Stallion Brood-Mare Cuckold Virgin

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She hates the man who breeds her mom - but can she resist him?
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These Chronicles continue the adventures of Jack Grierson, following from the 10 Chapters of Her Fiancé's Father.


1."Judith!" My mother only used my formal name when she was angry. I sighed and wondered what I had done this time, as I went into her study. She swiveled around in her chair, unconsciously pushing her glasses up her nose and running her fingers through her blonde curls.

"Have you written the thank you note to Mr. Grierson for the piano he got you for your eighteenth birthday?"

I hung my head. She had been nagging me about that gift for weeks - it was not that I wasn't grateful, but I just didn't know what to say to him. It was just so awkward!

"I'll do it today, mom," I mumbled.

"You're always saying that! If you don't do it today, I will have them take the instrument back."

"I'll do it, mother," I said, dutifully.

"Come here," ordered Mom. I came up to her, not knowing what to expect. I was surprised when she ran her hand through my auburn, shoulder-length hair and patted my cheek. "I'm not mad at you, honey. You're my beautiful girl. Just do the right thing."

"Yes, mother," I said and bolted for my room.

"And put on some proper clothes!" she called after me. "Your top has so many holes that it doesn't even pretend to cover your bra. And I can see your panties through the rips in your jeans."

I had always been a bit leery of Mom's business associate, Jack Grierson. The very first time I met him was soon after my youngest brother, Evan, was born. It was at the airport, when my mom Trixie Ann was returning from a business trip. He seemed a little too familiar with her. When he put his arm around her, she was very uncomfortable and flustered - she even grew short of breath.

However, materially, he was very good for our family. He introduced my mom to so many new business contacts that she began getting big raises, bigger bonuses and huge sales commissions. She bought a new BMW 5-series for herself and an almost new Cadillac for my dad, Alan. I got the new piano AND my mom's old Volvo. Mom bought my brother Eddie a new top of the line game console.

Whereas before Mom had always been tight, now when she was in a good mood, she gave me lots of money to buy clothes and go to concerts. She was always buying presents for Dad and toys for Eddie and even for baby Evan. We ate out a lot at expensive restaurants. We took short weekend family vacations to exotic locales - Bermuda, Iceland.

The only thing that wasn't perfect was that my dad was still unemployed. Jack kept getting him interviews for excellent positions, and he even made it to the final round a few times. But in the end, nothing panned out. He was constantly worrying about money, but Mom ignored him.

"I'm saving lots," she assured him. "Jack has helped me make some really lucrative investments, we're doing really well."

* * * * * * *

2.It was now almost six months since Evan was born. My dad thought that his arrival was such a pleasant surprise, as he said to all of us that he had always been very careful with using condoms. But Mom convinced him that no birth control method is perfect. Dad was worried that the expense of this third child would really hurt our finances, but fortunately that was just when Jack helped Mom's career take off. Evan was in the best daycare center in town.

Mom had always had an hourglass figure - Dad found her full breasts and rounded hips extremely sexy and was always telling her so. However, Evan's birth seemed to galvanize her. She joined a very expensive gym and became obsessed with working out every day after work and even more on weekends. She would do an hour of an advanced step aerobics class three days a week, weight training on the other two days and on weekends she went for long runs. Many of her exercise sessions were with Jack. I could always tell when she had been working out with Jack, for she always came back dreamy-eyed, lightheaded and talking about how sore she was. Workouts with Jack seemed to always get her very tired, but into a very good mood. I quickly learned that I could get her to agree to anything when she was in this state.

She became toned and strong and looked sexy in a very different way. She spent every non-working moment in a sports bra, tights and athletic shoes. Men had always looked at her, but now we could not even go to the grocery store without men (and even some women) turning and staring at her, some very blatantly.

At first, Dad thought that her newfound fitness regimen would improve their togetherness, but sadly it did not. Whenever Dad tried to cuddle to Mom, she always pushed him away saying she was tired from her most recent workout. Sometimes weeks went by when I did not see them embracing. Even when she allowed Dad to kiss her, she was passive and it was like watching Dad kiss a mannequin. I began to find Dad on his computer late at night more and more often. When he wasn't home I scrolled through his history and found almost all his visits were to porn sites. He was clueless about Internet security.

