SR: Just One Drop Pt. 04

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Levi gets sent to the principal's office.
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The Slut Rose: Just One Drop, Part 4

"Levi Adams," the older black woman said, standing in the door of her office. Her secretary was sitting at her desk, trying unsuccessfully to ignore us. I could almost see the smirk on her face. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you're back in my office again." She took a step back and moved to clear her doorway, inviting me inside. "Come on," she said, disappointed in me.

I rose from my seat and moved past her, through the door. I could see the vial of oil in her hand.

I didn't like being in her office. Of course I didn't want to be there. It was just that Mr. Gordon was leaving the school later than normal and saw me leaning against the wall around the corner talking with two other students... two prospective buyers. He saw them give me money and figured I was selling drugs. And then promptly grabbed me, confiscated the vial, and dragged me back inside to Mrs. Samuel's office while the other two ran free.

"Take a seat," she said as she closed the door behind her.

I slid into one of the chairs in front of her desk. It had been a familiar seat as of late, having been called into her office three other times this year alone. I was happy graduation was in a week.

"So," she said as she sat in her own, big leather chair and held up the vial. "Drugs? Really? You're better than this."

I shook my head and quickly sat up. "It's not drugs!" I said.

She raised the vial in her hand and looked at the clear liquid. It was nearly empty at the moment, only about 10 drops remaining. Unfortunately, that was worth a lot of money to me. I had to have it back.

"Ok, I'll bite. Then what is it?" she asked.

Oh... I hate it when I had to think fast, to think on my feet. I wasn't that good at it. "It's a vial of... of... some essential oils," I said. "My mom sells it."

"Essential oils?" she said as if she didn't believe me. "It's a bit different than what I've ever seen." She held up the vial of clear liquid. "No label, no manufacturer, no price. Where did it come from?"

"That's just some kind of sample container that my mom got. So she could give out small samples. Kind of a try before you buy thing," I said. "She asked me to see if anyone here was interested. So... I brought it in. It barely has any in it."

"You know you're not supposed to be selling anything on school property, young man."

"I know... I just... I'm just trying to help my mom out," I said.

"Mmhmm," I could tell she didn't fully believe me, but wanted to leave the door open that I was telling the truth. "Look, I understand trying to help out, and that's a nice gesture. But..."

"Why don't you see for yourself?" I offered. "Just put a drop in your hand. You'll see what I mean." Oh, if she only did that... what a difference my day would have.

She looked at the vial, deciding on what she wanted to do. "What company was it that she got this from?"

"I don't know. It's not something I care about remembering," I said. "I just bring a vial to the school, see who's interested in buying some, and take the orders back home. Then in a week or so, I give them their order."

"Mmhmm... what's the name of this oil?" she asked, lifting the vial.

"It's... uh... passion fruit something or other," I said. "I can call my mom at work if you don't believe me."

I watched her unscrew the dropper from the top. "Passion fruit something, huh?" She pull the dropper away and looked in the bottle.

"Yeah... and this particular oil is put on your skin," I said. "My mom said she puts it in things like lotion... or massage oil. It's supposed to stimulate the nerves or something and... invigorate you."

Mrs. Samuel raised the dropper over her palm and squeezed one drop into it. And I released a huge breath knowing I could relax. It was only a matter of time now. She quickly put the dropper back into the bottle and sealed it, setting the bottle on her desk. Then she raised her palm to her nose and smelled it.

"Not much of a smell to it," she said.

"Well I guess not with one drop," I said, smiling. I couldn't imagine what would happen if she'd put multiple drops in her palm. "I don't know the details. But I know you're supposed to rub it into your skin and feel what it's like."

She took her finger and swirled the oil until it covered her palm and let it soak into her skin.

"Well, it's not like it makes the skin tingle or anything like a mint might do," she said.

"It takes a couple minutes," I said.

She rose from behind her desk and walked around to sit on the desk in front of me.

"I've been watching you," she said, looking down on me. "And I have to say that until these last couple of visits to my office, I've been impressed with you. You've improved so much over the past few years with your grades and everything. I never thought you'd have it in you. I figured you'd be more like your father as time went on. I only hoped not too much."

