Spinal Meningitis is No Joke Ch. 03


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I flopped back onto my pillow, my body drained from the exertion. "Thank you so much," I said. I then brought my right hand to my mouth to taste her pussy for the first time.

"No, thank you!" Charlene whispered back. She kissed my cheek, covered me with my sheet, and opened the curtain as she left. I fell asleep with those tasty fingers still in my mouth.

Saturday morning, I awoke and sat bolt upright in my bed. Sarah came quickly to my room - my heart rate had been elevated, which appeared at the nursing station. I was breathing heavily as she came up to my bed.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Saturday?" I asked back. She nodded. "Every time I wake up," I said, "I'm worried I might have fallen back into a coma."

"Oh, that's a shame," Sarah said, "I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better." Her eyes sparkled with horny mischief. "Unfortunately, the cleaning staff will be here too soon for us to have any real fun."

While the cleaning staff vacuumed, mopped, and wiped down everything in the ward, I busied myself lifting my little dumbbells while holding my feet suspended off the bed. I was able to do both for two straight minutes this time. After the cleaning staff left, Heather arrived and Sarah left for the day. I had Heather and Sarah help me get my exercise mat rolled out and I slid down to it with very little assistance.

I did ten girlie pushups this time, with my knees and shins on the mat. After the last one, I dropped onto my face on the mat and rested there for a few minutes. When my strength had returned, I did another set. Twelve this time. My chest and shoulders were burning from the effort, and I rolled onto my side, inadvertently pulling on my IV.

"Ow." I said aloud. Man, I even sound like my dad now.

"Are you okay down there?" Heather said from the foot of my bed. She had been watching me this whole time.

I held out my arm, and there was a little bit of blood where the IV needle had been jerked. Heather knelt and looked at it. She carefully disconnected the feed from the bag, leaving me with only a six-inch length of tube protruding from my arm. She gently cleaned and disinfected the area around the needle, then used medical tape to secure the tube to my arm.

"There," she said when she had finished, "that should keep you from hurting yourself."

I couldn't help myself. I leaned forward and kissed her. Her eyes widened in surprise, and then closed as she let me take her mouth with mine. This time it was my hungry tongue that invaded her mouth. It was my hand finding its way to her tight ass, squeezing and kneading her muscular buttock while our tongues wrestled. We broke the kiss and both gasped for breath.

"I think I'm strong enough now," I said.

There was a long pause as Heather gazed into my eyes...and then it was like I could see her brain registering what I had said. She looked me up and down, and then put her hand around my wrist. She lifted my hand into the air, taking my pulse.

"You feel strong enough to me," she said, "and believe me, I want you inside me so badly right now I can practically taste it. But we can't. Not right now. It's just too risky."

I groaned in frustration, but the sunlight streaming in my window clearly illuminated the seriousness in her face.

"Saturdays and Sundays are when we get the most visitors," Heather continued, "and visiting hours start..." she looked at her watch, "now, actually."

Right on cue, I heard my dad's voice from down the hall.

Heather gently pushed me onto my back on the exercise mat and held my feet.

"See how many sit ups you can do," she instructed.

I did four before my parents came in. I could really feel my abdominal muscles working. Heather's back was toward my parents, so they couldn't see what I could. She wasn't wearing anything under her scrubs that day. Every time I sat all the way up, I could see both of her massive breasts in all their glory down the front of her top. It probably made my breathing heavier than it would have been.

At the top of my sixth sit up, I whispered "magnificent" to her. She smiled at me and then loudly said, "Twenty-one."

When I came up again, "Twenty-two."

I collapsed to my back, giggling helplessly. When I caught my breath, I managed another sit up and whispered to her, "Oh, you're going to pay for that one."

"Twenty-three," she responded, smiling wickedly at me. She shook her shoulders a bit, causing her breasts to shake hypnotically right in my face. It took all my concentration to not get a massive hard-on right in front of my parents.

Heather helped me to my feet, and I was able to take most of my weight as I stepped over to my bed and slid under the sheet. My parents politely looked away, but they had gotten an eyeful as my gown exposed me. The blush of color in their faces gave them away.

