last sight of him in. "I need to tell you something." She paused, but he said nothing. "I'm pregnant. You're the father."

Leon sat down heavily in the chair. "You're... you're sure it's not someone else's?"

Her cheeks flushed with anger. "I haven't been with any other men."

"I mean Simon?"

"Oh," she calmed down. She no longer counted her ex-fiancé as a man anymore. "He's always worn a condom."

"I see." Leon looked stunned and was staring blankly off into space. His face was a mix of emotions, at times looking horrified, and at other times it looked like he was overjoyed at the thought of impregnating her.

"Don't worry. I don't want money from you and I don't want to hurt your marriage any more than I already have. I thought you had the right to know about it. All I know is that I want this baby and I'll be the best mother I possibly can to it."

"You don't want me to acknowledge that it's mine?"

"That's up to you. You're the father. You have the right to know, but I don't want anything from you."

"But you've already taken everything from us," said Tonja's voice behind her.

Corinne spun around, stepping back. Tonja was reaching for the lamp that had replaced the last one she'd smashed. She regained control, yanking her hand back. "I'm sorry," said Corinne. "I didn't know yesterday. I just found out."

"God, you're a bitch. I hate you so much." Tonja's face scrunched up and the tears began pouring down her cheeks. "You've given him the one thing I can never give him."

Leon strode forward around his desk, arms outstretched. A part of Corinne wished he was coming to give the mother of his child a hug, but she was happy to see him hug his wife to his large chest. She sobbed burying her head. "I hate her. I hate her. I hate her," she muttered over and over.

Corinne turned to leave, glancing back. Leon was holding his wife tightly, but staring at her. She nodded at her ex-boss, turned and left, walking past a stunned Rose.


"Jesus, I must be cursed or something," said Corinne laying down in the bed again. The events of the day playing through in her head. She hoped she hadn't fucked up their chances of getting back together. She didn't know what she was going to do anymore either. Her parents would freak out if she gave birth to a black baby.

She wanted to be on the road as long as possible and needed to sleep, but this night was as bad as the last when it came to a good night's sleep.

The bearded man was hanging from a rope. The townspeople's heads turned her way as she walked up to the dangling black man. Her sister watched, dressed once again for the pre-civil war period. Corinne, however, was wearing her Coxville Cougars sweat clothes.

The hanging man wasn't dead, but smiling down at her, the noose tight around his neck. His cock was rock hard and lined up with her mouth. She looked up at him in awe.

"I'm not Jesus and you are not cursed, my child. You have received my blessing, the blessing of Damballah and this boy will be the first of Damballah's blessings. I'm returning and he shall be one of my heralds upon this earth. Bear me many heralds and serve me well."

Corinne lowered her head and stared at the black magnificent cock pointed at her face. She stepped forward and looked back up at the bearded slave as she kissed the tip of his hard cock just as a cold mist engulfed them both.

"Worry not, for things will work out in the end," said his voice just as the snapping of his neck echoed through the mist.

"NO!" she cried, sitting up in bed, tears pouring down her cheeks at the injustice of it all even as her memory of the dream faded.


All, she remembered of the dream the next morning were the words, "Worry not, for things will work out in the end." She sat in her car, resting one hand on her belly as she started it. She actually smiled at the thought of going home and seeing her parents and old friends. There was something else she missed about Coxville to.

"Floyd's Barbecue," said Leon's voice in her head.

She smiled and drove off.

She hadn't quite left Baltimore when her phone rang. She glanced at it, Leon's number flashing on the screen. She felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She shouldn't answer. It had to be more bad news. Why should she answer? She couldn't answer, she was driving. She didn't want to get pulled over.

The call went to voice mail.

Corinne pulled over for gas and checked the voicemail.

"Hey Corinne," said Leon's voice. "I hope I caught you before you left. Tonja and I would like to talk to you at the house. Please stop by or give us a call."

Corinne froze, the clicking of the trigger on the gas pump snapping her back to her senses. She didn't know what to do. Should she call back? Should she just let it go and be on her way? She wasn't far from their house from where she was. It wasn't far out of the way. Maybe, Leon wanted to acknowledge the baby and support it financially? Maybe...

Corinne turned the car towards their house, the Jonson's mini-mansion appearing down the road.

