Space - The Final FUCKtier Pt. 11

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Where our hero joins Lucy, Angela and Mckayla in a pool...
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Part 11 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/19/2020
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Previously: Selena, the Slime Alien completed her plan to destroy the Valentine. Rays, the beloved captain of the station sacrificed his life so Will and Mckayla could escape with their lives...Now? they are on Earth, currently holding up in the World Council building.

The weather was something that everyone needed to once again get accustomed to. The summery sky clear of clouds as the humidity made most people feel uncomfortable in their uniforms. Being on the now destroyed Valentine, there was always a slight chill in the myriad of corridors and the city itself. The surviving crew members had all landed their escape pods into a large lake which sat beautifully next to the massive World Council Building which was built with white marble and gold. The building itself used to be an elven palace back before they introduced their race to humanity. The building was very much out of the way from the cities and other densely populated areas, to ensure that any hostile aliens attack would be far away from the Council.

Willingham was sitting on the long pristine leather sofa which sat pushed up against a cool marble wall; his legs spread wide apart as the blue haired Mckayla knelt between them. Her body was clad in the prototype bodysuit, the white transparent nylon exposing her bare breasts and soaked pussy as she wrapped her large, natural tits around Will's powerful cock as she milked him. She had even drenched the suit in oily lotion, to give him that extra good feeling with every thrust. Angela too was with them. Clad in deep black lace bra she straddled him a few inches away from his pelvis, arms wrapped around him while she plunged her tongue into his mouth, the soft submissive moans of enjoyment reverberating from her.

She arched her back every time she felt his powerful hands play with her soft ass, sinking his fingers into her flesh; goosebumps formed on her thick thighs and hairless arms, mewing softly while her long elven ears twitched and flicked with glee. She had quickly found that Will was giving much more attention to her ass since their first threesome, feeling his fingers push between her clapping cheeks to penetrate her tightest hole one more than one occasion. Today she was quite stretched out, as not 5 minutes before she was on her front with her face buried between Mckayla's legs with her thighs wrapped tightly over her head while their stud fucked her ass so hard she was dizzy by the end of it.

Softly breaking the kiss between them Angela licked her pouty lips and looked at him with intimacy; while it was clear he enjoyed having both of them, it was obvious that behind it all he was still hurting over the loss of the Valentine. "Do you think I should get a tramp stamp of your name daddy?" She asked slowly grinding her wet lips on his bare body. "Or maybe just rings on our fingers would be good enough?" She loved teasing him, telling him that they were both his; in reality the three of them had no idea what was going to happen, they all had the ominous feeling that soon they would all be separated, unable to satisfy their lust filled needs with each other. Mckayla moaned, chuckling in that same oddly dominant way.

"He likes that idea..." She said feeling his cock throb harder once Angela mentioned rings on their fingers. Will curled a smirk on his face, groping Angela's ass harder he parted them firmly to expose her asshole, slithering his fingers down to feel inside her. Angela gasped cutely, giggling once she felt him finger her. Burying her ace in the nape of his neck Will felt his wrist device buzz firmly. The girls stopped, disappointed that their fun was interrupted. Looking to the holographic words his eyes widened once he read the name 'WENDY'

Slipping off him Angela sat beside him pressing her body onto him as Mckayla slid up from the floor to join them, now sandwiched between them both Will press the audio only mode and accepted the call.

"Hey bro, im sorry that its taken so long to get back to you. Works been hard enough without this...incident."

"It's ok, just wanted to see you is all." He muttered. The girls listened to their call, their libido calming as the conversation drew on.

"I'm free for a chat now if you want? Come down to my office, there's a few things I need to discuss with you..." Her words sounded ominous, which made the three of them sink in their seats; could this have been the talk they were dreading? the supposed re-location to another station?

"Sure. I'll be right down." He said simply as he clicked off. Angela sighed and looked to Mckayla, who had her lips pursed and arms crossed under her heavy breasts.

"Guess i'll have to take a dip in the Jacuzzi with this slut." McKayla huffed as she stood from the seat, clicking her fingers which evaporated her transparent bodysuit so she felt the cool air of the air conditioned castle across her bare skin. Angela scoffed, rolling her eyes as her feet tapped the floor.