I was able to feign ignorance well enough that we moved past that potentially awkward moment. I had my dad dole out my supplements for me, and Heather brought in a fresh jug of water for me to wash down the pills and powder. Not long after, Charlene brought in my breakfast. She and my parents visited while I ate my breakfast. Again, I was careful to take small bites and chew thoroughly so as not to upset my stomach. I actually had a strip of bacon, which I savored in seven heavenly pieces. I was embarrassed when I realized I was moaning in ecstasy while eating bacon. Everyone laughed at me when I held up the last bite and defensively said, "It's bacon!"

My parents mentioned that Beth, my older sister, would be in town next weekend. They passed along that she said she couldn't wait to see me again. They also said that Mark and Seth, my two best friends, would probably want to visit as well. Charlene cringed at that, and had to inform them that only family could visit in this ward.

"Once Josh can walk, though, they can visit with him in the visitor's lounge or the lobby."

The rest of my parents' visit was nice. We talked at length about what would happen once I could return home. It was already the second of May, so there was less than a month of school left. That meant that I would be starting my junior year of high school at the end of the summer. My mom had spent a lot of the last week - when she wasn't visiting with me - getting information from the school and talking with some of my teachers. It was possible for me to try to test out of some of my classes to move my graduation date up.

While we were having that discussion, another family came in to visit their comatose son. My dad got up and went to greet them, shaking hands with them in a way that told me they had met before. Not long after that, Charlene and Heather came back into my room with an attending physician I hadn't met before, and they began removing my IVs entirely. The shunt that was in my neck was also removed. (That was uncomfortable. My mom couldn't watch.) This left me with some fresh bandages, but only the fingertip heart monitor was still attached to me.

My parents left to get some lunch, but promised to return later in the evening. As they gathered themselves to leave, I asked if they could bring some shorts, t-shirts and underwear for me to put on while exercising. My mom promised she would.

After I had my lunch, Charlene helped me back to my exercise mat. She stayed in the room to watch me, but pulled the privacy curtain enough to stop me being exposed to passersby. I wasn't quite able to do as many girlie pushups as before, but at the end I did one passable form pushup.

I lay on my stomach for a few minutes, getting my breathing back to normal, and then flipped onto my back. "Can you hold my feet for me?" I asked Charlene.

"Sure," she replied, coming over to kneel at my feet. She then giggled as she grabbed my ankles. I looked up at her and realized that with my knees in the air and my ankles spread as they were, I was fully exposed from the waist down.

"My eyes are up here," I joked, as I did my first sit up.

Charlene had a lacy black bra under her scrubs. When I had finished a dozen sit ups and flopped onto my back, my huge erection was in the air between us. Charlene gave me a quick, vigorous sucking. She then put a finger in her mouth, and slid it into my asshole as she sucked my cock back in. When her finger found my prostate, I exploded in her mouth. I blacked out a little with that orgasm, seeing stars as the ropes of semen spurted out of me.

When I had caught my breath finally, she helped me back to my bed. My legs were, of course, a little weaker after that.

I dozed off for a couple hours, waking up to find my mother in my room. Again, I was panicked when I awoke, sitting up quickly and looking frantically around me. My heart monitor was beeping at an accelerated clip, but was already slowing when my mother rushed to my bedside and held my hand.

I released my breath in a long, slow "whoooooh" as I lay back onto my pillow. "I'm alright, mom," I reassured her when I took in the look of alarm on her face. I went on to explain, again, how I kept waking up like this. While I was explaining, I was caught completely off-guard to notice my mom's nipples were noticeably protruding in the front of her blouse!

I probably have to explain why this was shocking; I had never, ever seen my mom's nipples before. She has large breasts, and my friends and I had taken note of them. However, she always wore those thick, big "mom bras" that you see in Penney's or Sears. When we went swimming as a family, she always wore a conservative one-piece swimsuit with a liner. What she was wearing now was a thin, white blouse with a thin, lacy bra. Her dark nipples were clearly visible, and they were large - the size of the first joint of my thumb.

Fortunately, I managed not to stare. That could have gotten weird and uncomfortable in a hurry. I was also spared because my "morning wood" had largely gone away when I sat up and while I was talking to my mom. It didn't occur to me that she had seen it in all its glory while I was sleeping...nor that it was the cause of her aroused nipples.