Jack had just gotten Dad another interview today. Like most of these interviews, it was early in the morning, at 6:30AM. Dad was very hopeful this time, because Jack told him that it was with one of the executives in his company, a woman by the name of Farah Hojjat. They were to meet at a Starbucks downtown. Dad had to leave the house by 5:30AM to make sure he made it there in time. I dimly heard him thumping down the stairs and I was sure that Mom was still sleeping.

* * * * * * *

3.I got up and brushed my teeth as usual. I looked at my phone - it was almost 7:00AM - I was going to be late for school. My brother Eddie should have been on his school bus by now. I poked my head in to his room to make sure. As usual, it was a disaster: piles of clothes on the floor, dirty dishes and glasses everywhere and even the posters on his wall askew. Such a slob - his mess was there, but he was gone.

I came out into the hall again and I thought I heard something. It was a low moan, it came from my parents' room and it sounded like Mom.

I was eighteen and not naïve, but I was still a virgin. Heavy kissing and petting with my boyfriend Manny Slink was the sum total of my sexual experience. The farthest I had been was when he slipped his hand under my sweater in the darkness of the movie theater and squeezed my breasts through my bra. When he whispered that I had perfect tits, I was so proud I could burst. But the next time we were necking in my car, I stopped him when he tried to unhook my bra.

But I want to feel your bare nipples, he whispered plaintively.

I'm not that kind of girl, I snapped.

Of course, he kept trying. And I let him feel my breasts regularly. I even felt his hard-on through his jeans. But I never let it get any farther, no matter how much he begged and pleaded.

Nonetheless, I knew about masturbation. We had learned about it in Sex Ed at school and I had made tentative explorations of my body, mostly in my bed. I knew what orgasms were in theory, but I was never sure whether I had ever had one. Dad has left for his interview, I thought. Mom thinks she is alone at home. Is she really masturbating?

Curious, I padded to my parents' bedroom door. It was slightly ajar and I stood in the crack, listening.

Mom moaned again and now I heard her voice. "Ohh, ... that feels so good ... Ohh ... don't stop ... "

Gosh, I thought. Is she really talking to herself?

I knew that I should turn around and leave, but the pull of curiosity was too strong. I lingered, wondering about this side of my mom's life that was entirely foreign to me.

"Ohh ... I'm so wet ... you're making me so excited! Ohh! Ohh!!"

It was Mom's voice, but the words, the panting, the gasps! I had to see it. I pushed the door slightly and saw the bottom of my parents' bed. The covers were rucked up and I could just see Mom's legs, splayed around a man's body. A man! And he was going down on her! It was just like they told us in Sex Ed. My mouth went dry.

There was no going back now. I pushed the door a bit more and saw the whole bed. The door was behind the head of the bed, so Mom was facing away from me. She was wearing a shortie nightgown that was pushed up around her armpits. Her red panties lay on the floor by the bed. Just as I pushed the door, she arched her back and began to buck and cry out.

"Omigod! OMIGOD!! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Keeping sucking my clit ... I'm still cumming!! OH! OHH!!"

She threshed and bucked on the bed for a several long moments. I just stared at her passion, amazed at the intensity of her orgasm. This was nothing like the gentle sensations I brought on with my fingers in my bed. She caressed the full head of pepper-and-salt hair that was still at her crotch. Then the man raised his face and the penny dropped - it was Jack Grierson, Mom's business associate.

I was incredibly shocked. I should have read the signs - I had seen them working together and noticed the way he put his hands on her ass when my dad was not looking. With all her fitness workouts, she looked so different now, sleek and toned like Jack, not pudgy and soft like my dad. But she was still my mom and the thought of someone other than my dad fucking her, especially in my parents' bed, was just so WEIRD!

Jack began to kiss Mom's belly and work his way up. Her breasts were smaller now, but incredibly firm - I hoped mine were as firm! He let his thick tongue run around her nipples and teased them and sucked on them till they stood out thick and proud like pencil erasers. He went on, further up, kissing the choker scarf that she wore around her neck and finally finding her lips. Holding her by the nape of the neck, he put his other hand on his cock and guided it to her sopping cunt.

