Stamp of Approval


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"Wow," April sat as Adam stood behind her with the chair out. "You sure went all out on this."

Adam sat in between his two dates, "Well, after the week we've been through, I figured we all deserved a little pampering."

"Uh, does anyone know how to read the menu?" Kelly looked hopefully at April.

Adam peered into the menu, "I'm stumped."

April just shook her head, "But I have an idea." She pulled out her phone and went to Google translate. "It says this top one is Foie Gras with truffles."

Kelly giggled, "Great, we need a translator for the translator."

Adam shrugged, "How about we each just pick a dish at random and split them?"

The girls looked at each other with a smile before nodding.

"Should be interesting," April closed her eyes and placed her finger on the menu.

Kelly then did the same, "Musical entree's; another first for me."

Adam pointed as well. "It could be the only time we come here, might as well try as much as we can."


"Adam," April took a drink of her soda. "I was wondering how on Earth did you know I would like the art museum?"

Adam swallowed his bite of food before tapping at his mouth with his napkin. "Well, we have been stationed together in chemistry all year and I noticed that a few times before class started or after you were done with a test and you had time to kill, you'd pull out an art book from the library. So I figured the art museum would be something you'd enjoy."

"You were definitely right," April smirked.

"And what about me?" Kelly grinned. "What did your bag of tricks tell you about me?"

Adam just smiled. "You'll see.

Kelly pouted, though she was looking forward to it.

The rest of dinner, Adam found out what it would be like if he chose his two classmates. They were each smart, funny, and alluring in their own unique ways. Dialogue was easy to maneuver through and all detours were welcome as it just lead to another delightful topic.


Rush, a teen club establishment where everything in the building was neon colored which was accentuated by the black light that permeated the building. The music was loud, the bass thumping through the very core of everyone's bodies.

"I absolutely love Rush!" Kelly was bouncing to the beat. "April, isn't this place the best?"

April felt like she was in completely over her head. She nervously looked at Adam who was just trying to figure where to go. If he knew where to be, he could enjoy the music. Until then, he was just blocking the door.

"Oh come on you guys," Kelly grabbed both of them and pulled them to the dance floor. She smiled at April, "You're just not seeing it the way I am seeing it." She threw her friends words back at her. "Watch." Kelly backed her ass right into Adam's groin, shaking everything she had, pressing against him in the most provocative way. He threw his hands in the air and started dancing as well, at least, what he hoped was dancing.

April gulped, "Whoa."

Kelly laughed at her friend's reaction. "I can feel Adam's cock. He's super hard right now." She winked at her, "Now just do as I'm doing so we can give lover boy a preview of what we can do together."

April stared at Kelly, doing her best to manipulate her body exactly as her friend was. "Is this right?"

"You know, sometimes you're too smart; always thinking. There is no right or wrong; just feel the music and Adam." Kelly turned and faced Adam, rubbing her tits on his chest before she spun behind him giving him a slight nudge into April. She then cozied up against Adam's back, mashing her body against his. Her hands went in the air to corral Adam's. She placed one of his hands on April's ass while moving the other to her own. She finished by whispering in his ear. "You need to take ownership of your property in here or we'll be hounded by assholes.

Adam nodded, squeezing both of his girls with authority.


"Whew," April crashed into the chair that Adam pulled out for her at the only table available. "Okay, this place isn't boring."

"Told ya," Kelly pulled Adam to the front of the chair he had pulled out for her and pushed him into it. She took residence in his lap, shifting her ass until his cock was perfectly positioned against her pussy.

Once Kelly got situated, Adam reached over and pulled April's chair next to him, leaving his hand on her upper thigh. "That was fun."

Kelly threw her arm around Adam, "Nothing says how you feel about a person like some hot grinding action; am I right?"

Adam turned Kelly's head towards him, "I can think of one way." He wasn't timid. As soon as his lips touched hers, he attacked. It was a carnal kiss, one meant to show that he could dominate her cravings. He then turned to April, pulling her even closer, their bodies melting into one. The kiss he gave her was far more tame. He led, but did it in such a way that it allowed her to explore; discovering the desires she didn't know she had.

Kelly wiped at Adam's brow before she cradled his face as she stared lovingly into his eyes. "I stand corrected."

"Convinced me," April purred, her head resting in Adam's chest.

"What can I get you guy's today?" The waitress, Nora, leaned over the table giving Adam a view worth dying for.

Adam didn't even look, concentrating instead on the women draped all over him. "I'll have a cola; what about you girls?"

