Star trek Enterprise 02: Resurrection


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For the first time, Jay was pleased that Nicholls had been such an arrogant bastard. The older man had been so sure of his prisoners' helplessness there were no guards in the immediate vicinity. He ran swiftly. The lover in him warred with the trained MACO operative. He knew he had to get them out before he could tend to Malcolm's hurts, but it did not stop him worrying that his mate was injured and still bleeding.

Sounds of fighting ahead had them duck into an office. Jay locked the door and pulled Malcolm to crouch beside him behind the table. He had been promised rescue. Promised. He checked the gun he held. Cupping Malcolm's beautiful face he drew his lover into a slow, deep kiss, infusing it with all the love he felt. For several seconds, all he felt was the slick muscle of his mate entwining with his own. A tingling sensation pervaded his senses and for a second or two he felt bereft of his lover. Then he was aware of the warm, wet cavern once more.

The sound of throats clearing had the lovers break apart.

Malcolm stared, disorientated from a combination of his recent experience and the use of a transporter. He and Jay were now kneeling in the transporter room of 'Enterprise'. Archer and T'pol stood, Archer grinning widely.

"Welcome back, Lieutenant," he said. However, Archer's jaw dropped when he saw that Hayes was the other man they had rescued.

"Thank you, Sir," Malcolm managed. He turned to Jay, expecting the older man to make some glib comment or witty riposte. Instead, he moaned softly as his face was framed once more and Jay drew him back into another kiss, unashamedly letting the 'Enterprise' crew see his love for Malcolm.

"Thank you, Captain," Jay husked as he released Malcolm's lips, but not the beloved face. He helped the younger man to stand, sweeping him into his arms as Malcolm swayed dangerously.

"No damsel," Malcolm muttered softly. "But you're my hero."

"You're mine, sweetheart," Jay smiled. "Captain, the Lieutenant has need of sickbay," he added more loudly.

"T'Pol, alert them to our imminent arrival and meet us in sick bay. Follow me, Major," Archer said, striding forward. He was looking forward to hearing some explanations.


In the sickbay Malcolm let T'Pol's words flow over him as he was tended, Jay holding his hand or squeezing his shoulder. At some point during his recovery, Jay had been implanted with a Vulcan tracking device. At the time Jay was going undercover, the extensive but 'routine' full medical Malcolm had endured from Phlox had facilitated a similar device being implanted in him. Neither Jay nor his MACO superiors were aware of the involvement of Vulcans or the tracker devices. He stared fuzzily at T'Pol as his, then Jay's, devices were removed from the base of their skulls and she secured them immediately.

"My people do not feel able to share such technology as yet," T'Pol said, with what might have been a hint of apology in her voice, as she looked from Archer to Hayes. "There is no doubting Lieutenant Reed's bravery or his value to Starfleet. Clearly Major Hayes was equally regarded as such an asset. It was deemed logical that, if necessary, we should be able to recover those assets if endangered."

"A wise precaution," Archer nodded, his eyes glancing at the small box she held. He gave a rueful smile at the shake of her head.

"I will be in my quarters until we are approached by a Vulcan ship when I will make a short visit to assure them all is safe and secure," T'Pol said quietly. She nodded as Archer inclined his head.

"I told my people a week ago I thought my cover blown and for them to get me out," Jay said heavily. "They wanted to wait, make sure, not to do anything suspicious in case I was over-reacting. They had no other indication my situation had become untenable. They gave me no opportunity to refuse the mission, no chance to speak to Malcolm, broke their promise to let Malcolm know I was still alive. I nearly had to sit and watch as he was butchered before my eyes." Jay's voice caught and he looked down at his now sleeping mate. Malcolm always looked so innocent and young when sleeping. He smiled tenderly. "Not going to happen again," he whispered caressing the younger man's brow.

"We got a message Malcolm had been kidnapped," Archer offered quietly. "We were told where he was being held and to get him. T'Pol then took me aside and said she had a way to use the ship's sensors to find him and transport him out. She didn't know you were alive at that point. She was surprised when the sensors picked up two readings and I could see she was as shocked as I was to see you on the transporter platform. It seems we've all been somewhat used, Major."

"Not putting Malcolm through that again," Jay husked as he settled on the narrow bed, wrapping his arms around his sleeping lover.

"I suppose I would be wasting my breath to point out there are other beds," Phlox grinned. "Ah, I see that I would," he added at the sight of Jay's eyes closed. "It's probably the best thing for them both, Captain. I'll keep an eye on them."