"Everything's going to be alright," she told herself, even as a sinking feeling filled her. The best reason she could come up with for them to want to see her was not something she would agree to.

They wanted her baby!


Leon had a security camera recording his long driveway. He and Tonja were standing before their front door when she pulled up. She stopped the car and got out. Leon smiled at her. "Thanks for com.."

"You can't have my baby," she said.

"Can we at least talk?" said Tonja.

"You can't have him."

"Him?" Leon asked, perking up.

She held both hands over her belly. "It's a boy. Don't ask me how I know, I just know."

"Come on in," said Tonja, smiling and holding her hand out for Corinne. "We have a proposal for you."

Corinne reached out and took the proffered hand. They led her into the house. "I'm confused.

Yesterday, you were calling me a bitch and telling me you hated me."

"I had good cause," said Tonja.

"But, she's calmed down and we've had time to think it over," added Leon. "Just hear us out."

"I will," she said, sitting on the couch as Tonja led her over to it. The black couple sat on the loveseat and held their hands in Tonja's lap. "I just don't know what you have to offer. I want this baby more than anything. I know this sounds weird, but I feel as though I'm meant to have this baby."

"And we want you to have it," said Leon, smiling. He seemed happy. "And we want you to live with us."

"What?" said Corinne, dumbfounded.

Tonja took a deep breath. "I can't have children, Corinne. We want you to live here. You keep working for Leon and when you're away, I'll watch the children."


"Yes, Leon and I always wanted a large family, at least four children," Tonja said, while Leon nodded hopefully beside her.

"Are you saying Leon and I can keep..."

"Fucking? Yes, you can keep fucking." Tonja glanced down. "I see you like the idea." Corinne's nipples had popped out through her top. "He's certainly man enough for both of us. You can share a room when you're away together and you can have the master bedroom when I have a job. And you can share the master bedroom with me when Leon's away." Tonja licked her lips, looking down lustfully at the nubs pushing out through Corinne's top.

"The guest rooms yours," added Leon, "but honestly, our bed is big enough for the three of us."

"Uh, seriously?" Corinne furrowed her brows.

The black couple nodded. "It will be tough keeping up with our schedules, but Leon was always impressed with your organizational skills. "I'd still be in charge of the household. You'd be something like a second wife."

"WOW!" gasped Corinne.

"Do you really need to think about it?" asked Tonja. Corinne's eyes followed Tonja's hand over to Leon's lap. "Do you need more persuading?" Leon lifted his hips as his wife fished his cock out of his pants.

Corinne licked her lips, staring hungrily at Leon's cock. "You don't play fair."

"He's been hard since I told him about my revenge fuck with you." Tonja slipped off the couch to her knees. "We'll have to reenact it for him sometime if you agree to our proposal." She leaned over and licked around Leon's cock head. "Come join us?"

"I think I will," said Corinne falling to her own knees beside Tonja. The black woman leaned in and kissed Corinne before both women turned their attention to giving Leon the best blow job of his life.


Leon was wearing his jersey, jumping in his seat and tossing a football up and down, staring intently at the television. Corinne was laying back on the long couch, staring intently at her tablet, her legs in Tonja's lap while Tonja rubbed her feet. Both women were wearing their game day shirts. They were Saint's jerseys with Leon's number, but they were half shirts that left the stomachs bare and barely covered their breasts. Corinne's lower belly had a four-month pregnancy bulge. She was wearing a Saint's cheerleader skirt while Tonja had on white short shorts.

Leon jumped up and slapped the football down hard. "That's the game! The Saints are going to the Superbowl!" New Orleans had just beat the Vikings in the playoffs.

"YES!" cried Tonja, raising one hand to give her husband a high five.

Corinne looked up. "Who dat? Who dat, Mr. Johnson?" She looked back down at her tablet.

Leon finished a beer. "You ladies want to go to the Superbowl? Watch the Saints beat the Colts?"

They both looked up at him and jumped up. He opened his arms and both women flew into him as the big black man leaned down and kissed them both on the lips. "Yes! GOD DAMN FUCK YEAH!" Leon stepped back and did his touchdown dance. His phone was starting to buzz with texts from his ex-teammates.

Corinne sat back down and picked the tablet up while he looked down at his phone.