"Like my father?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know if you know it or not, but I went to school with your dad. He was... he was quite the athlete... very fit. It's just... he wasn't really into academics that much. But he did graduate and move on in life just fine. I'm just glad you're doing better."

Mrs. Samuel fanned herself with her hand, the oil obviously beginning to take effect, although she didn't put two and two together.

"Is it hot in here?" she asked, looking around as if to look at the thermostat.

"No... it feels fine with me." I looked at her feigning concern. "Are you ok?"

"It's not hot? Oh... must just be my crazy hormones. I'm just feeling a little... fuzzy. I just keep getting these crazy hot flashes... and... other symptoms that you don't need to hear about. I'm sure it'll pass." I'm sure her other symptoms were very much the product of the oil. At this point, I imagined her nipples were rock hard and her pussy was starting to tingle and get very, very wet. I smiled innocently... knowingly.

She picked up some papers in a manila folder on her desk and began fanning herself. "So... I couldn't help but notice that you were talking to... uh... some girl earlier. Mindy Moss. She's.... um... she's cute... If you're into that sort of thing. Are you... uh... are you going out with her?"

"I don't see how that has anything to do with why I'm here, Mrs. Samuel," I said.

"Oh, please... you can tell me these things." She was starting to pull at her blouse, pulling it away from her, obviously wishing she could take it off. She stood and moved around her desk and took her thin jacket off, setting it on her chair. She wore a nice, white, button-down blouse and a medium length, dark blue skirt. Underneath she wore dark blue stockings that complemented her outfit, along with strappy high heels. It was a powerful, business-like look that carried the rank of her job title.

And it was starting to unravel.

She moved back to the front of her desk and perched on the edge again. "There's no reason you can't be completely forthcoming with me. I have an obligation to know. Are you?"

"Not at the moment, no," I admitted to her. "We might hook up soon, though."

"I was watching you two very closely and I couldn't help but notice the way she was... um... kind of throwing herself at you. You know if you're anything like your father, girls are going to be doing that day and night. Your parents should put bars on the windows, shouldn't they?" she laughed.

Her hands were now pulling at her skirt and scratching her stomach and side, tugging on her blouse. The oil was definitely doing it's job... she was getting very excited and wasn't sure why or what to do about it. I imagined she'd love to touch herself right now.

"Not that I... uh... have a problem with you dating. It's just that... I don't want you to... um... make a mistake and take one of them too seriously. I mean, they could all just... be floozies. You have to watch yourself. You're so... young," she said, exhaling longingly, looking over my body. "So... virile. You have your whole life ahead of you. I don't want you to get caught up in all that when you should be focusing on... uh... on... your... your studies."

She was having a harder and harder time concentrating on what she was saying. She was squeezing her thighs together now and slightly moving her hips, trying to tease her clit. She was getting so very excited... so horny and needy. I could see the sweat beginning to bead on her forehead as she fought the urge.

"You should really take it from me. I used to be one of those girls. I know exactly what's going on in their minds. And they only want one thing from you," she said.

"One thing Mrs. Samuel?"

"Isn't it obvious?" she asked, opening her arms towards me, offering me as an example. "I know you're so... new... to this whole thing. And, there's nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun. Really, just don't get caught up in it. I mean... I have your best interest at heart. I know exactly what she... wants." She paused, looking at my crotch as if she were envisioning a want right at that moment... envisioning her own need being satisfied by my body. "So I know exactly what you need to look out for," she continued, her eyes slowly moving back up to meet mine. "You should really listen to me on this one. Speaking as... one of those... girls... I have to say you would definitely be my type."

Mrs. Samuel stood, squeezing her thighs, her hands pulling at her skirt and blouse as if she were suppressing a strong desire to just rip them off. She started pacing a little, trying to keep her body moving and obviously trying to find a way to satisfy the urge that was so desperately building.

"Are you ok, Mrs. Samuel? I mean... you look..."

"Of course... I'm fine.... I'm fine. Look at your... just... look at you. You're growing up more and more every day. You're becoming a... man... a healthy... young... virile... man. Just... amazing. The girls are just... are just going to be all over you. They might... I don't know... try and corner you behind the gymnasium or trap you alone in a room or something." She again got lost in her thoughts, lost in a fantasy playing out in her mind. "And so I just want to make sure you're... prepared. I mean, who better to prepare you? 'Cause I know what these girls want. They just... they really do only have one thing on their mind."