"At least I can fit into a swimsuit, bimbo." She grunted. Will tuned out of their petty bickering, as he usually did when they competed with each other to see who was a better fit for him. He rose from his position and took no time at all to get changed into his casual clothes. Straight black jeans with a t-shirt of the World Council emblem branded across the heart. He slipped out the front door, knowing that they saw him leave without a word. With a soft frown they both looked to the door.

"Think he'll be ok? the whole Selena thing has him pretty beat up..." Angela muttered. She remembered vividly of when he told them about the Slime Alien called Selena. How she slept with him and infiltrated the Valentine, being the cause of the whole station being destroyed. She, Mckayla and Wendy were all on a call when he told them; and for sure he had probably told Lucy about it all, his closest friend was most likely in the room when it happened.

"He will. His dick isn't the only part of him thats strong you know...Just worried he'll be discharged." Mckayla retorted as she ran her hand through her silky dark blue hair.

"I hope not. It'll be quite boring without him thats for certain..."

Wendy's personal office was a few minutes walk from the apartment which her brother was staying in. Wanting those who had just been in a traumatizing attack to be as comfortable as possible she managed to convince the other council members to keep those who survived up in the apartments rather than keeping them in a holding area before relocation. She rested her head on her palm, using her free hand to type words on a holographic keyboard. Her face cried boredom, writing reports and scanning though interview transcripts of the Valentine survivors viewpoints of the attack itself. She yawned softly, a thin strand of her shoulder length hair moving from her ear down past her eyes. The door slid open as she shifted it back behind her ear. She smiled sympathetically as she laid eyes upon her brother.

"Hey bro. Long time no see." She said standing up, with a flick of the wrist her work disappeared. Will moved up the large, impressive room, feet tapping on the marble floor as he took in the sight of the room. He was quite proud of what his sister had done in the years since she left active duty, he wondered if there was any chance down the line he would follow in her footsteps.

"Its good to see you Wendy, hope our incident didn't put too much work on you." She scoffed and waved her arms in dismissal.

"Its not like I haven't got three hundred other things to do already." She lent over her desk to hug her sibling in a caring and soothing way, she felt bad for him...blaming himself for everything that happened.

"Sit, I figured I should let you know whats going on with the council and the whole Valentine incident..." Will's heart sank as Wendy adjusted her deep purple uniform coat before she sat, hiked one long stocking covered leg over the other as she let her body sink into the cushioned seat. He crashed down opposite her in a much less graceful way, gripping the chair arms tightly as his heart beat a mile a minute.

"There's no need to be anxious bro. I'm not going to tell the council about what you did with this Selena life form. I wrote in my report that you were subdued with unfamiliar powers. From what you told me, Miss. Petrova and Angie-I mean Senior Investigator Bishop; that is not far from the truth. Manipulating a young mans thoughts to drive him to slide into bed with you and sending him to sleep...scary stuff indeed."

Will sighed, rubbing his forehead softly. His head burned, the lack of sleep he had since landing on Earth caused his body break down. "So I won't be dismissed?" He asked in clarification.

"Nope. In fact most on the council think of you as a hero. Saving an injured comrade even if it meant your life? Rays was right to believe in you." Confused, Will looked at his sister, she raised an eyebrow and curled a small smile.

"You didn't know? of course not he's not one to let his subordinates know the things he sends back to us."

"What are you talking about Wendy?"

"I'm talking about his proposal to make you the new captain of the Valentine once his service ended..." Will stayed silent as a mouse, his eyes bulged out as his burning brain whirred around thoughts which made him question if this was real.

"W-what?" He stuttered as he fiddled with his hands.

"Once the year was up he was going to retire and work on his professional Galaxy Chess career. As protocol after a formal resignation of active duty the council must ask the captain to create a shortlist of his or her tier 3 crew members and must give a main choice."

