Sperm Donation


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"But my weight, Sam, I don't want to squash you into the bed."

"Don't even think about it, you're not at all heavy."

I lower my upper body back down, continuing to lay atop her for about five more minutes. Then, "John, can I ask you a favour?"

I again lift my upper half to look down on Sam, "Anything you want, honey."

"Can you get me some spare pillows to put under my butt, lift me up to help any slow sperm find their way. I don't want any dripping out of me."

My cock has now wilted, so I slide the remains of my erection from her vagina and quickly grab a couple of spare pillows. She raises her hips and I slide them under her naked body. Some of my creamy deposit oozes out from her delectable pussy lips. I feel superfluous for now, like my job is done. It's up to her body from here to retain at least one of my sperm to fertilise her awaiting egg, if the timing is right. Only time will tell. There's one thing of which I'm certain ... she will want us to do it again later tonight.

Sam's unexpected visit happens at what would normally be my dinnertime. Now, I see a window of opportunity opening to satisfy my hunger. I offer Sam some dinner too, but she declines, insisting she must stay in bed as long as possible to give her body the time to begin procreation.

I almost have the meal ready and despite her telling me she will stay in bed, I have prepared a serving for Sam. I've been about a half-hour in the kitchen when I hear an unexpected sound behind me. Sounds other than caused by me are unusual in this house now that I live alone.

I turn only my head to see the delightfully naked Samantha approaching me. I turn the rest of my body just in time as she steps up real close, fitting her nudity again to mine, wrapping her arms around me. I fold mine around her to complete the affectionate cuddle.

"I missed you, John."

"That's nice, Sam, I was just about to serve up some dinner ... for both of us."

"Oh, darling, that is so sweet of you ... giving me your sperm and making dinner too. What more could a woman, seeking to become a mother, ask for?"

"I thought you wanted to stay in bed to give us every chance of conception."

"I was, but then I had to pee. I didn't think you'd be happy if I wet your bed, So, I was forced to get up, go do what I had to do, and then come and find you."

"So, do you want to eat?"

"Oh, yes, I'm starved now. I figure we worked us up an appetite."

I set a couple of places at the dining room table. I don't use it these days, but having a guest in my house, I spurn my usual place at the kitchen table. We remain stark naked to enjoy our dinner, and I open a bottle of wine. Sam has a glass too, despite her earlier misgivings about drinking any alcohol while trying to conceive a child.

What do we talk about over dinner? The sex that just happened, of course. Sam is glowing as she excitedly recalls - in quite intimate detail -- how she felt being on the receiving end of our first fuck together. "Oh, John," she enthuses, "I like your cock, it's such a nice size. It felt good, sliding so deep inside me."

She is discrete, choosing to not make any comparative reference to her husband's cock while complimenting mine. "You doing this for me is so special, John, having a capable mature man help me to have a child. I felt your years of experience ... your skill and knowledge on how to make love to a woman ... made me so comfortable."

"I do get a kick out of seeing a woman I'm with have an orgasm."

"Oh, that! So unexpected, but you made it happen, John, it was great."

We must have both worked up an appetite, both of us eat every morsel. A final sip of wine and then the eager young woman asks, "So, John, I don't want to seem impatient or appear obsessed with sex, but we are on a mission. I feel inside that tonight's the night. Could we go back to bed and you can make love to me some more?"

I am surprised to hear Sam twice describe what we are doing as making love. Still, she did say she is a romantic and I'm old fashioned enough to like that description.

"I can't see if anything's happening under the table, are you ready yet?"

Proud that my 60-year-old cock is already responding, I stand to show her what she hopes for ... my cock again half erect.

"Oh, that looks promising, you must have taken that Viagra tablet?"

"No, not yet, but I will. I've never tried one but I've overheard guys my age saying it helps them. I never had a need while I still had Carolyn."

"So, what got you hard again?"

I resume my seat at the table, "You must have seen me checking out your gorgeous breasts, and those nipples," I confess to Sam.

