Steel Hearts: Oopsie Daisy


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"You're mine. I don't care what happened in those days when you were gone only that you returned to me and recovered from the injuries you sustained. This," Mitch pulled a ring on a chain from his pocket, "Is a Steel Heart ring that everyone who belongs to this family wears. This one is yours temporarily until we can have a smaller one made. You will need to wear it on a chain. Never doubt that you belong here. You are part of our family. But, more importantly, you belong with me. I love you, want you and need you by my side. No more running, just living our best lives together.

"It's okay with your brothers that you give me this?" she asked, reaching up a hand to hold the bold design.

"They are more than happy. Saxon gave it to me downstairs after telling me the small one I ordered would take some time," Mitch said.

"But I caused all this mess, and people got hurt because of me," she pulled her hand away and dipped her eyes again.

"None of this is your fault," Mitch said softly and leaned forward to kiss her. "We all know that the arseholes downstairs did this to us, not the other way around.

"Now, when I put this on, you will be mine to love and cherish and look after, do you understand that?" he asked earnestly, knowing he was asking her to commit to him as he was to her. He watched as her breathing quickened, and she nodded her head. "That's not good enough, Baby. I need to hear you say it," he pushed.

"Yes, I'm yours to look after, and you're mine to look after," she said in a hushed voice. "I want that. I don't want to be alone again and to wonder if anyone would care that I had disappeared into that cell Marco put me in."

"I will always care where you are and what you are doing," Mitch said, placing the necklace over her head and letting the heavy ring fall between her small breasts. "You have always been part of this family. You are one of the two who is Steele by blood, but you would belong here with me even without that."

Daisy held the ring in one hand as she lifted her head and stretched her neck to kiss Mitch. She hadn't realised it would feel this good to belong somewhere and with someone. She still wasn't sure she was ready for the brothers and Grace's enthusiasm for her to be part of this family, but she knew she wanted this and this man who held her tightly as he kissed her back.

Mitch felt her arch against him and ran his hands over her body. It had been over a week since they had been together, and while they were both still recovering, he needed to feel her wrapped around him and possess her as only he could with her. She was his, and he was beyond grateful that she had finally realised the truth of what he had been telling her. His cock couldn't get much harder, and he had to fight back the urge to pick her up, throw her on the bed and fuck her silly.

He let her continue to take the lead as she began to push his shirt up his torso, and she made small huffs of frustration until he finally helped her to pull his shirt off and immediately removed hers along with her bra. Their jeans fell to the floor just as quickly as they kissed and caressed each other. Breaking their kiss, Mitch helped Daisy stand before him, the early afternoon sun making the room bright.

"Baby, I need to see where you're still hurt," Mitch explained as he ran his hands over her body. Most of the superficial defensive bruises had faded to barely a blemish, but her ribs, hips and thighs still bore lingering marks of the abuse she had endured. His chest rumbled with a suppressed growl as his hands gently glided over every inch of her. His hands lingered on her perfectly pert breasts, his fingers lightly pinching and twisting her nipple as he watched her chest rise and fall with her increasing breaths.

Stepping forward between his legs as he tugged gently on her nipples, Daisy gasped as his lips wrapped around her left nipple, and she felt his teeth graze over the swollen nub. She tilted her head back and moaned in a high pitch roll as he sucked hard on the captive nipple while his fingers tightened and twisted on its twin, making her legs weak and her eyes mist as he swapped the attention he was giving one breast to the other now incredibly sensitive pink bud.

As he lost what little self-restraint he had been clinging to, Mitch stood and picked Daisy up, walking into the bedroom and throwing her onto the bed. He needed her, wanted her, had to have her, not only have her but also possess her. Today she had given him that reassurance that she was done running. It fired his need for her to an even higher level as all he wanted to do now was claim her completely.

Mitch growled quietly and then climbed up the bed and took her hands in one of his holding them firmly so she remained pinned beneath him with her hands stretched above her head. He could feel her hips moving up and down, trying to get friction against his hardness and enjoying her attempts at taking a small snippet of control back as he leaned down and kissed her on her lips, swallowing the small noises of complaint she was making. She was such a needy little thing, and he loved her even more for that.

"Patience, Baby," he murmured between kisses and waited for her to realise he would be setting the pace this afternoon. He grinned and began kissing and nibbling on her neck, then moved further down and gently bit one of her nipples which caused her to cry out and buck against him. He took his time savouring her breasts. He loved the reaction he got whenever he dragged his teeth over the sensitive swollen buds of her nipples which made him wonder if I could make her cum just from playing with them. But that was a theory to be tested another day.