Will kept quiet. He tilted his body forward slightly letting Wendy continue. "Of course Miss. Bishop was on the shortlist, but she declined said an Elf wouldn't be suited to the role. Mckayla Petrova was also on the list, but she said you would be a better fit for her to serve under...So that meant you were the top, he said so himself." Wendy flicked her wrist, producing a small hologram square with words spread across it in a short paragraph.

"I Captain Rays of the Valentine hereby recommend Tier 3 Willingham, Tier 3 Mckayla Petrova and Senior Investigator Angela Bishop to be added to my shortlist of successors. Out of these, I fully endorse Willingham to succeed me as captain. That is all."

Will read every word softly to himself, scanning through the words thrice more before leaning back in his chair unable to reply. His thoughts were all over the place, bouncing to Selena, to being the new captain, all the way to the women he left back in his room. "So...Without a Valentine what happens?" He asked his sister.

"Well without a station to captain, this shortlist is null and void. However in this case, the station suffered its destruction by the hands of an unknown enemy...The council are debating whether to put you in charge of another station or give you a place here until further notice. Either way we're still under threat, who knows when these Slime Aliens will strike next..." Will nodded, understanding what they were going through; being a council member must have been stressful, he could see the fatigue in his sisters face from a mile away.

"Well...I guess I will have to wait and see. I don't think I am worthy to be a captain so quick though."

"I didn't think I was worthy of being the youngest Council member in Earth history, I also didn't think I was ready to be the commander of the Valkyrie's either. Life finds a way of putting important responsibilities onto people who deserve to be in those positions bro." Wendy eyed her brother, believing every word she was saying.

"Besides...if you managed to have Mckayla and Angie in your bed at the same time whenever you want; you can probably make pigs fly." A devious smile came over her face as Will reacted by jerking his whole body upright like he was shocked with electricity. He stuttered and stammered out words which Wendy could not understand.

"Your secret is safe with me bro. Now I think you might have a few guests in your room eagerly awaiting your return." She giggled and flicked her wrist backwards, revealing the same report which she was working on before her brother came in. Will slowly got up from the seat and backed off away from the desk. He couldn't take all the revelations which she dumped on him in such a quick amount of time. Rays naming him his successor, the council actually letting it happen and on top of that his own sister knowing about his relationships with the two stunning women of the Valentine.

Willingham took the time moving from his sisters office back to the apartment, stepping slowly through the vast corridors and rushing people. He kept thinking about what his sister had told him, he wondered if he would even take the job if it was given to him. Would he really be ready for something that huge? his sisters' advice calmed him a little though, what was the worst that could happen...

Stepping back into the apartment he looked around to see if Angela and Mckayla were still around, he wouldn't have minded talking it over with them; not to mention finishing what they started before they were interrupted. He scanned across the room seeing if there was any trace of the girls. There was a muffled noise from the balcony outside. He turned on the balls of his feet and started toward the glass sliding doors. As he looked though the glass panes he spied the backs of three women all resting inside the Jacuzzi. The doors automatically slid open causing a hint of a noise which the girls picked up. They all turned to see him standing in the doorway. Will was surprised to see Lucy nestling between the two equal goddesses. There were smiles all around when they saw him.

Mckayla rose from her seated position, rising up from the warm bubbling water she rested her hands on her hips as she gave a natural sexy pose for him. She had put on a black rubbed bikini, small in size which barely cupped over her huge chest. Her lower half glistened with water as she moved out of the relaxing spread of water to stand by his side. He was focused on her lack of clothing, somehow in a bikini she looked hotter than did Angela and Lucy who both wore a similar style of swimsuit coloured a with deep reds. He heard her feet tap on the marble floor as she tugged on his shirt. "Come on in, the waters so hot..." She said with a grin.

"With you three how can it not be?" He retorted with a smile, he began to take his shirt off, with the help of his curvy companion he get the tight shirt off and onto the floor. Mckayla retreated back into the water as Angela and Lucy watched him take his jeans off, only in his underwear; their eyes locked on the large bulge pressed onto the fabric as they slowly moved away from the edge so he could step inside. "I'll be right back, let me get my trunks."

