Space - The Final FUCKtier Pt. 12

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Where we end this story...
5.2k words

Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/19/2020
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Here we are at the end! The first part was published back in January, since then the world has gone through a lot of shit which I personally find a real pain. Fingers crossed soon everything goes back to normal and we can all return to our normal lives and stuff. That being said I would probably not be on the finale already if I wasn't stuck at home for so long.

I have received some feedback that some people are disappointed that it is ending and would like more chapters, I feel like I can explore more of this world I have built and quite possibly show more adventures of this harem, perhaps with possible additions to the group if I decide to make more. I am making no promises however if I do decide to do this it will continue far down the line, at least after the next long series which I have already began to write (Its going to be very long!) Let me know if this is something you are interested in me doing, hope you enjoy!


The collective power of the survivors of the Valentine as well as the soldiers who had been stationed at the World Council palace had gathered in the large field overlooking the elegant marble castle. Watching over the crowd of thousands were the ships which had destroyed the Valentine station a number of days ago. The survivors locked their view onto the fleet of ships which stood in the sky patiently, calmly waiting for an attack. Fury flowed through them all, a burning desire to destroy them. Every soldier and higher up were decked out in hard battle armor along with ranged and close combat weaponry. They could not be more prepared for the eventual attack.

At the front of the formation stood a total of 11 individuals, all wearing the same battle armor as the grunts, only with a large insignia of the World Council branded over their hearts. These 11 were every member of the Council. Some clearly too old to fight while some in their prime; one such being Wendy Willingham who stood proud in the middle of the line of council members, tightly gripping a rifle whilst holding her wrist device up to her lips. She began to speak to the force of humanity and elven kind, the look of determination burning in her face.

"Those who have lived through these monsters will know their ferocity...They are unlike any we have experienced in the past. But right now, they are too puny and cowardly to attempt a full on assault on our kinetic barriers...The council and I have decided to gather each and every one of you here to show you your enemy, the ones who murdered your cohorts and fellow human and elves in cold blood. I have devised a full proof plan that will secure our victory and banish these vermin back to the dark pits of space where they came from."

There was a rowdy whoop and cries of unreadable dialect from the defending force. Some blasting their laser rifles up into the air which caused the large bubble barrier which encased the castle and the acres around it to ripple. Willingham looked up and saw the ripples, thinking it reminded him of the jiggling bodies of the two women who stood straight to the immediate left and right of him. Both were paying full attention to his sister, chins up and garbed in full battle gear; Mckayla's classic white skintight jumpsuit standing out in the sea of black and purple; as did her other squad mates who had been stationed one row behind their captain.

"I speak for my fellow council members, as they agree that I am the one with the most combat experience and a burning passion to see my enemies burn in the pits of hell...I have formulated the perfect strategy which ensures our victory. All each and every one of you needs to know is where you are stationed and what you will be fighting. These aliens are unique, they can change form at will, in a moments notice they will look exactly like a loved one, maybe a brother, a sister...a lover."

She darted her eyes to Angela who sighed deeply, softly stroking her weapon like you would a pet. Wendy turned to Willingham whom stood between Mckayla and Angela, frowning softly as his entire body language spoke to her, she knew that he was all to familiar with danger. While it was the job, it still saddened her that her younger brother had lost all of his innocence.

"Assume your directions as I have provided, never disobey the orders of your squad leader. I will say this only once. Trust your instinct!" The force screamed, the speech rising them to a level of motivation and determination she had never experienced before. The collection of thousands started to rush off toward their positions, clumps of dozens spreading out across the huge landscape of the World Council estate.

Wendy sighed and slipped off the podium which she stood upon when delivering the speech, gathering her brother, Mckayla with her squad and Angela whom looked over to see Lucy with the Valkyries, decked out in a similar jumpsuit than them. Wendy ran her fingers through her hair, looking over at the gathering of ships which seemed to stare right back at her.