Kelly huffed at the display before noticing Adam's eyes kept bouncing between her and April. She smiled, "A virgin strawberry daquiri."

April looked at her friend confused. "Did you just order..." She didn't finish her question, fearful of getting her friend in trouble.

Kelly laughed, "Virgin means no alcohol; you should get one too. They taste better than a smoothie."

April held up her hand, "Maybe next time." She then looked at the waitress, "A Sprite please."

"By the way," Kelly nodded at Adam. "That was impressive."

"What?" April tilted her head.

"Adam completely ignored the waitress flashing him."

"Now why would I waste my time looking at her when I have the two hottest girls in here on my arm?"

Kelly leaned over to April, "Hey, would you mind if I take Adam to the bathroom?"

April's face scrunched, "Why?"

"I need him," Kelly smiled.

"Oh." Realization struck April on what her friend had meant.

"I mean, since you already had him once by yourself..."

April gave a slightly worried nod, "Okay."

"Thank you," Kelly hugged her friend. "I promise we'll still tag team him later."

April let out a relieved breath as she smiled, "Good, because just being by him all day is making me... uh..."

"Horny," Kelly finished for her.

April blushed, "Yeah."

"Believe me, I know." Kelly stood, pulling Adam as she did, "We'll be about ten minutes."

Adam knew exactly what Kelly was thinking. He glanced at April, "Are you okay with this?"

"I am," April blew him a kiss. "Have fun."

"Here you go," Nora arrived with the drinks. "Any food tonight?"

"I don't know," April shrugged. "They'll be back in a few minutes." Her eyes followed Kelly and Adam. 'One day, I'll have the courage to do that in a public place... If Adam wants it, I know I could. One day.'


"Hey, Liam," Roland lightly smacked his friend in the shoulder. "You have to see this."

"What?" Liam was laughing as he turned his attention from his cheeseburger. "Son of a Bitch."

"Wow," Serena chortled. "She sure traded down."

Liam pulled a vial from his pocket with a huff, "Now we know who's getting this tonight."

"Hey," Roland pointed. "Kelly and that Dork are leaving the table."

"Let's go," Liam handed the vial to Roland. "It's that pink, fruity shit she always likes to drink. Make sure you get the right glass."


Adam let Kelly lead him to the men's room. She had walked in as if she owned it, though Adam was relieved there was no one in there. He was, however, done following. He knew exactly what Kelly needed and how she needed it; to be the strong man in her life she never had. He pushed her into the stall.

"My, my," Kelly turned to face him. "I've felt you..."

Adam silenced her with a raging kiss. His hands aggressively felt her body up, manipulating and torqueing her tits and ass.

Kelly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. "I told April ten minutes. Any longer than that, other guys might... Whoa."

Adam turned Kelly around and pushed her forward; her hands bracing herself against the stall. He took hold of her hips; the need for foreplay nonexistent as proof of the wetness that was on his pants made that crystal clear, and he slammed completely into her channel. He wasn't patient. He pulled back and sliced again in a feral lust of primal need. He pounded sweetly into Kelly's leaking canal, each one more dominating than the last.

"Yes, take me Adam. I'm yours."

Kelly's body couldn't keep up. Every thrust into her folds caused her body to quiver. Each quiver made her moan in rapture. Every moan reminded her of the intense pleasure each thrust was giving her. It was a vicious cycle of ecstasy.

Adam knew it was the right thing to do. He grabbed Kelly's hair, pulling her head back as he buried himself into her depths. He growled as he unleashed a tsunami of cum, flooding her very soul with his essence.

Kelly came with a roar. It echoed in the walls of the bathroom as her orgasm ravaged her body. Her arms became limp as she shook in her euphoria.

Adam tightly held on to Kelly to keep her from falling over. "Is that what you've been wanting?"

"Holy shit," Kelly turned to Adam. "You're amazing. It felt like you were in my head... And that hair pull? Wow." She leaned in and kissed him sweetly. "Please do that to me again, anytime."


"April!" Liam sat next to her while Serena and Roland stood around the table.

"Liam," April crossed her arms. "What do you want?"

Liam held up his arms, "Hey, I just came over to apologize."

"You did, now go," April puffed.

"So, I'm confused," Liam ignored April. "Is Kelly dating the Dork now? Or are you dating the Dork?" He then laughed, "Or maybe it's you and Kelly that are dating?"

'It's actually all three,' is what April wanted to say just to wipe that smug look off his face. Instead, she simply turned her head toward the dance floor.

Roland had a wicked smile as he nodded at Liam.

"All right," Liam stood. "I know when I'm not wanted. Let's go back to our table, guys."

