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His large hands around her wrists excited her, as did his size and sheer physical strength. Emma wondered if he had fantasized about being this rough with her or had she urged him into it? Either way, all she knew was as bad as it sounded she was loving the way her son was taking her.

Eric let her hands go and she groaned when he put them on her shoulder blades. He proceeded to push her up and down on the bed once more bouncing her back into his savage thrusts. Emma was yelping and squealing. She tried to egg him on and ask him if he loved treating his mother like this, but he was fucking her so hard all that came out was whimpering noises.

"Oh, damn!" Eric groaned over her head and his thrusts became even more frenzied. He shifted his hands to her shoulders, squeezing them as he fucked her faster and harder while gasping each time he was buried inside her.

"Come!" She cried out. "Come for me, Eric! Come inside me! Fill your mother's slutty cunt the way you filled my mouth! Come on, baby! Give mommy a treat! I...Ohhhh!"

Eric cried out and Emma purred as his cock twitched inside of her and a warm wet stream of cum squirted deep inside her. Eric whimpered over her and she wiggled her hips and contracted her pussy around his erupting cock.

Eric moaned and his thrusts slowed down, but each one ended with another deliciously sinful squirt of cum as he painted the walls of his mother's pussy. When he stopped moving, Emma contracted around him several times making him emit another adorable whimper as his mother's insatiable cunt milked a few more drops from his spent cock.

"Oh My god." Eric let his weight go so he was lying on top of her.

"Easy, baby," she whispered. "Just lay there and catch your breath." She sighed. "I can feel your heartbeat on my back."

"Mom, that was amazing." He kissed her cheek, then rolled off of her and onto his back. "Wow."

"Better than the movies?" Emma rolled over onto her back next to him.

"Better than anything." He released a long breath. "Wow, how can people say this is wrong. It's incredible."

"Maybe it's not for everyone." She shrugged and loved how his eyes followed the way her breasts bounced when she did it.

"As long as it's for us." He rolled onto his side and kissed her softly. "I know it seems weird to say after what we just did, but I love you, mom."

"Love you too, baby." She smiled up at him. "And the best part of love is you can be that nasty with someone and know it's okay. Lust doesn't have to stop when there's love. If you're lucky there's even more lust."

"I hope I'm lucky."

"I feel pretty lucky right now." Emma told him. "God, I needed that so bad."

"Me too. I..." Eric yawned.

Gee, thanks." Emma laughed although she was feeling pretty damned relaxed too.

"Sorry, just got really tired all of a sudden."

"Great sex will do that." She grinned. "At least if I remember right it does. Been awhile until now."

"Well if I have anything to say about you won't ever get a chance to forget again." He yawned again and his eyes closed briefly before he forced them open. "Damn, I'm tired."

"Then close your eyes and take a nap." Emma reached down and grabbed his semi hard cock. "Trust me, baby boy. You're going to need your rest. You know your mother goes all in on anything she does." She winked. "Even her son."

She frowned when she saw his eyes were closed and his breathing slow and steady. She felt her own eyes growing heavy. It was an effort to move her head, but she managed to kiss Eric's cheek. "Love you, Eric," she whispered, then fell into the sweet oblivion of sleep.

Chapter 15

Emma opened her eyes and was shocked to see she was no longer in bed, but sitting at her kitchen table.

"Actually, you're still in bed." A soft voice spoke behind her. "You're dreaming."

Emma spun in her chair to see Robin behind her, dunking a tea bag into a mug. Robin wore a short black robe and her long red hair was down and tousled as if she'd just gotten out of bed.

"I think I'm still in bed too." She shrugged. "Or I fell asleep on the couch while Cliff was watching baseball."

"So we're sharing a dream?" Emma asked as Robin walked over and sat across from her.

"We've had other shared experiences. We've shared the power of the stone and now a love most say is forbidden. Why not a dream?"

"You know? How do you know?" Emma asked, in alarm.

"Because I told you it was inevitable." Robin smirked. "Plus, girl? You are one hell of a screamer. Close your windows next time." She paused, then laughed. "Better yet, leave them open. You got us pretty worked up."

"Oh." Emma put her face in her hands. "How embarrassing."

"Its fine, hon. I'm thrilled you got to experience the ultimate joy a mother can share with her son."

"Okay." Emma nodded. "So what now?"