"We know how they are getting inside. This infiltrator known as Selena was most likely there with the other soldiers. Her most likely action is to follow the same steps as she did when she lowered the Valentines defenses: Access the generator room, disable it, let the ships come through and destroy us all." Wendy spoke to the small force, knowing how capable they all where. The other Tier 3's were away, leading their forces awaiting further instructions.

"If I was in her position I would lower the shields and bring them back up once the ships from other space stations arrive. That way they won't be able to be flanked and would keep us all inside." Mckayla spoke firmly, crossing her arms under her breasts and resting on the high heels of her bodysuit. Wendy nodded in agreement.

"I concur. Ships will be arriving in the next 30 minutes. So she would probably be making her way to the generators as we speak."

"What are we waiting for then?" Will spat, his foot tapping on the grassy floor. The group turned to him, eyeing him as it was clear he was itching to fight.

"We already have a trap, we have a squad already stationed at the generator room with mind control resisting tech. If and when she gets there, they'll deal with her."

"I dunno Wendy." Mckayla retorted, she too was more than eager to go for her too, the way she was woman handled back on the station was an embarrassment as far as she was concerned; She was just able to hide it from the father to her child. "She's can do more than manipulate people. She can do all sorts without lifting a finger. I wish to take your brother and intercept her before she even gets to the generator room."

"And how will you know who she is?" Angela replied speaking up for Wendy. "Look I know your fragile egos were shattered back on the Valentine...But we need to think smart not with brute force. Besides, we have more than one plan if she succeeds in opening the shield. We have squads set up around the anti aircraft guns and our fighters are more than ready to fight back." The bickering between them continued for a moment, it was clear that the competitiveness between Mckayla and Angela extended out from the bedroom, Will thought to himself.

"Fine. We follow your plan." Mckayla sighed after rubbing her forehead; swiping strands of her blueish hair back behind her ear. "Where shall my squad pitch up? Maybe by the bathrooms in case the enemy want to relieve themselves?"

"Your task is to protect the Council. We will retreat back to the main debate room, we have mission control set up there. I wish the Valkyries to stand by with us to ensure our protection, in case we need it." Wendy rested her hands on her hips, seeing the annoyance of Mckayla wipe across her attractive features. Chewing the inside of her cheek Mckayla nodded and looked over at the other 10 members of the council, motioning her head for them to follow her. Angela looked over at Will who observed the other council members, assuming that he was going to be staying with them.

"I shall go to my platoon then, if that is all you wish to discuss?" The elf locked her eyes on Will, wondering if they were both going to make it out of this alive. She thought she lost him once before...which lead to a night of passion which spread across into the early hours of the morning. She felt her body shiver thinking if her ass would take such a marathon again if they both survived again.

"No, thank you Angela." Wendy dismissed her, giving one last look at the group before turning and sprinting away toward the castle. "As for us. We all make for the debate room. Hurry."

Inside the castle, there is a secret passage from the old princess' bedroom. Pulling the stone statue of the elven princess whom laid in that room to the left would move her king size bed to the side, revealing a flight of white marble steps which lead down into a dark corridor. The end of the hall opened up into a bright room, large double doors which had intricate carvings of elven kings and queens, telling the story of past events which the castle went through. Selena, now looking at these doors, casually studied them. Her blue skin and jet black hair replacing her disguise of a normal human male. Her plump lips curled into a smile when she finished observing the stone tapestry, looking to the tombs which laid on the marble flooring in the form of black marble slabs. Her eyes locked onto one in particular.

Its engraved words had faded over the years, leaving only the name "Re-n" It always fascinated her, how two races could live together on one puny planet while one never knew the other existed for so long. By the time all these elves were dead the secret was still very much alive. The alien turned back to the double doors; her eyes began to glow brightly. There was a loud rumble in the underground cavern as the marble doors shook furiously. The doors opened forwards, enough to allow her to be able to step through, on the other side she saw the bright light beaming from the machine which hummed loudly. As she started toward the door her ears pricked up, sensing movement from inside.