"Yes, I did, women notice such things, John. You must like them?"

"Sam, you told me how you like my cock size and the way it felt. Well, I like the size and shape of those."

"That's good," She looks about to add something but then seems to change her mind.

"What, Sam, what is it?"

"Well, I was about to ask if you'd like to suck on them for a bit when we go back to bed but I think your idea of how a sperm donor should do his thing is different to mine. You're happy to be my sperm donor but you expect the procedure to happen with minimal intimacy."

"Sam, you are so intuitive but only half right. I like that you didn't want me to wank into a cup to give you my sperm ... I thought I'd have to. So, to suddenly be in bed with you - such a beautiful woman, and having hot sex, has my head spinning."

"John, to me, making a baby is sexual, it does require intimacy. Your testicles need to be sexually aroused to create the best sperm and my internal organs need to be turned on, for my egg to be receptive to your millions of little sperm. I think that to have the man -- you, my man for tonight, for this weekend -- get me hot by sucking on my nipples is an integral part of turning our bodies on ... and I want you to do that."

"That's good, then I'd love to accept your invitation."

I am damn lucky to be donating my sperm to Samantha in such an unorthodox and extremely intimate way. We rise from our chairs ... she holds out her hand, "Come on, let's take our wine to bed and you can let your lips loose on my nipples. I feel like I need that right now." Her fingertips slip up to touch each engorged nipple seductively.

I clear away the dishes and escort Samantha back to bed. I have been wanting to get my lips on those protuberant nipples from the first moment I saw them bared, but was wary how she might react. Now I know a long suckle on her breasts is not a step too far, let me at them.

Samantha jumps straight back into bed while I pause to take the Viagra tablet. Then I re-join her in bed, where she eagerly awaits, supine on her back, her perky breasts invitingly displayed seductively. I attach my lips to her closest nipple.

So begins a feasting session that I can proudly declare to you - the reader - lasts more than twenty minutes. I know precisely because I check the clock when I start, and check the time again when I reluctantly detach my lips and tongue from her breasts.

I only detach now because my cock is again fully erect. Oddly, it feels to me to be harder -- almost painfully so - than when we first started a couple of hours ago. Is this simply my lust from suckling her wonderful breasts and gazing on her blatant nudity or the effect of the Viagra tablet already ... maybe it's both.

I offer Sam the chance to be on top this time. Initially, she declines, but she must reconsider that riding cowgirl will offer more variety in our long night of sex. She settles her body down to sit upon my cock, but insists that as soon as I feel myself close to cumming, I must roll us over for me to be on top when I cum so gravity can assist my sperm to run downhill into her body in search of her egg.

This entire evening is an exciting experience for this ageing 60-year-old widower but to have her sitting upright on my strong erection is a huge turn-on. I gaze on, and caress, those engorged nipples that I have just feasted on unhindered for a long time, while the velvety walls of her tight pleasure passage create wonderfully erotic sensations along my shaft.

I think she cums twice from riding my hard-on ... I'm unsure because Samantha is almost silent through what looks to me to be her first one. I only suspect it's a mini orgasm from the way her movements pause and eyes close and, watching intently, I detect her body giving a little shudder. The second is a definite ... she thrills to it loudly, leaving me in no doubt that she has again enjoyed sex's ultimate pleasure.

Watching her experience such pleasures of the flesh has me again primed for release so I pull her upper body down against mine and roll us over, kicking my hard-driving thrusts into top gear and plunging my cock deep until I blast out a second delivery that Sam hopes will see her pregnant within days.

I remain inside her body for an equally long time to ensure that she receives every last drop from my testicles. Then, we spoon together and I even enjoy this part of the evening, so lovely to again have the natural warmth of a beautiful woman's nude body pressed back against mine, my cock cosily resting between the cheeks of her arse.

We must both fall asleep like that because the next thing I'm aware of is coming awake to the feel of Sam's warm mouth devouring my again stretched cock. I turn my head to peep at the clock, it's 3.10 in the early morning. The ardent frenzy with which her lips and tongue approach their task indicates that Sam is not content for us to rest on our laurels. Our prior attempts may have her already impregnated but she wants more from me, even in the middle of the night.