My mother explained that my father was putting in extra hours at his office this evening so that he could free up time in the upcoming week to be with me for my physical therapy sessions. It's a little embarrassing to admit, but at that time I didn't have a clue what my father actually did for a living. I knew he worked in an office building, and that he did a lot of work on a computer. Some of this he was able to do from home. Also, he had lots of business meetings, and these were occasionally out of the country. At sixteen, I just didn't have enough interest in whatever it was he was doing to really pay attention.

My mother, on the other hand, was a realtor. She was successful enough that she was her own boss, and she had other people who worked for her. This gave her as much flexibility as she wanted. Mom was awesome in that she was always available when I had any school activity she could attend. She knew all my teachers, coaches, principals, and office staff. She knew all the PTA members. She knew all my friends, knew their parents, and embarrassingly, knew all the cute girls in my classes and their parents. It would be a while before I realized that her ability to network like this was a big part of her success as a realtor.

Once I had calmed down completely, and Heather had come to check on me, my mother presented me with a bag full of my clothes. In it were six pairs of underwear, six pairs of shorts, three tank tops, and five t-shirts. Unfortunately, they were "my" clothes, from before I had been hospitalized.

Eager to put something on, I had grabbed a pair of my "tighty-whiteys" and my favorite pair of sweat shorts and tried slipping them on under the sheet. Mom pulled the curtain over to give me some privacy, so her back was to me when I started putting on the underwear. I got the briefs up to mid-thigh, where they were stuck. I couldn't pull them any higher, and then couldn't pull them down either.

"Oh, boy."

"What's wrong, honey?" mom asked.

I was far too embarrassed to tell my mother that I was trapped in my underwear. I continued to try struggling out of them and grunted, "Too tight." As I wiggled my hips from side to side, the sheet betrayed me by sliding completely off the end of the bed. I was left sitting there, my hospital gown bunched above my waist, briefs around my thighs, and my enormous cock waving obscenely from side to side as I struggled to get the traitorous underwear off of me.

My mother's eyes were anime-huge as she stared. It only took me a couple seconds from the time the sheet dropped to lie back and cover my crotch with the gown, but that was far too long. Mom had seen my dick. We both knew it.

Mom cleared her throat, shook her head, and then seized the offending briefs and removed them. She grabbed my sheet from the floor and tossed it into my lap.

"I'm so sorry, Joshua," she said, "I feel so stupid. Obviously these won't fit you anymore." She put the briefs back into the bag, but not before I had gotten a clear look at just how excited her nipples had become. Her back to me, she held up each pair of shorts in turn and three went right back into the bag. She brought the remaining two pairs, which had been oversized basketball shorts. "Hopefully these will still fit you. I'll stop by Wal-Mart on the way home and get you some MEN'S boxers for tomorrow."

Her emphasis on "men's" just drove into my brain that mom had seen my dick. I shook my head as I pulled on my favorite pair of sweat shorts. "Mom just saw your dick!" kept playing in my mind. These sweat shorts had been a favorite for my lounge-around-the-house summer days; loose and lightweight with an elastic waistband. They were easy to just lift up when I had to pee as well, a useful feature. I had often worn them without underwear. Lifting my hips, I pulled the shorts all the way up. They were a little snug now, but I finally had something on beneath my gown.

I grinned at my mom, pulled back the sheet, and sat up triumphantly.

"Ta-dah!" I said, swinging my legs over so that I was sitting on the side of the bed facing her.

Her expression was priceless. It also told me I had miscalculated horribly. I looked down at my crotch, where her gaze was locked, and saw my semi-erect cock looking like a ten-inch sausage tightly wrapped in thin, grey cloth. The bulbous cock head stood out clearly against the straining fabric. It was also dangerously close to popping right out of the leg opening of the shorts. My face had to have been beet red as I hurriedly pulled my hospital gown down to cover myself.

Mom's face was certainly red.

After a long, awkward silence, she finally spoke. "Well...I guess that's better than nothing under your gown."

She was fidgety for the next few minutes. We tried awkwardly to make conversation. I think she caught me staring at her straining nipples. I know I caught her eyes on my crotch area a few times. Finally, mercifully, she blew out a long sigh and said, "I really should get going. I'll make sure I bring you some clothes that fit tomorrow."