She walked around behind me and I could swear by the change in her breathing she was touching herself, hidden from my view, pinching and pulling her nipples through her blouse. When she came into full view again, her nipples were hard points, pressing out against her blouse.

"And it's so sweet of you that you're so innocent and don't know. But these little sluts are... perverted."

"Perverted, Mrs. Samuel? What do you mean?"

"Trust me. I just... I... I know these things. Just look at you now," and she looked at me herself, her eyes roaming all over me with an extremely lustful gaze. "You... There's no reason they won't be all over you some day soon. I mean, if I were one of them, I," she paused, daydreaming, fantasizing, as she sucked on the tip of her finger absently. "Well... you don't even want to know what I would do. So that's why we need to talk about it. Do you see the urgency?"

"Yeah... I guess that makes sense," I said. This was getting better and better. Her body was heating up and her brain was shutting down. It wouldn't be too long now. "I mean... I don't want to do anything to hurt my future."

"I'm sure you're used to the little things these girls have done. I saw how she was behaving. And that was in public. Imagine what she could do to you... oh... behind closed doors. I just can't bear to think about it." I could tell by the way she was squeezing her thighs together and practically panting that she was indeed thinking about it.

Mrs. Samuel was breathing heavier now... almost panting with need and licking her lips. She had to be burning up with need. She moved in front of my chair and knelt down, her hands resting on the arms of the chair.

"I don't... I don't want you to get blindsided, Levi. So I need to... show you... what... they might do."

Her hands were moving a little, as if she wanted to do something with them but was fighting the urge. I hadn't seen anyone fight it like this before. It was so damn hot!

"I know these girls... they want to show you... they want to show you how interested they are in you and... how much they want to be close to you. You're such a strong young man. There's no reason they won't find some excuse to... you know... touch you."

Suddenly, she moved one of her hands to my arm, sliding up and down it and then moved it to my chest. She moaned softly at the contact, her eyes half closing, her mouth slightly twisting into a lustful smile.

"Such a tight, young body. I'm sure they've touched you like this already and you're just not telling me because... well I dunno. You just don't want to tell me for some reason. But I have to know, honey."

"Oh my God, it's hot in here." She sat back on her heels and fanned herself a moment before she unbuttoned her blouse, quickly pulling it off and tossing it aside as if were no big deal to be undressed in front of me. She was only wearing a frilly bra, now. One that was having a hard time containing her large breasts.

"Mrs. Samuel?"

"I'm fine... I'm fine. I'm just... very... passionate about this and I... want you know everything... before it happens." She looked at me, running her hands over her chest and stomach before coming back up to caress and squeeze her bra-covered breasts, squeezing her nipples. "Because if you haven't experienced these things first hand... you know... oh... these girls will take advantage of that. They'll do... things... to you that... might not be the best thing for you in the moment. Oh... you'll be so... so intoxicated by... by the way their voice sounds... by the feel of their soft little bodies rubbing up against yours. I want you to know... what that might feel like... if you could... oh, I don't know, imagine it for a second."

She put her hands back on the arms of the chairs, sitting up close to me once again. She licked her lips excitedly and now could barely even look me in the eyes. They were all over my body.

"Oh, honey, people do... things they might regret... when they're so intoxicated by lust. You know, things they might no normally do. It's especially dangerous when these girls have... the confidence to go further than... just a little light touching. I mean, they could touch your chest... like this."

She reached forward again and put her hand on my chest, stroking it, feeling my body beneath my shirt.

"It feels good... but... it's nothing like... it's nothing like touching you... here."

She slid her hand down my chest and quickly grabbed my cock through my jeans. Her gaze was fixed there as she stroked it, finding it's length and girth through my pants and slightly stroked along its length.

"Is it? No. I mean there's just no way to anticipate how that might make you feel unless you do it with someone. Someone like me. And it's ok... just this once... It's ok. Isn't it?"