Looking at her firm, shaven pussy - I was learning so many things about Mom! - I realized that my own panties were damp. I was not conscious of when it had happened. But that realization paled in comparison to the sight of Jack's enormous dick. It was long and thick and veined - it looked more like a metal sculpture than a thing of flesh and blood. There was a bead of pre-cum on the tip and Jack rubbed it on Mom's clit, causing her to give out a stifled mew, for his thick tongue was still probing her mouth.

As he began to push into her, her vagina lips stretched and stripped back his foreskin, exposing a smooth purple cockhead. With the head of his dick lodged in her, he gave her a few gentle mini-thrusts, prompting more mewing. By now, I was feeling warmth deep inside me that stimulated the release of my feminine juices. My panties were soaked through and as they could no longer hold my wetness in, it began to leak down my upper thigh. With a deep sigh, Jack used his weight and steadily sank his entire length into her. He lay on her, fully encased for a few moments.

Very soon, he began to thrust into her, real thrusts now with a steady, driving tempo. The bed creaked in a steady rhythm with his thrusts, each ending with a wet smack as his mount hit hers. She rotated her hips around his thrusts, and even to my untutored eye, the way she immediately matched his rhythm indicated that he had been fucking her for some time.

My wet panties became so uncomfortable that I stripped them down to my ankles and stepped out of them. Mom was mewing so hard now that she was loud in spite of Jack's thick tongue deep in her mouth. In fact, she sounded so excited that it was hard to tell whether she came again or not. She sounded like she was cumming continuously for what seemed like ages. Then I came, surprising myself, because I wasn't touching myself or even trying to cum. My knees felt weak and I had to grab on to the doorjamb to prevent myself from falling.

Jack slowed and stayed embedded in her for a while. He counter-rotated his hips, increasing the friction with her rotations. He groaned deep into her mouth and shuddered, suddenly pounding her with three sharp thrusts. She was still mewing and now gave a little scream. They both slowed and stopped. He stayed on top of her, still encased in her. He'd ejaculated his load into her!

I was trembling, still unable to turn and leave. My own pussy felt warm and I was so horny! Jack slowly pulled out of Mom and rolled over on to his back beside her. His enormous member was shiny with sexual secretions. She snuggled up to him, put her arms around his neck and rubbed her breasts on his hard chest. They lay together, cuddling and kissing. I wanted to leave, but I could not take my eyes off them.

"I did the test," Mom whispered after what seemed an age. "I'm pregnant again. Evan is going to have a little sibling. You've bred me again, you stud."

"That calls for an encore," said Jack. "Give me a few more minutes to recharge and I'll fuck you doggie style this time."

"No need to wait," said Mom throatily. "It's been a while since you came. I'm sure you can get hard, but let me make sure."

I just gaped as Mom slid down on Jack's body, rubbing her tits on him all the way down. My friends at school had told me about the act of giving head. We giggled about it a lot and most of the girls claimed to have experience - they all talked about how cum tasted salty. But I had no personal experience and had never seen it before. So when Mom opened her mouth and began to lick Jack's semen-coated shaft, I was agog. Before my incredulous eyes, he grew erect again - he was so big that she gagged on him. When he fucked her doggie style, she buried her head in her pillow, but her cries were still loud enough that I could have heard them in my room.

* * * * * * *

4.I did not go to school that day. I was senior, it was my last high school semester and I already had my college admission, so it really didn't matter. I drove to the mall and hung around till ten. I was still horny and all I could think about was Jack fucking Mom. How could she do this to Dad? Was she just fucking Jack to get ahead in business? To think that Evan was only my half-brother! And now there would be another half-sibling! I hated Jack and Mom, but especially Jack! He'd ruined my life.

I wandered into Victoria's Secret and poked around. I took a package of three thong panties that were on the markdown rack - they were red on cream, navy on white and sheer powder blue. Closeted in the changing room, I closed my eyes and immediately visualized every detail of Jack's enormous organ, the veins, the smooth purple head. I could hear Mom mewing and moaning. I tried to stop myself, but my eyes stayed shut and I played the scene with Mom and Jack over again in my mind. By the time I resurfaced, I found that the clean panties I had changed into were sodden. I rummaged in my purse, but could not find any Kleenex. So I used one of the thong panties to clean myself up and dropped my own wet panties in the changing room trash bin.