"Well if I were you, I'd be waking up looking for more."

"Seriously, Robin. What now? All those bad things happened to the other mothers and sons. What's going to happen to us?"

"Well, here's the thing." Robin took a moment to sip her tea. "Eric has never remembered the other encounters with you because the stone had him forget. But once the act is consummated the stone allows that memory to stay."

"So he's going to remember and that's going to decide how this goes for us?"

"Not just him. You're still wearing the stone. It will keep you feeling good about what you did. So here's where it gets tricky. If you leave the pendant on, it will feed your desire as it has. For Eric it will work, but as before only if he's in contact with it."

"So what? We keep living under its sway?"

"Only if you want to. But the question is would you really want your son if he were always being influenced? At that point it's like getting someone drunk to have sex with them."

"But I can't take it off anyway." Emma pointed out.

"Oh, it will come off now," Robin explained. "It brought the two of you together, at least sexually. The lust has been fulfilled. Lust can be manipulated because our base nature is to crave sex."

Robin leaned back in the chair and touched the diamond pendant around her neck. "The next phase is love. Now that can't be manipulated. So the necklace will now come off because at some point you will want to see what you feel without it and how Eric responds."

"It wasn't just the son's that reacted badly in the past, but some of the mothers too."

"So if I take this off, I may be disgusted with myself?" Emma frowned.

"Possible, but I don't think so. Like I said before you don't have a husband to feel guilty over. There's less involved for you. Who knows, if Nathan hadn't caught them maybe Mary and her son would have stayed together."

"So I have to take this off and when I do I may regret what I did and so will my son?"

"Maybe." Robin sighed. "You may feel guilt over what your deceased husband would think. Or that you took advantage of your son. Or? You may look at Eric and feel nothing but love and desire for him and realize you can be happy together."

"And he could go either way too?"

"Yes." Robin put her hand over hers. "I really think you'll be okay. You know the only other person I shared this dream with was Kathy and she's very happy. I think you and Eric will be fine."

"So what should I do? Should I wait a little while?"

"Your choice, but now that we've had this conversation, you know if you keep Eric under the sway of the pendant you're using him and potentially living a lie. You strike me as the kind that wouldn't want that. My advice is to take the necklace off right away."

"Then what?"

"First see how you feel. You'll know right away, Emma. I did. I knew immediately my heart now belonged to my son. Once you feel that way you can bring it up to him or see how he reacts. But see its not complete yet."

"What isn't?"

"The stones mission and your true consummation with Eric. You've experienced lust. But its only sealed when love is shown." Robin gave her a soft smile. "You know in any good relationship wild sex is fantastic, but sometimes a woman needs to be made love to and a man needs to love his wife intimately."

"So we were raunchy now we need to be sweet?"

"Not need, want to be. You were deeply in love with your husband. You crave that again. Eric was in love, as much as a boy his age could be and he wants that again too. But this love will be special, the love of a son for his mother mixed with the love for a woman."

Robin raised her hand and said "Oh my" as it seemed to be transparent. "Looks like you're waking up."

"I'm worried Robin! What if..."

"Just trust your heart Emma, and your son's. You'll be fine."

Emma opened her eyes and found she was back in Eric's bed staring up at the ceiling. She looked over to see Eric had rolled over on his side away from her. She gently put her hand on his bare back and felt his slow deep breathing.

At some point one of them must have pulled the sheet up because it was over their waists at the moment. Lifting it, Emma carefully slid over and swung her legs off the bed so she was sitting up, She looked at herself in the mirror across from her.

Sitting on the bed topless, her hair a mess, lipstick smeared and eye shadow running down her face from her eyes watering while letting her son choke her with his cock. The freshly fucked look if she ever saw it.

But the man lying behind her, spent from the same hot sex that left her looking like a coed after a wild night was her son. It was wrong. Everything in her had told her it was wrong, but it had felt so right and even now the newly awakened lusty woman inside her thought they made a very attractive couple.

But how much was the necklace? Yes she'd had that one time fantasy, but had it really been that strong within her and she suppressed it. Was Eric's feelings more than just that one weak moment that he'd seen his passed out mother as a woman and not mom?

How much of tonight's passion was real? What if this affected them poorly? Eric would no doubt end up back with Ashley even if it was to try and forget what he did with his mother. He'd end up leaving with her to get away from Emma.