What a delicious way to be woken ... to feel the sweet wet warmth of Sam's mouth sliding up, down and around my growing erection while watching her actions too ... looking along my body to watch her head bobbing up and down. Having woken before me, she has released her hair from the bun in back, adding another sexy element, feeling her flowing shoulder-length hair tickling my bare belly.

Her blow job becomes really good. I wonder if Sam detects just how good. She won't want me wasting any sperm by sending it down her throat instead of inside her vagina. She suddenly stops, releasing my now hard cock from her mouth, looking up along my body to simply declare, "I want more sperm from you, John."

Samantha is insatiable but I can understand why. Her desire to start a family is so intense that she will stop at nothing to achieve her goal this weekend. She again lays down on her back alongside me. I am still a bit drowsy, having been so sweetly woken from a deep sleep, that I take a minute or two to luxuriate in the situation. It's too long for Sam; at 3.15am, she impatiently implores me, "Come on John, I need you to fuck me again."

Gone is talk of love-making, replaced by the earthy rawness to put my rampant Viagra-assisted cock inside her vagina and fuck her. So, I do as I'm told, adopting her preferred missionary style yet again. Somehow, it feels like I'm still producing semen but how many sperm are being produced by my testes is unknown.

Chapter Three

A new day is dawning and, having been in bed so early, I am awake at sun-up, ahead of Sam, so I rise before she can demand a dawn-buster from me. I go to the kitchen and prepare a nice hot breakfast to deliver to my sexy guest in bed. We remain naked and by halfway through breakfast, I notice Sam taking quick furtive glances toward my cock, possibly assessing when it will be appropriate for her to suggest us having another try.

After all the activity in this bed over the long night, I expect my cock to be dormant but sitting cross-legged in bed, facing each other as we eat, my eyes take in those very appealing nipples some more and soon, my cock is stiffening ... only a little for now. When we finish eating, Sam suggests we stay in bed to see if she can get me up again by whatever means she deems suitable. I counter suggest us having a shower together.

My alternate idea wins out and once under the warm flow, I take first use of the soap, applying it to every sexy nook and cranny of Sam's hot body. I roll my soapy hands all over -- gently inserting fingers in the two prime spots. My cock responds well, particularly when Sam takes hold of the soap and prepares me for another session of play in the main game with her soft and tender touching.

We return to my bed and, for the fourth time in fourteen hours, we fuck -- or make love -- to our mutual content.

With a whole day stretching ahead of us, I wonder how much more my cock can react, so I suggest we spend a few hours in my backyard, out by - and in - the pool. It's a pleasant way to pass the time. Sam insists that we remain naked for the entire weekend ... (a) believing if I can constantly see her nude, it will help to keep getting me up, and (b) she can constantly watch my cock and grasp the moment for more as soon as she detects it responding.

Fortunately, the nearby houses are equally single-storey and neighbours cannot see into my pool area unless they purposely and intrusively come up to the fence and peer over. They aren't those kind of people, even though the sounds of my laughter and my female companion's giggling must sound curious coming from my place where it's usually so quiet.

While we get up to some wickedly sexual hi jinks in and out of the pool, Sam gives me some respite from having to deposit any more sperm inside her body all day. I am sure that my body needs time to rebuild the reserves.

But when night falls, it is a different story and Sam is insistent at 7.30 that we take ourselves to bed for what will be another long night of sexual delights that will end up testing my body's resilience completely.

We have our final fuck at 9.30 on Sunday morning, ironically almost to the rhythm of the bells ringing at our neighbourhood church just down the street. We shower again, and Sam respects that she has most likely drained me of my entire sperm and semen supply for the weekend. She thanks me for helping to fulfil her greatest wish at this time.