Adam pulled out Kelly's chair and then sat down himself, "April, what's wrong?"

April was staring at Liam's table so hard, it took her a couple moments to focus. "Oh, you're back." It stunned her at how quick her mood changed at the mere sight of Adam. "Have fun?"

"Absolutely," Kelly smiled. "Thanks."

Adam leaned forward, "So, what's bothering you?"

"Liam's here."

Kelly started scanning the room, "Where?"

April nodded in his direction.

"It's all right, let's calm down," Adam interjected. "Kelly, this is your part of the date; do you want to leave?"

"Fuck no. I'm not going to let some Prick ruin my night." Kelly chugged down most of her daquiri. "Let's dance again," she smiled as she pulled Adam and April back to the dance floor.


"Adam," Kelly balanced herself against her love. "I think I need to sit down."

Adam paused, though April was still gyrating her ass against his groin. "Is everything all right?"

Kelly offered a faint smile, "I'm just tired."

"I wore you out that much, huh?" Adam chuckled as he braced her body against his.

Kelly giggled, "I guess so."

"April," Adam tapped her shoulder. "Kelly needs a break."

April turned and her eyes widened, "Is she okay?"

"She says she's just tired."

"Let me help."

Adam did most of the work to get Kelly back to the table, but April was right there holding her hand the entire way.

"How's it going, Dork?"

Adam turned to the voice only to be greeted with a punch across his cheek.

"Hey," April turned to face Liam.

Adam shoved Liam, "What's your problem, man?"

"You are," Liam pushed back.

April took a step forward, "Knock it off."

"You know what?" Liam gave a sinister sneer, "You aren't worth my time. Later, Losers."

April put her arms around Adam as he stood shaking his head and clenching his fist. "No, he's the one not worth it."

Adam took a deep breath, "You're right. Besides, we have to help... Oh my God; where did Kelly go?"

"There," April pointed to the door where Roland and Liam was moving Kelly out the door with Serena right behind them.

Adam ran, darting and dodging through the sea of people before thundering through the door. His eyes saw Liam as he was laying Kelly down in the backseat of a black Honda Accord.


"Adam? What's going on?"

"McKenna... And Hannah, too?"

"Yeah," McKenna smiled. "Hannah and I were at Archie's Diner over there when we saw you come out of the club."

"What happened?" Hannah's face was steeped in worry.

"Where's your car?"

McKenna pointed to her white Ford Escape, "Right there across the street."

Adam grabbed McKenna by the wrist and started to pull her to the car, "We have to hurry; Hannah, April's still inside."

"Okay." With how Adam was behaving, she knew something was seriously wrong. She rushed inside to find April.

McKenna buckled her seatbelt and started the car as Adam jumped into the passenger seat. "There," Adam pointed to the black vehicle. "Follow that car!"

McKenna eased on the gas pedal.

"Hurry! If Liam does anything to Kelly, I'll... I'll..." Adam clenched his fist.

"Adam, where's Kelly?" McKenna had a bad feeling of the answer.

"Liam kidnapped her. She's in that car."

McKenna's foot floored the accelerator.


"Son of a Bitch!" Liam had lifted Kelly's dress to find some of Adam's cum around her pussy.

"What?" Roland asked as he made a right turn.

"She actually fucked that Dork," Liam shook his head. "Fine. If Kelly wants to be a whore, she'll be the most popular whore in the world after I'm done filming her tonight."


"Driver side," Adam ordered and McKenna did as instructed. Adam pushed the button to have the window go down as the cars became side by side, "Let her go!" He leaned out the window.

Liam rolled down his window. "Fuck you," he laughed.

Roland gave Adam the middle finger.

Adam sat back down, stoically, a burning seriousness echoing in his eyes. "Are you insured?"

McKenna looked over at Adam, "Yes. But why do..."

"Because I'd hate to have to pay for this," Adam grabbed the wheel, turning it to the right.


"Male, age eighteen. Car accident, no seatbelt. Head trauma, punctured lung, internal bleeding, unstable." Nurse Rafferty ran down all the bullet points as she rushed the gurney into the operating room.

"No seatbelt?" Doctor Sanchez held up his hands as the gloves were applied.

"Apparently, he turned the car into another car to prevent the kidnapping of his girlfriend who was drugged at a club."

"He sacrificed himself?"


Doctor Sanchez's eyes grew in determination, "All right people, we have a hero's life in our hands. Let's make it happen!"