What if she felt the guilt? Felt she had just used her son for sex and crossed an unthinkable line.

"Only one way to find out, Emma."

Emma nodded at the words and reaching behind her head found the clasp. It opened easily and with her heart pounding, she removed the pendant and laid it on the night stand. She noticed as soon as it did, the green faded and she was now looking at a diamond that matched the one around Robin's neck.

Emma rose from the bed and picking up her green robe from the floor slipped it on. If Eric woke up confused or worse, remorseful, she didn't want him to see her naked. Emma looked down at him. Part of her wanted to wake him up, get it over with, but what would he say?

She walked around the other side of the bed and looked down at him. Eric looked so peaceful lying there. Emma blinked back tears as she was overwhelmed with sudden emotion as she watched him sleep.

Eric was an amazing young man. Everything a woman could ask for, but could she, as his mother, ask for it? Could she ask her son to spend his life with her as a lover? Question was would she have to ask? Maybe he would wake up and feel the same way looking at her.

Emma turned away and walking over to the window looked out over the backyard and stared at the full moon. It was a beautiful clear night with just the hint of a refreshing breeze. It was so nice to hear nothing. This land was perfect and so was this house. But only if...


Emma closed her eyes as Eric spoke behind her, this was it. Robin had said in the dream Eric would remember. Not to mention her lingerie was on the floor and the room smelled of the strong aroma of good sex.

"You okay?" He spoke from directly behind her this time and her breath caught when he put his hands on her shoulders.

"Just looking at the moon," she said quietly. "Its beautiful."

"It is." Eric put his chin on her shoulder. "So are you." He turned her head and kissed her cheek. "The most beautiful woman I know."

"Thank you, honey." She put her hand to his cheek, but still faced the window. "That's very sweet."

"Well I wasn't so sweet earlier."

Emma felt her throat tighten.

"I'm sorry, mom. I shouldn't have done that."

"You...you're sorry?" She whispered.

"Sorry I treated you that way. I was crude and called you nasty names and was kind of rough."


"It wasn't right." He said in her ear. "A son should never see his mother that way."

Emma lowered her head and fought back the tears.

"I'm sorry too. I led you on; it was my fault, Eric. Please don't be upset. I..."

"So what I think," Eric's hands dropped from her shoulders and slid around her waist. "Is that I should make it up to you."

He nuzzled his face into her hair and gently kissed her neck. "Can I make it up to you?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Just being as good to you as you've always been to me."

Eric put his hands on her arms and guided her to turn around and face him. When she did he took her face in his hands and kissed her softly. "How about you come back to bed?"

"You really want to?" She asked with a tremor in her voice.

"Why wouldn't I?" Eric smiled at her. "Mom, you always say I'm amazing. I don't think so, but if I am it's because of you, and you are amazing."

"Eric, that's so sweet."

"I always roll my eyes at that." He flashed the shy smile she loved. "But know what? I think it's okay to be sweet to my mom."

Eric caught her off guard by leaning over and sweeping his arm behind her knees and taking her off her feet. Emma laughed as he effortlessly scooped her up in his arms and turning around carried her towards the bed.

She put her arm around his neck and pulled his head down into a kiss. Unlike their previous rough passion filled kisses, this one was soft slow and sensual, their lips gently pressing together even as Eric laid her down on the bed.

His lips left hers and she purred as he kissed her neck while untying and opening her robe. He trailed his lips down to her chest and she moaned when he gently kissed and licked each nipple before climbing onto the bed between her legs.

He was hard and she reached for his cock, but he caught her wrist and put her arm around his neck. He kissed her again and pushing her back on the bed, went down on top of her. Emma gasped as he slowly entered her still moist pussy and his lips caressing her neck, moved in a slow gentle rhythm.

Emma moaned into his ear as she wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing him deeper into his mother's soft, wet and no longer forbidden heat. Eric sighed against her neck as she slipped her arms around her shoulders and ran her hands lightly across his back.

Eric's lips found hers and they shared another long soft kiss as Emma found his rhythm and matched it, moving her hips in time with his. Unlike their wild lust filled romp of earlier, Eric was going soft and slow, pleasing her with long deep strokes that felt amazing.