Daisy was in heaven as she felt his hand slide slowly down her stomach. She squirmed and whimpered her need for him, her body arching to rub against his again. Then, leaving her breasts and moving his body further down her body, he kissed over her stomach as his hands went to her pussy, making her hips rock against his hand almost violently as she welcomed his touch.

She was so wet that he was surprised. He stopped kissing her stomach and sat up. He placed one hand on her lower belly, pinning her to bed, while the other gently worked over her clit and worked two fingers into her pussy. She looked like she wanted to crawl out of her skin. Mitch had every intention of going down on her and making sure her tight little pussy was ready for him but admitted they were both done waiting. They'd been waiting for weeks, or at least it felt like weeks, and torturing each other with prolonged foreplay was obviously not necessary this afternoon.

Mitch moved back up the bed, hovering over her and pushing her legs up as he moved so that her knees almost touched her chest before curling her feet around his sides.

"Please," Daisy whined as he paused to take her in, his cock poised to enter her, teasing her with his heat and nearness. Her hips rolled as she whimpered her plea to him.

"Yes, Baby," he groaned as he sank deep inside her with small thrusts, ensuring she could take all of him. There was nothing like being inside this woman. She was tight and warm, and her muscles pulsed around him as he closed his eyes and savoured the moment of being completely buried inside the woman he loved. Then, when he opened his eyes again, he watched his Baby glowing in the afternoon light, her body flushed, her eyes closed, and her lips parted as she panted for breath. It was the sexiest thing he had seen since their first night together when he had claimed her as his for the first time.

Her eyes fluttered, and he smirked as he pulled back and slammed into her, making those beautiful golden eyes flare wide with a gasp of both pleasure and pain. Then he started fucking her, alternating between slamming into her and gently sliding out to repeat the process. Finally, he leaned down to kiss her hungrily, devouring all the delicious sounds she made as he picked up the pace and pounded into her without remorse.

His back twinged, but he had no intention of stopping until they had both reached their climax. The next one could be slower and gentler, but right now, he needed this, and she needed this, so he pushed them both until they toppled over the edge of sanity into pure bliss. He held her close as their bodies throbbed and spasmed together, then rolled, keeping her joined to him as long as possible. Her head rested on his chest, and he stroked her hair as they lay in silence. The only sound in the room was their ragged breathing.


Part 6.


Daisy had stepped out of her last exam feeling good. She had struggled with Maths the most as she attempted to get her high school diploma. Still, all the tutoring from the six seemed to have finally sunk in, and she thought she might pass the final exams. It was only now, two weeks later, that the nerves returned as she waited on tenterhooks for the final results to be published on the college website.

The guys had been talking to her about college, but she wasn't sure she liked school enough to commit to studying for another year, let alone four years. Neither did she particularly want to work with Grace and her friends in their newly refurbished café. They were fabulous and treated her as if she had always been part of their friendship group, but she was still getting used to being part of a big, loud, overprotective family.

"I passed!" she said quietly to the empty room she sat in as if astounded by the revelation while double-checking her student number against the corresponding grades for each of her subjects. "I'm going to graduate!" her voice was quiet and her eyes wide. She shut the laptop and stood from her desk, intending to find Mitch, who was talking with Ian about a project they were planning.

"Great, you're here," Beau stood when Daisy entered the living area. "The results were good? I take it."

"As if there were ever any doubt," Mitch said with a wide smile.

"Yeah, I'm going to graduate," she couldn't help her slight grin. For a girl who had never been to school and had taught herself to read, she'd proven to herself and any potential employer that she wasn't dumb despite her lack of formal education. Now she just had to decide what she wanted to do. Very few jobs required good hide and seek skills or allowed someone to sit and read all day, which was what she liked to do when he wasn't at school or studying.

"Great, we have a meeting with Saxon," Beau smiled warmly.

"We do?" she asked, looking at Mitch for confirmation.

"You do," he nodded. "Ian and I have a few things to wrap up here while you're downstairs with Sax."

"Downstairs? In his office?" Daisy started to feel all of her anxieties rearing up within her. It had to be serious if he was calling her down there. Now that she had graduated, did he plan on kicking her out? Mitch wouldn't let that happen, would he?

"He just wants to talk with you, Baby," Mitch pulled her into his arms. "There is no need to worry. He's proud of you for sticking at school even when it seemed too hard sometimes, just like I am," He soothed her frazzled state. "Go with Beau. I promise it will all be okay."

"Why can't you come with me?" she whispered.

