Spies, the Secret and the Alias


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I answered, "Our guy, the wizard, gets an incredible return on investments. Hazel invests with our guy. He gives his people a normal return while he takes whatever is above a normal return. Millions upon millions."

My daughter, "Crooks stealing from terrorist. You gotta love it."

Charlie stated, "Exactly. He and his girlfriend, wife, we're not sure what she really is to him. Some people say it's his sister but we know they have a sexual relationship. So we're pretty sure it's not really his sister."

My daughter, "Otherwise, it'd be pretty gross."

I said, "Disgusting, incest. You never know though."

My wife, "Incest wasn't that unusual until modern times. It's natural to be attracted to an attractive person regardless of who they are. Hazel probably can't trust many people. They could easily betray him or steal the terrorist's money. That'd get him kill. He'd only trust someone close to him. Family. It would only be natural that they'd get involved sexually given the circumstances. I bet it is his sister."

Charlie continued, "Regardless, they're meeting Grant, the wizard, and his girlfriend in Geneva to talk business. Like I said, just a meet and greet. No firm business is likely to get done."

My wife asked, " So when do we go? I'll be Grant's girlfriend as always. No one knows Grant so no one knows his girlfriend. I don't think we need Alison for this operation. You have people in Geneva better suited for surveillance than Alison. Sorry, honey."

Charlie squirmed in his seat.

Charlie replied, "The wizard, Grant, part of the legend is that he is a womanizer. We think that's another reason Hazel wants to meet the wizard. Hazel and his girlfriend, her name is Alexis. They are reportedly sexually...wild, deviants. Hazel and Alexis like to have sex in front of other couples. They usually don't swing but on occasion if they see someone they are both attracted to they will swap partners. Or take another single woman to bed with them."

My wife looked at my daughter then said, "Alison, see the great type of people your parents get to meet in this business. Crooks, terrorists and pervs. It's not a problem, Charlie. Grant and I can handle it. It's just a meet and greet anyway."

Charlie hesitantly answered, "I'm sorry Anna but you're not going on the mission. The wizard, Grant, has reputation for liking young, girls. 18 -19 year olds. You're absolutely, gorgeous but there is no way you can pass for an 18 year old girl. That's why we want Alison to go. To act as Grant's girlfriend."

I shouted, "You're not serious. That's not happening."

Alison replied, "It's only a meet and greet. Nothing is going to happen."

I stated, "Things can go wrong. You never know what can happen. You're not ready for this."

My wife questioned, "Is there any one else available?"

Charlie, "No. No one with nearly the experience of Alison. Our next youngest agent is 23. Alison is 19 she can easily pass for 18. She is perfect for the role. We don't generally recruit women as young as Alison into the Agency. Because of you two, we made an exception for your daughter."

I connected, "She's going to be playing my girlfriend. That's too weird."

My wife, "It is strange. Incestuous."

My wife thought about it a second. My wife continued, "You know and trust each other. You'll seem at ease with each other. It should work. Older man more dominant over younger woman. Perfect fit. It's only a meet and greet. It's not like anything else will happen. You can handle it. Alison can handle it."

My daughter said, "I can do it, dad. It's only pretend. It's not real. It's acting. We won't really be boyfriend and girlfriend."

I told her, "It's acting that our lives will depend on. If Hazel thinks something isn't right, he won't hesitate to kill us. Be sure of that daughter."

My daughter, "I know. I know. I can do it, dad. We don't want to lose a chance to get this guy because it's a little personally awkward."

I turned to my wife and asked, " What do you think? Can she really handle it?"

"Yes, she can do it. It'll be a couple of hours at most. Not a problem, " my wife believed.

Charlie stated, "The agency thinks Alison, your daughter, is ideal for the role."

I gave in, "Okay."

My daughter, "Yeah."

I cut off her celebration, "Remember, Alison, you are my daughter and I love you. But this is business. Life and death. I need you to do everything I say, without hesitation. Without question."

"No matter how seemingly insignificant or weird. You have to always be in character. And I can't believe I'm saying this in front of my wife, to my daughter, bizarre, to always act as my girlfriend."

My daughter was all smiles, "I'll be the best pretend girlfriend you ever had. Next to mom, of course."