Even more amazing was how good he felt in her arms. As she teased her tongue along his lips Emma thought this was her son, but no longer a young boy. Eric was a man, a man who knew how to love a woman and as implausible as it was had chosen to show his mother that love.

Emma could feel her throat tighten and her eyes fill with tears. But these were good tears. The tears of a woman overwhelmed with love and gratitude for the man who was being so tender and loving to her.

So what if this was her son? Who was going to really know? This wasn't just a fresh start for a mother or son, this house was now a fresh start for two broken hearted people who had come together to love and heal each other.

Eric moaned softly in her ear and his pace picked up. His body tensed and hugging tightly to her, she whispered in his ear. "Let me have it, honey. Let me feel it inside me."

Eric released one of those adorable whimpers from before followed by a sigh as he let himself go.

"Oh, honey." Emma purred in his ear as he continued to move slowly within her as he came. "So good, baby. That feels so good."

"I love you mom," He breathed in her ear as he continued to fill her. "Love you so much."

"Love you too, Eric." She kissed him gently as he remained inside her, his spent cock already beginning to soften in her delightfully full pussy. "In every way."

"What do you think dad would think?" He asked in her ear. "It's what made me feel the worst about what I did that night."

He tried to roll over, but Emma kept her arms and legs around him as she replied. "He wanted me to move on and be happy. He wanted me to meet a guy who would be as good to me as he was. I think I've found him."

"I'll always be good to you, mom." He kissed her. "And sorry for being rough earlier. We'll be like this a lot more."

"Let's not get crazy, honey." Emma laughed in his ear. "This felt incredible, but your mother's not exactly vanilla. There's a time for me to be your love and a time to be your dirty girl. Sound good?"

"Sounds like a line in Man of the house." Eric laughed. "But it sounds great."

Eric eased from inside her and this time she let him go. He lay on his back, and rolling over on her side, Emma put her arm around his waist and nuzzled her head into his shoulder. "This feels good too."

"It does." Eric turned his head to look out the window. "Know what, Mom?"

"What, baby?"

"I think we're really going to be happy here."

"Me too, Eric." She kissed his chest and pressing close against him sighed. "Me too."


Emma opened her eyes and for an instant panicked. She was on her side and Eric was no longer next to her. She sat up and looking over her shoulder, felt a wave of relief. He was lying on his back sleeping soundly.

She put her head back down on the pillow and lay there listening to his breathing and enjoying the long forgotten feeling of being satisfied. Not just satisfied, but happy and loved. She started to close her eyes, but stopped when she saw something sparkle on the night stand.

Emma lifted her head from the pillow and saw the moonlight from the window was over the night stand and was hitting the pendant. Reaching out, she put her hand over it, and with a smile whispered, "Thank you."

As she closed her eyes a soft voice replied in her mind.

"No, Emma. Thank you."

Author's note: Well if you made it to the end of this you're a brave soul. Not because the story was scary, but oh my gourd was it long! (ouch, sorry! It was that or a pump-kin joke). Excluding the long series SWB, I feel Spellbound may be my best incest story to date and had a great time writing it. As always votes are appreciated and all feedback, both good and bad, are welcome. Happy Halloween from Lovecraft68

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Fireplace10Fireplace1020 days ago

26 pages and every one of them 5 stars. This must be one of the best on Literotica! It took me more than 3 days to get it all read. A continued story of what happens in the future would really be appreciated.


FEStivalOfMeFEStivalOfMeabout 1 month ago

Fucktastic! In all levels. 10/10

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago


I almost always read through the comments of any story I read, just to see how closely they mirror my own feelings.

And of course, they certainly do here, with exception to the one person who claimed that the story was 4 times longer than it needed to be.


This story is without question, the finest of it's kind on this site. I thought it was 100% perfect from start to finish, and a definite page turner. Which is evidenced by the fact that I read it in one sitting.

A cool as hell plot with an original twist made for ravenous reading, although I agree with one commenter who expressed disappointment at wondering how Eric handled the subject of Ashley.

Initially, toward the end while they fought about him talking to Ashley on the phone , I half expected Eric's mother to rip his phone from his hands, and tell the conniving little cunt to fuck off.

This story reads more like a novel, and I love it!




AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


4chuckssite4chuckssite4 months ago

It was excellent. A bit unconventional but excellent. Thanks.

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