"Because he wants to talk to you alone. You are his family, nothing bad will happen, and I will be right here when you're done," Mitch said, holding her a moment longer before stepping back and encouraging her to go with Beau.

Daisy looked over her shoulder as she reached the door and saw Mitch smiling encouragingly after her, so she headed down to Saxon's office. She had managed to form friendships with all the guys except possibly Saxon, who was just too aloof and hard to read. He often seemed abrupt and uncaring but then would turn around and do something unexpectedly sweet. Grace laughed and teased him about his lack of social skills, but her eyes always softened, and Daisy could see their love for each other and Beau.

Steve was a bit like Saxon, and she imagined he had some anger issues that he kept a tight rein on. Ian and Teddy treated her like a little sister, teasing and niggling as they had tutored her. She loved working with Ian and the little hacks he showed her as she navigated her way around digital devices beyond her phone for the first time. The new man in the six, Jack, seemed as lost as she was at times with his quiet perceptiveness, but he had been the first to volunteer his help with her maths problems and had been patient and kind when tutoring her.

"Oh good, you're here," Saxon stood from his desk and made his way to the table where several folders lay as if waiting for her. "I take it everything went well?"

"Yeah, I will graduate this year," she smiled.

"Excellent," Saxon nodded, and she realised this was as enthusiastic as she had ever seen him. "I bet you're wondering why you are here then."

"Yeah," she nodded. "Now that I'm graduating, do you want me to leave and find a place of my own?"

"God, no!" It was Beau who answered her. "Could you imagine the big guy's reaction at that," he started to laugh, and Saxon joined him with a slight chuckle.

"Do you know what Steel Hearts' main business is?" Saxon asked. "What we do that allows us to indulge in other businesses that are more about fun like this place with its bars and restaurants."

"I thought this was your business," Daisy frowned. She had never questioned what Mitch and his brothers did to fill their days.

"We run a very lucrative securities company. We investigate people and provide personal security for others. In addition, we work for insurance companies from time to time, as well as other things. Ian and Mitch are two of the best at finding people, Mitch found you after all, and you did a good job of hiding," Saxon explained.

"At dinner a few weeks ago, you said that your only real skill was playing hide and seek, and you didn't think there was any job that would need that ability, but you were wrong. Since that time, we have been considering and assessing your skills. You know how runaways think and act, and that can be invaluable if we are trying to track down a runaway for some rich douche up on snob hill or someone who needed help to get away from a crime family like you and your mother did so well for years. So, in short, we'd like you to train and work for us."

"Seriously?" Daisy gaped at them. "Like all private investigator stuff and sneaking around and..." she was speechless, and if she was honest, this was something she would like to try.

"Yes, seriously. You would have to commit to the training, both physical and study, particularly around computers which Ian tells me you have a natural affinity for," Saxon nodded.

"Like hacking?" Daisy was becoming more excited the more they told her about the type of work involved.

"Eventually," Saxon agreed. "We, the six and I, believe you have the potential to be one of the best if you decide to challenge yourself and take on the training."

"Mitch agreed to let me do the training?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. "Even the physical stuff?"

"He agrees it will be better if you learn to defend yourself," Beau smirked at her question. The big guy was overprotective to the point of practically wrapping her in cotton wool.

"Then yes, I would like the chance to do the training and whatever else goes along with it," she nodded. "I never wanted to go back to waitressing or dancing, and I don't like people enough to work in retail," she laughed. However, being a computer nerd on those CSI shows appealed to her, and she would work hard if that were the outcome that awaited her.

"Good, then there are just a few things to go through before we begin your training next week," Saxon said, reaching for one of the folders.

"Next week?" she gasped.

"No time like the present," Saxon shrugged and began her induction to Steel Heart Inc.


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Stephan10caStephan10caover 1 year ago

Excellent work. I look forward to more of this story.

lsnid003lsnid003almost 2 years ago

Excellent story! Love Daisy and Mitch. I know you are dealing with so much right now, but I am hoping more in this world is to come.

subnotslavesubnotslavealmost 2 years ago

This is great Ellie really enjoyed it, thank you. Would love to think there may be more in the future...

Hope you are recovering. Be well Ellie,

Jules x

Ravey19Ravey19almost 2 years ago

Excellent generally but just a few niggles where a more detailed explanation might have helped. 5 ⛤

LalawmanLalawmanalmost 2 years ago

You are one of the authors I follow. It was only after I was into this story that I found the story of Grace. So I struggled through reading without any of the context of the overall storyline. That really detracts from the writing for me. Not any kind of writer so take or leave my advice as you will. You are still one of my favorite writers

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