Ever since the Dionysus debacle, Eros felt he had to monitor Adam's situation for the sake of the four women in love with him. He had hoped the error would resolve on its own accord, and the boy had made progress, but current circumstances now dictated otherwise. "Asclepius," his hands were on his knees as he heaved heavy breaths from his mad dash.

Asclepius was one of the few Gods that still did his job, without fail, day in and day out. He was currently peering into Australia where a woman giving birth to twins suddenly had complications. "They deserve to live." He tapped his snake entwined staff to the ground. He then looked to Peru, where a man was severely beaten because he interfered with a domestic violence attack. He tapped his staff again. "What is it Eros? I am extremely busy."

"Adam Ratliff; he's a boy from..."

"Yes, Eros. I see him." Asclepius tapped his staff to a woman in Norway.

Eros took a breath to collect himself. "I was hoping you would be so inclined to intervene in his demise."

"You know I do not save those who are unwilling to save themselves. The boy did not where a seatbelt." Asclepius tapped his staff to a three year old girl with a rare form of cancer. "Breaks my heart when the young are so afflicted."

"Please," Eros pleaded. "I would consider it a great personal service."

"Unusual." Asclepius tapped his staff to a woman in Somalia.

"What is?"

"For a fellow God to care so adamantly for a mortal," Asclepius tapped his staff to a boy in Germany. "You must tell me why."

"Because..." Eros thought for the correct words, "He deserves as such."

"Do better, Eros," Asclepius tapped his staff towards a man in Canada. "I am the God of medicine and to do my job to the fullest, I have studied psychology with Thanatos. There's more in your pleading than what you are offering."

Eros sighed, defeated. "It was a clerical error..." He hung his head and the next three words came out barely above a whisper, "On my part."

"Honesty from a God even when it affects his pride." Asclepius heartily laughed. "I suppose that deserves something; but what have you to bargain with?" He tapped his staff to a baby boy in England.


"We lost his pulse," Nurse Rafferty shouted out.

"Hand me the defibrillator." Doctor Sanchez grabbed the paddles. "Three... Two... One... Clear!" He rubbed them together, "Come on kid, fight. Three... Two... One... Clear!"

"No change, Doctor Sanchez," Nurse Rafferty's voice was solemn.


Doctor Sanchez exited the emergency room with a heavy heart. "Mr. and Mrs. Ratliff..."

Edwin and Brandy stood, hoping for the best. McKenna, Hannah, and April stood in unison behind the Ratliff's. They had just returned from seeing Kelly; all that she had required was an IV to get the drugs out of her system and a good night's rest.

"I'm sorry."

"No," Brandy wailed as she fell into her husband's arms, tears manifesting faster than they could trickle down her cheeks.

Edwin cradled his wife, full of tears himself. McKenna, Hannah, and April embraced each other, all crying their grief.


"That nymph you always have your keen eye on... I can make it to where she will accept one date from you."

"Interesting?" Asclepius paused. "You'll see to it that she falls in love with me?"

"I said I'd see to it that she accepts one date from you," Eros interjected. 'The Gods are always trying to get more.' "You would be on your own after that."

Asclepius rubbed his chin in thought.

Eros tilted his head, "From my understanding, that one date is far more than she was ever willing to give you. If you charm her well enough..." He let the words cling for life upon his fellow God.

"Deal accepted." Asclepius tapped his staff toward the United States; toward Adam. "You are fortunate I am able to revive the dead. If Hades comes questioning me, however, you are on your own."


Adam inhaled for what seemed like forever. It was so powerful both legs as well as his head raised into the air before coming back to rest on the operating table. "Kelly!" He screamed, his arms flailing from underneath the blue sheet that covered him from head to toe.

"What the hell?" Nurse Rafferty glanced over her shoulder from where she had been clearing away the equipment that had been used. Her eyes went wide as she ran over to Adam.

"Kelly? Kelly? Where's Kelly?" Adam was in a panic as he finally relieved his body of the sheet.

"Whoa, calm down, kid," Nurse Rafferty grabbed his arm.

"Have to find Kelly," Adam threw the Nurse's arm aside as he swung his feet off the operating table.

"Security!" Nurse Rafferty yelled as she put her body into Adam's, doing what she could to restrain the teen.

Three more nurses and a security guard flooded the room; each of them securing different limbs. Nurse Rafferty separated from the pile and grabbed a sedative filled syringe. She darted back to Adam, "Keep him still." She bided her time until Gus the Security Guard finally was able to steady the patient's arm and she injected it. "Keep an eye on him while I get Doctor Sanchez." She shook her head as she ran, unsure of what just occurred.