"No more implanting devices?" Archer asked pointedly.

"I received sealed orders," Phlox said, his face showing his distress. "T'Pol was aware of their content therefore I assumed you were, too. I was not to speak of it to anyone except to confirm to T'Pol I had succeeded in implanting it."

Archer nodded. He could see Phlox was disturbed that they had all been manipulated. He wondered just who was really pulling the strings.


"If they didn't tell Malcolm, I thought you would get word to him," Jay tried and failed to keep the accusation out of his voice. He had been quickly debriefed and was quite certain the man behind the desk he faced was the reason behind that. With the bright light behind him, the man was little more than shadow, although Jay knew his name. At least, he thought he did.

"I intended to, but when I saw the genuine loss on his face, I was certain he couldn't fake it once he knew you were still alive. I thought it would help you both for him to remain ignorant. Keep you both safe. I wasn't happy to find you had been compromised and left undercover. Someone blocked that message to me. I will find out who it was. I'm glad the implants came in useful. "

"You're working with Vulcans?" Jay asked, certain he would not be answered.

"There is a vision," the voice was quiet, almost wistful. "One day not skin colour, not religion, not gender, not sexual preference, not even what world you were born on will matter. It is a shared vision here other places. It may not be in my lifetime, or yours, but it will come if enough people believe and work towards it."

"Terra Prime would be an antithesis of," Jay ventured.

"They would indeed. But now we have your future to consider and that of your young man. I have a proposition for you."


They were safe, they were together and they were alone. Jay growled his need and Malcolm turned into a full embrace. Jay's breath caught and Malcolm moaned, tilting his head up and nudging at Jay's chin in a silent plea for a kiss. Jay's arms tightened reflexively, pulling Malcolm tight against his body. His mouth claimed the one open and waiting for him. It felt like cresting the first curve of a rollercoaster, exhilaration, anticipation and elation all rolled into one moment. Jay's tongue pushed into Malcolm's mouth, tasting, possessing. He rumbled his approval as the fiercely independent, self-assured, confident male, melted against him, sagging slightly in his arms as his knees almost gave way. Jay moved them backwards pinning his lover against the solidly-crafted wooden table and shifting slightly so that his thigh pressed between Malcolm's legs.

Malcolm mewled as delectable bolts of pleasure radiated from his groin to his brain and back again. He never wanted to leave the arms of the man who held him. He hooked a foot around Jay's knee to pull him closer and succeeding in pulling him into the cradle of his spread legs, their trapped erections grinding against one other. He moaned again, trying to tell Jay he wanted more, but unwilling to release the older man's lips for a moment.

A feral growl rumbled from deep inside Jay's chest and Malcolm shivered in response. It was a sound that would have had him reach for a weapon if he had heard its like anywhere else. Strong hands grasped his waist, lifting him easily to sit on the table. He murmured his approval into the kiss, wrapping his legs around Jay's hips and rocking.

"Need. Please," he gasped. As he broke the kiss, his fingers were reaching for Jay's pants. Their uncharacteristic shaking was making releasing his lover's hard flesh almost impossible. He gave a sound of frustration

"It's ok, sweetheart," Jay soothed, his lips brushing Malcolm's ear. "I'll take care of you."

Malcolm's head dropped forward onto Jay's shoulder with a sigh as strong hands skimmed confidently up his sides, causing him to shiver. His shirt was quickly removed, baring his sleek chest. His sighs became moans as knowledgeable thumbs found his nipples. He turned into Jay's neck, licking at his mate's collar bone. He made another primal noise as fingers twisted one of his proudly peaked nubs. Malcolm's hips jerked forward to match the feeling at his breast with some much-needed friction.

With a feral grin, Jay leant in to suck at the distended nubbin, worrying it none-too-gently with his teeth. His lover leant back, eyes sultry, bracing himself with his elbows offering Jay more intimate access. The front of Malcolm's pants was damp and clearly showed the younger man's desire but Jay resisted the urge to touch, certain Malcolm would come too quickly. He watched the younger man take a steadying breath and then fingers threaded into his hair as he was encouraged to explore lower. Jay responded with a primal, masculine sound that rippled across Malcolm's skin, making his mate whimper with need. Instead of moving, Jay let his lips brush one wet, swollen nipple then the other repeatedly.

"I need you," Malcolm begged.

Jay stopped, pulling Malcolm close and resting their foreheads together.