"What are you staring at, Cee Cee?" asked Tonja.

"Yeah babe, it's not like you to take your eyes off a game," added Leon.

"This is going to sound dumb, but I was supposed to be on my honeymoon right now. I thought I'd check on Simon to see if he's doing okay."

"Is he?" asked Tonja.

Corinne snorted. "Better than alright. He's got a new girlfriend and he took her on my honeymoon."

"Good for the wimp," said Leon. "Let see her."

Corinne turned the tablet around. "She's a bit nerdy."


"Hell no," said Corinne, indignantly.

"Nerdy hot," grunted Leon, nodding appreciatively. Simon's new girlfriend was by a tiki bar on a beach.

She had a lovely trim body, dark brown hair and black glasses perched on her nose. She was quite pretty. "Looks like she's got eyes for the bartender."

Corinne turned the tablet around and looked down at the picture. She slid over to Tonja and shared it with her. "Damn, I got eyes for the bartender," the black woman added.

The bartender was a shirtless, bald black man with muscles nearly as impressive as Leon's. Simon and his girlfriend were posing for the picture, but Simon's new girlfriend's eyes were turned on the bartender.

"There's a lot of big black men in the pictures." Corinne flipped through Simon's vacation pictures for Tonja.

"That place looks awesome. Where are they?"

"Some new resort in the Caribbean," said Corinne, looking at the last picture and putting the tablet down. "Someplace I never heard of, but Simon picked it out. A place called..."

"Damballah Island."

The End

Author's Note: This was supposed to be a relatively short story, but like many of my stories, it grew on me. Two of the dream sequences were ideas that occurred to me for possible alternative endings, Corinne returning to Coxville County and getting all the cock she can from black athletes or Corinne meeting and hooking up with Lorenzo "Long Dong" Doyle to become an adult film star. I've gotten a few criticisms that too many of my stories end with the women going into porn and never really considered that as an ending outside of her enjoying an actual three-way with Lorenzo and Leon. From the start, I always planned on this one having a happy ending with Corinne, Leon, and Tonja enjoying a rewarding if unconventional relationship.

Astute readers might also have caught the numerous "Animal Farm" references. That wasn't planned, but when I decided to name my alpha character, Napoleon, I tried looking up some of Napoleon's military quotes, but instead, Napoleon the pig from Animal Farm kept coming up, so I went with those references.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great story, and its true, the way Black dick pumps so much cum in a woman. My girlfriend and I found out first hand one night after a BLM rally. She was going around asking guys to smoke us out with weed since she wanted to get high, and as it turned out, several young studs needed their dick sucked. Before the night was over, her hairy pussy was full of nuts, and I rubbbed my nose in it

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This was a great story. The only issue is, it was a bit long and my rabbit died on me at a critical moment, then again, maybe it's me over using the rabbit reading stories on Lit. I enjoyed the fantasy of multiple men pleasing her or is it them pleasing themselves? After 6+ years reading about multiple partners, my hubby and I finally tried it out, first of course for him, it was a close girlfriend joining us, fuck it was hot. I really enjoyed making her cum and vice-versa but I didn't exactly get off on him fucking her but we did it almost a dozen times. My friend and I hook up occasionally. When, it was the 2nd guy, hubby wasn't as interested, so a co-worker and I got it on separately, I had a crush on him and he surprised me with a big cock! When he joined us one evening in our bed maybe his much bigger cock fucking me unnerved my hubby, so it was just the once. The next fantasy try for me will be a black guy, hopefully a BBC but it'll be my secret.

MiniwandMiniwandover 2 years ago

It is the right ending. Any other one would have ruined the story.

ThaDeeThaDeealmost 3 years ago

I love this story so much! It was great, well written as usual and ended on something that I don’t usually see but wouldn’t mind seeing more and that’s a poly relationship. Leon having two wives works out well in my opinion and I’d like to see more of these coxville women start settling down with their black lovers, even if it means having to share like Corinne is with Tonja. One of the best stories you’ve written so far and fits in so well with the Coxville world. You’re an inspiration to me and many others who write these kinds of stories. Keep it up and I can’t wait for the next installment in this great universe you’ve spent so much time crafting. Thank you Stormbringer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great Story

As always Stormbringer I'm highly impressed with your story telling...keep at it

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