"You won't be needing them. We'll probably take them off before long." Angela winked after she spoke. Lucy stifled a moan as they all watched him pull his underwear down to expose his third leg which swung as he moved. The three girls felt themselves tingle as they all had the same thought. Will stepped up to the edge of the water, dipping his bare toe into the water. It was indeed sizzling, enough for it to be comfortable without burning their skin. Stepping further in he felt the warmth of the water all over him, soothing his sore muscles and tense shoulders.

"Come sit with us, talk for a bit before you choose the lucky one." Lucy spoke in a soft voice, she was rather out of her depth here, but still appreciated how both Mckayla and Angela invited her up to his room; she even felt Angela get a little too close to her as they waited for their man...she liked the elf's hands across her body, even talked about starting without him before they heard the door slide open.

Will sat in the Jacuzzi, resting his behind on a stone step which somehow felt comfortable. Before he knew it Angela and Mckayla moved up to press beside him, nestling their boobs on the sides of his chest as he draped his arms over their shoulders. Lucy looked as the girls blushed and giggled, holding his hands with their own.

"So, tell us everything Wendy said. Leave out no detail." Angela spoke as Lucy waded over to them, moving her hands to his knees. Will looked at her, she had that same look on her face when they were stuck on that hot ship, her hands slid over his inner legs and around his submerged dick, pumping if softly ready to give him some A grade head while he spoke with the senior members...

"Well, I got into her room, we caught up a little bit before-" He stopped to let out a small pleasurable grunt. Lucy had slipped under the water and proceeded to plunge her face between his legs. The sensation of feeling his shaft get bombarded with the warm water to the moist mouth of Lucy made his toes curl. The reaction made the two beauties nestle up on him closer, pressing their wet breasts together; Will just wanted to press his face between them, cut straight to the case and forget about everything.

"Be patient baby, we have all night...what did she say?" Mckayla whispered sweet words into his ear, giving his lobe a soft nibble as she breathed heavily, showing that she was as eager as he was.

"Well...Turns out I was going to be the next captain of the Valentine..." He said. Angela smiled, with a flick of her ear she began to give light kisses onto the nape of his neck, quickly she slipped her hand off of his and plunged it into the water, fishing through her tight red bikini and rubbing her clit. Will dropped his hand down and began to play with her heavy tits, pulling her bikini top down letting one breast bounce out.

"Thought that was it...So you know about my recommendation?" Mckayla asked in a hopeful voice, Lucy dove up from the water, catching her breath as she took the time to pump his thick cock harder, almost milking the precum out of his cock and into the water. Will nodded slightly in response, shaking her hand off his to follow the motions his other hand did, pulling out one of Mckayla's tits to grope and squeeze as his member pulsed with pleasure.

"So you're not going to relocate us are you captain?" Lucy said cutely, raising her eyebrows.

"No. But I might have to have the four of us in one living quarters...just to save space." Angela giggled, her pussy throbbed at the thought.

"Sounds like a plan captain, I think we would need to have a big bed though...I don't think the four of us would fit in one standard mattress."

"I agree Valkyrie Squad Captain." Mckayla gasped as Will pinched her exposed erect nipple, her thighs pressed hard together.

His legs twitched as he felt Mckayla grip his heavy balls and tug on them, while Lucy dove her head back under the water to please his dick and herself even more. Angela moved her body to face him, pressing her lips onto his as the heat of the moment began to escalate. Angela felt his hand on her ass, shifting through her bikini to dive between her cheeks, he felt the familiar feeling of the rubber plug stretching out her asshole. She arched her back forward as she exhaled deeply through her nose, as breathing out of her mouth was unavailable at the time. Her eyes widened with shock as she felt two unfamiliar hands cup her breasts and begin to grope them. Lucy had emerged again leaving Will with Mckayla as she toyed with Angela's tits.

"I've always been a little bit bi you know Miss. Bishop, Never had the opportunity to explore that side of me though."

"Mmm, I will be happy to show you exactly what that tongue of yours can do to a woman like me." She spoke once she broke the kiss with Will, feeling her pussy throb hard as the feeling of Lucy's long tongue slithered out of her mouth and began to lick the soft bare skin of the elven superior. She was going to enjoy this girl on girl action, it had been too long.