She came up to me, wrapped me in a tight hug, and kissed my cheek. I hugged her back, which pulled her tummy snugly against my crotch. I could feel her nipples against my chest through the thin fabric of her blouse and bra, and my cock was hardening rapidly. She had to feel it. I think she even felt the end of my erection slide out of the bottom of the shorts, felt it throbbing against her. She cooed in my ear, "I love you so much, Joshua." She was careful to keep her eyes locked to mine as she extricated herself from the hug, grabbed the bag of undersized clothes, and pulled the privacy curtain open.

I lay back on the bed and covered myself with the sheet again. I noticed that my mother held the bag of clothes in front of her chest as she waved goodbye to Heather and Charlene and made her way out of the ward.

Damn. That was just messed up. Unbidden, "Your mom just saw your dick!" popped into my head again. Thankfully, Charlene arrived with my dinner not long after that, and I wasn't still sporting a mom-inspired boner.

The dinner was actually really good. It was chopped steak in light gravy, with green beans, potatoes, and a fruit cup. As I thoughtfully chewed my dinner and tried to distract myself with television, I just couldn't help but replay that scene with my mother in my head. Over and over. And over. Man. I am a mess.

Half an hour later, after my food had settled and I had gone to the bathroom, I lay in my bed and attacked my exercises with a vengeance. Thirty leg lifts led straight into ten crunchers, followed by so many curls with the little dumbbells that I lost count. Heather's honey-smooth voice snapped me back to reality.

"We'll need to get you some bigger weights," she said from the doorway.

I looked over at her and grinned. I set the dumbbells down beside me on the bed and held up my arms in a mockery of Hans und Franz. "Got to pump up these girly arms." I said in my best Bavarian accent.

Man, her laugh made me feel...just great to be alive, and in the presence of beauty. My chest swelled as she approached my bed with an exaggerated sway of her hips. She reached out and squeezed my left bicep. "Ooh, my manly man," she cooed. Thankfully, she didn't try the accent. Her sexy voice was perfect. While her right hand stroked my arm, her left snaked up my leg and found my hard cock encased in the exercise shorts. "My VERY manly man."

She then leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Make sure you take those shorts off. They'll just get in our way after visiting hours tonight." She gave my cock a squeeze before sauntering away. Maybe I'm a bad son, but I can honestly say I didn't have a single thought about my mother for the rest of that night. Then again, maybe that makes me a better son—considering what those thoughts had been.

I stared at Heather's swaying ass walking away from me as I pulled my sweat shorts off.

Later that night, after Charlene and Heather had finished attending to the patients in the coma ward, they both came to my room to administer my sponge bath. The whole thing was slow and sensuous and surreal. When they had finished, Charlene went back to the nurses' station, but not before pulling the privacy curtain and blowing us a kiss. Heather got a basin of warm water from the bathroom sink, and used a washcloth to repeat the sponge bath procedure. She gently removed the astringent, mint-smelling cleaning compound from my entire body. When she had finished and disposed of the water, she helped me to sit up and face her. Standing three feet in front of me, she unbuttoned and removed her top, tossing it to the foot of my bed. She then undid the drawstring of her scrub pants and let them drop to the floor. She stepped back, bent to pick them up, and then walked right up to me as she added them to her top. I realized my mouth was hanging open, and I didn't know where to look. Her massive breasts (EEE bra size, I would later learn) on her petite frame bobbed and weaved in a hypnotic manner. Her pussy, like Charlene's was waxed completely smooth, revealing a lovely, puffy pussy mound. Her thighs were toned and sexy. The way her neck flowed smoothly and sensuously into her collarbone just made me want to mark it as my own.

Heather then turned away, displaying her heart-shaped ass as she got my exercise mat from the far end of the couch and spread it on the floor. The unhurried way she carried herself just made the whole scene sexy. She was on her knees, facing away from me as she smoothed out the mat. Her pussy lips peeked out from between her thighs, glistening. She got smoothly to her feet and walked around my bed to grab a clean bath towel, and I was treated to a boob man's dream show the entire time. She walked back to the far side of the mat, facing me this time as she knelt and spread the towel out in the middle of the mat. Her breasts hung down so far that her nipples actually dragged across the towel. When she looked up at me from the towel, there was fire in her eyes.