I put on the thong I used to wipe myself and walked up to the checkout clerk. She was cool, dark blonde with slightly Asiatic eyes. As a cheerleader and one of the "popular" girls in school, I always dressed fashionably - what my parents called 'dressing like a hooker'. Normally I was not embarrassed at showing skin and my underwear. But this checkout clerk had such a perfect figure, that I felt she would find me wanting. My mesh top displayed most of my bra and the thong I had just put on showed through the strategic rips in my jeans. My heels clicked too loudly on the parquetted floor. I am always self-conscious about my nipples because they are longer than most girls and get very hard with the least bit of air conditioning. I had on a very thin, strapless, unpadded red-and-cream bra, so my nipples made very prominent pokies.

I handed her the two thong panties saying, "It's one of the three-sets from the markdown rack."

"I need to scan all three," she said. Her voice was bored, but she took very obvious notice of my projecting nipples. She looked rather well dressed for a checkout clerk - she wore a business suit was a plunging neckline and an ID badge on a lanyard with her picture and name, JULIA IVERSEN.

"I'm wearing one of them," I said.

"Well, you're going to have to take it off so I can scan it."

"It says there's a fixed price for the set. I've got the cardboard tag with the barcode right here."

"No, I'll still need to scan each one. Its for the inventory system."

You bitch, I thought. But there was nothing I could do. I went back to the changing room and fished out my old panties - but they were far too wet to wear. Curse you, Julia Iversen, I thought. I stripped off the thong and walked back to her commando. Embarrassment made my nipples even harder.

She took the three thongs and scanned each one. She pretended that the one I wore did not scan properly and turned it around in her hand as she scanned it again and again. Finally, she put all three in a bag and handed them to me.

She looked straight at me with her china blue, slanted eyes and said, "We don't appreciate our customers masturbating in the changing rooms." I stared back at her speechless, frozen into immobility. She leaned forward, cupped one of my breasts and ran a long fingernail over the protruding nipple. She whispered in my ear, "Darling, you've got delectable tits. If you need help getting off, my lunch hour is at noon."

Clutching my bag of thongs, I fled and drove home again.

* * * * * * *

5.Jack's Jaguar was still in the driveway and both Mom's and Dad's cars were there too. I used my key to enter and heard them in the kitchen. My mixture of emotions confused me. Jack was a disgusting adulterer, seducing and breeding my mother - not once, but twice! I wished he were dead. I was furious with Mom for giving in to him. But at the same time, every time I thought about them fucking in my parents' marital bed, it ignited a slow burn that descended to my nether lips and made them tingle.

I wanted to run up to my room and get cleaned up and put on some fresh panties. But Dad heard me at the door and called for me to come to the kitchen. I poked my head in and tried to make an excuse, but he insisted saying, "Just have a quick cup of coffee with us, Judy darling."

Mom was wearing a black and pink jog bra, a matching silk choker, knee length tights and cross-trainers. Dad was wearing his "interview" clothes - a white shirt with a tie and his nice slacks. Jack wore a polo shirt, baggy shorts and an expensive European brand of sneakers that I had never seen before.

Mom said she had been stretching and Dad poured me a cup of coffee. I sat down at the head of the table. There was an awkward silence.

"Well, I don't want to the party pooper," I said. "I'll leave so you can carry on with your adult talk."

"Oh, its not that, dear," said Mom. "Your dad was just about to tell us about his interview."

My ears perked up and I leaned forward on the table.

"Do tell, Dad. Were you great? You were really prepared for this one."

Mom was also looking at him expectantly, but Dad's eyes dropped to his coffee cup.

"I screwed it up," he mumbled. He made a fist and thumped the table by his cup, not hard, but just enough to make it rattle. "But I tell you, it was not my fault. I was prepared, I really was. But that Farah Hojjat, she messed with my head."

"Did she ask tricky questions?" asked Jack.


"Was she misleading? Did she ask about material not relevant to the job?"

"No," repeated Dad. He ran a hand through his hair. "It's difficult to explain. She's got short dark hair worn in a bob and an incredible figure."

"She is kind of cute," agreed Jack. "But what of it?"

"Cute! She's a knockout! She wore one of those very revealing business suits - a tight, short skirt and a jacket with no blouse. She left the top button of her jacket undone, so that every time she leaned forward to look at her notes, I couldn't help but get a complete eyeful of her lacy, red bra. Its not fair to dress like that at an interview."