State Fair Hypnotist

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Girlfriend discovers the guys are still hypnotized.
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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.


Kristy laughed along with the rest of the crowd packed into the sloping grassy knoll, which was located in front of the stage at the annual state fair with attendees spread out on blankets and chairs.

Up on stage, a hypnotist was going through his hilarious routine with eight volunteers who were now being made to take part in all sorts of ridiculous shenanigans.

Kristy had convinced her boyfriend Eric and his best friend Dominic to go up on stage and take part and they willingly agreed to do so thanks to the mostly drunken morning they'd spent walking around the huge fairgrounds enjoying the yearly tradition of ridiculous double-fried foods and games as rigged as Wall street and shaky, metallic rides where the real thrill was the slightly suspect ride-operator and even the gigantic farm animal bragging-rights arena.

The hypnotist had been ripped straight out of central casting—a portly middle-aged man who'd probably seen better days in bigger venues—but his act was a surefire one that he'd performed a thousand times before on cruise ships and at colleges and everywhere else in between. He soon had his willing victims making weird animals sounds and performing sexy dances and saying strange things that they'd never typically say. There were goofy monologues and sexual innuendo galore. The crowd was pleasantly amused.

When the hypnotist had gotten to Eric and Dom, they'd been made to fall asleep just like the others, and whenever they heard the word 'Foxtrot', they would do whatever they were told to do. The only way they'd snap out of this silly, submissive hypnosis was when the hypnotist then said the phrase "Cassiopeia."

The audience was in stitches. The purple coated showman had his guinea pigs putting out a make believe fire. An elderly gentleman would bark occasionally and there were two high school girls who were perpetually fighting off an invisible hornet's nest.

Eric and Dom were made to fall in love and Eric even got down on one knee to propose which had the entire crowd in a riot of laughter. Here were these two manly, red-blooded boys blushing and getting engaged on stage like long-time lovers finally taking the next step.

The hypnotist pushed the bit to the very edge of appropriateness and it was just when they looked like they might go in for a passionate kiss that he stopped them and had them return to normal. He cycled back around with the other volunteers and had just entranced the boys again with another 'Foxtrot' when it was again their turn—he was about to put them through another hilarious round of embarrassing antics when...

...the giant speaker hanging directly above downstage center un-lodged from its' rusted screws and fell directly onto the head of the hypnotist.

Women in the audience screamed. People gasped. Children cried. It was so sudden. So gruesome.

Most immediately presumed him to be dead, but as a nearby stationed team of paramedics rushed onto the stage they discovered a pulse and realized that the speakers had thankfully not fallen directly onto the top of his head, but rather grazed violently just off to the side.

They treated the man and then helped him onto a gurney as they rushed him off to a waiting ambulance. A fair spokesperson came onstage and apologized for the incident and announced that they would be handing out refunds even as people streamed towards the exits to leave the festivities.

Kristy jumped into her boyfriend's arms when she finally got to him through the mayhem of people exiting the stage. The speakers had narrowly missed both he and Dom and her heart was beating quadruple time as she hugged them both tightly. Fairground officials and paramedics checked everyone out that was on stage and made sure that they were all unharmed and that no random debris had hit anyone in anyway. A counselor arrived in case anyone felt like talking and as soon as they were allowed to leave Kristy, Eric, and Dom escaped back outside the stage area and headed off to the car.

Two hours later and the three were sitting around the dining room table two six packs of beer in. They'd grabbed them on the way home along with some ramen and quickly chowed their way through a stress-relieving dinner as they got tipsy and talked about the crazy events that had transpired.

"I heard it before I saw was like, this loud, metallic creaking sound and then it seemed to like...whoosh right past our heads on the way down." Dom explained as he sipped on his beer.

"I'm just glad you're both okay," Kristy soothed as she brought her hand over and rubbed both of their hands on the table. She loved her boyfriend and was also very close with his best friend. It really had been such a close call.