She started unfastening my pants now and pulled them down to my knees along with my boxers, exposing my very hard cock. Her hand quickly grabbed it and started stroking its full length.

"Mrs. Samuel?" I smiled at her. "Are you... ok?" I knew she wasn't and I was going to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I didn't want to waste a drop of the SlutOil on her like this... I'd rather have sold it... but sometimes you have to spend money to make money.

"I'm fine honey, I'm fine. It's just I'm feeling a little different... I like helping you like this."

"Do you know what you're doing to me?" I asked.

"Of course I know what I'm doing. I'm helping you. I don't want you to make a mistake that will ruin your life. Do you understand? That's why I'm doing... this," she said squeezing my cock firmer as she stroked it. I was so hard already.

"I don't want you doing something you might regret with these girls... these floozies. So I need to show you... everything. Don't I? Because if I don't, once these girls touch your cock, it's all over, isn't it? You'd just let them do anything at that point, wouldn't you? Anything at all. I mean, they wouldn't even have to... say... take their top off, would they?"

She smiled and sat up on her knees, then grabbed each cup of her bra, pulling her breast out on either side, exposing them. Her nipples were huge! And so chocolate-dark! Her hands cupped and squeezed her breasts, massaging them and playing with her nipples. I'd never seen a black girl like this before. She was sexy as fuck!

"Would they? But if they did, it's certainly not a problem. Because now you're prepared for it. I just want you to be prepared. Fully... prepared... for everything. I want you to know what to expect, what it feels like."

"I've never seen you like this Mrs. Samuel," I said, smiling, loving the look of her beautiful MILF body.

"Oh, I'm fine... I'm fine. I'm ok, I promise. I'm just looking out for you, baby. It's what teachers are supposed to do... isn't it?"

Both of her hands returned to my cock and started stroking me again, faster this time. She looked even more needy.

"Oh, honey, please, I need this. I really need this. Oh, I need your help so bad... so bad... Maybe we can help each other. We can help each other... just this once. Just this once, baby, just this once."

Suddenly she sat back and then stood and put one foot on the seat beside me. Then she pulled her skirt up to her hips, exposing her sexy panties and pantyhose underneath. "Oh baby, please... just touch me... right down there," she whimpered. "Oh God.... touch me!"

I reached up and touched her inner thigh, sliding up between her legs and started running my fingers over her pussy. There was still a lot of material there, but I could feel that she was extremely hot there.

"Oh... yes, baby yes!" She reached down and grabbed at her pantyhose. "Fuck these," she whispered, tearing a large hole in them at her crotch. "Mmmm... pull my panties to the side."

I used my fingers to pry underneath her panties and feel the soft, soaking wet flesh beneath. She felt so very wet, so very ready to be fucked. My fingers slid through her folds, touching her labia, sliding just a little into her hole, and then sliding up to circle over her clit.

"Faster... ah... faster," she moaned, barely able to stand. She looked down at me, demanding I comply, so I circled my fingertips around her clit even faster. "Oh, that's it baby... ooooh... oh, faster honey... Keep going! Oh! I'm almost there baby... Oh baby! Put your fingers in me!"

I slid three fingers into her sopping flesh as deep as I could and then pulled back, only to thrust again and again. She put one hand on my head to steady herself. I could tell she was going to have a massive orgasm.

"Yeah... yeah," she moaned, getting so close, and then a throaty "fuuuuuuuuuuuck!" as she came, her body writhing above me. Her juices ran down my forearm as I continued thrusting, slowly, even though her pussy was squeezing me out.

She dropped her foot back to the floor and was still shaking, but didn't look anywhere near finished. Her pussy juices were dripping down her legs. "Oh wow... I need... I need more, baby. I need more! Switch with me. Quickly."

She grabbed my arms to help me stand and then fell into the chair and lifted her legs onto the arms of the chair, opening herself wide for me. She then reached forward for me and pulled my face toward her pussy. "Open your mouth. Come on, honey. Open it. Oh, honey... taste me baby!"

I moved forward, but she pulled me even faster, and I practically fell face first into her wet pussy. I instantly began licking and sucking on it. I had only a little experience, but I wasn't a total noob and knew what would feel good.