"When do they go," my wife questioned Charlie.


"Oh, I need to go pack. What should I wear? Fancy but young looking. Sexy, girlfriend. Money hungry," my daughter announced.

Charlie told my daughter, "We have wardrobe picked out for your characters. Designer outfits."

Alison, "Awesome."

Charlie left to prepare the surveillance for the operation. I went over to my wife.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I know you wanted to go," I said.

"What can you do? I never thought I'd be replaced by my own daughter though. A little weird," my wife said bitterly. "Protect her, Grant. Bring back our daughter safely. I'm not that old am I. I'm still plenty hot."

"The hottest. Besides you're the same age as me. 37."

My wife revealed, "At your age men start going for younger woman."

"It's only one mission. We're a team. This is only a temporary operation. If you don't feel comfortable about Alison, our daughter, and I going on this mission, I'll cancel it right now," I told my wife the truth.

"No, go. I'm just jealous that our daughter is going to be in the action not me, " my wife responded.

My daughter and I flew to Geneva. We checked into a prominent Hotel. My daughter was ecstatic as she unpacked her clothes that the agency had selected for her. Gucci, Versace, Calvin Klein and other designer outfits. We were only in the room a few hours. We planned on taking the meeting and then flying back to Paris by 7 PM the same day.

I was dressed waiting for my daughter to take a limo to the restaurant. I was dressed casually chic in a grey suit and black shirt and black regular sized tie. My daughter, after trying on outfits all day, finally came out of the bathroom. I didn't discourage her clothes obsession. It kept her mind off the mission. I figured her character would be clothes horse too.

When she came out of the bathroom, my daughter was wearing a short black dress with thigh high boots. She was a throw back to the late 60s. The black dress barely reaching her upper thighs. The boots nearly reaching the end of the dress. Leaving only her lower thighs uncovered.

"You like?" she asked.

The room was swept and secure. So I could answer honestly and not in character.

"Your dad hates it but the Wizard would love it. It's in character," I answered.

"It's all about the mission and the clothes," my daughter giggled.

I warned her, "Remember the moment we walk out this door to the end of the mission we are in character. Nothing, I mean nothing changes that. Not even a gun to your head or my head. Nothing."

I lectured my daughter though I knew she already understood.

"I know dad."

I revealed to my daughter, "I know you do, honey. My daughter is a genius. But there is one thing you need to understand that they don't quite teach you in spy training. WHAT HAPPENS ON A MISSION STAYS ON THE MISSION."

My daughter, "Like Vegas."

I continued, "Often much worse. I've had to do horrible things, things I'm not proud of at all, to survive. Violence, hurting or threatening people and other things. In the past you've gone on missions with both your mom and me so we all knew what happened on the mission. In this case, it's just you and me, kid. Your mom isn't here. She doesn't need to know everything that happens on this mission. What we might have to do?"

"In the future, when you go out on missions by yourself, your mom and I don't need to know everything that happens. It's better not to burden other people with the horrible things you have to do in this business. It's almost certainly not going to come up on this mission. It's only a simple meeting but it will in the future. Understand."

"I understand, dad."

"One last thing about when we meet Hazel, he'll send you off with Alexis. I want you to stay in my visible range. Don't leave my sight. The one threat I worry about is his kidnapping you in order to control me, the wizard."

"We have back up. They're going to follow and track Hazel. Then monitor his activities. If he doesn't let us invest the funds, they'll extract him. But we want him to trust us. If you get kidnapped, we'll have to extract him then and there. Or worse kill him. I want to avoid that if at all possible. So the Agency can use him to locate his customers."

"Got it, don't fuck up and get kidnapped and ruin the entire operation. Keep you in sight," my daughter repeated my caution in her terms.

"You got it. Lastly, we have no bugs or tracking devices on us. We're going to be swept for them. The Agency has special long distance microphones to listen in on our conversations. To eavesdrop. We'll have back up in the restaurant but they won't know what is being said. Only the people outside will hear our conversation. Okay. Let's go cause trouble for the bad guys."

The limo dropped us off at the restaurant. We were seated at a quiet table. Immediately, we received a message to go outside. I could have dropped the mission right there and then. I should have scrubbed the operation but I proceeded. I figured Hazel was only using counter surveillance techniques and we would still have a short meeting somewhere in Geneva. Our Agency back up could follow us clandestinely.