They all decided to throw on their bathing suits and head out back to the jacuzzi. Kristy and Eric were housesitting for her parents who were vacationing out in Yosemite for the summer. They were on college break and Dom had tagged along for the mostly free room and board which was better than tooling around the shitty off-campus bars for weeks straight. The advantages of Kristy's offer included her parents well-endowed house with all the amenities that their university village apartment lacked, including the giant in-ground pool and jacuzzi and even an in-house sauna that could fit up to four people. Her parents had done well for themselves and Kristy was also happy to come home to play with all of the adult toys her parents had collected over the years. Such was the luxury of being an only child.

Kristy and Eric changed in her room while Dom changed in the bathroom. She realized as she unpacked her bag that she'd only brought her sexier yellow one piece. It dipped low on the sides and back and showed her ample side boob and the thong was small through her ass crack.

"Is this okay babe?" She asked her boyfriend as he threw on his trunks.

"Of course sweetie, I'm sure Dom won't mind getting to check out a smoking hot chick while we relax after all that craziness." They chuckled at that and the boozy beer haze helped to settle them even more. They met Dom back on the outside patio where they had brought their towels. They headed across the lawn to the other side of the pool where the jacuzzi sat next to it. It was designed attached so that the hot water from the spa would fountain out into the pool.

Kristy turned the lights of the spa and pool on and they got in with a fresh set of beers. They sunk in to the bubbling heaven and allowed the steaming water to pierce through their tense muscles as the cool twilight air drifted over their faces. The warmth felt amazing on their skin and the knots immediately began to untie themselves and dissolve into the liquid therapy. Dom was definitely and not-so subtly eye-fucking Kristy a little in the round space of the jacuzzi, something girls always noticed but pretended not to, and she liked the way his eyes would drift down her sexy body when he thought she couldn't see. If Eric noticed he didn't seem to care. It was nice knowing your girlfriend made other men a little envious—there was a pride in that, even amongst close friends.

Kristy was well manicured and had a cutely round booty and perky b-cup breasts. She kept her hair straight and cut into bangs and it was a dark brownish-black. Her skin was an olive-toned with a slight hint of her mom's Mediterranean heritage. She was a catch. The bathing suit really only covered the front part of her boobs, leaving the entire sides exposed and very much on their seductive display.

After they were all completely submerged and settled in to a good, sudsy finality, Kristy began to laugh out loud a little.

"What?" Eric asked as the boys studied her sudden outburst.

"You gotta admit, all that craziness aside, it was pretty hilarious what that hypnotist was able to make you guys do...especially since you were both so confidant that he wasn't going to be able to hypnotize you!" She said to them both.

"What? What are you talking about? He didn't hypnotize us." Dom said, as Eric nodded and looked at his girlfriend confused. Kristy slowly stopped laughing as she looked at the boys curiously.

"What do you mean?" She said, "Of course he guys had the audience dying with laughter."

"Kristy, babe, the hell are you talking about?" Eric asked as he took a swig of his beer again. He thought she had gone crazy. Both boys looked at her strangely.

"Wait..." Kristy reasoned, slowly, "So you guys really don't remember any of that? You don't remember being hypnotized or all the stuff he had you do? Like he would go 'Foxtrot: put your hands over your heads.'" When Kristy said this both boys put their hands up over their heads as they looked at her intently.

She laughed at first thinking they were just playing along and having some fun at her expense but she noticed their faces had a strange sort of glaze, and they kept their hands up as they watched her.

Holy fuck.

She had to be sure though.

"Put your hands down," she said, and they did as she said.

"Dance around in a funny spin," and they did that too.

Holy Fucking Fuck.

They were still under the mental hypnosis from earlier that day. They had heard Kristy say 'Foxtrot' in her story and then followed her exact command just as they had done earlier in the show. The hypnotist had never said Cassiopeia. And neither would Kristy. She looked at them both and drank a sip of her beer as they stood there waiting.

"Umm, you can both sit back down now." They did as she said as they continued to stare at her.

Neither of them were talking now, but instead seemed completely glued to her attention as they waited for her instructions. Kristy felt a sudden jolt of excitement as she realized the full potential of this situation. The guys were still hypnotized and would do anything that she told them to do, and based on her boyfriend's response, they also wouldn't remember any of it.