The moment she walked in there was a loud shout of "Open Fire!" as beams of purple zapped out of the soldiers rifles. Selena's eyes glowed once more, almost as if she was paying no attention to the gunshots which fast approached. A distorted noise rattled through the room as the beams hit the alien, vaporizing as soon as they touched her. She cranked her head over to one of the now scared looking soldiers. A young woman with a long scar running down her left eye and across her lips; Selena felt the tickle of the endless barrage of lasers across her body as she extended her hand out toward the woman she locked onto and snapped her fingers.

In a moment the soldier flew across the room slamming into the buzzing generator; sparks flew out of the machine as the soldier fell limp onto the floor. "Keep firing!" the captain shouted as Selena proceeded to toy with another solider, this time a smaller male who shook uncontrollably due to the sheer terror of what was happening. He followed the previous victim, thrown into the generator making sparks fly. The light began to slowly dim after every solider she picked up with her mind and tossed across the room. She kept her vacant, calm expression as the numbers dwindled down to the last man, the captain. Running at her full force with a glowing beam knife he screamed at her, lunging forward to stab her.

He gasped as he realized that he too was stuck in place, knife inches from her busty chest. She turned to him pursing her lips as she shook her blue finger at him, like a teacher scolding a child playfully. Sweat cascaded down his face as he accepted his fate, going the way of the pile of lifeless bodies under the dying generator. The last thing he saw was those glowing eyes of Selena looking right through him.

The council members along with the Valkyrie Squad and Willingham were close to the debate room in which they would stay for the duration of the attack, the squad members circled the 11 council members while Mckayla and Will brought up the rear. They both had frowns on their faces, wanting to do more than just protect the V.I.P's. Mckayla looked over to Will, crunching her eyebrows softly. "Psst." She voiced nudging him with her finger. He kept up appearances by facing forward, but his eyes turned to her direction. Leaning over slightly she muttered "You know where the generator room is yes?"

Will replied with a quick and succinct nod. "Good. When we turn the corner go split off from us. Kill the bitch for me." She took his hand hand gripped it firmly, she hoped deep down that he would be capable to handle Selena. Will again nodded quickly, accepting what she was putting forward. The bend came a few seconds later, once the front of the group moved around Will hung back and slipped through a convenient doorway which worked as a servant corridor down to the main kitchens back in the day. He began to sprint at full speed through the dimly lit hallway, his feet smacking on the marble floor as he went.

The group passed into a large opening in the hall, a small garden overlooked the lower part of the castle. It was quite basic, small patches of grass with the odd plant spread across the edges of the plot. One council member gasped and pointed up at the collection of enemy ships. Wendy grit her teeth and motioned them to walk faster. The ships had begun to move, slowly but surely they drove toward the castle. "Shields are down ma'am. We have to hurry!" Lucy spoke up loudly as the enemy began to release smaller fighters and what looked like pods out of them.

"Fuck. Very well we must hurry. We can direct our forces from HQ. Mckayla bring my bother-" She spun around, a look of shock came across her face once she realized that he was no longer with them. Her face red with anger she looked at Mckayla, eyes burning with fury. "Where. Is. My. Brother?"

"I guess he got bored and left..." She replied with a small smile on her face. As they approached the doors to the debate room Wendy shut her eyes tightly and held herself back from scolding the Valkyrie captain. Now was not the time. A battle was on their hands.

Once Will reached the living quarters wing of the castle he clutched his heart which beat hard on his rib cage, he was panting hard, throat dry and heaving from his marathon-like sprint. He could hear the battle from there, the explosions and shakes as the ships bombarded the castle and the old town which surrounded it. He saw outside when he was running up the long flight of steps, they had managed to shoot down a number of the enemy ships, now resting dead on the grassy fields across the battlefield. For now he heard from the squad captains that they were keeping the slime aliens back, none had managed to break through into the castle...all except one.