"I want you, too, but I'm not going to rush this," Jay husked. "I said I'd take good care of you, sweetheart." Jay reminded his eager mate, his lips skimming down Malcolm's abdomen, the toned muscles twitching and jumping under his barely there touch. His eyes rested briefly on the dressing at Malcolm's side before quickly closing and he savoured the warmth and scent of his very-much-alive lover.

"Please, Jay," the younger man husked. Malcolm groaned appreciatively as a warm hand finally cupped his erection, cradling and squeezing. His hips lifted off the table urging harder contact.

Jay used the manoeuvre to unfasten the thin pants and divest his mate of the offensive garment. He rumbled approvingly as hard flesh sprung upwards, lightly slapping Malcolm's belly. He had not wanted to waste unnecessary time denuding his lover and it seemed the younger man had been of the same mind. He took a step backwards to rake his eyes proprietarily over the nude, toned masculine body. The dressings on his lover's calf and just above his public hair, that matched the one on his side, sent icy tentacles to temporarily freeze the older man. Then he focused on the rapidly rising and falling chest, the sheen of sweat and the flushed skin. His lover was alive and well.

"Mine all mine," Jay rasped, licking his lips.

Before Malcolm could protest the lack of contact, much-desired, wet heat surrounded the head of his shaft. He thrust up eagerly with a cry of Jay's name. His lover's talented tongue danced in erotic patterns, unerringly hitting all his most sensitive spots. Malcolm gave himself over to the amorous assault, losing himself in a haze of hedonistic, sensual pleasure as his erection was pulled in deep and then released slowly. The barest hint of teeth scraped occasionally along his length. His hips desperately tried to follow, pumping instinctively.

Jay pulled back slightly and caught Malcolm's eyes. Holding the stare, he moved his tongue in slow circles, up and over the sensitive slit. His lips curved into predatory smile as he swallowed the entire length again. Malcolm begging incoherently as Jay hollowed his cheeks and sucked. Malcolm's hips bucked violently and his lover's muscular thighs trembled under his hands. Lifting one leg until the foot rested over his shoulder, Jay began a new amatory assault. He cupped the velvet sac, squeezing lightly as he began to rhythmically suck. A finger slid lower, pressing against his mate's tight entrance.

"Oh, please," Malcolm whimpered, trying to push up into Jay's mouth and down onto his finger simultaneously. The finger pressed insistently inside, deeper and deeper until it rubbed firmly over Malcolm's prostate. Stars exploded behind Malcolm's eyelids. His fingers unconsciously contracted in Jay's hair. "Oh, Jay," he moaned as he convulsed in his lover's mouth.

Jay inhaled his lover to the root, swallowing, humming and licking. He coaxed Malcolm through the aftershocks before reluctantly releasing him, sated and softened. He gave a smile, part feral, part tender, as Malcolm collapsed back on the table. Stepping back he held out his hand and urged the younger man to his feet. As his mate swayed seductively upright, Jay groaned and grasped firmly at his aching erection through the pants he still wore. To have Malcolm naked, pliant and satiated in his arms, whilst he was still dressed, pushed buttons Jay did not even know he had. Taking a steadying breath he led his lover into the bedroom.

As Malcolm settled himself on the bed, Jay hastily stripped. A part of him wanted to be inside his lover without any further delay, another wanted to savour each and every precious second. Malcolm threw his arms around the older man pulled Jay to lie between his wide-spread thighs. Jay relished Malcolm's deep moan of need as their shafts, one barely half-hard, the other rampant, rubbed against one another. Jay instantly took command of Malcolm's lush lips.

Without reservation, Malcolm surrendered and then laid his own siege to his conqueror's mouth. Jay yielded with enthusiasm to the desired invasion. Their tongues engaged in a battle already won. Malcolm rolled his mate, straddling the older man and, as he broke the kiss, slid his mouth down Jay's neck, finding proud peaks to suck and nip. He licked lower, suckling the slick head of Jay's shaft, tightly holding the base as he drank his lover's pre-come. He was hardening rapidly and wanted Jay inside him when he came next. Dropping lower, he made a sound of appreciation as Jay's hips hitched and he laved tight, furled flesh diligently.

Jay let his hand rest on Malcolm's head stroking the silky strands. He murmured his encouragement delighting in the soft sounds of pleasure from his mate. He tugged at Malcolm as he felt himself getting too close and smiled as the lithe body crawled up to mate their mouths once more. With a flip of their bodies, Jay grinned down at his love. He pressed open-mouthed kisses along the strong jaw and down the collarbone to reach a nipple. Taking the dark peak between his lips, Jay suckled while rolling the other bud between his fingers. He felt Malcolm shudder at the intense sensation. Pinching and nipping at the taut nubs, Jay rubbed his arousal against Malcolm's thigh.