Adopting a serious tone, she says, "John, it's been so generous of you to give me your sperm, and to indulge my every wish to receive it in the special way I wanted. I know you may think that my methods are a bit crazy but it was important to me that I could come to your bed for the entire weekend and give my body to you totally for you to do what needed to happen. If we have failed to make a baby this weekend, I hope we can give it another try in about a month, but I am confident that we nailed it in one. If we have, you must understand that we can't ever do this again, no matter how much either of us might desire it. I do love Michael, that's why I married him. It's just extremely unfortunate that he can't father a child inside me. He has assured me he will love our baby as if it was created from his loins ... from his sperm."

"What if you love this child so much that you want another?"

"Oh, John, that's a given. I will love this child and I will definitely want another ... even more. Michael is not going to suddenly get potent sperm. I will need to assess how I handle having a second -- and probably a third too. Despite what I just said about us never doing it again, then obviously, for a second and third, you will be the first person I speak to about my options when the time comes."

Sam calls me two weeks later, asking if she can drop by. It's a Sunday afternoon. I am guessing that she may have good news and perhaps thinks that I deserve more than just a phone call to tell me. I am correct, the huge grin on her face that I open the front door to is a giveaway and she jumps into my arms, lavishing sweet kisses all over my face. I take her to the living room where we sit together on my couch.

She's all bubbly as she describes in detail how she initially used a pregnancy test in her bathroom, then when that was positive, she followed up by seeing her doctor. She also wants to assure me that Michael is as happy as she. "In fact," she tells me with a broad smile, "he even told me I need to thank you from him too."

"Wow! That's impressive, Sam, that takes a lot for a guy in his predicament to want to thank the donor."

"Yes, I'm so happy that he's taking it all as well as he is ... he's a good man. But then, so are you, John. You have given me the ultimate that any man can give ... the gift of a new life that's now growing inside me. I will be eternally grateful to you for your selfless generosity. Of course, you won't be able to have an active part in this child's life, but I will bring he or her over for you to at least meet them after the birth."

"Thank you, Sam, that would be nice. I am pleased to see you so happy."

"All thanks to you. But I am slightly saddened that we don't get another weekend to try again. That last one was so much fun, but I love Michael so he has to be my main priority now." She looks at me quite mischievously, a wicked grin across her face. "Well, at least he's my main priority from when I get back home today."

Sam reaches a hand to my lap, feeling around, touching me intimately. I give her a look of surprise. She giggles, "Now you're confused, aren't you, John?"

"Just a bit."

"Well, I so appreciate what you've done for me -- and Michael - and I know you're probably disappointed that by getting me pregnant so quickly, you've missed out on another weekend like the last one." Unzipping my trousers, her hand reaches in to pull out my flaccid cock. "John, despite all you've done, I really must not have any more sex with you ... that would be wrong. But I do recall that I gave you a blow job that was never finished -- well, not how you'd have liked to finish - because I was only doing it to get you hard for me."

Sam ducks her head down and two of my senses -- eyesight and touch - react ... I watch and feel her moist mouth close over the head and an inch or two of my cock shaft. She pulls off again, but only to look up at my face to tell me, "This time, you can cum in my mouth, send your happy sperm down my throat, would you like that?"

I am so stunned, I can't even say the word, simply nodding my agreement and Sam takes over to give me one of the best and most fulfilling blow jobs of my lifetime. She prolongs it by easing back several times, whenever I'm close. After I blow my load into the back of her mouth and watch her drink it down, I see her lick some residue of my cum that drips onto her chin. Then, she tucks my cock back inside my pants, zips me up, stands and blows me a kiss goodbye. She lets herself out while I lay slumped on my couch with some lovely memories.

The End

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BurnleyladBurnleylad4 months ago

Again great story, sad that I’ve never been asked by anyone 😂😂

Diecast1Diecast1about 2 years ago

A good story , love it. AAAAA+++++

ArtieMax2ArtieMax2over 2 years ago

Do you, when you are in a conversation, address the other person by name so many times?

chytownchytownover 2 years ago

****Nice story with a unique storyline. With some good sex. Thanks for sharing.

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