Slowly but surely, Willingham stepped into the bedroom of the old princess, quickly noticing how the statue had been pulled which opened up the secret passage. He clutched the hilt of his beam sword and stepped down the passage, his footsteps echoing down the chamber as he went. Selena, now admiring her deadly work stood with her hands on her hips, back facing the opening which she emerged from. Her ears flicked gracefully as she notched her head to the side, sensing the presence of an old flame approach her.

"Good afternoon." She said simply in that same seductive tone. "How is my stallion? Looking rather tired if I say so." She smiled, turning to face Will as the ground above them shook.

"Shut up." He said breathlessly, clutching his weapon and pulling it out to point straight at her.

"Hardly courteous of someone I know so well...You know I think you would have fit right in back when this castle was under elven control...I can see the memories of this place. A quaint town, so many beautiful people lived and died in these halls. They built this crypt when the fabled princess was cast out. I can see her affection for someone other than her...I believe you Earthlings call it a husband?" She slowly stepped forward toward Will whom ignited his beam sword, casting a brilliant purple light to glow in the dark room. He watched her cautiously, remaining completely still.

"Earthlings are fascinating. So driven for physical pleasure and affection...The number of children born in this castle, its like one of your women." She grinned, seeing Will grit his teeth her eyes glowed. Will knew what she was doing, he was unable to move, even as he willed his body to do so nothing was happening.

"Yes...I can feel it. You impregnated her...the one with the disguises. A big responsibility, raising children. least she won't be alive much longer...I guess thats a positive; its all fun and games sewing your seed in a woman but its another thing having the vermin as a baby." Will, still trying to move heard every word of Selena's sermon. He desperately wanted to kill her, stop this attack and save everyone from the upcoming slaughter which had begun already.

"Brothers and Sisters. I request you stop playing around and wipe the Earthlings out." She spoke telepathically to the invaders. Feeling her soft hand rest on his shoulder she leaned up on her toes to press her lips on his cheek. "Come with me stallion...And see what I have caused."

Willingham blinked, he could feel his body once more; he was able to move. However, his body temperature had changed; in fact, his entire surroundings had changed. What was once a marble room was now a cold metal bridge of a ship, the walls leaked with the blue slime which was the races' true form. "Welcome to my mother ship." Selena said with a smile.

Will eased his offensive stance, looking around the room, scanning everything he could catch with his eyes. Selena stepped back and onto a large seat, resting her hands on the cushioned arms of the captains chair. "Where have you taken me?" Will asked her, a tone of curiosity rather than anger in his voice.

"I have told you stallion. You are on my ship. The mother ship to be specific. I, the one you call Selena am the hive mind of my race..." Will gasped, mouth slightly parted as he looked at her alluring smiling face.

"That's correct. You did indeed have sex with the goddess of this race." She could read every thought he had, and loved every little thing he pictured. "My powers are unique of course. I control my Brothers and Sisters. I can move them, make them attack, turn them into whatever I please...Like this bridge for instance. Made from my slime flesh." He looked over the room once more, swearing that this was familiar to other places he had been or seen in the past.

"Why have you taken me here Selena?" He asked, pointing his beam sword at her directly.

"I have taken you here my stallion to give you a very special offer...I want you, and you alone to be the last human. I want you to live with me on this ship forever, be the god to my goddess. The husband to my wife as you Earthling put it."

"And why would I do that?"

"Simple. Your race is built on physical lust, Women like men with large reproductive organs. Men like women with large assets who can move their bodies in positions to make them feel better. I am offering you endless possibilities with me...and my sisters." Selena snapped her fingers, eyes glowing purple as a slippery slop noise began to crawl across the room, collecting in small piles of blue slime beside her. In a second the piles began to form into bodies, skin replacing the blue slime consistency. Will's eyes widened as before him stood in a semi-circle were Lucy, Mckayla, Angela and even Jessica. They all looked at him lovingly, wearing scantily clad underwear as they expressed their attraction to him by smiling and softly running their hands over their semi-naked bodies.