Lost in a sensual haze, Malcolm took hold of his mate's hard length fingers wrapping around the thick flesh seemingly of their own volition. Jay growled his approval, biting harder at the nipple between his teeth and Malcolm cried out arching into the heat of Jay's possessive mouth. He then gave a low groan as Jay licked his throbbing bud. Malcolm's back rose and fell on the bed and his grip loosened and tightened rhythmically on the shaft he held. Sounds fell from his lips in a series of gasps and moans as the older man alternately bit and lapped.

His mate's passionate responses inflamed Jay further and his dripping arousal twitched and jerked, aching to bury itself in something hot, tight and slick. Grasping Malcolm's legs behind the knees, the older man lifted them to his shoulders. Wrapping his arms around the slender thighs, Jay buried his face in the dark-pelted, musk-scented groin. He assiduously ignored the dressing just above the fur as he nibbled and tugged at wiry curls earning more and more impassioned cries. He enveloped hard flesh, sucking, swirling his tongue around the velvet shaft. Moving his hands, Jay spread taut, creamy globes, exposing a dark, alluring rosette.

His head buried between his lover's widespread legs, Jay heard Malcolm draw a ragged breath and release it in an impassioned cry as his tongue lapped at his mate's anus. It circled the quivering entrance as Malcolm thrashed helplessly from a surfeit of sensation. Licking and wetting his lover's tight aperture soon had Malcolm relaxed enough for the tip of Jay's tongue to breach his defences. Jay worked his tongue deeper with each darting thrust as Malcolm writhed, whimpered and pleaded incoherently. Each brush of his supple muscle stroked intimate, blood-hot flesh. Jay rumbled his appreciation. Unable to stretch Malcolm any further with his tongue, Jay ascended the toned body once more, nibbling vulnerable, sensitised nipples.


"Shh, I'm taking care of you, remember?" Jay whispered. He urged Malcolm onto his stomach. He ran his hands over damp, smooth skin, lips and tongue dancing in their wake. He nipped the irresistible mounds to a moan of his name. Spreading them wide once more, Jay thrust his tongue hard, fast and deep, using his strength to pin Malcolm in place. His lover's wanton cries made his cock throb and drip, but he was only concerned for the younger man's pleasure. Jay pulled back panting heavily. The stretched portal glistened with his saliva. Reaching under the pillow for oil, he dripped it on the aperture that spasmed in response.

"Relax," he rumbled, smoothing the oil on the sensitive skin around the young man's anus. Then he probed deeply, spreading the lubricant inside. His smile was feral as Malcolm moaned openly as Jay's digits stretched his lover wide then withdrew, the younger man pushing back, offering himself without shame. He watched entranced at the erotic display of his fingers preparing his lover, his heart soared at the trust the younger man displayed in the vulnerable position and his libido screamed to be able to unite their flesh. With a low, deep groan, Jay grasped his organ and nuzzled its plum-hued head along the slickened crevice.

"Now, Jay," Malcolm moaned. "Now, now, now."

Jay grasped slim hips, urged Malcolm onto all fours and held him in place. With a twist and thrust of his pelvis, the older man drove the tip of his shaft into the clenching portal. He held still, waiting for the rippling channel to relax fractionally and pushed forward again. He gripped Malcolm hard enough to bruise, but felt it necessary to stop his lover simply lunging back. Jay slid a hand under Malcolm cup the younger man's dripping arousal.

Bending over Malcolm's back, Jay licked and nipped at strong shoulders and vulnerable neck. He rumbled wordlessly, deep in his chest, as the beautiful man impaled on his iron-hard shaft writhed provocatively. Jay withdrew slightly and eased back in the narrow sheath. Jay groaned as Malcolm clenched his inner muscles and in reply his hand worked the hard flesh between his lover's spread thighs. He purred as he rocked gently into snug sheath, content to keep them hovering on the precipice for a few moments, savouring the intimate connection he had missed.

Soon Jay's hips began a hard, deeper motion, rubbing ruthlessly over Malcolm's sweet spot. Enthralled by the sensual, heated pleasure that spread outwards, Malcolm relaxed further allowing Jay to thrust deeper still. Each man's impassioned cries harmonised with the other as they built inexorably towards completion. Malcolm tried to add his own movements back onto the flesh that united them and into the hand that caressed him. However, as beguiling and arousing as these sensations were, they paled beside the connection of what Malcolm felt with Jay on a deeper, spiritual level.