Holy Amazing Fucking Fuck.

She paused to look at both of the hot guys in the spa with her as her mind's intentions started to shift into the grey area of opportunity when devoid of punishment.

Her boyfriend was in great shape—5'11, Sandy brown hair, washboard abs. He had an athletic frame but he wasn't a workout bro. Then there was Dom. Dom looked like he could've been an MMA fighter. He was scary cut. Probably an inch or two taller than Eric and with more of a buzzed hairstyle that sort of had that Justin Timberlake after the boy band vibe. His arms were covered in tattoo sleeves of various nautical eccentricities—a giant leviathan—an old lighthouse—longitude and latitude symbols. Eric looked like the guy that would make love to you and make sure you came. Dom looked like the guy that would fuck you into submission during a three day shore-leave. They both looked very hot to her all of a sudden, sitting there in a slight daze in the hot water of the jacuzzi as the jets bubbled all around them. They were both 21 years old and in peak physical condition thanks to their various college coed sports and workouts they partook in. Kristy was only 20, as she'd been a year behind them in school.

She licked her lips suddenly. The moral quandary she found herself in was quickly being overtaken by her wickedly kinky imagination's capacity for fun.

She needed to make sure this was for real though and that they weren't just dicking around with her which she still thought they might've been—her boyfriend was infamous for the pranks he liked to pull on her. So she gave them something she knew her boyfriend would absolutely never do even in his most dedicated of cons.

"Eric, Dom, Foxtrot," and as she said it they both looked at her with a renewed submissiveness. "I want you both to stand up in front of me and make out with each other passionately for the next sixty seconds." She almost expected them to break character and reveal the ruse but rather than anything like that, they closed the distance to each other in the middle of the jacuzzi and both boys began to kiss each other in an immediately passionate frenzy.

Kristy gasped as she watched her boyfriend and his best friend making out. Her man had never shown an ounce of interest in anything involving same sex play, and here he was having one of the hottest make-out sessions Kristy had ever seen. She was immediately wet as she watched them kissing in front of her and suddenly she thought of the various times she'd attempted to play with Eric's ass during blowjobs when he'd been too prudish and pushed her fingers away...or the times she'd attempted to get him to watch gay porn with her when they were super stoned together, one of her favorite categories to get off to. She had always been way kinkier than her boyfriend had ever been, but the hypnosis was far more powerful than anything else right now, and the two men sucked each other's mouths and tongues in a ridiculously hot way that Kristy could've never imagined she would see her boyfriend do. They were both ravenous in the way they moved against each other. Kristy hadn't had Eric kiss her like that in a long time. It was intense. She moved her hand to her crotch beneath the bubbles in the water and rubbed the outside of her bathing suit where it pressed against her pussy lips. She was really turned on by the two men going at it. She also noticed that Dom had his arms around Eric's waist, while Eric had his hands around Dom's neck. That was interesting to her for some reason.

As the sixty seconds were up the boys broke apart as if they'd both been keeping a mental count the entire time. They both breathed in and out heavily like you do after breaking up from a heavily intense make-out session.

Kristy was breathing faster as she observed both of the boys, now standing next to each other in the middle of the jacuzzi. She got up now and sat on the seat right next to them with just her legs in the water. The water came up to the guys' waists where they were standing.

She wondered suddenly if the kissing had had any affect on them sexually—if they had been turned on by it even though they were being hypnotized to do so.

"Foxtrot. I want you both to sit up across from me on the edge of the jacuzzi...right next to each other...and pull your swim trunks off for me." And when she said this the boys immediately complied without any hesitation. She still couldn't believe it. They hopped up on the nearest smoothed stone edge and pulled their swim trunks down and off. Kristy gasped again.

They weren't just aroused...they were both rock hard. Whether they were hypnotized or not, the kissing had clearly gotten them both very worked up. Kristy suddenly didn't feel so bad about what she was doing. Yes, she was making them do whatever she wanted, but how could they fault her if they were clearly enjoying themselves? Besides, they wouldn't remember any of this anyway, right? The last remaining pinches of her guilt ebbed away into the night.