We took cabs., ushered into the back of a truck, swept for bugs by a lecherous henchman. Who ogled my daughter's body as he moved the wand close to her frame. I had no idea if the Agency was keeping up. We were well outside of Geneva. Then we were taken to a hangar. My daughter and I were escorted to bathroom.

The henchmen, "Change into the clothes in the stalls waiting for you." The man stared at my daughter, "Take off everything, even you underwear. Christy go watch her. Make sure she doesn't leave any clothes on. Check her jewelry for bugs. Be especially careful of piercings."

I changed under guard. Not certain if my daughter was okay. The henchmen might admire my daughter's beautiful body but they didn't dare touch her. They obviously had orders to behave. Hazel didn't want to offend the wizard and lose a chance to make millions.

I changed into a pair of khakis and navy blue short sleeved shirt. A minute later, my daughter came out of the bathroom wearing a tan skirt and white sleeveless blouse. I could tell she had no bra on. Her nipples were protruding against the fabric of her shirt.

My daughter answered my unspoken question, "I'm fine. No problems. The bra didn't fit, It was size double D. The rest of the clothes were fine."

We took a jet to God knows where. I cold tell we changed courses several times before we finally landed four hours later. We landed on a small island at a private airport. My daughter and I were treated like star guests throughout this excursion. We were given drinks and a fine meal on the plane. Treated with great deference.

Finally, after a short drive we were taken to an estate on the beach of what I presumed was the Mediterranean Sea. The estate was guarded with numerous armed men and dogs. Electric cyclone fencing and then a 10 foot tall wall. Huge guardrails sprung up out of the ground protecting the steel front gate. The estate was an armed fortress, to keep people out and us in.

The estate, itself, was spectacularly beautiful. There were two houses on the property along with a pool, hot tub, sauna, beach changing house and a beautiful, sandy beach with lounge chairs. Like a gorgeous resort for the spectacularly rich.

My daughter and I were escorted by a gorgeous Italian looking woman to a suite of rooms that overlooked the sea. We were told that there were clothes are size in the closets that we could wear. Dinner would be brought up to us in our rooms. (Basically don't leave these rooms and wander around.) I inquired about my much delayed meeting with Hazel. I was told Hazel had not yet arrived at the premises. I demanded to see him as soon as possible and was assured that the meeting would take place soon.

I assumed Hazel was waiting to see if we had been followed. If he was being set up. Standard operating procedure in our business which the Agency and I should have anticipated. When his safety was secure, he would show up for the business conference. Probably tomorrow.

My daughter, in character, started to curse out our hostess saying how she wanted her own clothes rather than the designer duds stacking her closet. My daughter ranted as a young woman in her position would that she wanted to get back to Europe. If she wanted to go to the beach, she would go to the south of France not some deserted island with nothing to do. Playing my character, I assured her the meeting would take place soon. In all likelihood, we would be back home in a couple of days.

My daughter, Alison, and I knew that everything we said was being recorded and possibly video taped. Hazel or his security people or both were listening and/or watching us right now. A screw up and we were dead.

We ate our five course meal and then got ready for bed. Both our characters and ourselves were exhausted after the long day.

If I had been with my wife, we would have made love to show that we were comfortable with each other. Let the security listen to us screw or watch us fuck. You can tell when people have had sex many times. Fucking in our room would show that we were relaxed in the situation and not afraid as well. Undercover "cops" don't usually fuck each other.

Unfortunately, I had been convinced to go on this mission with my own daughter. I wasn't about to fuck my daughter. Alison was smart enough to play it that she was mad at me for this whole excursion to the island. That she had plans back home which were being ruined.

I casually as possible undressed to get ready for bed. Pulling off my shirt and then pants. Leaving me in my boxers. I jumped into the large California King sized bed and got comfortable.

"Come to bed Alison, honey. We only have to deal with this for a couple of days. Aren't you tired?"

My daughter, " Yes, darling I am. I'm sorry for ranting. I just want to go home. I want my clothes back. I loved those boots."