Eric's seven inch cock was amazing, curved in just the right spot and covered with delicious veins—Kristy loved cumming on her boyfriend's perfect size. Dom on the other hand had a straighter and fatter dick that was probably a full eight inches. The second she saw it Kristy wondered how amazing it would feel in her much it would fill her up...she wondered how far down her throat she could take it. She was horny as fuck now. She gave them both another delicious grin as the wheels in her head continued to turn with invention.

"Foxtrot. I want you both to grab each other's cocks and stroke them for me." She couldn't believe what she had just said, but she said it all the same.

Her totally straight boyfriend and his totally straight best friend reached over with their right and left hands and began to jack each other off for her. It was so fucking sexy. They immediately made pleasured faces as they enjoyed each other's technique.

There was no denying that they were both loving this, but she wondered if any part of their brains was fighting through the hypnosis. It certainly didn't look like it. Eric was absolutely throbbing and Dom looked like he had just returned from Home Depot with a piece of steel piping from a Father's Day sale.

Kristy propped herself up now on the ledge across from them as she spread her legs and allowed her fingers to push the crotch of her sexy, yellow bathing suit aside. They all just had their legs in the jacuzzi now. She immediately began to play with herself and the boys didn't say anything. They just watched her as they softly moaned from their mutual masturbation session. They both so willingly jacked each other as their cocks throbbed to gigantic life. Kristy moaned a little too as her fingers glided over her shaved sex and rubbed the lips of her pussy in time with their own movements.

"Good job boys. That's really sexy," Kristy said as she bit her lip and enjoyed the way her own sex throbbed at the show they were putting on. She was literally hypnotizing them to jack each other off and they were completely in her control. She could hardly believe it. She was completely taken by the power she had over them. She could make them do whatever she wanted.

"Foxtrot. You can stop jacking each other off now. Eric...I want you to bend down and put your best friend's cock in your mouth and suck on it for me like a good little slut." When she said this they immediately stopped and Eric bent over at his waist and began to lick and suck on Dom's dick. He had never done this before which showed but he was also sucking on it in the exact way she had instructed—like a little slut. She was realizing just how powerful the hypnosis was. They weren't just following instructions, they were following them to precise detail. She had added the phrase "like a good little slut" almost as an afterthought, and now her boyfriend was acting like she did when she was at her horniest. She could really have some naughty fun with these two hypnotized toys tonight.

Eric sucked on Dom's dick with a desperately horny energy that Kristy was amazed by. He deep-throated his friend and choked on him and came back up gagging for air. He licked around the outside skin and balls and jacked his dick into his mouth as Dom leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he moaned from Eric's amazing suck-job.

Kristy fingered her wet pussy as she enjoyed the image of her boyfriend's mouth wrapped around Dom's large cock. He was really getting into the BJ. It was fucking outstanding.

"Foxtrot. Eric, Dom, I want you both to sixty-nine each other on the edge of the jacuzzi. I want you to give each other a very thorough and sexy blowjob. And I don't want you to stop until you've both cum in each other's mouths." As Kristy said this, she watched as Eric laid down first where the water spilled over the jacuzzi and down into the pool. Dom lay on top of his friend and took Eric's cock into his mouth for the first time while his own cock filled Eric's waiting lips. These two masculine specimens now had each other's tools down each other's de-virginized throats.

The boys bobbed their heads up and down as they sucked on each other vigorously. They were both moaning around each other's cocks as they enjoyed the shared pleasure of their lips and tongues on their meaty shafts.

Kristy was moaning now too as she watched them suck each other off. After a good five minutes of this both of the guys were quickly approaching orgasm. It was so fucking sexy to see how into they had become.

Kristy watched as Dom came first, filling Eric's mouth as her boyfriend's eyes went wide at his first taste of another man's seed. Kristy watched them the entire time to see if there was any hesitation or if they were at all coming out of the hypnotic trance left over from the fair. There wasn't. They were both ravenously slutty for her, just like she had told them to be.