My daughter took off her shoes and then unzipped her skirt. For the briefest second she looked over to me as she let the tan skirt fall to the floor. My daughter was wearing a pair of black bikini cut panties. Similar to the panties my wife had been wearing this morning before we made love. My daughter tried to act casually but there was a definite electricity in the air. I hoped it wasn't coming across to anyone listening or watching us.

My daughter walked her black panties to a garbage can and threw the skirt and shoes in the trash. "Ugly," she spitted. My daughter walked back to the bed and started to lift up her shirt. She raised the shirt up over her belly button and looked at me. I almost imperceptibly shook my head no. I didn't want my daughter to completely undress in front of me. It was too strange.

Right now, she had a pair of panties on, no different than if she was wearing a bathing suit, bikini bottoms. But she had no bra on. I would see my own daughters breast if she took off her blouse. I may have lived in Europe for years working for the Agency but I was still American. An American dad. I wasn't used to seeing my daughter topless.

Also I didn't want the people possibly watching us to see my daughter topless. Or naked. I know it was unprofessional but I thought our cover could withstand it.

Like I said, if I had been with my wife, I wouldn't have hesitated to fuck her but this was my little girl, my own daughter. It's not right for a dad to see his daughter topless or nude.

For a fraction of a second my daughter smiled out of relief. She was a professional and willing to get naked in front of her dad if she had to for the operation. But my daughter didn't want to, that's why she looked at me before removing her top.

My daughter covered it by saying, "It's cold in here. Don't even think your getting any after this disaster. You told me it was a quick business dinner not the trip from hell. You're not getting any until we get back home."

My daughter lowered her shirt and hopped into bed.

I replied, "Well see about that."

I knew that the security might have spotted my shake of the head or my daughter's look at me. But I decided that they would think I knew we were being watched and didn't want my girlfriend's naked body to be seen by them. Or for them to see us making love.

The odds were they didn't notice anything other than a pissed off girlfriend. But they were probably disappointed they didn't get to see any sexual action. Or a chance to see my daughter's beautiful body.

I leaned over to my daughter in bed and kissed her cheek and then made as if I was kissing her ear.

"Good job, stay in character, no matter what," I whispered to my daughter.

My daughter whisper to my ear so softly, "I'll do my job, whatever it takes." Then she said loudly, "Get off me, I told you no way. Not after this day. I'm tired and grumpy." My daughter turned away from me in the bed and I moved back to my side of the bed.

We both fell asleep. I sleep very softly, any noise in the room will wake me but the night was uneventful. I wasn't afraid that they would try anything while we slept or poison us. After all, Hazel wanted the wizard's help. And money along with sex is the ultimate motivator.

The next day I got dressed in Hazel's provided clothes of shorts and shirt. My daughter picked out a pair of tight shorts and half shirt that exposed her belly button. It was the first time I noticed that my daughter had a belly button ring. A little stud poking out of her navel.

We were escorted downstairs by armed guards. We finally met Hazel and Alexis. Hazel was about my age, 37, he had dark hair and pale complexion. He was a handsome man. He spoke with a British accent.

Alexis was stunning and exotic looking. She was about 10-12 years younger than Hazel, around 24-26. She was dressed in a small bikini. The bikini wasn't a thong but it did little more than cover up the bare essentials. Her ass, pussy and tits.

Alexis had the same dark hair with a pale complexion. She reminded me of the actress Eva Green from some recent spy movie. Alexis was about 5'8. She was thin but not skinny. A totally different figure than my athletic, thin daughter. Much more womanly shaped. Alexis's breast were much larger than my daughters. Her boobs must have been at least D cups. Alexis also spoke with a British accent like Hazel.

Hazel, "So I finally meet the wizard. And this is your beautifully lady friend, Alison. I see your reputation for appreciating the finest things in life is well earned, wizard?"

I answered, "You can call me Grant."

Hazel smiled, "Ah, Grant. I can tell we are going to be good friends. This is Alexis." Alexis smiled hello.

Alexis, "Your reputation proceeds you, Grant. I hope you deserve it."

I stated, "I hope you find out."

Hazel interrupted my flirting with his girlfriend, sister, wife or whoever, "Alexis go take Alison to the beach. Show her around."

My daughter looked at me knowing the instructions I had given her at the restaurant about not leaving my sight. But here, at the estate, I had no choice.